A joint cunting for the phrase “covidiots” and the Daily fucking Mail.
I don’t know which shitty tabloid coined this phrase, but the former right wing, anti police state newspaper has suddenly got a big hard-on for a police state, with their turd photographers hiding in bushes, taking pictures of people buying tat from “The Range” or being on a beach nowhere near any other bugger then publishing these pictures without permission and labelling these clearly identifiable people as “covidiots”. Fuck the Daily Mail and it’s poncey new editor.
Also, many of the story comments (running into the thousands) state a clear desire to have an Orwellian jackboot stamping on our collective faces from now on, so fuck some of their readers too. Unless the comments are paid for shill accounts.
Also rather worrying. The spinelessness of some of the people in this country never fails to amaze me.
Nominated by Thomas the Cunt Engine
and an opposing view……
Covidiots. What an apt coining of a phrase for the total and absolute cunts that think the lockdown only applies to other people.
Take my neighbours. Please! Take them and shoot them. Like the couple down the road who take a 6 mile 3 hour walk every day. When questioned I was informed that he ‘knew more than anyone else down our road about coronoviral-shit because of the job he used to have’. The fucking arrogant tosser went on to explain that the rules meant it was OK to do this ‘if it formed part of your daily routine’. What the fuck does he think the expression lockdown means then?
Then there’s my neighbour’s daughter who goes out three times a day in her car so she can visit her mates who she picks up, brings home and then gives them a lift home again later.
Or the one who buggered off last weekend in his camper van for a couple of days.
Yes covidiots sums these fuckers up perfectly. The fuckers deserve to catch it. Trouble is that in doing so they’ll infect other innocent people who are actually observing the rules.
Covidiots? Maybe. Fucking cunts? Definitely…
Nominated by Dioclese
I think The Mail would call them ‘Covicunts’ if it could.
Covicunts has a bit of a ring to it…
Fucking Daily Mail. Spend the majority of their time sticking the boot into the police and the NHS, grubbing around trying to dig up shite, (in ‘normal’ times I would love to see the headlines over frontline staff doing dance videos, not my thing, but if it keeps morale up, ‘Paramedics In Dance In Their 1/2 Hour Break Shocker – We Pay Their Wages’), and now they can’t get enough of us. Hypocritical cunts.
Join us on a frontline shift if you want, you cunts.
At least this is a bit more like it from The Fail.
I suppose im a covidiot.
Not locked myself away for a month, been out in the woods mostly with the dog, or working on the garden, used social distancing though.
And im back working, not waited for the shower of shite in government to OK it as by then I’ll be fuckin retiring.
Ive sort of followed the advice, but when theyre bringing in gyppos by the plane load to pick fruit they can fuck right off.
Im working, not starving sat at home.
Both that fat mong Boris,
And his liberal mates can suck my plums, if they think these gyppos arent a risk.
I’m out as well MNC everyday in t woods with that insufferable fucking dog of mine. He chased a deer today for 40 mins. Cunt. Him not you! I can be gone for 4 or 5 hours and not see a soul. Great int it?!
It certainly is Daz.
And we are being socially responsible dont see a soul!
Wildlifes doing ok out of this, regularly see badger, fox, hedgehog, deer etc.
If im dying of coronavirus im going with a tan and a blade of grass between my teeth.
MNC. Endearing image we could bury you on Saddleworth Moor in a wicker basket …..
Id like that!
Your in charge of the funeral, let Miles read a poem, but dont let Rtc choose the music!
Get Jack the Cunter for that!
Fiddler in charge of the wake.☺??
Evening Miserable.
I recommend they play The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue by The Mothers of Invention.
Or Dachau Blues by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band.
Evening Ruff, sorry Jacks got the gig.
If you want to DJ over my moorland funeral you should speak to Jack.
Hey, joking aside have you a piece of music youd want played at your funeral?
Know its a bit morbid but me an my mates have already sorted it!
Friends for 45yrs so should honour each others wishes.
I’m not having a funeral Miserable. If I did I would probably make them sit through the entirety of Zeit by Tangerine Dream.
(I nearly said Hymnen by Karlhéinz Stockhausen but don’t want to push my luck)
MNC I imagine you emerging from the words like John Little from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves!
Evening Harold!
Ive never seen it but I visited Little Johns grave a few month back!
Apparently was a real bloke.
You well mate?
Dealing ok with lockdown?
Can’t reply directly to your comment MNC so I’ll have to reply to my own – feels a bit like I’m doing a Sam Smith and have to be a “they”.
Not doing bad. Lockdown isn’t too bad for me. There’s people who’ve got it much worse. I’m still working – I’m not on the frontline but more behind the scenes. Been putting in some hours. Was working 50+ hour weeks at one point. Not complaining though. I’ve a feeling there’s going to be lots of redundancies on the way after this whole thing and it will be quite some time before things get back to whatever ‘normal’ was.
Been going out early to get some exercise in the morning before everyone’s awake at about 5.30. It’s nice at that time and very peaceful in the original meaning of the word.
I saw a fox one morning and a deer on another.
There’s some fields and woodland about 10 minutes on a bike from where I live, so I’ve been going there.
Pissed off that I don’t get to see friends or family, partly due to the cunts who’ve spoiled it for the rest of us – I’ve sent in a nom about this which may be on its way soon.
Sick of the media who are having a massive frenzied group wank over this whole thing…the cunts.
I kill two birds with one stone myself. I go for a jog, but I heard that spanking the monkey increases the number of white blood cells you have, which boosts your immune system.
Therefore, I jog with my cock in my hand, jizzing when I see a nice camel toe or a nice pair of bouncy tits. My cries of, ‘Stay still for a second!’ don’t always go down well, but I’m just following the advice of the science cunts.
You’d think people would be more considerate 🙁
Hello DCI. Where I am in East London the Ambulances are double parked because no one is dialling 999. What do you think?
The rules, which aren’t entirely logical say you can exercise once a day, which I do in open countryside for an hour or more. I see no problem with a 3 hour walk in open countryside. Why you cant go out again makes no sense where I live, but, rules is rules so I don’t.
Mixing is the idiot problem. Visiting, friends and family round or fucking parties. Also, I went shopping today for the first time in weeks and although there is spacing and the 2 m rule, inside Sainsbury’s no one seemed to give a fuck.
Cunts is a better description than covidiots and the Mail is a pile of wank along with all the other tabloids.
Come and do your shopping at my Sainsbury’s Cuntstable. The customers and staff religiously obey the two metre rule. Most of the time…
It’s enough to give you the fucking horn!
Is the ladies underwear section in a quiet corner?
I wasn’t aware Sainsbury’s had a ladies underwear section… so I guess it must be. I’ll check next time I go for mushrooms.
They have and it gives me the right horn.
Wait for another super surge when the plane loads of Romanian and Bulgarian pickpockets / fruit pickers hits town.
Apparently local unemployeds were reluctant to do the job. I can think of 2 reasons
1) the wage comes nowhere near national minimum
2) they cannot be arsed. Why work in the summer months when the govt can supply a ready line in cash and benefits.
If its the 2nd then anyone who refuses work should be sanctioned for 6 months. After that another 6 months of benefits in the way of food stamps, gas and electric keys etc.
Fuck them
The great unwashed are probably immune to covid anyways
That “reluctant to do the job” excuse of theirs is absolute horse-shit. All the major job search sites are currently recording between a 300-6000% increase in search terms related to fruit picking/farm work.
The problem is the agencies that are in control of the gyppo workforce and the companies like G’s Food Group that are in control of the mass farming. They are more than happy to work hand-in-hand together, creating a pact of contracts and a cheap workforce to fulfil them, scratching each other’s backs as it were.
Make no mistake, there are more than enough native British unemployed that would jump at the chance, enough to fill the jobs 10 times over. It’s those cunts in cohorts that don’t give a flying fuck for them, as long as their own pockets are bulging, it’s a giant fuck you to the rest of their own kin.
Nicely said.
And I suspected as much.
I hate this government like everyone we’ve had.
Chinless charlies and privateers to a man.
Never vote again.
Just choosing which cunt cracks the whip.
Why would the agencies and companies pockets not bulge if British workers did the job? A picker is a picker, regardless of nationality. Unless British pickers are considered to be feckless workshy cunts, that is.
RTC. Tut, tut. They would have to pay minimum wage to UK workers which would not be the case for gypsîes.
PS I’m sure working conditions would also be more stringently adhered to. eg. no picking by torchlight!
It is incredibly difficult to get an agency job if you are English.
Some Years ago I did an agency job for ASOS, 3 English, 9 foreign inductees.
At the induction the Polish team leader told us three “you are here for eleven weeks then they will finish you”
precisely eleven weeks later I walked in to do my night shift to be told by the same Polish team leader “I am sorry, there is low volume and no work”.
As I walked out of the place I saw the cars (all brand new Audis and BMWs) in the car park of approximately 20 foreign nationals coming in on overtime to do my shift, and I could not do anything about it except walk out the place and sign on – and the foreign nationals I worked with are now in management there and continue this hateful discrimination.
There IS appalling and ongoing racism in this Country – against the white English.
In that case the Government should enforce their employment laws instead of sanctioning the importation of slave labour from abroad.
The above post was for Bertie.
Just one more thing, Sir…The Romanian s have suspended flights to and from the UK since April 5th! Hope the cunts have to walk it.
Doubt it. They’re being flown in specially.
Its absolute bollocks.
Ive strawberries, apples and potatoes in the garden, also rocket salad and redcurrants few others.
At no point did I need a gyppo to show me how to harvest them,
While not a mensa type 8 managed to suss it out quite easily.
Fuck this government, the snidey dirty cunts.
You’re right. Although Gov.uk was the source for my post.
There’s some major corruption going on here. It’s not as if Romania’s covid-free, by any manner of means.
Before all this lockdown bollocks I used to be a reclusive shut-in who would only ever venture out of the house to go to work, buy beer…… maybe some food.
Would spend my weekends not speaking to a single person……….. basically this has not upended my life in the slightest although I still resent not being able to go where I want, when I want and for whatever reason I want.
I am still a little fuzzy though on what the policy is for going down the local hospital and shaking hands with Covid patients for a selfie. Any ideas cunters?
CUNTVID-19′ s they should be called
I see the “Clap for key worker” cunts have adopted the LGBGT railway bow and it has gone fro. Clap for NHS to Key Workers….Thank you Gupta at the Spar….
With the constant clapping for everyone ive got repetitive strain injury, does anyone know who I can sue?
I’ve got RSI of the eyes from clock watching and looking around in t woods not seeing any other cunt…
All this clapping is playing havoc with my tinnitus!
They’re miserable fuckers where I live. First Thursday, no clapping.
Last week they got embarrassed into because people called them miserable cunts.
Tonight normal service resumed with stoney silence.
Maybe I’m just a cynical cunt, but no fucker ever clapped me for doing my job…
Naturally, it didn’t take long to reach the point where it’s “clap for the non-whites”
To be fair, there were a couple of token whites in there, I should say it’s more “clap for the not-british”
Not all British are white.
Call it ‘Clap for non-english’ then. English are white.
Tell it to the Oxford English Dictionary.
My wife is English and she evinces a funny tinge. She’s as English /British as anyone, if not more so.
My wife is from Somalia and my son we actually named him BAME…before it became fashionable…hi is just like any other 6 year old. Interested in cooking, knives and his mum and sisters…and my car and wallet…leave it out!
Laura Kuntsberg’s first question tonight at government Covid19 press conference:
“How much longer will the lockdown continue?”
Easy journalism for em. “How does xxxx make you feel?” Is another symptomatic question of lazy cuntoid journalism. Laziness is a condition of the mind not the body. Lazy cow.
Irresponsible shit-stirring journalism more like.
Another cunt just asked virtually the same question! “How will the lockdown be eased?” Fuck OFF!
Well Laura, another 3 weeks and we will let you know how it’s going now fuck off and sit on you arse with your publicly funded £250,000 per year.
And why the fuck do they keep reporting from Westminster!
Fucking useless BBC.
She keeps asking this. The reply needs to be:
“Well Laura, if we look at Japan, they reduced infecions to almost zero and reopened some cities. They did this and now the infections are on the rise again.
The model of how to deal with this virus has come from South Korea. Have they opened their country yet? Have they relaxed restrictions? The answer is no. Because they’re still getting a tiny handful of new cases each day.
Also, I’m a cunt and so are the government and the opposition parties for not watching and learning from South Korea, with regards to giving the general public PPE, not just NHS staff. The serving government in South Korea has just won a general election by landslide. Yes, they could hold a fucking general election safely. Basically, the serving government won due to how brilliantly they’ve handled the pandemic and not listened to the bought and paid for clowns at the WHO. They used their own scientists and common fucking sense, Laura. They told these ‘scientists’ that people like you and Greta say we should listen to, to ‘fuck off’, Laura.
So in answer to your question, we will be taking advice from the South Koreans and not opening until they show us how to do it. You fucking wonky gobbed split arse.”
And all done without lockdown or a full entry ban.
Back to work next week. Fuck the lockdown. The cure is much worse than China pox
We Brits have some sort of perverse masochistic sexual fantasy involving authority. We love the whole authority thing, and class structure bullshit. It’s in our DNA.
The DailyMunt reflects it, along with the public comments on their sharticles.
We’re all Max Moseley at heart, wanting a Nazi style S&M sex orgy.
Pwoar now yer talking!!!???
I used to love visiting my Uncle Max – but once mis-read the invite and turned up dressed as a “Nappy Stormtrooper”, the shame! ?♂️?
Not surf if thats true. Me, and many others I know, I HATE the shitty class system AND authority. All contrived to keep rich cunts rich and make poor people poorer. Almost every election here: tax increase for everyone (except the rich) and a tax cut for big businesses. Then they wonder why small shops shut down, and people shoplift. Cunts!
I’m with both Dioclese and Mr Cunt Engine here, equally excellent noms.
The Daily Mail and its ilk’s eagerness to encourage the establishment of an Orwellian “boot stamping down on a human face – forever” Police State is a seriously disturbing development, and must be resisted at all cost.
On the other hand, those cunts clearly flaunting government social distancing rules and abusing lockdown guidelines should be gunned down on sight.
Maybe a common sense middle ground?
I appreciate the hard work people in the NHS do (without clapping) and how dangerous it is, but cant have the entire country locked away while the economy spirals down the shitter.
Get testing people
Get people back working
And stop flying in gyppos.
MNC – Have you been injured in a clapsident at work? (or anywhere else for that matter – falling over climbing out of a dinghy in Kent for example) – do you want justice and a new sofa for your terrible suffering?
Then sit back and relax as we get you the compensation you deserve – minus our 40% fee of course, and you will be happy to know your case is safe in the hands of a professional (IE a £9 an Hour clerk with no legal qualifications whatsoever) – so you just take it easy as we get our case law precedents from a helpful website set up by the Law Society to save us the hassle of doing any actual legal work – just cut and paste, nothing to it – it’s so easy even a solicitor could manage it!
Well worth £200 an Hour I think you’ll agree, so don’t delay and call Fox Law today! ???
(And please don’t be offended by our new legal Director the Honourable Sir Fiddler – he has a tendency to be “rambunctious”!)
Hehehe! Yeah!???
A ‘I Love the NHS ‘ poster blew through the van window, all I could see was a big rainbow!
I somehow mounted the pavement running over a elderly chinese couple,
Reversed and then ran them over again.
Help me mr Fox I feel anybody but me is to blame, and want a large compensation payout for the dint underneath my rear axle!☺
Forgot to add, my idiot brother-in-law who lives with his very vulnerable 74 year old mother, got together with an equally irresponsible neighbour (a university professor no less) in his car the other day and went fucking shopping together. Not much gets my missus’s piss boiling but that did. Chances are they’ve been in and out of each other’s houses too.
I’d willingly gun them down myself given the opportunity.
That’s one thing that the internet has achieved – curtain twitching from a distance.
No curtain twitching occurred in the case above Bertie. Mother-in-law openly admitted it had taken place, said “it’s alright, no harm done.” Idiot.
Anyway, we live a mile away from them on the other side of town, thank Dog. Out of sight, out of mind… most of the time.
make sure you observe social distancing, fire from at least two metres away.
Something to get you in the mood ……..
Toodle pip.
More divide and conquer, this nonsense. Some cunt who’s been given instructions and abides by them, then sees another cunt not abiding and is actively encouraged to bubble them (aided and abetted by the mind-fuck of self-isolation).
I am a proud Covidiot, as I live in a place where I can walk my JRT 4 times a day (as he’s used to and has the physique to prove it) yet I meet no other cunt whilst doing so and haven’t since lockdown. I bet the cunting neighbours are itching to grass me up, despite doing the very same themselves.
Just a few months ago, who’d have thought this would’ve been a worthwhile nomination on IsAC ??
In the words of Dixon (of Dock Green) – “Evening All !”
They probably are, but can they prove it Seymour? ..fuck em.
Twice now neighbours have mentioned in passing im out more than a hour a day, nosey cunts!
One mentioned it the other day and I said I noticed your family round Sunday, was it your birthday?
Shut the cunt up.
Evil cunts’ve got CCTV cameras everywhere here, Miserable – In rural fucking N. Wales FFS ! Been visiting my 79 yr old Coeliac Mum today – We lost my Dad a year ago so she’s on her own and needs my support. Any of her neighbours pipes up about me visiting, it’ll be a swift punch to the fucking windpipe !
Your allowed to do ‘carer’ visits though arent you?
Thats protecting the vunerable.
Some grassing bastards have no shame, you take care of your mum, fuck the neighbours.!?
This lockdown is sure restrictive. Went out for my 1-hour exercise walk today and saw more walkers and (especially) pushbikers than in normal times. Gaggle of unrelated brats on pavement at house opposite, daily. Several of the neighbours allegedly in lockdown, but the frequent car journeys indicate some insincerity there too. Next door, with health conditions competing to kill him…he was apparently too old to get therapy for his prostate cancer, but is getting twice/thrice daily visits from NHS workers since The Virus. WTF is that about?
Fucking bizarre. There is no reason on earth why I should not jump on the m/c and do a 100 miles round trip, but am restraining myself. For now. If the bastards lock me down for extra weeks because I am an old fart, then the game changes.
Incidentally, it’s beginning to emerge that the virus is subtly but considerably nastier than it seemed at first. Which may explain the increasing tendency to pass lightly over the possibility of a vaccine and prepare the gullible public for never being rid of the cunt. It seems to have added to the standard coronavirus repertoire by adding some polypeptides from a completely different, human, virus – possibly as it made the jump from bat to us. Watch this space.
I agree with Dioclese on this. I go to the shop, the post office and the chemist, and sometimes for a walk. Going out and staying a good distance from everyone is one thing, freely mixing with people other than your immediate family is another.
When the daily death rate falls from hundreds to dozens there’ll be lots of idiots clamouring for restrictions to be lifted. They won’t be happy until the numbers go up again and we’re all back to square one. I’d be happy to see these knob ends all kept together, away from the rest of us, to do it their way and expire. I resent having to share space and oxygen with them.
A splendidly counter to my spiteful rant, Dio!
As a confirmed covidiot (by which I mean being forced (by a cunt CEO) to go to work or lose my job), may I say that the roads are sweet as fuck at the moment and riding a big motorbike on deserted A-roads is amazing!
Selfish covodiot bastard that I am.
That’s it, rub it in. You…you…
Need bike. Now. No, I’m fucking serious…..?
Likewise – miss my X7 – regarded as a “classic” these days apparently.
JC, FOUR attempts at posting…
Up the sexy Cardiff WPOs!!
On way home with “responsible” shopping, local plis were handcuffing a decidedly dodgy type. I didn’t loiter to find out the allegation, but he looked as if he was a wire coat hanger dodger of the worst type.
Hellman’s Mayonnaise defo NOT nation’s favourite; loads around, but Heinz has gone awol. Stand by your ticker tapes for further pointless updates!!
“A friend” is testing Home Bargains Original Stimulating Lube when Mary Nightingale reads the news. If the product attains a 5-star rating, a fully-illustrated consumer report will be sent to ITV…
It was the H word, the baked beans people…
Are the 57s very… litigious?? Sensitive people??!
Fuck the daily Mail. It has become a shitty comic, it’s agenda set daily by whatever tripe it’s cunt pinnacle Pier Morgan comes out with.
Covidiots, a cunt term for a cunt time. Ultimately, who will end up being the real covidiots? Some bloke 6 miles from the nearest living creature, being filmed by expensive drones and shamed by stasi esqe cops, or the curtain twitching sad cunt, watching his neighbours washing the car, ready to dial 999 and accuse them of murder, while his freedom follows the economy down the shitter?
As I sit in the garden writing this, I wish I was that cunt 6 miles from any fucker, because I wouldn’t be listening to some cunts dog barking it’s fucking tripe out, or next door hacking off his walls for the third week straight. Social isolation? I wish, I was more socially isolated before the cunting lockdown.
What is this bollocks about Chinky bat flu being rrrrraaaaaccccciiiiiissssstttt? How,the fuck, can this be?
More effniks have died than whities in the NHS. Perhaps more Mills and Boons choose respiratory/
general medicine?
Seriously. What an absolute load of wank.
Good evening.
God bless Captain Tom. A fucking selfless hero.
As for those spitting at Emergency service/healthcare workers: You are vile,useless,workshy,dole scum.
Fuck off.
Good evening.
well I am now getting a little pissed off, when I crawled into this bunker I did so on the understanding that I was doing a 14 day quarantine (not going out due to vulnerable OH) .
I had supplies to suit plus some, on day 12 someone decided that they might ring 101 and report their symptoms told to stay put for 7 days and that any healthy person needs a further 14 days (ME) .
I “Get out” on monday from this extension, I have run out of Tobacco, beer ran out two days ago and the fucking weekly shop is due sunday.
I am now demonstrating the full symptoms of pissed off 19, irritable, headache, snappy, in fact everything that you would expect from an involuntary detox.
My “Social skills” are deteriorating to the extend I almost threw stones at a group of kids fucking off into the nature reserve for a sneeky spliff ( Little fuckers, it is because of cunts like them NOT STAYING HOME I have had an extra 21 days chucked on me.
Yeh I am taking this very well, mainly because my access to my adictions is being denied.
I have succeeded in giving up smoking. Been off the tabs for a month. Thank fuck. Recommended, Lord B.
You are now entering the danger zone K. Don’t relax your guard for a second. The mind can be very treacherous when it comes to stopping smoking. It takes at least a year before you can be confident of not relapsing.
Good luck – it’s worth all the (mostly) psychological pain.
TY, RTC, you are quite correct: I’ve been through this before, and I am very well aware of the psychological traps involved. Last time I quit for ten years, and restarted under the impression that the stress I was then undergoing justified a temporary relapse. Which of course did not prove temporary. (Admin, give this man a free pass to call me a cunt) The addiction is always there, even after the first year.
It took 5 attempts before I eventually succeeded in 1983. I’d made the mistake of not taking full responsibility for my own addiction. Yeah, one year isn’t enough, I was still having nightmares that I’d given in and had a tab even after two years, waking up in cold sweats.
Got a feeling you won’t get fooled again.
I’m not a fan of portmanteau phrases, but at least ‘covidiot’ one works better than masnsplaining.
I havent looked at the mail online for a few months. mainly because it’s shit.
The comments must be more febrile than usual given the lockdown.
Get clapping you fucking cunts!
Stand by your telescreens!
I don’t know who is banging the saucepan lids like a fucking mental case, but I wish someone would take them away for their own safety, the noisy cunt.
Thursday at 8. Noisy cunts who don’t make any fucking difference to anyone or anything, especially the NHS.
How is clapping helping!
And fireworks terrifying animals. Totally unnecessary.
The mitmots here, fireworks again.
Love fireworks these retard fucks!
Hope they get the chance to meet the NHS down at the burns unit, noisy cunts.
While we’re in the mood:
Teddy bears. WHY?
Badly painted rainbows. WHY?
I’m all for boosting DC Cunt’s morale, but suspect a bottle of something would be much more to the point. Or the lynching of some of his other customers.
What’s the point in obeying the rules when they’re flying in thousands of filthy Roma? Well, I always try to buy British but no more British fruit for me, it could be infected with fuck knows what. Oranges come from Spain or Israel so that will do me.
Clap that and get back in your pens you fucking sheep.
I wonder how many will be earning under the minimum wage? Cash in hand?
Therein lies the problem.
Fucking right. Some rich cunts are going to get even richer. Then when the season is over? On the fucking social, begging, thieving, shoplifting and flogging the Big Issue.
Me likee Ingland. Plenty money Ingland. Raaay-sist.
Anyone have Brian Dennehy in the Deadpool?
Poundland’s takings are going to treble, now even more Dooshka vermin are going to infest Blighty like a dose of Gyppo Colarado Beetle…
Why do there need to be ‘comments’ on news stories anyway? The point of tv news and newspapers is to give us NEWS, not invite us to send them comments! I have a comment for them: stop sharing celebrity gossip and rumours and just give us the fucking news! Some celebrity bint wearing a horrible dress, or having a baby, is NOT as important as maybe the emergence of hostilities on the north/south korean border. Example: ‘Fighting erupted in syria today, resulting in 300 confirmed civilian deaths, a tsunami has hit japan wiping out a coastal city and severe flooding to the local area, and Madonna arrived at somewhere-or-other in a red and blue dress flashing lots of cleavage and a bit of growler’…how are those three things the same? Two are NEWS, one is pointless shite. ‘Please send us your comments and opinions.’ oh, fuck off!
Ironically the Daily Mail are one the worst Covid-idiots. Most of their articles these days have ‘could’ or ‘warn’ in the title, so not stuff that’s actually happened, but might happen. Like the article the other day about a potential electricity shortage, another about a potential fuel shortage and countless others about could be this amount of deaths, stupid charts of deaths by Covid without any context to the nomal monthly or weekly death rate. Utter scaremongering cunts.
Maybe we need a Covid Corporation Cunt of the Year, Covid Politicunt of the Year, Covid Celbricunt of the Year etc. I will be nominating The Daily Panic Mail and that wet dish cloth Mat Hancock (aka Oberleutnant Gruber) and maybe Tom Hanks!
I think Greta Garbage was drooling about power cuts, so that was spherical, and in the plural anyway!!
I wonder where she is now? Not that “my friend” will be wasting any Original Stimulating Lube over that one…
I think Daily Fail was pontificating about staff who worked on the grid being ill so nobody would be around hence their giant leap into the possible Armageddon scenario. We can all do that. Here’s one: bin men shortage, loads of ’em will be off sick therefore mountains of rubbish will pile up that could lead to an outbreak of Bubonic Plague therefore hundreds of thousands more will die. Ffs.
As for Ms Thunderface, she’s a bloody cabbage patch doll programmed with ‘How dare you’ and general environment bollox, the Greta bot 1.0. Same factory as the Ian Blackford Bot, totally different software program though.
I had a power cut on Saturday night. Just about to chuck a film on (Joker, which was ok I suppose), when everything went black. I was pretty half cut by this time, and not being used to the power going off, and with the stories of possible shortages, it was a little disconcerting. What added to the drama was the alarms going off in the propane bottling plant 100 yards behind my house. And I was half expecting it to go up. So I did the only thing you can do in these situations, and poured myself another gin, and waited for the fireworks….
I remember the calor gas depot going heavenwards from Balham in the 70s. Could see it from my bedroom window in Cheam…
The only fruit that I can name coming out of Romania is blueberries. I bought some the other day. Absolute toilet. What the fuck do these g1ppos know about agriculture that we don’t? Poikee cunts.
Don’t buy IKEA’s Wing-style armchair; it’s made in Romania, and looks like a care-home escapee. A lot like Kuntsberg, and prob smells the same. Answers on the back of a gussett…
It probably tastes better than the blueberries.
That twat Tim Leunig who said farming and fishing are not important for Britain and that we could import everything like Singapore.
(In spite of the UK exporting about £14bn worth of food and drink every year)
I wonder what he thinks now?
Anyone seen Greta Thunderbird? Seems all these eco twats are sat in doors shitting themselves.
She’s no doubt spouting bollocks, shitting in a bucket in the woods.
A bit like Jodie Foster’s character in Nell.
Shitting in a bucket in the woods?
Is she a farmer?
Or a rather fastidious bear?