
A full blown Media cunting for the the word ‘Clarity’

Or to be more accurate, the lack of it, the latest buzz word being thrown around by the media and opposition parties, it’s one of those words which has a resonance that the media and politicians love.

The media have grabbed the current crisis by the scruff of the neck, given it a fucking good wringing and forgotten the actual situation.
It is Clear that Schools have been closed except for kids of essential workers, the list of essential workers were published.
There is also a Clear list of businesses that were forced to close.
Other businesses have been left to make their own decisions, work from home or go to work were possible.
Nothing relating to working has effectively changed.

It seems Clear to me, where is the lack of Clarity!!


Nominated by Sick of it

90 thoughts on “Clarity

  1. I like clarity.
    Cant be doing with vagueness or faffing.
    Like plain speaking, so you know where you stand.
    I think the goverment message on coronovirus and lockdown WAS vague in parts.
    Admittedly it was a bolt from the blue, but I genuinely didnt know one way or the other at first whether I could work or not.
    Most of us on here voted Boris in (me included) but thats not to say he and his government are exempt from criticsm when deserved.
    No one should be.
    Good nom!??

    • Agreed Miserable, although it didn’t help Boris getting the virus and hospitalized with random cabinet members having to give the daily briefings. Throw into the mix of armchair experts and opposition politicians like that over stuffed haggis Sturgeon and Labour cuntwipes undermining and criticizing at every opportunity regardless.

      • I’m of the opinion that no government of any political persuasion could ever get dealing with all the complexities and variables of C-19 right.
        I do believe that the government’s making a decent fist of coping with a horrible situation. If it listened to every fucking armchair expert that’s come out of the woodwork these recent weeks, it would change direction every five minutes.

      • ‘Disinfect your balls’ Miserable. That’s what was said about the opening up of the Bundesliga again during this pandemic. Along with every other precaution the players were going to ‘disinfect their balls’ as well.
        Sound advice I think.

      • Ive been told to disinfect my balls all my adult life Miles.
        They come one way=Dirty.
        Like em or lump em.

  2. Way off topic, sorry Admin but look at BBC website . There is a thing about LGBT ‘still suffering’ push the ‘button’ and you get another headline ‘ I am scared of being buried as the wrong gender’ . I nearly wet myself laughing. What a bunch of cunts we have in this once wonderful country.

    • There’s something in this you know. I wouldn’t want them burying me in a dress and calling me Shirley.

      • You’ve finally been affected by it Guzzi! What am I talking about? The pundemic of course.

      • Don’t encourage Bertie, Guzzi. He has escaped from a clinical trial due to start tomorrow attempting to eradicate this most terrible of diseases. Miserable is unfortunately, a lost cause I’m afraid.

      • Evening LL. I’m very hopeful they’ll develop a vaccine for it! ?

      • I want to be buried in my Villa shirt and my leather underpants, with a pair of the wife’s skimpies on my face.

      • You could use my wife’s skimpies as a detention centre for dozens of channel-crossing “enrichers”…

      • I have just used it as an appeal to the better nature of the cunts on this site.

    • If they’re scared of getting buried they should try cremation instead.

  3. It is what it is.
    We’re stronger together.
    Stay safe.
    Bless the NHS.
    We’ll come out of this stronger.
    Don’t be a cunt.

  4. Here’s a word I keep hearing from the politician cunts……….Roadmap. They mean “strategy” of course, but for some reason they keep rabbitting about this “roadmap” out of the lockdown. Shut up you wankers! The last time I heard “roadmap” was during the Iraq War, so invented by Blair and that crowd of bastards.
    Shouldn’t they be using a Sat Nav by now? Cunts.

    • Gotta get me one of these for the next time I’m down Small Heath (probably next season, if it ever starts)

  5. Let’s be totally clear, anyone with a pea size brain will understand that this social engineering at its best , tell the snow flakes death is waiting unless you follow the rules and sheep will follow, 68 million on these shores that we no of so add another 10 million peacefuls and total death is 40k 35 k natural so skint for decades controlled by the government for 00.02 % virus , fuck the daft cunts who believe this

  6. Government diktat: STAY ALERT. What could possibly be unclear about that?

    I’m always alert, except possibly when asleep. Even then I’m alert to the wife playing with my todger, or the cat scratching itself on my head.

    Saw Pob on the Andrew Marr Show this morning. He was the living embodiment of clarity.


    This country is finished.

    • Fucking hell, there’s two meaty birds with plenty on the menu!
      Why do I suddenly feel like Benny Hill in “The Italian Job.?”

      • What is it about park bushes that c-list slebs find so romantic?

      • Whoa! Not skimped on the chicken nuggets wossi!
        88 in Bingo lingo.

      • He was one half of the cunts (the other was Russel Brand) that phoned Andrew Sachs to chuckle and brag about fucking his granddaughter live on air.

        At least nobody’ll be doing that to Ross.

      • Oh, I don’t know, Cap…I reckon Lenny Henry would be in there like a rat up a drainpipe…

      • Or Bernie Bourke (Jo Brand’s husband). Presumably he’s even sicker in the head than Lenny! Imagine touching that utter monstrosity…

      • Fuck Lenny Bullshitter. I like a big bird. Not Dawn French obviously, she’s just fat as well as being a remoaner bitch. Skinny birds do nothing for me.

      • Half ton of pure sex eh Freddy?
        I like a girl with curves too, not obese with breathing & mobility issues but big tits, rounded arse, child bearing hips etc
        Id do Johnathons missus while he was at speech therapy shes ripe!!!

      • And then the fucking Yanks decided that a remake was necessary ! How do you improve perfection?

  7. The government message is clear enough unless you are a moron. Right or wrong is up for debate.
    What is also clear to me is that we are fucked whatever we do.

  8. The Schools are being asked to open a ‘little bit more‘, the question to the government
    ‘Can you guarantee that teachers, staff and Pupils will be 100% safe’

    Absolutely 100% guaranteed that the schools will be a dammed sight safer than they were before, smaller class sizes, more attention to hygiene, better supervision.

    What’s not to like!

    • Aside from the Tube and Katie Price’s fanny I can’t think of a better place to spread a disease than a fucking school. Do these cunts know what really goes on in schools? Have they any idea what chav kids are like?
      No, their kids go to private schools……different fucking world.

  9. Apparently Wee Jimmie Krankie doesn’t understand what ‘Stay Alert’ means. Not really surprising, the thick as arseholes stupid jock cunt.

    • I’ll bet little Krankie is “alert” to the very strong possibility of a solicitors letter dropping through the door of her tartan painted cave rather soon!

  10. Didn’t Krankie also say that ‘sunbathing doesn’t count as exercise.’

    Sunbathing..? In Scotland..?

  11. I’m sick of those wanting to set the agenda for whatever the “new normal” is going to be.
    Over the last 50 years there have been plenty of “new normals” along the way of trying to normalisie what clearly isn’t normal, or welcoming those that aren’t welcome.
    The old pre-1990 normal was the best normal. We had gender reality too.

    • The days before the internet….
      The days before social media……

      Try explaining that to the Yoof of today.

      2021 will be a perfect reset, out of the EU, 3 million unemployed just like the mid 80’s…

      • All we need now is the reintroduction of the Poll tax Sick! ?
        Aaah, happy times – brawling with coppers at the Leeds Poll Tax riots – makes me all nostalgic it does!

      • Foxy@
        I went to London for the poll tax riots.
        Only time ive ever had a good time there.

      • That’s a great idea, bring back the poll tax, means test all benefits, close down all the mines (oh shit none left to close), fuck it, close down all the gay bars, shoot LGBT activists on site, only two genders allowed, all northerners to be instructed in the art of cap wringing….. getting carried away, better stop ?

      • Les Mis, was that you at the Poll Tax riots thrusting a pole through the police car or the one with your knob out in front of a picture of Thatcher shouting, “Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay.”?

  12. We have received zero clarity from the Government, zero clarity from the medical “experts” and I do not think they have a clue what they are doing.
    My trust in these morons is zero, and am curious to know what happens when they run out of the money they have borrowed (predominantly from China – the fucking irony!) and we go into meltdown.
    On other news, Boris has finished his nap and is having a little sleep – tiring work is napping.

    • I watched ‘Darkest Hour’ last week, it could have been Boris present day, mumbling, unkempt and surrounded by cunts telling him what he cant do.

    • Evening Vern.

      If you want clarity you should watch one of those Government briefings. ?

      • Evening RTC – I did watch one, but the rough hemp of the rope I was stringing myself up with caused a rash! ?
        “I today, brurh, brurh, bit of Latin, award every Citizen some flannel pyjamas, a teddy bear and a Silentnight luxury diva”..
        “Boris! You dozed off again”!
        “What, brurh, brurh, bit of Latin – where’s that blonde bint, Carrie or something – I’m right in the mood for a fuck”! ?

    • Clarity, this chinky flu has a potentially lethal effect on the old and infirm, most people, in fact the vast majority of people under 50 are unaffected or mildly affected.
      Compare Germany and Italy, Germany average age of Covid cases around 49, in Italy around 63, Germany have relatively few fatalities compared to Italy.
      It’s fairly simple but the media and politicians make it so fucking complicated. Throw in a bit of BAME just to muddy the water (no pun intended).

  13. Slightly off topic but I hope Nurse Cunty is alright – it slightly worries me when a frontline worker stops posting.

    • The esteemed Nurse Cunty is retired I believe and no longer a front line worker. Still worrying nonetheless.

      • I suspect she may have volunteered to go back. In which case she’s probably too busy to post at the moment.

      • Quite possible though I remember she posted in ‘Coronaviral Shit’ that they wouldn’t have her back.

        I suspect something might have happened to her parents.

    • Seconded!! Fuck the schools those little cunts can pick fruit, get the pubs open!!✊

      • Outstanding plan MNC – and make the kids work as bar staff when they have picked my fruit – “Three Pounds please Mister”
        “No! Get to bed”! ?

      • 6yr old jayden a cellarman at the Crown inn was badly injured by a barrel of guiness today,
        Jayden is in hospital and has also lost his fruit picking job..

    • Hopefully not fucking Walkers – imagine opening the bag and Lineker slithers out and escapes before you could get him with Homers snake whacking stick!
      On other news, I have got a marvellous rump steak from the local CO-OP reduced aisle (tight? Me?) for 63p – winner!
      And resisting the urge to break my drinking at home rule and buy some beer! ???? – it will not help with, ahem,”clarity” but I am feeling rebellious in a Heisenberg stylee!

    • Aldi or Lidl Chipsticks would go well with a sumptuous feast like that.

      • I had a bag of Walkers cheese & onion for lunch.

        Had toast and marmalade and Wall’s soft scoop vanilla ice cream for pudding for tea.

        Looking forward to coffee and Diazepam for supper, followed by a King Edward ‘Imperial’ cigar and a frame or two of snooker.

      • I have had a couple of glasses of IPA, chateau bottled, naturally. I will be listening to Don Giovanni later. With the horn.

  14. Poor CS, feel a bit sorry for him now, works in the City you say?
    Always wanted to be a bus driver?
    Bit puddled?
    CS, join us most on here have mental health issues!
    Take your medication and settle down and cunt the world, brother.

    • “Works in the city”? Got a friend who was homeless many Years ago after a rather unpleasant divorce and it got to the point where he was reduced to begging outside Leeds railway station – he used to tell people he worked “in the City”! ? (when I found out I ordered him to get his arse to mine, won’t see a mate on the street, and less than a Month later he had a place – tenacious guy!)
      Nothing like being homeless to give you clarity.

  15. The only ones who want clarity are the political point scoring left who pretend to be daft, the rest are just thick, that leaves us, people without an agenda and aren’t thick. I feel a Venn diagram coming on.

  16. On other news – I have one on the ceiling, one in the kitchen, an oscillating one and a little hand held one which I flutter my eyelashes coquettishly over.
    Think I may have s*cc*mbed to the fandemic..
    Just checking the rack and picking mine up ?

  17. A request for “Clarity” is woke meaning “I don’t agree so will keep asking for clarity until their minds are transformed into my way of thinking”.

  18. I remember when politicians of every stripe as well as union leaders and sociology pundits began every sentence – this was long before “So…” – with “Clearly”. Think it began with Heath, the cunt.
    It meant “in my ill-informed opinion,” of course, just like “clarity” does now.

    Clearly, plus ca change….

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