Education of the Disadvantaged

I must stop watching the news, its causing to many opportunities to nominate.

Today’s theme, Education of the Disadvantaged is a cunt!

The libtards are all coming on the media to cry buckets about the children of disadvantaged families, the poor dears either don’t have broadband at home (it’s been disconnected because the family can no longer afford it) or if they have broadband they don’t have access to a laptop of tablet.

Now if I were a cynical cunt I would say, what about pen, paper and books, if I were a cynical cunt I would say that if the broadband was reconnected for free they would just spend the time on Netflix or YouTube.
If I were a cynical cunt I would say the only thing any free laptop of tablet given to the disadvantaged would be used for, Netflix, Gaming or YouTube and that’s just the ones that didn’t end up in Cash Converters!

Online lessons are fine but in the old days (before cuntitude set in) if anything like the current ‘crisis’ had happened, text books would have been only choice, just because we have the fucking internet it seems text books are redundant!

Finally there is a dark side to all this, we all know what is really going on, it’s not ALL the disadvantaged these cunts are crying over it’s all about fucking BAME!


Nominated by Sick of it

61 thoughts on “Education of the Disadvantaged

  1. Is this going to be another “period poverty” scam, whereby the so-called poor can have tampons for free because they are impoverished (despite all the handouts etc)

    Free broadband for the “poor”, is what they’re suggesting then. So who will be paying for that subsidy then? Oh yeah, everyone else!

    Next it will be fast food poverty – 10 Maccy Dees Deals and 10 buckets of KFC per week, free to the “poor”

    Free holidays
    Free electric
    Free gas
    free everything

    no wonder the dinghy army can’t wait to arrive on our shores!

    • The looney left still don’t understand shite will always be shite, remember a TV show some years back when they paid the unwashed 50k to set up a business only catch no benefit , one daft cunt blew it on a exotic pet show another numb cunt set up house clearance the others same shite, all lost the lot and back fuckin scrounging, sterilise the cunts and give them veg aisle coupons only at Aldi and fuck all else , sub normal cunts .

      • I admire your contempt for the underclass, a group for which i reserve my most right-wing contempt.

        I didnt used to, bet then i got to know a few of the spongeing cunts.

  2. Online working, whether it be with an adult or child will only work if they are motivated and disciplined.
    These type of kids generally possess neither and need, not just class contact but often one to one tuition with a teacher.
    As for adults, the same applies and any employer who deludes themselves that working at home solves all their problems is in for a shock. Yes, you’ll be able to cut down on your overheads but you’re not trying to tell me that the fuckin’ idle masses will be more productive working at home with all the distractions it brings.
    Lazy cunts need supervision. I know, I used to be one – well still am in fact. If I was still working, I’d probably have a cardboard cutout propped up in front of my computer whilst I was lardassing it down on the beach.

    • I don’t remember the company but I worked from home for a week. The amount of work was more or less fixed each day and I was always finished by about 11am, having started at 8am. No phone calls, no distracting coworkers, no cunts trying to micromanage because they had no proper work of their own (management). Unfortunately no fit-as-fuck women wandering about either but what the hell, I had porn on tap without having to keep looking round. Best working week of my life.

      • I used to work from home. My commute was 2 minutes from my bed to the PC, I could have my own music on in the background and I didnt have to worry about spending money on lunch.

  3. When I read this nomination, it reminded me of some others.

    The ‘Home School’ one and the ‘Nic Becosby’ one.

  4. I’m affraid all pride and parental responsibility has been removed from the underclass in this country.
    To some extent I do agree with societys reponsibility to care for the future generation.
    But if you absolve yourself and wish to survive on handouts, accept that society has a right to sterilize you and prevent incurring further costs.
    In what world have none of these cunts got internet? Never heard such fucking shite.
    Excuse after bloody excuse with these entitled fuckers. Child related benefits ain’t for the latest i-phone and having your unwashed, lardy carcass tattooed.

    • Totally agree. We do need welfare for the genuinely needy, but they need to have a system where people can receive vouchers redeemable ONLY for the necessities of food and electricity. This business of giving the jobless money and just trusting them to spend it responsibly is always going to end in tears. Then if people want access to booze, baccy, lottery tickets and the latest games console, they can make the effort to GET EMPLOYED. In fact, why DON’T we have a voucher system ???!

      • Most likely against their human rights. Nothing more heart warming to see some fat chav bitch staring into the window of a phone shop, deciding what to spend this months benefits on. Meanwhile her half starved, dressed in rags grubby urchins look on.
        Fucking disgusting creatures.
        Saftey net, not a fucking lifestyle choice. Cunts.

  5. These disadvantaged kids are often the ones who have “behavioural issues” the little cunts ruin the education of others and don’t learn fuck all at school anyway.

    There are many truly sad tales but multitudes more that are just excuses for feckless irresponsible parents

    • These kids used to be placed in isolation, suspended or just straight kicked out.
      Now the usual lump cunts wring their hands and decide the child has some bullshit illness.
      They’re then placed in a special school at great cost to the taxpayer, usually with a taxi laid on both ways.
      Then Mummy and Daddys, Stella and fag allowance is raised in recognition of having a “special one”.
      Give the cunts a good shoeing, soon learn to appreciate a free education.

    • It would be cheaper for HM taxpayer to put them in a room with a ‘Jungle gym’, ball pit, seven kilos of Haribo and some flick knives.

  6. Giving the burgeoning peasant underclass free internet is only going to allow them to upload drill rap videos, boasting of how they stabbed some poor sod for their Rolex and then stole their Range Rover too.

    Fuck them! If they had paid more attention in school, instead of leaning on a chair at the back and spitting bits of paper through a maccy D’s straw at the smarter kids, they would be in this situation.

    Amazing how they always seem to find the cash for tattoos, Stella and weed, but never for the important things that might help them lift their kids out of the shitty downward spiral of welfare dependency.

    Mind you, Labour wouldn’t want that, they would lose their core voter base.

    • “To either cut down on beer, or the kids’ new gear, it’s a big decision in a town called Malice…”

      P. Weller

  7. So as well as extra food vouchers because they aren’t getting free school meals,the greedy,spongers now need free computers and laptops?……What the Fuck is Child-Benefit for then?

    I’m sick of all this “Our kids must have everything” (hate the word “kids” too….goats have kids,humans have children”. Brats today are soft,fat,lazy.mollycoddled Wasters who need a kick up the arse and telling that the Sun does not shine out of their arses….as do their do their teachers. Children are just like any young animal….they need a firm hand and training or they grow up spoiled. All this ” The kids must have…..” shit just encourages them to believe that they really are “Special Little Princes/ Princesses or Trannies (wouldn’t want to be accused of being insensitive to The Gay community)…there is nothing “special” about today’s whelps except that they are ruined. Previous generations taught children respect and manners…the feckless modern parent can’t even manage that…yet they still expect everyone else to coo over their lazy brats as well as foot the bill for the little Sods.

    Free computers? Try doing without the latest branded Mike Ashley-provided trainers and BMX pushbike and use some of your benefit money for it’s intended
    purpose instead….or better away with child benefit and let parents actually pay for their children themselves instead of expecting the taxpayer to do it.

    Waste of time schooling most children anyhow….the female ones should be taught enough to run a household and look after their man ( the ugly Munters can be taught to type…or become teachers)….that’s all they need. The male ones should be graded by breeding and should receive an education commensurate to their parents class….the children of working class parents should be set to a Trade. Chavvy children should be phased out by the use of sterilisation.

    Fuck Off.

    • Grammar schools should be abolished too….The Gay from The Pet Shop Boys went to the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle and just look how he turned out.

  8. The Labour voter base. Always the same. Always money to eat so much junk food they turn into barrage balloons, always the money for an iphone, always the money for weed and Stella, always enough money for a sixty inch television, always the energy to demand local authority or housing association accommodation, always enough energy to fill out the Council Tax and Rent benefit forms – always encouraged to breed as many feckless benefit sucking morons by magic Grandpa and the unflushable turds – more future voters – then run (sorry, waddle) cwying to the doctors and get diagnosed with stress, depression, anxiety and diabetes. Anyway, enough about glamourous Gran Angela Crayons! ?
    A bit of bullying, a bit of whining, bit of farcebook self pity, permanent benefit lifestyle.
    Always someone else’s fault, always someone else’s problem, always someone else to pick up the bill and pay the inevitable ongoing astronomical medical bills.
    Where I live the inbred chav army have turned this into an art form, over generations. Be as indolent and socially reptilian as you wish – but don’t expect my taxes to pay for it and have a little manners and courtesy if ever we meet.
    Eat less, do more. Whine less, graft more. Drink less, sort more.
    Problem solved.
    Or am I just being an awful mean uncaring rotter! ?

    • You have hit the nail on the head Vernon.

      It is always someone else’s fault that they have failed at life.

      Stick an – ism or an abbreviation behind whatever their social inadequacies are and they’re set for life.

      I’ll give you an example.

      My own little shit, who has no self control, no manners and the attention span of a gnat (fortunately lives with his mother in Scandinavia) was diagnosed with ADHD.

      I asked him what he fancied doing as a career when he left school.

      He wants to be a pilot. Great stuff!

      He then tells me he can’t be a pilot, because… ADHD. He has already written himself off before even trying.

      I tell him you can be pretty much anything you want to be if you are determined to succeed.

      His response.. Meh! Wanna move to London, live with you and be a You tuber. Quite frankly he can fuck off with that and get a proper job.

      Speaking to a mate who was in the RAF, apparently having ADHD would be a bonus for a pilot because of the constant instrument checking.

      Guess what. I am going to enrol the little twat into the Danish air force for three years when he hits 18.

      If he fails at that, then I’m going to get him trained as a paramedic.

      I don’t mind paying for the PPL, or the paramedic course, but by Christ he will be a useful member of society, whether he likes it or not.

      Failure is not an option. Being launched into the Thames in a burlap sack with nothing but bricks for company IS an option.

      • Wonderful stuff Odin’s. It is all that they need,a firm guiding hand.

    • This is a perfect summary Vernon.
      All I can add is:
      GAS THEM.
      Even it all out nicely.

  9. Voice of dissent here: if society has decided that you are an unperson without being permanently connected to a digital network (see under Phones, universal and Banks, digital…) and that, as in the current disaster movie, you have to do everything from home, then I think society has some kind of obligation to pay the extremely profitable ISPs who are coining it from this strategy, at least part of what you, as a punter, are being hit for.

    Oh, and let’s have some level playing fields here. PAYG mobile broadband costs a fucking fortune* and any kind of contract gives the ISP a free hand with your (digital, cunt) bank account.

    All for pen, paper and print books. Bring them back on. This fucking digital everything has gone quite far enough. And communication should be free.
    Grr. Profiteering cunts.

      • I’d suggest that socially responsible right and leftwingers might agree on the thought that the ‘internet of everything’ is a cunt because (right) having everything automated and done for you destroys initiative and enterprise; and (left) it puts the usual minority of very rich cunts very firmly in charge of your activities and thinking.

      • My energy supplier has finally stopped asking me if I want a smart meter, after several polite refusals, Fuck Off seems to have done the trick

      • Mine’s stopped too, but its bills now have a resentful expression. I don’t need a smart meter to tell me that the charges are a ripoff and that it’s sheer customer exploitation to create an artificial market based on a gridded nationwide energy supply. Still more to give it to the Frogs. Cunts.

    • Komodo, I love reading paper books. I buy them, keep them if I like them a lot, I donate the rest to the library. I read all sorts, fiction mainly.

      • You and me both, Spoons. The lockdown’s got me back into fiction…hey, that’s a good way of putting it….and I’ve been rediscovering some stuff I didn’t read properly first time round.

      • Same here, Komodo. There’d be a book I read years ago but didn’t quite finish it for some reason (maybe because
        it’s a big book, or the story drags on and on, or I can’t stand the characters, or the writing style of the author) but with what’s going on at the moment, I am determined to finish reading them.
        Do you have any recommendations what to read? I read all sorts of fiction. 🙂

  10. Since writing this nom there was a report on (you can guess) the BBC, it featured a peaceful family who seemed respectable enough so all fine so far, the issue with this family was 3 kids and only one ‘device’ to share between them for accessing the internet/online lessons.
    For fuck sake, so they share it 2/3 hours each, what is so fucking hard, but it’s probably complete fucking bollocks anyway.

    Fucking BBC cunts.

    • I suppose having three devices on ISIS sites would raise alarm bells on the authorities, but they still wouldn’t be arrested.

    • That’s complete bollocks- how much does it cost to buy a cheap tablet £60 maybe ? Don’t tell me they can’t afford that !

      Lies lies lies.

      • Of course they can afford it, not like the father is spending all his dole money on Stella if he’s sticking to Allan’s Snack bar beliefs…

    • My heart bleeds for their misfortune.
      Try Afghanistan. Plenty of devices to play with there.

  11. Whenever I hear rich cunts and their politician lackeys crying about “the poor and disadvantaged” I smell a rat……a big fat, covid infected, piss and shit covered rat straight from the sewer.
    If these cunts want to end poverty why do they import 300,000+ piss poor, uneducated, unskilled fuckers every year?
    When they actually do something for the BRITISH poor I might listen to their constant crying and whining. Until then they can kiss my arse and fuck off while they’re doing it.

    • “Er…they can’t actually kiss your arse. and fuck off, at the same time, Sir Frederick.”
      “Thank you, Bernard!”

  12. Peasant children are primitive creatures and should be treated as such. They deserve fuck all, other than being forced into camps and reprogrammed.

  13. Eeuurrrggghh…white, fat, poor council house people are possibly even worse than immös. Cunts they may be, but at least they’ve got the gumption to get their brown arses in a dinghy and attempt to make a better situation for themselves, whereas as council scum are truly the utter dregs of society, only 1 rung above heroin addicts. No self respect, no self awareness, let’s hope that when the country is bankrupt, they’ll have to start cannibalising each other.

    In a few months time, when all the furloughed people (who haven’t yet realised they’re already out of a job) go can in hand to the government for dole money, we’ve got to pay for both working and middle class dole dwellers and council scum AND immös! Tax rises up the arse to come…

    • As a nation of animal lovers, i’d propose processing the long term idle and obvious piss takers into chum and pellets.

  14. Eeuurrrggghh…white, fat, poor council house people are possibly even worse than immös. Cunts they may be, but at least they’ve got the gumption to get their brown arses in a dinghy and attempt to make a better situation for themselves, whereas as counčil scūm are truly the utter dregs of society, only 1 rung above heroin addicts. No self respect, no self awareness, let’s hope that when the country is bankrupt, they’ll have to start cannibalising each other.

    In a few months time, when all the furloughed people (who haven’t yet realised they’re already out of a job) go cap in hand to the government for dole money, we’ve got to pay for both working and middle class dole dwellers and cöuncil sćum AND īmmös! Tax rises up the arse to come…

    • Council, testing testing…

      Immos, testing testing…

      Don’t mind me Thomas, just testing.

      • I know. Any word with cüm in it is a trigger word. For example:

        succümb, modicüm, docüment, incümbents, acümen…

        Were you not aware of that?

        Cum here and say that!

      • I’m done with telling why Bertie.

        You tell why if you want to. The Creampuff is not for telling why. ?

  15. Back in the late 90’s just after the Devil was elected ‘disadvantaged’ kids parents were all given grants so their poor little lambs could alL have access to a home computer.

    Many people may have forgotten this or maybe weren’t aware?

    My mate has his own IT business back then and now and filled his boots supplying an insatiable demand.

    However what was never reported was the fact that Lizzy Bardslay et al (remember her) just sold them on or as the case of my mate back to him for half the price.

    That one eyed Scottish cunt that later went on to abolish ‘boom and bust’ (remember him) let the scheme eventually wither and die and like most of his shambolic decisions was able to sweep them under the carpet which lets face it wasn’t hard when you had Cabinet members cottaging on Wimbledon Common (remember him) or Cabinet members receiving unexplained loans to buy properties to set them and their Brazilian
    Bumboys up ( remember him).

    Funny isn’t it that these ‘disadvantaged kIds’ don’t ever go away, the demographic seems to just grow despite the best efforts of those screaming about those disadvantaged.

    And just like the millionaire ‘black’ ‘writer’ Afua Hirsh those lecturing us about being disadvantaged live the most advantaged lifestyles of all.

  16. I like all of you went to school, Mine was a “special school” with how to kill people on Wednesday’s and marching round the square on Sundays with some other shit through the week.
    I was asked to leave before I sat any exams (the school ones) and as such had to sit a written exam to join my chosen profession ( Technical corp) on leaving I had shit loads of qualifications including languages that were not transferable ( on the language side Serbo Croat is not that much saught after).
    So aged 32 I went to night school/collage where I got shit loads of bits of paper that said I could do Math, write English and a shit load more, I was never disadvantaged but “lacking interest” in the shit shovelled at me later proved to be an issue.
    My motivation? money? Power? No just not having to listen to morons.
    Fucking failed on that one, but I do get paid more.

  17. What the fuck does ‘disadvantaged’ mean anyway? It’s just an excuse for the wasters and scuumers to play the victim card as if they need any. Looking back I suppose I had a ‘disadvantaged’ upbringing. My dad worked in a factory and my mum part time at the Co-op. No foreign holidays for us. I didn’t even know I was wearing non-leather football boots until some other cunt’s mother thought it necessary to point it out. It didn’t hinder my natural ability though as I was a brilliant footballer and it remains one of life’s mysteries why I never played for England. I never once heard my parents complain about their lot although I do know they struggled a bit to send my brother and I to Grammar school (unfortunately for them we weren’t thick cunts) which we both hated and couldn’t wait to leave. But thanks to them I had the most fantastic childhood and it never once entered my head that I wished we were better off. So fuck the ‘disadvantaged’, stop fucking whingeing and get off your fat fucking arses and make something out of your lives.

    • Good point CS.

      ‘Disadvantaged’ is a term that’s used only by those that are ‘advantaged’’ and who’s only experience of being ‘disadvantaged’ is when Quinoa has sold out at the local Waitrose.

      She’s long dead now but I think Anita Roddick had the right idea when she promoted ‘trade not aid’ to the 3rd World shit holes.

      When you empower people they tend to respond in a positive manner and let’s not forget that ‘necessity is the mother of invention’.

      Sayings like that aren’t just plucked out of thin air, they are what’s taken from the hard lessons of the past.

      The problem now, as I see it, is there are too many fucktards that make a living out of riding the back of those that they see as ‘disadvantaged’.

      As we know ‘turkeys don’t vote for Xmas’ so what’s in it for the bastard cunts that pretend to want to better there lot….

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