Care Homes
Yes this Coronavirus has got me thinking about them.
We had a fight within the family about putting my mother into one. She died at home but she would go to a care home for periods of ‘respite’ care. That was the compromise.
No matter how professional the staff are, how accessible the conveniences, how comfortable the rooms there is that ‘institutional’ feel about them. When I would visit I would always find her sat depressed. I’m not saying she was much happier at home (she had many medical issues) but at least she could be gloomy at home.
We chuck our elderly into ‘Homes’ don’t we? Let’s be honest, we want rid. I mean rid of them in our homes. They have internalised this and ‘don’t want to be a burden’ and ‘it would be better all round’ if they go along with it. And they do. But are they happy?
I mean forced community activies. Singing old songs. The television blaring. Bingo.
You know in China, Asia this attitude to the elderly is an absolute anathema. They esteem their elderly as cherished members of the family at the centre of the family home.
We revere Captain Tom (now Colonel Tom) but he is lucky to still live in his own home. Imagine wouid we have such a cheery character if they lived in An Old Peoples Home? I doubt it.
An Old People’s Home. The very sound of it is humungously depressing.
Lots of investigations its got to be said showing abuse in these Homes.
The staff have of course a ‘vocation’. Convenient word that to pay them very little.
So poorly paid staff, lack of PPE…and this virus ‘running wild’. They would have been safer in a family home.
Nominated by Miles Plastic
Absolutely. I’m determined to make sure my old mum is not put in a home, but can live in her home with the family helping out where needed. We’ll (brother, sister and I) probably try and organise home help here and there etc. Not sure how all that works, but I’m sure we can all sort something. Respite care may come into too, but only for short periods when nobody can ‘cover’ due to work or a well earned holiday.
Shoving your nearest and dearest to live in front of a blaring telly with a bunch of dazed old timers is not my idea of caring for your family.
Cuntish thing to do, but I understand if you’re the only family that person has and you need to work etc (or have disability issues yourself).
Hopefully, by the time I might require the services of a care home, Parliament will have plucked up the courage to make assisted suicide legal.
Buy a nice Rolex Submariner, and a short sleeved shirt, pop to Londanistan for the weekend. Achieve the same results.
Lady C bought me one for my 40th. I always took it off when I traveled on tube. Not that I go any more.
I collect watches, got a few Rolex, Tudor etc.
Feel perfectly confortable wearing them up here.
If I went to that shit hole I’d strap a jammy dodger to my wrist with an elastic band.
Thieving enriching cunts.
I was reading about putting liquid propane through cannabis to dissolve and condense the good stuff.
I also noted that this has gone wrong on a number of occasions.
Perhaps take it up as a hobby in your old age, you would die happy and go out with a bang.
You said “iffy Black”, hur hur….
Hey Prof – was thinking of growing a few plants of my own in the Italianate garden of Cuntingford Towers. Is it a) easy and b) worth it? Not for me, but got a few potential customers down the road in the social housing.
Parliament is a building. What you are hoping is that a group of people go through some odd rituals and give their blessing to a bit of paper with some words on it before you can take your own life if you want to. As I and others have said before, statism is a religion.
These establishments seem to have a gloomy black cloud above them. A kind of paranormal depression. There’s somthing very final about going into these places, the only institute where life means life. Judges take note.
Thankfully not seen any family members in one of these places. Grandmother now 102 and in her own home, still paying her council tax. Benefit scroungers take note.
I do remember visiting one old chap who’d been a family friend. Fuck, what a state he was in. Half shaved face, all his “good” clothes gone missing. Dressed in a bit of everything, like he’d forgotten his P.E kit at school. Remember the photo his wife had of him on the side board, WW2 Captain, dressed in his no.1’s. What dignity his country gave him in his last years.
When my time comes I hope someone creeps up on me with a good old mkVI Webley and does me a favour.
Don’t get me started on the cost of private care homes. Robbing cunts.
That don’t call them God’s Waiting Room for nothing.
With the current situation, I am dreading the phone call from the home telling us that c19 has got in, The mrs’s mother is 95 and in one.
She would bury her food in the garden, not eat and go for wanders (not to mention the cunt who conned 3k out of her).
So she is in said establishment, there is a cross section of old with it and dementia, which I think is a little unfair on the sane ones.
When visiting was going on I used to take the dogs there, there was an old chap who had a Greyhound with the same markings as mine and I would lend him the dog for the duration of the visit ( I used to make him turn his wheel chair off because all kinds of shit would have happened if the lead got caught up in the controls).
The home is good, it has good reports at 1k a week you would hope so.
Me well I am rather hoping not to get that far into “Life” and I always find it fucking depressing when I see an old Para being winched off his chair because he has shit himself without the assistance of alcohol.
The staff are great, When my dad died in the Dementia home (He was dangerous) I got the call, father passed away in his sleep, found him on the floor next to his bed at 3 am.
I don’t know if its still true, but if you want to go into a private care home and you own your own home, you have to sell up before you can move in.
Whereas, if you live in a council house, or are on benefits, then you can just walk into a care home and still not pay a fucking thing.
Don’t know if that’s the case but its a real cunt if it still is, and just underlines how symptomatic this country is when it comes to “you work hard all your life, pay your taxes, don’t want to be a burden on the State”, and yet still get fucked over when you eventually want looking after!
I wish the government would watch the rather shite 70s film “Logan’s Run” where anyone over 30 was put to death. Perhaps this could be revised to anyone over 75 …. oh hang on, they’re doing that anyway judging by the number of old cunts who are dying due to the Dink virus!
I would like to put several people in a real hell hole of an old peoples home: The Eddie Izzard Memorial Home For Perverts, Mincers & Benders (Matron: Emily Thornberry). Old bastards like Heseltine, Blair, Adonis, Mandelson (especially), Hilary Benn and Dominic Grieve, will all be sitting there in the day room with their rubber drawers reaking of shit and piss listening to old Joan Regan 78s, while whiling away the days basket weaving. Oh yes, I’d get those fucking baskets weaving. The cook will be Jess Phillips, scratching her excema into the soup, and Angela Crayons will be the entertainments officer.
I wish them a long and unhappy existence. If discipline is needed Ian Blackford, old Jock, the caretaker, will take care of them with a few lashes of his belt.
The care home issue isn’t restricted to the UK, other parts of Europe are also experiencing high rates of deaths, Italy, Spain are examples.
Sweden seem to have taken the every man for himself approach and haven’t had any lockdown, their care homes are being effected but they claim they are protecting the care homes while the rest of society are getting on with life with a few common sense precautions.
In all the data that we are bombarded with I haven’t seen any comparison of what they call Excess deaths in relation to previous years in care homes. For example the winter of 2017/18 resulted in excess deaths approaching 50,000 , how many of those excess deaths occurred in care homes.
The virus Effect is Proportional to age, the Old are fucked!
“The old are fucked”. That is the nature of life, I speak as a 65 year old cunt.
My best mates just recently put his mum into a care home, shed gone downhill a bit mentally, fallen a couple of times .
Know he feels guilty and dont think it was him who made the decision, maybe his missus or his brother, but he said to me on the phone “its the best place for her isnt it?”
Couldnt think of a worse place to be for her at this moment in time!
I like the idea of a care home where they pay you. You can be dribbling and doubly incontinent but the House of Lords is always a safe haven. With pay. And it achieves about the same as the Sunny Hideaway home in Weston Super Mare (to pinch an example from Rumpole)
Yeah, the Lords……a care home for cunts already rich enough to pay for their own 24 hour care. Yes, it’s still the case that you have to sell any property to pay your way. If you remember Mavis May wanted to extend this to people receiving home care, the so called “dementia tax”, a tax you pay after you are dead. It was the reason she fucked up the 2017 election. That, and the fact that she was a dirty EU loving traitor. Remember how old Steptoe was riding high at that time……..the great white hope of the libtard remoaners? How times change.
I bet there is some serious shagging going on in them care homes…..piss, shit, lipstick and spunk everywhere!…Dirty CUNTS!
A couple of days ago Dick Dribbler told us in a post about what goes on his!
An eighty something year old lady resident performed a striptease resulting in the death of one old guy from a heart attack and two others being hospitalised. So, it’s not all bad in these places.
Not all bad? that sounds facking horrific
I remember my grandfather father, Dog bless him, was put in a care home after his dementia and Alzheimer’s was at its worst.
Family couldn’t cope.
He was quite active physically – moving about the care home helping others whom lived there thinking he worked there.
He’d recognise us, family when visiting, but sometimes he’d forgot or think we were someone else he recognised.
Dementia is a terrible condition, absolutely horrible to see in someone you remember as being sound of mind and a capable person.
My gran had it leading upto her death, my dad said to her “mum, look whos here to see you? (Me) do you know who it is?”
“Is it Timmy?”
Timmy was her yorkshire terrier size of a apple or something.
Dog bless her, MNC. 🙂
Anna Knight runs Harbour House Care Home on the Dorset coast and said getting enough personal protective equipment (PPE) and testing for coronavirus were her biggest challenges.
“I know that our PPE supplies are running low. I know that I have got anxious staff, and I am relying on donations from the public,” she said.
These are the residency fees:
We provide 3 levels of care that can be defined as:
Level 1
A moderately active and independent individual requiring limited care and support in a care home setting. You are likely to be able to provide your own personal care with some assistance. This charge covers all your meals, care, laundry and activities.
Level 1 is charged at £3,335.00.00 per calendar month.
Level 2
A less active individual with some mobility issues. You may require extra support with your personal care, dressing and medication administration. This charge covers all your meals, care, laundry and activities.
Level 2 is charged at £3,730.00 per calendar month.
Level 3
An individual requiring full input from the care team. You will need assistance with dressing, personal care, mobility, mealtimes, prompting and guidance. This level also supports end of life care at Harbour House. This charge covers all your meals, care, laundry and activities.
Level 3 is charged at £4,175.00 per calendar month.
The only additional costs you may incur will be for your private mobile or telephone calls, hairdressing and chiropody should you require it. All these can be arranged for you by the care team.
Yet using this crisis for begging, and using the fraudcasting corporation as the mouthpiece.
I used to work for Duncan Bannatyne when he owned his Nursing Home Empire. It was the most enlightening and revealing time in my career.
I shall say no more.
Say more please. I’d very much like to know how great a cunt he is!
Wrinkly, tight, Scottish old cunt. He isn’t long off qualifying for being shoved into one of his own care homes.
“Come on, Mr Banntyne, open your mouth and eat the lovely porridge off the spoony woony for nursey wursey”
Duncan would NEVER voluntarily reside in ANY care home !
Sad that the welfare state fuelled a move from family looking after family to a point where kids and elderly parents are an inconvenience we’d rather offload as much as possible as soon as possible.
Promised state pensions we can’t afford people under prepared for old age.
The NHS and better conditions have increased longevity so many can share the joy of retirement poverty.
Hopefully admin will approve my post, it did contain links to the sources which are all above board.
The neck of these vultures has to be seen to be believed.
Obviously not.
Give us a chance! I was getting aggro of the MRS, How do you think it would have panned out if I said “Bare with me, let me ignore you and do a little admin work?” exactly I would be dead and it would never get approved, Good post by the way it is now topic of conversation as opposed to the “How much did you drink last night” One that I was getting tired of.
Morning C, it’s usually trigger stuff through WordPress as opposed to Admin – they are sterling types SIr!
And my rantings have not reduced them to gibbering wrecks as yet so they are clearly stoic characters! ??
Good afternoon Vern,fellow cunters.
Dunno about that, it was classed as awaiting moderation then disappeared, as did the copy and paste minus the links.
It was just about the hypocrisy of the astronomical fees and asking for crowd funded bail outs.
Fully agreed on that one C – next thing you know we will have Billionaire tax dodging gyppos leaving their private Islands to demand yet more taxpayers (IE – US!) money – oh, wait, just a minute..
Need the Fox in charge – good British common sense!
@ Cuntle – if you post two or more links your comment will automatically go into moderation.
Good form Admin! (joking apart, the work of Admin is appreciated).
If (when!) I lose my faculties I am walking into the sea, warriors are not designed to get old.
Good god No, That is what High command is for, kill you off in your prime.
Thanks Admin and RTC, every day is a learning day.
Come on Admin, get a shufti on, it’s a war don’t you know?
Just for the record, Cunty boy upstairs has had his orders not to be an expectorating cunt any more, and his potato head Elmer Fudd lookalike father the same. Now it’s my turn to turn up the cuntitude to 11 you reap what you sow.
Good evening all, X
Properly fucking funny. The financialisation of death, it is the most profitable segment of the ‘health care’ system, a warehouse, some opiates, some slave labour and a bag a week for the privilege. You do realise that most of the property around parliament is occupied by lobby groups, most of whom are after a slice of the health care pie? I mean, it’s not as if a bunch of septic skids tried to buy all the funeral homes they could with free fed money and terrorise the still compos with ads calling them cunts for dumping their demise on the rest of us is it? Atomic family go boom, indoctrinate the bitches into work and watch both hamsters burn up their wheels drowning in debt, .. as I said properly fucking funny.
We really have sold our soul to the state.
Where once local community, friends and extended family could all contribute and look after each other, we are now atomized across the land. It’s not just the crumblies who are depressed and miserable in care homes, waiting to die. How many middle aged folk nurse drink and drugs to ‘escape’ life daily, basically a slow form of suicide?
We treat our children like shit. We treat our old people like shit. We treat ourselves like shit. Just to keep the politicians, corporations, and ruling class in power.
We’re fucking masochists.
Agreed BCC – one of my neighbours works in a care home – they are emptying the hospitals of the Covid infected elderly and dumping them in care homes where the virus immediately goes through them like wildfire and the Government of immigrants and traitors lie about the figures whilst our elderly and vulnerable are casually thrown to the grim reaper – so why the fuck did we bother wasting money building new hospitals for them to lie empty and idle?
Smacks of state sponsored euthanasia to me, but saves a fortune in pension payments eh Boris.
Bastards, one and all.
Get rid, clean house – I love my Country and would fall defending it – but cannot put into words my hatred for the bastards we have allowed to be in charge.
On other news – time for some Beck – LOUD!
On other other news – I told you I would be back to my angry bad tempered self after my temporary bout of reason yesterday! ??
Normal service resumed, fuck Boris the traitor, fuck them all, back to work, back to life, fuck control, lockdown, lies, idiots and tracking apps which are ID cards via the back door.
Running quite hot today.
I’ve reached three score and ten and I’m not looking forward to the future if it means ending up in one of these places. I’ve been inside a few and I haven’t seen one yet that I’ve liked. Luckily I can still do everything for myself, I just employ a cleaner simply because I couldn’t be arsed. And I can always go out if I want which is more than care home residents can, they’re stuck there inside with people who don’t give a fuck. What an existence, sitting there depressed and an easy virus target. There should be an easy way out when you’ve had enough.
The state leads by example, the herd (immunity) follows.
Never was the maxim, enjoy while it lasts more apt,you’d probably be better looked after if you attempted a major robbery heist and either got away with it or get banged up for free. Is the stigma that much different between a ‘care home’ and a gaol?
I would rather be shot than end up in the Basket weavers Hotel.
Mind you. A freind just came back from Dignitas after leaving this poor bugger she was caring for there to be euthanised.
Apparently it’s not some kind of Posh Nuffield style establishment but an old converted factory on an industrial estate . They passed it a few times because it just didn’t look like what they expected.
You just get a bed a chair in a room and a cocktail of drugs strong enough to choke a horse.
Just reading that got me questioning my mortality. What a grim scene.
It’s odd. We don’t know when death may come for us and we may pass in less than dignified surroundings all the same, so it seems silly to care about surrounding aesthetics. Still.. having your last journey will by car through the urban shitheap, dodging potholes on some rundown industrial estate in Slough.
I think I’d rather wander off into the countryside, have a nice amble about the forest, then just start eating every fucking mushroom, berry and flower until I die. Might even get a high in the process!
FF@12:26 – Soylent Green.
Matt Hancock today said that the number of people dying in care homes had dropped. Course it fuckin’ has – most of ‘em have already died. I can’t think of a more useless statistic than this where you are talking about a closed community like care homes where the numbers are finite. Those that haven’t died have most probably had it.
“Care Homes”
Cash cows for GP’s, big pharma and their owners and little else, Folks being kept alive by a cocktail of pills, barely sentient all for the bargain price of £600 a week.
Fuck that.
Between £3,335 and £4,175 is one example.
Dismal places care homes, but it’s hard to imagine them being anything other than cunty places to be in and visit. The majority of residents are either going to be semi-disabled, suffering from mental degeneration or both. The staff often fake cheerfulness especially in the presence of family members visiting loved (or not so loved) ones. I remember visiting my grandmother who was normally a very polite and ladylike person and definately a lot nicer than a lot of the care home residents she was living with and out of the blue another old lady came up to her and shouted right in her ear “IS THAT YOUR GRANDSON?” after which my gran started punching her in the chest. A member of staff then had to pull them apart as a fight commenced. Very embarrassing.
On a side note I wonder what old songs the elderly residents of care homes will be singing in 40 years time. It surely won’t be ‘we’ll meet again’ or a Mrs Mills classic will it? Maybe some Fat Reg numbers will be hammered out on the old ivories. Interesting thought that.
A truly dismal prospect Miles. I’ve seriously told the wife and family that if I go gaga or become seriously immobile, to send me off one way to Switzerland. I would absolutely prefer to end it all on my terms, not rot away slowly like a fucking turnip.
A great bit of serious cunting, my friend.
Thanks Ron. Humungously depressing Noms are becoming my specialty I’m afraid. I was going to leave off with ‘Enjoy!’.
That’s Chas Crane in the photo isn’t it? Singing one of his tracks to the residents . . . . . . . . “I’m Going Home”
?I’m really quite happy being on my own
It really don’t bother me being alone
People often ask me what I like to do
well, I like to get away from this human zoo
I’m going home
Home on my own
I’m going home ?
Sorry sunshine, this is your home now.
Care homes? The ever pervading smell of piss and feeling of misery.
Not for me, when it gets to that stage I will be gone by my own hand.
Our very best and the last of a forgotten generation left unnoticed to rot to make a Millionaire richer.
Validity in the UK seems to judged on what you have not what you are, and this is truly sad.
From ISAC “sunshine and happiness” reporter Vernon Fox! ???
Care homes? Depress the Hell out of me. I obviously go to them a lot, some are good. Some are not. I’ve reported some to the CQC, Safeguarded others. Old lady, in her 90’s, been on the floor for hours. Low priority for us. She’s got no injuries, but, the cunts claim they have a,’No lifting’ policy, (which is illegal), so they’ve not lifted all seven fucking stone of her. Because she’s been down for so long, she has to go to hospital as it’s a ‘long lie’. (Need a check over as it’s bad to lie in one position for too long). Fucking scum, and they were reported. And the manager was ‘told’. On the other hand, I went to a choking in one, on my own, and, apart from difficulty gaining entry – dementia home with locks on the door – I couldn’t fault them. Quality CPR and did exactly what I told them to do until my back-up arrived. Pt died, but they gave her a fighting chance until I got there. (She had a DNAR but as it was a ‘choking/respiritory arrest’, I was obliged to begin ALS until she went into cardiac arrest.).
Care homes? Depress the Hell out of me. I obviously go to them a lot, some are good. Some are not. I’ve reported some to the CQC, Safeguarded others. Old lady, in her 90’s, been on the floor for hours. Low priority for us. She’s got no injuries, but, the cunts claim they have a,’No lifting’ policy, (which is illegal), so they’ve not lifted all seven fucking stone of her. Because she’s been down for so long, she has to go to hospital as it’s a ‘long lie’. (Need a check over as it’s bad to lie in one position for too long). Fucking sc*m, and they were reported. And the manager was ‘told’. On the other hand, I went to a choking in one, on my own, and, apart from difficulty gaining entry – dementia home with locks on the door – I couldn’t fault them. Quality CPR and did exactly what I told them to do until my back-up arrived. Pt died, but they gave her a fighting chance until I got there. (She had a DNAR but as it was a ‘choking/respiritory arrest’, I was obliged to begin ALS until she went into cardiac arrest).
Resubmitted due to moderation. Sorry, Admin?
Evening DCI, some “care” homes do anything but – is this the dignity anyone deserves after a lifetime of paying your way and doing the right thing?
Some properly nasty fuckers work in those places.
As a nation and as a people we have a moral obligation to do better.
On other news I have today been debt collecting and need the cold beer I have bought to wrap my damaged hands around.
Got paid.
One thing that never changes is the fucking heat in the places. Summer and winter, the heating’s always on. And then they wonder why the residents are alway ill.
‘some “care” homes do anything but – is this the dignity anyone deserves after a lifetime of paying your way and doing the right thing?’
Apart from a few kid jobs, the only time I’ve ever cried in the back of the truck over an adult was an old boy in one of the places, one of the better ones. Ex-Lancaster navigator, Flight Lieutenant, I made the mistake of seeing the photo of him in his uniform during the war. Got him back and blued him in, got him into resus and as we said goodbye, he took my hand and squeezed it and mouthed ‘Thank you’. Did another job, went back to the same ED and asked about him. Died about twenty minutes after we left with his family around him. Absolutely choked. Life’s a cunt, sometimes.
No one wants to see their relatives in a care home. It hurt like hell to see my Mum go in one when she was 91. We lived next door to her to look after her but a stroke changed everything overnight. Dementia from 1st to 4th gear, wondering around lost, putting on the gas cooker and not igniting it. Sometimes they have to have 24 hour care and you can’t do it when you are working and have your own family.
Thankfully it was only 18 months before she died. The bulk of the careers seemed good.
My missus was one before we had kids. She reckoned 50% of the cares were genuine people who did what they could for the elderly. The other half were those that could get no other job. Didn’t care, rude and abusive to residents and often fresh if the plane from the dark continent.
I’ve already told the wife that as I’m 13 years older than her, that if I start getting like my Mum did she’s to put me in a home. Don’t listen to me then, listen to me now whilst I still have my marbles.
As for Coroanvirus in the care homes. Dyeing is a blessing for many of them.
My old dear is in a home bless her. Hard thing to do for a family, but so was phone calls from the old bill at 3am because they had found her wandering around Lewisham High Street in her nightie. Again. The dementia kicked in fucking hard the last couple of years the cunt.