I’d like to nominate Zarah Sultana. Another Labour Party fuckwit who brings race and racism into everything. Only today this cunt tweeted
“ Black and Asian people are being disproportionately hit by Coronavirus reflecting wider social and economic inequalities. The fight against racial injustice must be at our heart of our response to the virus”
I nearly choked on my Earl Grey, Is this cunt for real? Has she been taking lessons from Abbott in crying ‘racist’ whenever anything happens that she doesn’t like? How the fuck do these thick racist cunts get elected? I wasn’t aware of this cunt before today so I looked and thought to myself “brown and crying racist’, she has to be a Labour Party cunt….I wasn’t wrong. Unfortunately it’s only 26 years old too, I predict many more cuntings on this site in the future
Nominated by Laughing Gravy
Zarah sultana??
Thats currant events?
Know her mate maisy Raisin.
Coronovirus effecting BAME more?…good.
Fuck em.☺
Her associate Mahatma Grape is just as bad!
I could write reams about hateful racist shit like this creature, but my attitude now is: “Don’t like it? F*ck off to P*ki land then”!
And that now goes for all who whine about racism in MY great Country – don’t like how whitey rolls in his own house? THEN LEAVE!
Not doing tolerance and apologising for being alive anymore – any GUESTS in my Country not happy with how WE run it then fuck off to somewhere more to your liking, see if whining about non existent racism gets you a free house and a fortune there.
Right, back to work – these 80,000 Covid 19 infected foreign “fruit pickers” won’t fill out their housing and benefits forms by themselves! ?
Hear hear Vernon.
I couldn’t have put it over without getting moderated, well done.
Can’t we just put these fuckwits in a big mincer & grind them up for fertiliser ? It’s all they’re useful for really.
This Sultana scrag end is the sort of cunt who would say ‘The whole of England has been nuked… But it’s a fact that the fall out, radiation and the nuclear winter is killing more ethnic minorites than white people’…
Tosspot. Another foreign fucking tosspot.
Instead of blaming this on waycism, old fucking sultana brain might be interested to know that the medical world is looking at the link between low vitamin d in Blacks/Asians and the disproportionate number of Blacks/Asians contracting the disease.
Nah, fuck that. Blame it on old whitey (again). Fuck off Sultana.
Vitamin D? Really?
They should eat more cereal!
She could have sultana bran!
The British indigenous people obviously are chock full of all vitamins naturally.
Why we’re the superior race.
God I love being white!?
And we need to bring back forcible deportation. We the people need to stand as a Country and say ENOUGH.
Or we will have no Country.
We lost our country when christianity took over. Its their mantra of ‘love thy neighbour’ and tolerance that has overtaken us, and a few hundred years later we tolerate others so much that we treat them better than we do our own people!
It’s not my fault that I’m white, but I am happy being that way.
Rickets back in London thanks to the burkha.
Interesting. I had a blood test about a year ago and my vitamin D level was found to be unusually high.
Is it any surprise, lying about in the sun all day?
That comment hasn’t put me on your hit list has it?
Beware… my arm is long and my vengeance is TOTAL!
Evening Bertie. ?
Ha ha! I think it’s your connection to the Mafia that gives you your clout!
Nah, it’s my connection with the Manson Family. ?
Oh, and I still have a few friends in MI5.
MI5? Can you get me a job? Agent Diablo, what i’ve always wanted to be.
They’re also genetically predisposed to higher blood pressure and heart disease (particularly the males).
They key words being ‘genetically predisposed to’ not ‘due to racist white people, prone to’. The figured they use for demographics is based on the 2011 census. I get the feeling their number has gone up somewhat since then? And due to ‘cultural reasons’ many of them still gather at the local ‘communidee centre’. They live in crowded housing because they have too many kids. Whose fault is that? Whiteys?
I get the feeling that they’ll next be asking for priority when it comes to food deliveries and testing for the virus. Because it would be racist not to risk your life going shopping so they can stay at home and not need to risk their lives.
Seeing as I saw so many of the cunts on videos stripping the shelves bare, I say go fuck yourselves and take your chances like every fucker else.
The CCP coronavirus wasn’t invented by white people. It was invented by some sinister chin-keys and allowed to spread around the world by the incompetent Ethiopian from the WHO.
Someone should tell this dumb raisin cunt that.
The ten medics who have died have all come from the BAME community. Surely Zara is not telling us these educated and well paid professionals suffer from social and economic deprivation?
There is much more at play here.
Knows fuck all about anything but an expert on everything.
She would have had a much stronger case if she had done some basic research such as looking at the infection and fatality rates in other European nations of ethic minorities compared to their percentage make up of the general population. Even this would be too simplistic as there are many other factors at work. It is much easier to blurt out nonsense and make yourself look like a complete cunt.
Is it anything to do with the fact that the Asian community is one of the worst for ignoring the safe distancing guidelines?
When I say Asian I mean Muslim.
Glad you cleared that one up Lord Biryani – Pakistan and Bangladesh are NOT Asian and the muslim snakes are stealing another identity as part of the ongoing indoctrination and softening up techniques.
Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Singaporian etc are ASIAN, P*kis are NOT.
Next time anyone says ‘asian’ to you just ask them ‘which part of Asia’.
I do it all the time and get immense satisfaction from it but then again, I’m a cunt.
When i say muslim i mean paki.
Social distancing is difficult for our muslim contingent – they are the “touchy feely” type you see ? – as innumerable Court cases have shown..
When you say paki you mean shite of course.
Well white man’s laws mean nothing to them. Same in the outskirts of Paris where the police have been told to let them get on with it, because if you tell them what to do they’ll start rioting.
Anyway I wish they’d make their minds up. A few days ago they said covid 19 couldn’t harm them as Allah would protect the believers. I fucking converted because of that. The missus is not too happy as the goat stinks and keeps eating the duvet.
Is the missus jealous because the goat receives more sexual attention?
Hard work r*ping a 12 Year old white girl from two Metres away. And P*kis ain’t “Asian”.
Hate to be the pedant here, but both Pakistan and Bangladesh do exist as part of the Asia continent and, unfortunately for east Asians, have to be declared Asian too.
Much like not many Brits would not be likely to announce themselves as European primarily (Rejoiners excluded, naturally), but it also wouldn’t be wrong to be categorised as such by someone of another ethnicity.
I think it’s just that we have more brown Asians than white ones here, so our defaulted Asian is one of the former variety.
Cheers FL – geography has never been my forte – I recently faced a rebellion from Sir Fiddler and the rest of the Black Pig crew for sailing round the harbour in circles and drinking my own urine instead of invading France! ??♂️ (Most disappointing language and threats of violence from the moody matelots there was!)
And I don’t care where they claim to be from – I just don’t want them here.
And, with regard to the nom – maybe coincidental but when you pack 300 rats into a Council funded slum I imagine there is a good possibility of unrestricted infection – but the NHS will clear the decks and prioritise their treatment to avoid accusations of racism.
I appear in somewhat feisty mood today – no more afternoon coffee for the Fox!
There was a document that was part of the Wikileaks that was focused on the Muslim demographics in the UK. I remember that showing that something like nearly 40% of Muslim households in the UK were considered overcrowded with more than 5 people per household, and something like 20% of households contained multiple families.
You are correct when you say that small facts like those might have something to do with an increased infection rate amongst their own intentionally segregated communities.
In regards to my previous reply, here is as best a link as I could find to that aforementioned leak:
Along with a few highlights like:
The 2001 Census showed that out of the total UK population of 58.8 million, 1.6 million identify as Muslims. At 3 percent, this is the largest non-Christian religious population. They are a young, tightly clustered, but often disadvantaged community, according to UK social and economic statistics.
Muslims are the second least-likely of all religious groups to have been born in the UK, with the majority being born outside the UK; 46% were born in the UK, 39% were born in Asia (Pakistan – 18%; Bangladesh – 9%; India – 3%), 9% were born in Africa (Somalia – 2%; Kenya – 1%), and 4% were born in Europe outside the UK (Turkey – 3%, former Yugoslavian countries – 1%).
Muslims households were the least likely to be homeowners (52%) and are the most likely among all religious groups to be living in accommodation rented from the council or housing association (28%); 4% live rent-free.
32% of Muslim households live in overcrowded accommodation. Average family size for a Muslim family is 3.8, which can contribute to overcrowding. 34% of Muslim households contained more than five people. 63% contained at least one dependent child, and 25% contained three or more dependent children.
Unemployment rates were higher for Muslims than any other religion, for both men and women. Muslim male unemployment rate was 13% in 2004, and for women it was 18%.
Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24 had the highest unemployment rates at 28%; 11% of Muslims over the age of 25 were unemployed.
Muslims were most likely to be unavailable or not actively seeking work due to reasons such as disability, being a student, or looking after the family and home. 31% of working-age men were economically inactive, as were 69% of working-age women.
Muslims, both male and female, had the highest rates of reported ill health in 2000. Age-standardized rates of “not good” health were 13% for Muslim males and 16% for Muslim females.
Muslims had the highest rates of disability, with 24% of females and 21% of males claiming a disability.
Lone parent households are less common within Muslim communities, with around 50% of Muslim households headed by an individual who is part of a married couple.
Muslim households were also more likely to contain more than one family, with 19% of all multiple family households Muslim.
33% of working-age Muslims in Great Britain had no qualifications in 2004, which is the highest rate of any religious group. At 12%, they were also the least likely to have degrees or equivalent qualifications.
37% of Muslim men and over a quarter of Muslim women were working in the distribution, hotel and restaurant industry.
Less than a third of Muslim men work in managerial or professional occupations, and almost one in ten worked as a taxi driver, cab driver or chauffeur in 2004.
Between 16 and 20% of Muslim women work in sales and customer service jobs.
According to MWUK, arranged marriages in the Muslim community are creating unusually large population growth in areas where Muslims predominate, since first-generation families tend to have larger numbers of children (based on published research and a comparison of the 1991 and 2001 census). For example, in the eighties the Bradford (city) Council estimated that the Muslim population would reach 130,000 by 2030 and then level off. Now the projection is for 130,000 by 2020 and rising. Bradford is a West Yorkshire industrial city whose 2001 population of 294,000 included an estimated 75,000 Muslims (25%), predominantly of Pakistani origin. Bradford has the largest Muslim population in the UK outside of London, and no single London borough (neighborhood) has as large a Muslim population.
Also according to MWUK, the number of marriageble-age Muslims in the South Asian community had jumped from 155,000 in 1991 to 236,000 in 2001. MWUK claims the majority of members of these communities seek spouses from overseas in arranged marriages. MWUK claims these figures point to a much larger Muslim population than HMG is reporting and is projecting. HMG says arranged marriages with South Asian partners, “are a normal facet of settlement figures.”
And they have a high rate of infection, huh? Must be whitey’s fault I guess.
To think this was leaked back in 2011 too, scary stuff. As is this little titbit in the document:
According to a poll of 600 Muslim and 800 non-Muslim students at thirty universities throughout the UK conducted by the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), as reported ref B, 32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the name of religion is justified, 54 percent wanted a Muslim Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and 40 percent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law. Only 2 percent of non-Muslims felt killing in the name of religion could be justified and none believed it was acceptable for Muslims in the UK to have a religious-based party, or to be under Sharia law. 73 percent of Muslim students are at least occasional participants in Friday services while only 2 percent of non-Muslim students attend any religious service. The poll results also found that 73 percent of Muslim students believe it is possible to be both Muslim and British and a similar number believe their parents are “much more or somewhat more” strict Muslims than they are. In addition only six percent believed that people who leave Islam for another religion should be “punished according to Sharia law” (killed).
Very interesting FlipperLips but you missed off one vital part…
99.9% of non Muslims think that Paki’s stink.
I am english. Not european, not british, ENGLISH! And if people think saying ‘English’ is racist, they can fuck off back to their own country. #EnglishAndProud
Labour seems to attract chip-on-the-shoulder cunts like shit attracts flies. Here’s another grinding ‘her’ axe, this time it’s about Labour’s ‘persistent transphobia’.
They’re all breaking my heart, esp. at this time when we’ve all got nothing else to think about other than identity ishoos.
Get to fuck.
“It doesn’t take much to look at some websites or social media and see they are single-issue lobby groups and nothing else. We are being told to tolerate intolerance just because they themselves say they aren’t bigoted when they clearly are.”…..directly attributable to a trans-whatever.
The irony is so lost on these cunts and it’s not even funny anymore. Is there a more “single issue” or intolerant group towards white males, or any coloured male for that matter, than the transbenders?
What a truly hideous bunch of cunts, both in appearance and attitude.
Tend to live in their own communities, large families, consider uncles and cousins etc as close family (often marry them!), and more likely to disregard social distancing as they need to see their ‘bluds’, get drugs or gather together for prayer.
No wonder it is higher. But no of course don’t let these stand in the way of your racist anti-white agenda.
And I forgot I imagine hygiene isn’t always as great either.
Running off to hide in the underground bunker now – don’t want to be arrested for possible “Thought Crime”! ?♂️?
Im getting a bit bored with being told to put my own people second!
Black people, nowt against them, couldnt give a fuck about their rights.✖
Asians? Couldnt give a fuck.✖
Trannys? Dont care.✖
Gays? Nowt against them, care about their rights? ..like fuck✖
Jews? Nowt against them, my fight? Is it fuck✖
Muslims? Terrys got the answer.✖
British people who always get shafted?✔✔
F*cking excellent post! I Knight you Sir MNC! (And as my real Title is Laird Reynard of Glencoe I am sure I am officially allowed to do so!)
Since it appears I have no rights, why the fuck should I spare a steaming shit about anybody else’s?
A few short words
Who fucking cares!
If Sultna and bran has an issue with BAME being disproportionately hit by chink flu then the best thing would be for the BAME to fuck off to their ancestral countries and they would be with their own and on a level playing field.
As usual no mention of the fact that it his hitting men disproportionately more than women, but I guess that is OK, it wouldn’t be if it were the other way round.
Sultana is a raisin cunt!
There will be a turning point. I for one am really pissed off of this. Why don’t they just fuck off?. We all know why, who wants to live in a shithouse. They don’t know how lucky they are. I would vote for Adolf now, l have had enough. Fucking arseholes.
26 years old? How’s she counting them, in dog years?
Oops, shouldn’t mention dogs….she’ll start salivating.
Afternoon Cap’n.
You’re not telling me you’d pass up the opportunity of blasting a load up this loony? I’d certainly stick my thing in it. Then again, it is quarantine season.
Evening Johnny
I might magnanimously splodge on its visage at best and, her being a five-pinter, it’d only be the once. Furthermore, she’d have to buy the ale.
I’m sure her views should be taken into deep consideration.
By filthy cunts just like her.
Zara Sultana ?
I’d quite like a rhyming first and second name….
Think I’ll change it to Russet Gusset…
Zarah Sultana: Is that her real name???????
Labour politicians are massive Cunts at the best of times, but the brown and blacks ones are even x100 times worse.
It would be far better if these brownskins were excluded from public life and excluded from politics.
It was the start of the end when coloured immigrants started electing coloured politicians ugh y fucking fi !!!!! Is there any way back from this?
My old friend Enoch must be turning in his grave.
My rule to make Labour even slightly electable would be : No poofters and no ethnics. Half their seats would be up for selection then. A real labour party with no Toby’s, or Fabian’s or Hilary’s (unless it is a real tart) or Wesley’s.They ought to be on the stage – sweeping the floors.
Part 2. The Left been slagging Priti Patel again. In my eyes she will make a great future Prime Minister in 2023/4 or 2028/9. A nice Margaret Thatcher style HARD leader. All leaders should be hard.
Also not forgetting that she is absolutely gorgeous, priti by name and pretty by nature, what a seriously beautiful woman, seriously.
I normally go for skinny waifs, this woman is short and chubby but she carries it perfectly well.
Google Images, “Priti Patel Gorgeous”
Wouldnt get your hopes up, Rtcs slipping her a lenth.
I don’t think Ms Patel as PM is a very good idea. Given her effnick background she might get pissed one night and launch a nuclear strike on Pakistan!
Oh……..wait a minute!
Priti should press the Red nuclear button on Pakistan, and Bradford and Leicester etc.
Today I am calling for 43,000 “suspected” terrorists to be permanently deported ASAP.
In fact I think we could find 1-2-3-4-5 millions of non-British to be permanently deported.
Britain need a good clean up and we currently have the ruling majority to forcefully overpower the dirty left and achieve it.
ps: I would 100% French kiss Priti Patel’s arsehole. A rimming fucking goddess.
Fuck’s Sake Owoon – Your link above has just bust through the right hand side of my monitor and poked the missus in the eye, whilst sat on the bog in the next room.
Not sure whether to sympathise or congratulate you Seymour!?
Cheers VF – But I’m afraid I’m a disingenuous cunt – I have neither a missus nor an indoor bog,
Yours, rumbled,
This outrageous crap started with the rebellious former colonies. Only they went one better with AOC demanding “reparations” and preferential treatment for any group other than white. Reparations FFS! “Dat Coronic virus be rayciss an sheet, gibs me money whitey”. Ever since, we have these parasites crawling out of the woodwork and coming out with more outrageous “scientific theories” that a virus can be somehow “racist”, it’s a sodding Virus! As for it being Trump’s fault how does he find time, he seems to be regarded by the leftards and SJW’s as some sort of Bond villain, sat in the Oval Office stroking a pussy (sorry, Cat) and killing minions in creative ways.
The Sultana cunt is the new dusky Jess Phillips. She will say anything to get herself, however fucking stupid, on to the radio or TV or into the newspapers. Another entitled ex university bint who thinks her arsehole is a perfume factory.
I wonder if Zultana has the same Yeasty Blinders accent.
Don’t these cunts realise that all the crap that comes from their gob holes is akin to the boy who cried wolf. They come out with this shit like a record where the needle has stuck. Fuck off we’ve heard it all before, we don’t give a shit because it’s complete and utter BOLLOCKS. Just piss off because other than the minority PC cunts no one either believes or gives a fuck what you say.
Yawn, bored with it. Please find a country that meets your requirements. Your grandfather came here from Pakistan, probably thought he’d have a better life here than in his own country and I bet he did.
If you want to try Pakistan, China or anywhere else please feel free. I don’t know of many countries where you do so well for yourself and even fewer that would put up with your whining bullshit.
Ugly Joe Daki bitch so typical of Labour Party effnicks. Has a majority of just 401 so presumably the peacefuls did their usual job of electoral fraud to get her privileged arse through the door. I expect to hear a lot more from this race baiting fucking whore in the future.
Dont be so racist Freddie!
One thing I cant stand its racism!
Them racists should fuck off back to their own countries!
I am holding a candlelight vigil in a safe space for you as we speak MNC – terrible I say! ?
This is where the Labour party has settled. Identity, ethnicity, trannyism and all the rest. No wonder they considered Magic Grandpa their best ever leader and no wonder they got fucked off by industrial towns.
They’re doing a cracking job in self-destruction, let them gather ,more power to their elbows.
It genuinely surprises me that all these poor victims of whiteys racism and oppression choose to stay in such an awful place as the UK – just go elsewhere, and don’t ever come back.
Just nipping to Pakistan to demand a Church be built, and calling them all racist if they don’t immediately do it.
I am baffled as to why parasites, r*pists, thieves, scroungers and p*edophiles travel across half the World to get to this freezing little bastion of racism and intolerance and have a good idea to prevent unnecessary suffering (mine) – don’t come, and if you do you will be turned around and tipped into France, as International Law dictates.
I further think it is time to remove Pakistan and Bangladesh from the Commonwealth – as non – Commonwealth Citizens they would have no right to come and settle here, and I don’t want them here.
Yesterday, I was pleased to see a copper pull over three touring motorcycles (this is in the Yorkshire Dales). As I walked by, I saw they were 3 selfish cunt Joe Dakis. Stood out like a sore thumb, so no wonder they got stopped and, of course, miles from home. The copper firmly told them to go home.
It was the crying 12 Year old white girls tied to the back of the bikes that gave them away Sgt!
Had I been the copper they would have been £180 lighter.
And if it was 3 white english, they’d have been arrested or fined or something. We treat BAME people better than ourselves, thats why the cunts want to come here. A bit of waycism is outweighed by the fact they can get away with so much shit.
Maybe it’s not due to racism and also not due to genetics either but due to the fact that the snackbars don’t respect Britain, our society or doing as they are asked/instructed so continue to gather down the mosque in large groups for prayer 5 times a day.
Another guess would be because hoodrats in Londonistab “don’t trust what da whitet man be sayin and ain’t finna do what da feds be sayin”. Cunts
No church prayer over Easter but mosques packed to the disease filled rafters – impartial and fair Policing there eh pigs? Random one – “Easter” was called “Oestre” after a Nordic fertility goddess prior to Christianity, which is where the word “oestrogen” comes from.
Random Fox Facts!
Easter was a rip off of the Spring Equinox by the Christians.
Much like Christmas is actually the winter solstice on the 23rd of December.
Yep, Eostre was our old Pagan celebration. And our old Pagan celebration in december was called Yule, hence the Yule Log which was originally wood and not food. Our Pagan way of life was taken from us by the Christians, and they also caused what is known as The Dark Ages.
So more whogs and khuns are dying of the chinky virus than whites. Utter bollocks of course but I, for one, will happily take the backhanded compliment. If a whog or khun said that to me, I’d give a cheery wave and say “you’re welcome!”
Their own fault. Social distancing is not a difficult concept to grasp. Maybe they will work out that its safer to use a spear rather than a knife.
If the Chinese virus is indeed affecting minorities disproportionately with an obvious racial bias, shouldn’t this silly cow and the Labour Party in general be trying to sue the virus for racial discrimination?
I can see the Nandy trying to have a go:
Nandy: Eee, ah’m serving you a writ.
Chînky virus: You rittle bit lacist. What’s a lit?
Nandy: No, a writ. And ah’m no rathitht.
Chînky virus: Me don’t know lit.
Nandy: A writ! The pwotheth of taking a cathe to court.
Chînky virus: You velly lacist.
Nandy: Lithen! It’s litigation.
Chînky virus: I no know ritigation.
Nandy: Oh thut yer mouth, you thupid, Chineethe wanker.
Chînky virus: You fucker offer, clazee rady cunt!
Well played, Capt.
Wouldn’t it be funny trying to prove racism at the molecular level. If this ever got to the Old Bailey:
Prosecuting Barrister:
I put it to you, Mr. Covid, that on the 17th of January this year, you did wantonly and knowingly attempt to infect a white heterosexual male and upon entering said person’s cells, discovered their ethnicity and instead proceeded to infect the nearest person of colour, in what can only be described as a vile, vicious and racially motivated attack upon their minority status. What say you to these charges brought against you?
Defending Barrister:
Objection your Honour! My learned friend is deliberately trying to bait my client into making a statement for which there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support any form of guilt in this matter. He is, in effect, seeking to take advantage of my client’s obvious lack of command of the English language and his obvious lack of the prerequisite intelligence required to undertake any form of racial profiling.
Marvellous work, Immy.
Judge Cunty: Over-ruled! I want to hear what the defendant has to say. After all this is a judicial process and the accused has a right to ascertain his innocence and prove that he is innocent being all reasonable doubt.
Covid-19: No speak Eengrish.
Of all the races, and there are, of course, ugly people in every race, why are pãķīs all so fucking hideous?
This is one case where the application of a triple-layered burka is entirely justified.
It’s called “inbreeding causing genetic deformities” CtCE – and it costs our International Health Service for all but the white English a fortune, as does rickets, birth deformities due to incest, tuberculosis, greenstick, scabies, worms and lice – which are all little “presents” our peaceful friends bring
In the interests of fairness, I must point out that fat, poor, white morbidly obese council scum will cost the NHS more in the next few years (before it’s inevitably privatised) due to diabetes and joint problems.
When I give my 8 year old son a piggyback up the stairs, we’re a combined total of 20 stone and by the top step, I’m fucked…how does someone who’s 30 stone cope?
They should be left to die in their beds amid a large flurry of Aldi custard cream crumbs and be given no help or medication whatsoever.
In the interests of fairness, I must point out that fat, poor, white morbidly obese council types will cost the NHS more in the next few years (before it’s inevitably privatised) due to diabetes and joint problems.
When I give my 8 year old son a piggyback up the stairs, we’re a combined total of 20 stone and by the top step, I’m fucked…how does someone who’s 30 stone cope?
They should be left to die in their beds amid a large flurry of Aldi custard cream crumbs and be given no help or medication whatsoever.
Ha ha, I’ve missed your comedy, Thomas. I remember you moaning about the disproportional amount of Brexit discourse on here a few years back. “I liked it when we came on here and took the piss out of Pàkis” you pined.
To answer your question, “why are pãķīs all so fucking hideous?” It’s so people without a sense of smell can hate them too.
Inded – it’s almost like black people have become old hat. I never though that KFC lovers would go down to third on my hate list.
Black and asian people disproportionately hit? Yes, that’s why the populations of Africa and the East have been so cataclysmically reduced… oh that’s right, they haven’t.
Zara Sultana? Get back in your zenana. Give me Tara Sutana, of Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill! fame anyday.
I have to say that I applaud her outburst, as it is such comments that will help to keep Labour out of power for many, many, many years.
Good for you, Mrs. Muesli, or whatever your fucking name is.
Who cares ?
Good evening.
Evening JTC – five Years of very, very well paid indolent lunacy quite literally at our expense.
Nice work if you can get it.
Good evening ,Vernon.
I agree Jack, it’s a shame Kweer missed a trick by not putting the Flabbott into his Shadow comedy act – her fucking mental contributions would’ve nailed the coffin lid on Labour for another 5 years. But we’ve got to worry he doesn’t work it out like Tony did, that veering into the centre ground gets you in. The C-19 shit is going to cripple the economy & the short-memory cunts will forget that Boris & Rishi did it to give us a chance & they’ll be turned into the villains of the piece.
Take heart, me old gusset, Labour are pretty reliable at fucking things up.
Ho ho ho !
Ah yes, heady days! Thanks for the memory Jack!
Evening TSG – Are we related somewhere back in the annals ?
Possibly SG, though in my case I don’t see anything like enough gusset these days…
Oh Mr Wu,
What can I do ?
I’ve got that Wuhan batshit Chinky virus now …….
Turned out nice again !
Get To Fuck.
Evening Jack.
Evening MNC.