Angela Rayner

I would like to nominate the ginger, blue-skinned, semi-literate, floppy-titted, impeded of speech “Deputy Labour Dawg” Angela Rayner.

Apart from knowing only too well how to open her legs for cock and push babies out, I am yet to be convinced Angela Rayner has an aptitude for any other vocations in life.

This utter fucking bollocks dribbled out of her mouth today on Twatter:

“The NHS has done tremendously but the government didn’t lockdown early enough, didn’t provide the PPE & didn’t test & trace. This cost us lives as we have one of the worst death rates worldwide. It’s vital our gov’t doesn’t make anymore mistakes & is transparent with the public.”

…says Angela, who would have undoubtedly taken swift and decisive lockdown action in the infancy of the breakout and used her excpetional intelligence to tell the medical world that they had got it all wrong. There are many too quick to criticise the government with the benefit of hindsight, however Tory or Labour or LibDump – it doesn’t matter. Each would have taken advice from the same health professionals in the handling of the pandemic.

Had Labour been at the helm during the outbreak, would the fragrant Angela found the extra PPE necessary to protect front line staff? The dozy old bat couldn’t even find a rubber johnny or contraceptive pill when the heat was on her so I suspect the challenge of finding this PPE would have somewhat stretched her versatility skills.

My main reasoning for the cunting was Angela Rayner seeking to make political capital by criticising the government’s handling of the pandemic. She should go back to popping out sprogs or oiling her massive norks up on Xhamster or Pornhub. At least this would give some of us some much needed light(?) relief during lockdown.

Fuck off Whingela.

Nominated by Paul Maskinback


49 thoughts on “Angela Rayner

  1. So fucking easy to sit there and criticise when it isnt you who has to make all the decisions isnt it you bucket pussied cunt.

    She’ll soon have to spend all her time rimming Kweer Charmers arse crack in order to keep her role.

    That said of course id anally probe her for heat and PH levels.

  2. Talk of the devil, Deputy Dawg was on Radio4 this morning whining about Government plans to ease the lockdown. According to her the lockdown should remain in place for the foreseeable future – years if necessary!

    The Government has already borrowed an extra £350 billion since lockdown started only two months ago. On top of that the economy is losing £2.5 billion a DAY in lost productivity.

    If we go on like this the cure will do far more damage than the disease ever could.

      • I fear you are right. We were already fucked, even before this coronavirus shite hit the fan. Now virtually the entire workforce is on benefit and there’s nowhere near enough business activity to generate the tax revenues to pay for it.

  3. Good old Angela Crayons – she always gets a laugh with her clueless zany nonsense. (Is tha finishin’ that pheasant? No? Well gerrout fuckin’ way then ya waycist bastard”! Oink oink, snout snout, slobber).
    And this hateful fuckwit gets how much of my taxpayers money?
    Comrade Angela the champagne socialist would love a permanent lockdown (except for her of course) so she can swan around her mansion while we pick potatoes with a gun at our backs for a bowl of cabbage soup a day. (AKA the joy of communism).
    Does this witless bag of slavering shit not realise how much she is hated by the people she treats with arrogant contempt?
    Did getting their collective arses handed to them just a few short Months ago not tell her what the public think of “Labour” policies?
    Labour was created to serve the working class of our Country, but have now turned into a narrow spiteful sect of jew hating marxist communists, incompetent clowns and hate filled racist weirdos.
    Boris is utterly useless and I would not trust him to put his own trousers on competently – but even this traitor is a better choice than “Labour” or the non Liberal deludocrats.
    Which just goes to show what appalling politicians we have.
    Good nom PM – Angela “cock and stella” Rayner is indeed a cunt of the highest order, but some of what she said was right – the tories are as much use as an armless Man in a wanking contest.

      • That is the name the Politicians gave her – by all accounts she is not the brightest!
        Sly, devious, conniving, manipulative, underhand, bone odle and greedy seem to be a good substitute though.

  4. One of Labour’s more inane ideas is that the leader can’t choose his own deputy, so Dame Kweer had the Rayner whore forced upon him, ensuring many many more left/right punch-ups in the future. A marraige made in hell which both of the cunts deserve,

    • But he will be OK on the annual grab a granny night ?
      (Or grab a Stockport slapper).

    • And more cans of stella in the fridge than brain cells.
      How many primary schools are there in England again Anal Angela?
      “Fucked if I know, I mean, how’s a shadow eduracatiioning Secretah s’posed t know that”?
      “Is tha finishin’ that kebab”?
      “As tha seen me expenses forms anywhere”?

    • Fucking brilliant . My non-PC teenage daughter has texted the comment to her non-PC mates and they have given it the thumbs up.

  5. The rightful heir to Roy Hattersley in that she would infect anyone within 25 metres of her if she was carrying Chink flu such is that weirdly floppy mouth.
    Some of the people who’ve made it near the top of the labour party in recent years is absolutely laughable ( or terrifying). Think Comrades Corbyn, Flabbott, Lammy etc.
    Best ignored.

  6. Horse face Angie isn’t the only one stirring up shit, the sneaky little shit Nadia Whittome was shouting her gob off about PPE and got into a spat with the care home where she was working part time and was told to fuck off!

    • And the sly little bitch will twist it to play the victim.
      Fucking hate these people.

      • She looks bland as fuck in that picture above, but ive seen her lately and id rattle her senseless!
        Shes got form as a spunk bucket so shes not the hard to get type, shes from round my neck of the woods, and a sharp political mind.

        One of the above was a pisstake.
        First answer on a postcard wins Angies colouring in book.

      • Before I settled down with the missus I shagged loads of Stockport scrubbers,
        Surprised I never met her?
        Different one every Saturday night.
        None of her kids have beards do they?
        6ft 5in by time theyre 17?

      • You know what Ruff ?
        I would!
        Obviously if I wasnt a married man, but yeah, she likes it hard?
        She can have it hard!!?
        Pure filth.

      • I’d rattle me taters against her dirt box as well. She’d have to keep the left wing shit down though or I’d get a soft off.

    • There is an element of Ruud van NIstlerooy about her. ‘So Ang, why the long face?’

  7. She got involved in what’s being termed ‘a fierce exchange’ with Burley on Sky the other night. Lol.
    Total wassocks, the pair of them.

    • Two cunty, Orangutang Labour MPs on one day, Ron but Nothing for a pair in this game.

      If we don’t get our British water back from the Reich, let’s just send this old trout over to Grimsby Fish market, shall we. The odour will be authentic.

  8. She looks a bit like Vicky Pollard from Little Britain and I hear she has trouble with oral. Communication.

  9. Angela Raynor is what’s commonly referred to as a skank round my way.

    Born in 1980 she left school without any qualifications and slightly earlier than the end of term ‘cus she was up the duff.


    Angela’s illustrious career saw her take up roles in various care homes and it was there that she became a union official and realised that it was far easier to make money by doing nothing other than agitating the management on behalf of a very poorly paid workforce whilst not really caring about those she represented as long as it continued to raise her profile and remuneration.

    Angela became a proud Grandmother at the age of 37.

    Isn’t that just lovely.

    Personally I believe the lines that historically separated the class system are now blurred but I’d say Angela is working class and if that’s the case then she should represent as a positive role model insofar as their isn’t a glass ceiling and you can be living proof that despite starting out disadvantaged nothing can hold you back.

    And to be fair even though she comes over as a knucklehead she’s obviously got some talents because to get to the top in any game takes serious initiative, skill, cunning, guile…….

    But then so did the Tortoise that beat the Hare but I’m sure that was a one-off or did Aesop write a follow up……..

    Ms Raynor has got lucky, she’s taken advantage of other people and their fuck ups but she’s not in it for the long game, she thinks she is but it won’t be long before she’s being regularity humiliated and exposed on the interview circuit.

    You can’t hide as Deputy Leader of any party (Other than the Lib Dums), I’m no fan of Tom Watson, far from it but he was a canny bastard with a sharp brain and an education but a cunt nonetheless.

    Angela Raynor to me represents the typical modern Labour chancer.

    She’s used her background to get elected even though she wasn’t the son of a bus driver and once they’ve gained the position will just forget everything that took them there, that is until they are touring the TV studios talking about inequality and how they know because they were the son/daughter of a bus driver/cleaner/toilet attendant……..

  10. When someone of her intellect is deputy leader of the opposition one has to ask if we can honestly say we have an opposition. The party that despises the family holds up a woman who’s a gran in her 30s as a role model.

    Fuck progressives and fuck socialism. Making victim hood the model for your life is a shit plan.

  11. As much as I dislike everything about Angela Rayner, especially the irony of her once being appointed shadow minister for Education whilst not having a single qualification in anything other than opening her legs and producing a sprog when just 16 years old, on this one I tend to side with her comments.

    The British Government in my opinion has been both illogical and incompetent in the way it has handled the pandemic from the very start. I realise that maintaining a high performing economy is paramount for the future of this country, however in my humble opinion there were certain steps that should have been taken at the time, and without the benefit of hindsight.

    Many other worldwide countries adopted these, and as a result experienced considerably reduced loss of life (to both the general public and to the NHS staff/care workers) and much shorter (therefore financially reduced) economic hit.

    Firstly, our borders should have been protected. Every passenger arriving into the UK should have automatically and immediately gone immediately into 14 day quarantine at their own cost/expense. No getting onto the London Underground and mixing with uninfected people going about their daily business.

    This was introduced in Japan in early February, and is continuing to this day. Japan closed their schools much earlier than the UK, however they do not have a lockdown as such there, and everyone is required to wear a face mask. Social distancing is practiced but most commercial outlets have remained open. Much office work is carried out at home wherever possible. It has to be said though that many feel Japan’s reported figures are considerably under estimated as with a population of approximately double that of the UK, their testing is running at about one tenth of that of the UK.

    Quite why Boris is only considering doing this from the end of May, and excluding travellers from France (one of the highest number of cases anywhere in the world) makes no sense at all.

    Protecting our borders includes those arriving at our shores in rubber dinghies. If genuine asylum seekers they should seek sanctuary at the first safe country which is unless the border force think they have travelled hundreds of miles directly to these shores they should be returned back to France.

    Protecting those who have contracted the virus and those people caring for/treating them. This means providing the tools to do the job, including safety clothing/testing equipment and ventilators for all. Priority essential for the safety, wellbeing and survival of our people. Promises and lies from the government unacceptable and not good enough

    It makes sense for social distancing to remain in place over the coming weeks/months but limiting the places where people can drive to and take a walk is ridiculous unless the 2 metre social distancing protocol is breached

    Unlike Angela Rayners comments, which are clearly for political gain as all Labour comments (including megacunt Lammy blaming everything on whitey), I consider my thoughts just plain common sense.

    If this is typical of the level of leadership we can expect from Boris and his team in a crisis or otherwise (and I think that it almost certainly is) many people will sense that this country will never return to the status it once proudly achieved. Sadly still better than the alternative.

    • That post nailed it for me WS – our people are dying because Boris the traitor does not have a clue and is bullshitting his way through it.
      Boris is a cunt.

  12. A big mate of Mong Daily, but not as bright as that commie bitch (yes really!) She would hardly be Starmzy’s choice as Deputy Leader so I expect her to be thrown in at the deep end in the hope that she fucks up really badly. On the other hand regular tit wanks and blow jobs might prompt him to give her some protection. Time will tell. ?

  13. Another instantly dislikable gobby Labour Womanz!!!
    What the fuck is it with labour and mouthy strident women? Do they actually think that rayner and Jess Phillips appeal to the all important swing voters? Do they believe that this unreasonable venom spitting harpy is a fit and proper deputy leader?
    Good luck labour your nothing but a party of protest whilst you continue to encourage cunts like Rayner………

    • Like Angie im from Stockport, promiscuous, thick although I didnt get pregnant as a teen (unfortunately the doctors say I cant get preggers?) and working class.
      Unlike Angie I prefer to work for myself rather than cunts like Labour,
      And im not that stupid that id put myself in the public eye.
      She should face facts, 3yrs studying for a GCSE in home economics isnt going to cut the mustard running the country.

      • Of course you can get pregnant, you cunt, the left wing teachers say so. Keep an eye on your periods and go see a doctor when you miss one.

      • Funnily enough Moggie,
        I HAVE missed a period!
        Maybe im preggers already?
        And getting cravings for beer, old Jamaica chocchoc and steak puddings!
        Jackpot!! Family allowance here I come.

      • That gives me an idea MNC – if I self identify as a pregnant Woman I will get loads of money!
        Think that’s how it works..
        On other news I was in York earlier (free train ride either way – yeay!) – pretty much deserted apart from hordes of locusts completely ignoring social distancing rules, dirty big gobbed annoying fuckers. Bit like Angela crayons then! ?

      • Love York Foxy, when the kids were little we’d take them for the weekend, normally when yorvik viking festival was on?
        Used to go a pub The Golden Fleece that had a human skull in a box, some criminal type from yesteryear.
        If you identify as a pregnant woman demand people give up seats for you on public transport and send the missus out at 3am to the allnight garage for a Bounty bar your craving.

    • Yeah, cooking for simpletons, next week shes cooking toast.

      • And making an ice smoothie.
        Fresh ice , mind you. None of that frozen shite.

      • How ter cook wi’ Anal Angela:
        “What tha does is call t’ kebab place, order 9 in case that fat Abbott bitch shows up (she usually does when she smells food or money), call t’ CO-OP and make ’em deliver 24 Stella – if t’ bastards say no just shout “don’t tha know oo ar fuckin’ am”?
        “Sorted, cookin’ wi’ anal Angela – but mind tha puts it on expenses”!

  14. If looks are anything to go by…

    …She’s a FUCKING CUNTMINGE who should be force-fed diarrhoea for her breakfast;, lunch and tea until she hopefully dies sooner rather than later from the Covid-19s eating the Covid-19s within her. Not that I’m wishing her a ‘Videodrome’ style exploding torso death, but, you know… it’s all good if you’re into biology.

  15. On the plus side, tits, easy lay, and ugly which appeals to me.

    On the minus side, everything else.

  16. I’d pay to see the rt hon Priti Patel take on the MP for no-knicker- elastic north in a triathlon cuntest cuntsisting of oil wrestling, general knowledge and err…maybe more oil wrestling. There’s little wonder southerners consider us in the north to be thick as shit when we choose to elect argumentative gob-shite harridans like crayons Rayner

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