The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is an ass. And a cunt:-

‘The UK acted unlawfully by passing evidence to the US that could lead to the execution of two British members of an Islamic State murder squad. The Supreme Court said former Home Secretary Sajid Javid should not have passed information on Shafee Elsheikh and Alexander Kotey to the US.’

These video murderers, the Beatles for fuck sake, may be tried and executed in the US. Heaven forbid that the savage dogs face their own justice. They should look on the bright side. Lethal injection. Their heads won’t be sawn off on video.

The Supreme Court is an out of touch, overpaid bunch of London cunts, with no conception of how the rest of us view these vile creatures.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

The Supreme Court.

‘The UK broke law over IS ‘Beatles’ by passing information to US’.

‘The UK acted unlawfully by passing evidence to the US that could lead to the execution of two British members of an Islamic State murder squad’:

So it looks like the civil rights of these two “alleged murderers” trump the 27 lives lost by these “alleged murderers” and that they should face trial in the UK and spend some of their remaining years in a cushy UK prison (at our expense), instead of the far more fitting sentence of death by execution in the USA.

Pretty much sums up the pathetic joke otherwise known as the British Legal System.

Nominated by willie stroker

48 thoughts on “The Supreme Court

  1. Human rights? Mass murdering cunts lose human rights when they deny innocents the right to life, pretty simple really.

    I first became aware of this legal travesty as a child due to Myra Hindly’s cheerleader Lord Longford bleating about her human rights.

    That Norwegian cunt who perpetrated the mass shooting also went down that road.

    Human rights only matter to these people after they’ve removed them from others.

    These cunts renounced their citizenships when they joined IS.

    Goodbye you cunts, off to America you go, you’ll be Tangoed.

  2. The Supreme Court is an idea dreamed up by the Supreme Cunt Blair so it’s bound to be shit. I suspect it was an insurance policy just in case he got found guilty of something (the list of possibilities are endless).

      • Yeh you’re probably right Miserable. But I did hear Nathan Jones on the radio a week ago and it still sounded sensational 50? yrs on

  3. It’s barely been around for a decade but has made some bizarre and shitty rulings. The pompous Supreme Cunts cannot overrule Parliament but (and it’s a huge one) they must give effect to directly applicable European Union law. Hmm.

    Wanting to give prisoners voting rights, preventing foreign criminals being deported, it makes you wonder for whose interest these turds decide? The British people or their real bosses over in Strasbourg.

  4. They’re in US custody in Iraq, they’re not getting off the hook no matter what some bed wetting fossils say.
    Supreme jackasses more like, I hope the executions get videoed and rainbow paper wrapped copies sent to each of these ermine draped cunts.
    Correct nom Mr Stroker.

  5. You see the Germans shot themselves in the foot by documenting everything in the second world war, ditto the UK now.
    So if I were to tell you that the baader meinfoff gang were arrested in Zagreb in the 1970’s transported to Belgrade and then kicked over the border, would you believe me? of course not, different society’s have different standards and versions of “Justice and freedom of information” .
    Personally I do not understand why they were not shot resisting arrest, Bin laden was.

  6. The maximum sentence these savages are likely to receive in this country is The Comfy Chair for a short period.

    Unless Unkle Terry is in the judge’s chair.

    • By Christ these swine need harsh lessons.
      Every last one of the rats should go in a pit and be burnt.
      Relatives get a trip to the oven.
      Human garbage.

  7. First up, the cunts at the ‘Supreme’ Court should be forced to sit and watch the videos of the victims getting their heads sawn off by these evil cunts.

    Then, they should have a chat with the victims’ families and let them know how they’re trying to get these murdering psychopaths a lighter sentence.

    After that, they can enter a room, unarmed, with these animals inside with big knives in their hands.

    These clowns at the SC are enemies of the state. Close them down, then throw them in jail

    • Laydee Hale in particular is a piss-stinking senile old TenaPants thief.

  8. Tony Blairs “supreme court” is an abortion of English justice. Its a political tool of the left as we have seen over brexit. Fuck judges and their political opinions. All cunts.

  9. The Supreme Court of Cunts ( SCC ). What an apt title. A Court staffed by the criminal elite, the criminally insane, for and on behalf of the Criminal Benevolent Society.

    Now what is a cunt, is the promise made by Boris, to bin the SCC…..we’re waiting Boris.

  10. Why bother with trial, they obviously look guilty, if they were to ‘disappear’ no one would give a fuck.

    • They should’ve had the SAS off the cunts in the first place.
      No problem with this court of bedwetting cocksuckers then.

  11. Believe it or not, Capital Punishment was still on the Statute Book for Treason until 1998 when it was conveniently abolished by you know who…

      • True or False:

        While Star Wars was in the cinemas, France was still using the Guillotine.

      • True.

        Star wars released May 1977.

        Last execution by guillotine in France September 1977.

      • Congratulations Odin’s Balls! You’re a winner!

        You win a crate of French cheese, horse sausages, and 50 jars of frogs’ legs.

  12. Where are all the religious cunts on IAC protesting these cunts’ ultimate punishment? I thought we had Catholics and jóos on here? Surely God shouldn’t doesn’t want these men’s lives taken.
    Come on anti-abortionists, what about the sanctity of life?


    • Afternoon Capt.

      From scripture, Exodus 21:23-25 states: “But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” Leviticus 24:19-21 echoes this assertion: “Anyone who injures their neighbor is to be injured in the same manner: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. The one who has inflicted the injury must suffer the same injury.”

      I think this vindicates our Old Testament allies somewhat…

      • That’s about as clear as Elton John’s back passage. Typically ambiguous bollocks.

        Afternoon Ruffers, esq.

  13. According to the BBC article:

    “A majority of the other justices disagreed (with the judgement) – concluding that the law did not extend that far because Parliament had not explicitly banned ministers from sharing information on criminals with countries that use the death penalty.”

    Hmm. So if the majority disagree, how can Justice (Wan) Kerr pass judgement in favour of the goat lovers?

    Hmm, the Al-Beebistan hasn’t explained this too well. Typical.

    The Supreme Court, like the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice all need to be bulldozed and turned ino splash parks or a Morrison supermarket. Something infinitely more useful than these enrobed bunch of otter-fellating semen stains.

  14. In fucking moderation again. I realised the c-you-m word first time, deleted that and still the fucking post has landed in the shit bin.


  15. Justice is a funny idea.
    The Supreme Court is a fucking nightmare.
    Abolish it and throw it’s judgements in the shitter.
    However sided with this pair of verminous cunts under any circumstances at all is a traitor and should be shot as such.
    Get to fuck.
    Live on the BBCistab.

  16. 1. Fuck ISIS.
    2. Fuck the fuckers who support them
    3. Fuck Mohammed-ibn-Abdullah al Qureishi the false prophet and sex pest.
    4. Fuck the Koran
    5. Fuck the Sirat-ul-Nabi
    6. Fuck shari’a
    7. Fuck the Sunnah
    8. Fuck Islam

    But quit fucking:


    Fuck all things Muzrat.

    Need to change the name to join

  17. What a load of cunt. What to they base their decisions on? It certainly ain’t common sense.

    Hoo-ee, what a panel of cunts.

    A bunch of pompous completely out of touch liberal fuck wits , the quicker this court of jokers is disbanded the better , similar types to the idiots that infest the house of wax ( lords) ……
    Not fit for purpose!!!

  19. Let me get this straight. By sharing information on our enemies with our allies, we have fallen foul of what law? Thank Fuck the Americans have got them, as in their custody they will hopefully get the justice they deserve, and not the liberal mollycoddling they would receive in a British prison. I hope whatever method of execution they are prescribed goes painfully wrong the first time, and needs three or four goes to finish them off. Vile murdering filth.

  20. can’t we have The Running Man with this lot live on Saturday night and they have a lottery for us to be the ones that go at them with a flamethrower etc. What fun. Better than Ant and fucking Dec chair.

  21. Excellent double nom chaps! – during the Iranian Embassy siege by islamic terrorists Thatcher called a very senior SAS guy to Downing Street and instructed him to get a team together.
    Her words were “Do not let this get to the stage of a Court case” – and when you tell the Special Forces that there will only ever be one outcome.
    The same should have applied to these two. Clean, tidy, done – dead terrorists don’t kill – or sue! No need for Courts, supreme or not, and justice done.
    Not a big fan of Thatcher but comparing her to the f*cking shower we have now you have to admit she had a pair and was afraid of nothing.

    • Totally agree Foxy.
      Way it should go, an not just for this shite but all enemies of this country.

      • Thatcher also sanctioned Operation Flavius which made the annual Armagh United supporters club booze cruise to Gibraltar in 1988 much less fun than they hoped! (Same again – take them out, and not for dinner and dancing! ??).
        If a person lives by the sword I will not hesitate to make sure they die by it, and while I was practising my ballroom dancing some chums of mine made sure people got offed so some innocent people could live, so be it.
        I am a bit cold and ruthless on this one I’m afraid.

  22. Because our justice system is infested with the dregs of the pc liberal cunts that crawled from the U.K. university’s over the last 50 years we should expect nothing less than a total surrender to all things woke,wank and cunty. Time for an elected judiciary?

  23. Not British citizens so a risk to UK people
    Cunts like this who fight for another Country against UK Armed Forces are traitors Only want to be British when they think they are going to receive the death penalty in the United States
    They should be put up against a wall and shot along with Paul McCartney
    Jack Sraw started these Supreme Court nonsense sooner it’s disbanded the better another part of the House of Lords undemocratically elected by anyone close it down

  24. For a start iv’e only just got to look at there pictures for me to get wound up. Cunt’s like these two should just disappear , period!.
    Whenever they get captured they should just quietly and secretly just take them off somewhere and execute them , brutal torture first would be a nice touch though. They shouldn’t even tell anyone they have been captured and just get rid of them and dispose of the bodies never to be heard of or seen again , scum of the highest order and again looking at them pictures is why all muslim’s should be wiped off the face of the earth . Cunts Cunts Cunts Cunts.

  25. The skinny one on the right i’d just snap his neck straight away and chuck him in a corner before i set about the other one whom i would beat unmercifully before dousing him in petrol and listen to him screaming as he is burning to death. I might clout him a few times with a shovel as he is burning away.

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