The New Normal

New normal.

A pandemic sized cunting if you please for this nightmarish phrase.
A phrase I only thought possible in a cheap 70s dystopian sci-fi piece.
‘New normal’ is essentially a way for cunts to try pushing living (seemingly indefinitely) like a hermit. Forbidden to experience lifes Joy’s and wonder.
As soft as it sounds life is made worthwhile by what’s outside your door. The ‘old’ normal….. It wasnt perfect and theres plenty about it that could be cunted. But ultimately the reason for getting out of bed in the morning is the possibility of having a laugh, shagging some poor old slapper or drinking copious amounts of booze, down the nearest spit n sawdust….normal for me anyway. But whatever your ‘normal’ is should never be forgotten. It’s a privilege that we in the west were afforded through countless wars and blood spilt. No cunt should try selling to you the idea of a ‘controlled’ life. Bound to the rules of state. Pushing you to accept a loss of freedom through emotional blackmail and fear. Unfortunately the Corona is here. We need to learn to live with it and experience our lives again. Not watch it go by in our front rooms soiling our briefs at maybe dying someday.

Nominated by Cuntoxed

104 thoughts on “The New Normal

  1. I can’t stand expressions that become a cliche “The New Normal” is parrotted several times a day by the BBC who seem at a loss to describe it. TNN sounds the sort of thing that Anthony Blair might have patented – it can mean exactly what they want it to mean, and be changed weekly or even daily. Every cloud and all that – those ghastly TV soap operas are running out of pre-recorded stuff and my wife might soon have to get her finger out. If TNN means an end to Emmerdale Farm I will be happy.

      • Frogs eat flies, rodents eat frogs, mongoose eat rodents, Snakes, hawks, marabou storks, leopards, and jackals all eat mongoose and the Rinky Dinks flash fry them all in garlic and ginger eat the lot….

  2. The new normal is being told what to do as it’s FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!
    Anyone who disagrees must be shamed into submission and forced to clap the NHS for the next fortnight.

  3. Normal? That which we are ordered to believe is correct, dissent is not allowed, different opinions are not allowed, independent thought is not allowed (sorry if I’m “triggering” anyone, not sure where the designated safe space is. Certainly not in the psychotic primordial soup passing for my brain at the moment!)
    Anyway, back to the Ministry of Truth to find out if Eastasia or Eurasia are our enemy today.
    On other news Johnson the traitor has produced a junior lying evil cunt – look forward to our new Prime Minister in 40 or so Years. (Fucking and snoozing sure as hell beats doing the job you were trusted to do by the people eh traitor?)

  4. Poindexter cunts at Warwick university are recommending that young people are released from lockdown first. Cunts over 50 get to stay home like leper’s.

    If we cast our mind back to pre Covid days when stinking rebellion were blocking roads and Greta was telling the adults we were all cunts and the world belongs to children, it all fits. A massive social engineering project has been spawned in the back of Covid.

    Question everything!

    • Release them into the fields to pick fruit and vegetables rather than importing Romanians. It gets my vote

      • Yeah and send them out into the middle of nowhere where there is no mobile signal coverage, that’ll fuck with the little snowflake cunts.

  5. I’ve had time to assess this Coronavirus and I have come to the conclusion that we need to get back to normal and show that ‘fuck you’ spirit.
    I think it was Sixdog Vomit who said the other day ‘Why live scared and you could die anyway and you would have died living your last days scared’.
    There must be a t least 6-7 million in the country right now who have or have had this virus and there are probably 30,000 odd to have died from it may they rest in peace.
    It’s not exactly the massive killer we know thought it was is it?
    Better to get vulnerable, people with underlying health conditions, and HIV gays in fact all gays to self isolate and let the young (like me) build up herd immunity.
    A vaccine is miles away, early next year I reckon and we cannot continue with this current response.
    The amount of suicides will rise when these businesses fold and people’s houses are repossessed etc, the amount of people who will die of cancer etc from being too scared of catching Coronavirus if they visit hospital to get a check up will rise.
    The people have reacted after the NHS has coped with the first wave and started going aaaaat in London.
    Life won’t return back to normal for ages as most people won’t have the confidence to eat out in restaurants, or go to concert’s/festivals, that will pick up when the vaccine arrives.
    I am not having the vaccine either and they can fuck off if they think I am going to use their track and trace app which watches where I go.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Morning B&WC, I’d no sooner let Bill Gates stick a vaccine needle in me than I’d let him bum me.
      When the bastard goverment bans cash (sadly inevitable), I’d be willing to bet that future vaccines will have some sort of tracking nanites in them, and if you’re an undesirable, your ability to pay for goods electronically will be rescinded.
      Like the chíńk social credit system.
      What do you reckon? A bit David Icke?
      I’m thinking not and it’ll happen soon.

      • Morning TTCE, I agree they will use this to push an agenda on us. Cash unfortunately will be gone soon as they want to track every transaction. Do you know your not allowed to pay cash directly into someone else’s bank account, you have to pay it into yours then transfer it…what a cunt.
        There is an agenda definitely being pursued, I don’t trust the technology the cunts have either.
        The vaccine will be ‘smart’ and will relay lots of information about you to them including temperature etc etc.
        Say what you want abaaaht David Icke he was right about a lot though.

      • Icke was wrong about the moon though. Everyone knows it’s a balloon, David Niven proved it in his runaway blockbuster bestseller book, The Moon’s A Balloon.

      • Correct RTC, haven’t read it yet but on my list.
        Blair had the idea of ID cards, then after a lot of denial and smokescreens it was discovered they would be biometric and store criminal and medical history as well as a tracking device.
        Orwell and Huxley hit the nail on the head, we are fucked.
        Right, time for some Soma.

      • TTCE problem is there will be no shortage of naive, wankers who’ll volunteer to have some new smart vaccine. The type who say ‘ I’ve got nothing to hide’ and ‘We all have to do our bit’. I can understand the wannabe failed Policeman power mad cunts, and millennial don’t know any better cunts participating but anyone else who falls for this shite is a cunt.

    • Too late B&WC, ‘they’ already have your mug shot on file and track your every movement in Londonistan ?

      • Perhaps they do Sick of it, after all we live in the most watched country on earth.
        I have no criminal record so hopefully they don’t pay any attention to my movements.
        They can still fuck off though.

      • The Mark of the Beast is coming, perhaps Miles Plastic can comment.
        Pray for humankind, we must resist.
        May God bless my rotten soul. ??

      • In Catholic eschatology B&W the end time are called The Four Last Things-(Death Judgement, Heaven and Hell)

        So a poem from what I saw once when while I was walking abhaaaaat!

        The Four Last Things

        The funeral cortège passed on then came to a halt.

        ‘Last Day’ in the whitewash of a derelict shop.

        (A little smiley face though cheered me somewhat)

        I slowed at the hole in the road, stopped.

      • I was going to add always keep your eye on your End. But from what you say on here about your success with the ladies you do anyway.

        So sick of Matt Hancock. They ought to put you up there B&W. ‘Stay in da home, no more walking ahht and abaaaht, support the doctors and sexy nurses, save the old cunts’.

      • Nice words Miles, I was considertconverting if that’s the right word to Catholicism from Church of England, I am part Italian through my Great Grandmother and it seems right. Whats involved?

      • B&W Most people go through the RCIA course. Go for it!

        About the C of E. Chesterton said-

        ‘We do not really want a religion that is right where we are right. What we want is a religion that is right where we are wrong. We do not want, as the newspapers say, a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world’.
        G. K. Chesterton.

      • I am an upright, sort of pay my tax, proud British subject of the Queen, Who knows naffink abaaaaaht anything dodgy.
        You lot think I am criminal…?

      • A copper asked me if i had a criminal record. I said yes Agadoo by Black Lace.
        I’ll get me coat.

    • I’m reading reports that 30 somethings are stroking out in droves, doctors digging out brain clots seeing them form back whilst operating. Batmum and Batdad must be so proud.

  6. Another phrase that needs cunting is “in these strange times”.

    When this all kicked off they said it could be 18 months before they get a vaccine and that is 18 months too long in lockdown as far as I am concerned. If they can never find a vaccine, end the lockdown and let the virus take hold and let natural selection do it’s thing.

  7. Many other phrases that leave me cold pale into obscurity when compared with this one…The New Normal

    Lockdown, social distancing, clap for random cunts etc are all terrifying in their own right but the new normal stuff is genuinely frightening

    I am shocked how quickly the entire country has been tricked into giving up their freedoms for a false sense of security supplied by the government eggheads.

    Meanwhile, these cunts live in huge house with massive bank balances…what have they got to worry about? So why not control the masses with terror, lies and propaganda?

    In the meantime, fat cunt Boris has managed to breed another upper class scrounger and we are all still locked in our houses waiting for those who dictate to tell us we can crawl out for a few moments exercise.

    If they keep this up, I can see many people just going postal……………………….

    Fuck the government, fuck the media, fuck off everyone.

    • Couldn’t agree more Spanky – we are being played and laughed at.
      Fuck lockdown. Fuck Boris. Fuck lies and propaganda.
      And delivering birthday cakes or visiting your second home gives you natural immunity.

    • If you want to know where all this will end just type Day of the Dead into Jewtube, the proper 1985 one, not the shoddy remake.

      I am turning into Rhodes rapidly.

  8. The new normal is going be a massive hit to the economy, the virus shit is going be insignificant in 6 months but mass unemployment has been predicted.
    This doesn’t effect the political elite only the bottom of the pile, unskilled cunts fighting over whatever shit jobs they can find.
    It isn’t going to be pretty!

    The UK has to end the transition period at the end of this year and then halt all immigration, It may end up with shortages in health and social care but tough shit we will just have to grow our own.

    The government has to do a Trump and put Britain first!

    I bet Wee Jimmy is so happy she still has access to the UK coffers now the oil price has hit rock bottom.

    • It doesn’t only affect those unskilled – I have a degree and worked as a design engineer in the oil and gas industry for 30 years. The business is fucked as no-one wants oil or fuel anymore. so, we’re all out on our ears. What are the chances of a 50+ year old changing careers to become, say, a social meedju influencer………………?

      Oh, and another thing (if I may) I see Suckdick Kunt thinks he can make us all wear masks.

      If he is going to do that, I will be wearing a white pointy mask with eye-holes whenever I use the buses. Cunt.

      • It was more of a generalisation, yes there will be skilled workers effected but the unskilled, just by the numbers, will be in the deepest shit.

        Suckdick will have to provide the masks if he wants to enforce wearing them on the tube and buses. It is easier to do that on the tube but handing them out at bus stops will be a challenge ?

      • I only wear face masks when I am out stealing or flashing – good English common sense Sir! ??
        And let’s see how Adolf the froth of Khan enforces his n*zi face mask sh*t, rank little shitweasel he is.
        We MUST stop being the mugs and enablers for the filth of the World after December, Johnson is f*cked if he doesn’t because I for one am sick of being hated in my own land, and a Man can only be pushed so far.

  9. James O’Brien has just used the word ‘Disconbobulated’….it means confused but he likes to use long words because he is a smug cunt.

    • Perhaps that was the word Lloyd Russell-Moyle whispered in his ear when he was fucking him last night.

      • He’s known as O’shithead round these parts Daz, he is definitely in the top 5 smug, can’t be wrong even when he doesn’t know anything about the subject cunts in the world.
        A super size whopper of a cunt.
        The cunt.

      • B&WC – I only listen to the bell end to fucking wind myself up enough to go home and face the wife!

      • O’Shithead is currently creaming his designer undercrackers, telling us the UK is about to achieve the HIGHEST COVID-19 DEATH RATE of any country in the world… EVER!

      • That is dangerous Daz, be careful not to lose the plot and wipe out your neighbour’s etc. That O’shithead cunt can turn the most clam cunt into a lunatic…I still get wound up remembering his constant Brexit digs…the cunt still mentions Brexit now and again whilst broadcasting from his million+ London home.

      • He’s mentioned Brexit at least 10 times this morning B&WC, mainly in the context of “the same people who lied to you about the European Union are now lying to you about how wonderfully the government is handling the Coronavirus pandemic.”

      • Doesn’t surprise me RTCP, I can hear him saying it now in his sulky teenager mumble.
        An arrogant wanker, who I sometimes listen to for some sort of weird wind up. ?

      • As a doctor of psychotic enlightenment I find O’Shithead a grimly fascinating psychological study.

  10. The new normal includes less wanking. There’s a report out today that says men who masturbate more frequently are at greater risk from Coronavirus.

    This is because the virus can survive for some time on ‘hard surfaces.’
    Fake news? Possibly.

      • New Normal? ?
        Didnt conform to the old normal, so not going to pay this shite any mind.
        Like the pic above!
        Bertie at home ?

      • If the new normal is sitting in my underpants watching the fit young neighbour strip off in her window I’m all for it.

      • Morning gents. That’s not me in the photo. I’ve still got hair, although not for much longer if the new normal kicks in.
        What singles out the fella in the photo as a pervert is that he’s wearing clogs. Could be from the cast of the new Van der Valk on an undercover job.

      • First smoking now masturbating to fight off bat flu, has that old scoundrel Fiddler been volunteering for clinical trials?

      • Morning LL. I much prefer my daily dose of bleach. I don’t think it’s keeping the virus at bay but it’s doing wonders for my complexion! I used to look like B&W before I started and I’ve turned into a near whitey!

      • I try and keep healthy Ruff. Interfering with myself like a babboon,
        But even thats losing its glamour now!
        Have to get in the mood by watching ‘the world at war’ or gently strangling myself to “greatest tyrants of the 20th century”.?

      • Morning Miserable, you will have to take to exposing yourself on the doorstep at 8.00pm every Thursday. Nothing the neighbours haven’t seen before.

      • Hi LL, neighbours are bored of it by now,
        Going to have to find other ways to shock and outrage them!!

      • There was a grim docümentary about the liberation of Belsen on a couple of weeks ago. Didn’t half give me the fucking horn.

  11. Human beings are social animals. We survive in groups – we hug and kiss our family and friends. It really feels like there is something else behind all this bollox. The general public seem to be lapping up all this centralised control and restriction of movements. It is desperately sad when someone you love dies, but that happens all the time, whether young or old, there will always be maladies which kill us. But we really must balance the cost of the cure. We can’t keep everyone alive if they are weak and will succumb to anything more than a bad cold. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that ethnics seem to be more susceptible than the whites? In any event, we put a cost on a live for everything – even the decision to put street lights on roads boils down to how much will they cost, and how many lives they will save. I think the current cost of a life is about £150,000.

    So, let’s get real. Take the risk – the sickly can stay indoors while the rest of us take chances in our lives – just like we always did.

  12. Fuck normal and Fuck mithering about a virus.
    We are heading not for a cashless society but a penniless one instead.
    The Yellow Peril can get fucked.

  13. I did fear that after the worst of the current crisis we would have an avalanche of pious ,academic papers produced by sociologists at the University of Craptown on ‘TNN and its impact on *****’. Then I realised that the country will be skint and the funds for such tosh will have evaporated. Every cloud etc.

    • They will always find the money for Dame Saint Doreen to invent non existent racism though.
      But she will never come to the conclusion that everyone with a brain realises – white English males from a working class background are victimised, discriminated against, permanent victims of unfounded racial hatred and hated in our own Country.
      I do not, and never will need favours – just a level playing field and equality.
      Yep, I f*cking doubt that one too!

  14. Terrible as the Corona Virus is, the cure is becoming worse than than the disease. Governments will just have to accept its here, maybe for ever. l just feel like I’m wasting my life at the moment. I’m in my mid forties and time goes quicker when you get older anyway. I’m not a selfish person, all I want to do is go to work, have a drink on a Friday night and go to the match on Saturday. If you cut off even basic enjoyments to the masses, depression, anxiety and stress will go through the roof. I think the Swedish Governments way is the way forward. They are ‘advising’ and ‘suggesting’ to their people how to live through this. All this rule of thumb, browbeating and brainwashing in the UK will eventually turn people against the Government. Hopefully there is some good news on treatment, vaccines etc quite soon, fuck me we need some.

  15. I am really looking forward to 8pm tonight it’s the highlight of my week. I love the NHS and the government and being told what I can do and when I can do it.

    I recon so far I’ve saved about 66million lives by sitting on my arse at home, I’m a fucking hero.

    I don’t see any problem with Bill Gates injecting anyone with anything he’s a billionaire and should be allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants.

    The only reason you wouldn’t let him control all of your money and know exactly where you are and who you’re with at all times is because you’ve got something to hide.

  16. great cunting
    happy clappers should be shot
    the virus doesn’t exist as nobody has isolated it
    the scare is for another purpose
    check your bank account daily
    don’t let the bastards grind you down
    why are we paying taxes when we do not have representation?
    who is running the country cos boris sure ain’t?

    • “who is running the country cos boris sure ain’t?”

      Neil Ferguson, Chris Witty and Bill Gates.

    • Who is running the Country? Nobody – they are like the keystone cops and their utter lack of any kind of clue, plan or direction genuinely worries me.
      A Months notice that this nightmare was on the way, and they did nothing.
      A massive shortage of PPE and testing equipment, and they did nothing.
      Direct flights from China every day, and they did nothing.
      Untested Romanian thiev, er, I mean “fruit pickers” shipped in to steal our jobs (we are not all lazy snowflakes and chavs, some of us know what work is), and they did nothing.
      Politicians ignoring the lockdown with a massive fuck you, and they did nothing.
      Residents dying en masse in care homes, and they did nothing.
      Defective PPE equipment which was not even distributed anyway, and they did nothing.
      Our property held to ransom by Turkey, and they did nothing.
      Every diseased dinghy jumper in the World walking casually into OUR Country, and they did nothing.
      Mass testing needed, and they did nothing.
      Mosques up and down the UK completely ignoring lockdown, and they did nothing.
      Supermarkets profiteering, and they did nothing.
      Every billionaire tax dodging rat crawling out from under their stones demanding even more of our taxpayers money, and they did nothing (except hand it over!).
      The “Government” are good at doing nothing – the only swift action they took was to give themselves another ten grand each (for doing nothing) whilst refusing to take a pay cut as we suffer, go to the wall and die. (As they do nothing).
      But not to worry, fatty Patel and stalking sex pest Raab (I use those strong words advisedly, because he is) will sort something – they are working on their pay rise as we speak I imagine).
      There should be absolute hell to pay after this, and we must hold these f*cking wretches to account, because if we do not, then we will be NOTHING.
      Fuck lockdown, fuck the greedy useless Politicians. But carry on snoozing and f*cking Boris – that’s why we voted for you, right?
      I think I am Sir Stanley Rantington today! ???

      • Cheers C – I appear in combative mood today! A lot of frustration and anger coming out.

      • It’s impossible to have a pulse and not be royally fucked off with this epidemic of fuckery and meltism.

      • It is hard to work out who are the greater villains,the lying Chinks or the head in the sand U.K. government.

  17. “The new normal”
    Is that the shite being softly mumbled by some scouse pillock on various media platforms right? Yeah, don’t put anything that might appear to be harsh inflection in your voice, eh wack? You might upset the delicate sensibilities of Generation Sap.
    Well he can fuck off too, go hug a snowflake you lardy cunt.
    Hello, good morning and bollocks.

    • The new normal is that we are being f*cked over, and expected to smile and swallow it.
      Sorry, can’t do it.
      Right, time to wash the balaclava – if I can break into that nurses accommodation later I guarantee there will be several frontline workers with the clap!
      Oooh – I am awful! ?‍♂️?

  18. Can’t help but think the new normal for myself will be redundancy. Already getting the e-mails talking about cancelled orders and difficult times ahead. That’s around 500 of us on the shit heap, not to mention suppliers. Fuck the foreign suppliers, I’m talking about the local engineers, toolmakers and sprayers who all rely on us for business. Just hope we receive the same courtesy as the dinghy pilots. Doubt that we’re 99% evil whiteys. This goverment has truly fucked us up here.

    • Unfortunately Baron all I can do is agree with you about Boris and the prickfest taking our money for sticking their useless privileged heads in the sand (They may think there are truffles down there!) – chin up and good luck be with you Sir! ?

      • Cheers. Live in a costal Northern town. Looks bleak up here, tourist industry on its knees. Already taking odds on the local grog establishments going tits up. Think we’re in for a “Northern Shithouse” up here.

      • Yep, hell is coming – and Sneero and the rest of the Government fiddle (expenses) as we burn.
        Cunts, one and all.

      • i don’t know what you’re moaning about. When you’re sat in your bedsit eating beans from a tin after you’ve lost your job, your house has been repossessed and you can’t afford to go out anywhere you’ll be able to say you played your part and saved lives.

        You can look back and get that comforting glow that you played your part and and saved 96 year old Mavis from certain death and your sacrifice was a noble one. Those precious extra 3 months where she wasn’t allowed any visitors because we were still locked down were the happiest of her life. The 40 ensuing years of abject poverty you face were a small price to pay.

        And if that doesn’t work you’ll always have your state mandated 8pm clap for the NHS, now 7 days days a week due to public demand.


      • Fuckin’ hell. Is anyone else suffering lockdown with you? If so they must be contemplating topping themselves.

  19. Brilliant cunting, and a superb excellent photo.

    I am single and you are quite right we must all enjoy life and enjoy what pleases our fancies, as well as work, I like to drink and I like to have liaisons and encounters with (plenty of) women.

    We British have never known our freedoms curtailed not since WW2, and it cannot must not should not be allowed to continue for any longer than essentially necessary.

    The public are starting to grow restless, taking matter on “the rules” into their own hands.

    Fantastic Nom. an photo! Wonderful Cunts.

  20. Is that picture Joe Biden after eating half the fridge during lockdown?

  21. I can’t even find the words to describe how pissed off I am. “The New Normal” is being forced down our throats constantly and anyone with half a fucking brain can see that it’s all just part of our new conditioning program for Kill Gates’s NWO. Sadly a massive proportion of this dim witted nation are buying all this bullshit and actually are scared to death, desperate for the cunts in charge and global pharma companies to save us all (earning billions in the process of course)!

    I for one am happy to contract corona and take my chances. If I’m unlucky then I die – that’s just life.

    They can fuck their new normal, fuck their vaccine and definately fuck their Gestapo tracking apps!

    This whole thing is a crock of shit!

    • I think the government should give 2 weeks paid leave for anybody who wants to go to a Coronavirus mixer – essentially a piss-up/fuckfest with people who have Covid-19 and then go into isolation for 2 weeks and hopefully come out of it the other side with immunity.

      That’s how you get herd immunity, not sitting inside the house, being constantly bombarded with government propaganda whilst being scared of touching your own face. Fucking fannies.

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