Rupert bear 50p

Rupert Bear 50p coins and the dippy cunts who buy them.

Flicking through our ‘What’s On TV’ this week (to ascertain when the wife might be safely occupied watching some shite like ‘Killing Eve’ or ‘Mrs Brown’s Boys’ so I know when I might have a nice quiet uninterrupted wank) I chanced upon an advert by some cunts called The Westminster Collection who are selling 50p coins for £6.25 each +£2.99 postage & packing.

You fucking what?!

Furthermore, if you buy a set of 5 of these 50p bear coins you can have them for the knockdown price of £31.25 (+£3.99 p&p), though because there’s such high demand sets are being strictly limited to 3 per household. Which is a crying shame as I was hoping to order a thousand! With current interest rates at 0.1% I thought they would be a great investment during these troubled times. A bit like gold.

So it’s send us £35.24 and we’ll send you coins to the value of £2.50…

What sort of total and utter retards fall for these obvious scams?

Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff

134 thoughts on “Rupert bear 50p

  1. Right about it being a total rip off to lure fuckwits. RTF. All that tomorrow’s collectibles today bollocks. The cunts who ‘collect’ them expensive Meerkat things (those fucking ‘Simples’ adverts) are also premuim cunts.

    I have a bit of a soft spot for Rupert, mind. He was a favourite of our kid. Before he got mangled by a car at nine years of age. Ah, bollocks.

  2. You dick Ruff, I want them now!
    Innocence lost, that theme above that Norman linked, sat engrossed as a little kid, even had a toy Rupert.
    And he was white, so a slightly camp Polar bear?
    Anyway I like Rupert, not ashamed to admit it,
    Liked that Raggerty like a screeching twisted treeroot, liked em all apart from Tiger Lilly the chink cunt.
    In fact im ordering these!
    Had quite enough of your hero bashing this week thank you.
    My legacy to my kids these.

      • The funny thing is that not only are you being ripped off in plain view, but they’re explaining to you what they’re doing.

    • I’ve still my got Rupert annuals from the late 60’s and early 70’s. I can remember reading them whilst stuffing my face with a tin of Bluebird toffees and a chocolate smoking sets.

      • Rupert Bear barely (pun intended for Miles Plastic’s pleasure) figured in my childhood. The Daily Express never darkened our door (my dad took the Mail and the News Of The Screws), and by 1970 when the TV series first aired I was 17 and more into smoking too much, playing records, jizzing three times a day and being a right socially offensive cunt.

      • Posy Simmond’s “Bear” was a class act, usually found between two lo Ely birds, in a double bed, with a Filthy grin…

  3. I was never able to get a Brexit 50p. The local effnics at my Post Office and banks looked quite snooty when I made the request and quite delighted when they said they had none.

  4. Get a 50p coin, paint a picture of Rupert Bear on it, take a photo and email it to them along with what you think of their overpriced guff.

  5. Rupert Bear is clearly a rip off of Michael Portilo and I would suggest the coins are also. Growing up I much prefered setting fire to stuff and football hooliganism the polite bears and tepid antics….CUNT.

    • Daz you little thug!☺
      Can like both!
      Vandalism, breaking into factories, glue sniffing,
      Then watch Rupert.
      Best of both worlds.

      • MNC I never glue sniffed, although my cunt of a father acused me more than once, I was too worried about having a carrier bag permanently stuck to my face….the rest mirrors my informative years….

      • Bit of a retired hoolie myself Daz.
        Match days in the 80s were a strangely fun alternative to the weekly dirge of normal life. As a Chelsea fan I always regret never attending Millwall away. Then again maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. I’m a sensible middle aged cunt nowadays whereas back then I was just a cunt.

      • Cuntsville, brilliant ! I was running around the 2nd division with mates from Leeds….shit really looking back. I was only 14 but thought it a manly thing to do. Millwall. Old Den? Horrible. Even the old aged pensioners used to coin you!…..

      • Yeh. A few mates at the time recalled stories of polite get togethers with the F Troop. and had the scars to prove it. scousers were the worst with fucking Stanley knives.
        Best day out was tearing up Filbert street the year we won div 2
        Can’t believe what a cunt I really was.??

      • I accused my missus of spilling glue all over my antique weapons collection.
        She totally denies it, but I’m sticking to my guns….

  6. Its like the fucking idiots who buy a quarter sovereign with a non royal mint design for the price of an actual sovereign coin from some backstreet ‘jeweller’ operating out of a PO address in Hatton garden.

    The gold content is low, the design is not authentic and the price is ridiculous.

    Reminiscent of the heirloom tat adverts in Viz.

  7. Do they do a shirtlifter’s edition which features Rupert’s backside rather than his front?

    • That will mean firm orders from Mandy and Adonis and most of Kweer’s shadow cabinet then.

    • Haha, yeah.
      Always on the back of magazines wasnt they?
      Offers of tat, vulgarly painted statues, plates etc.
      They still do that?

    • My 1st cousin once removed once bought into a Franklin Mint collection of Popes.
      Bloody unimaginative, as they were all the Polish lad…
      One of them had him praying at the Wailing Wall. Sadly, he looked as if he was having a piss over it. Even the catholic financial adviser was laughing…

    • There were some crackers especially the baby hitler doll “ich bin ein naughty boy” and the combined dambusters Battle of Britain Elvis Tutankhamen clock

  8. Only time I didn’t like old Rupert was when Macca did that record of belching bollocks known as the ‘Frog Chorus’. How the man who wrote Eleanor Rigby got to that, I’ll never know.

    • Did you hear Macca last night…I watched 1min 30 secs of him murdering Lady Madonna, like some drunken old soak on the back of the bus….I then turned it over to watch Hitlers WWII in colour. Very sad and dubious ending. Should make it into a chick flick !!

    • I don’t know Norman. Remember Hey Jude? – la, laa, la la la, laa la la, Hey Jude la, laa, la la la, laa la la, Hey Jude la, laa, la la la, laa la la, Hey Jude la, laa, la la la, laa la la, Hey Jude la, laa, la la la, laa la la, Hey Jude. Well down to their usual standard

      Hardly Rogers and Hart!

      • Mind you Paul, I think Macca could throw in a few extra la’s without anyone noticing!

      • And there all my life I thought it was spellded with an ‘n’ e.g. nah nah nah nanana nahhhh

        Never too late to learn

  9. What’s on TV advertise this kind of stupid tat all the time. I should know – my mother buys it. That chavvy, craptastic magazine really deserves a cunting all of its own.

  10. The sellers have probably done their research and realised there are enough brain dead fuckwits out there to make this a profitable venture.

    Often see these gold coin scams where coins are advertised as free and limited to only one per household however the postage involved often exceeds the value of the coin despatched.

    Gullible suckers? Fortunately for these type scams and betting companies this country is jam packed full of them.

  11. Talking ofmmoney I see that pikey fuckwit Dick Branson is after another handout, the fucking old ponce:

    Tight fisited olfd cunt has money to piss away on space travel and expects us to bail him out, so he can keep that cretinous grin on his face, and lube for his wanks.

    I suggest we club together to buy him a truss with a built in pocket calculator so he can count on his own support. I’ll get my coat….

  12. Its like those magazines for model makers, collectors, first issue 99p!
    But last issue is £35.
    Piss take, but people arent forced to buy this shite.
    If your a adult then you shiuld know better, no free rides .

    • I love those. My ex-wife treated me to the Titanic, about 100 issues costing about £750, I think. I started it once I’d got all the parts and royally fucked it up when I was working on issue 15-ish, pissed. The hull now sits on top oif a bedroom wardrobe and the rest of the issues are in a big plastic box, ……….. er, somewhere. I think there’s one for a Spitfire now but it’s well over a grand and my previous experience has rather dissuaded me.

      • Hehee yeah!
        Always fancied a go at one moggie!
        Not attempted one before, but id start on a really complicated expensive one, badly paint it, bits of fluff glued on where I dropped it, all out of kilter etc.
        Then put it in a lit display cabinet an say to every visitor “what do you think of that then?”☺
        See if the tell me the truth!

    • I went out with a topless model once.
      Her head screwed off.
      I’ll get me mac…

  13. ‘This is an important announcement from the London Mint Office’……..

    You may have seen this ad, very formal and important, yet it’s fucking far from it.

    The London Mint Office is like one of those security companies that decorates it’s cars as near as possible to a police car, pulling in the gullible to make them believe it’s the real deal.

    The London Mint Office is a fucking scam, selling pretty much worthless ‘collectible’ coins to gullible folks.

    I saw one of those rouge trader type programs that featured these bastard cunts a while back.

    I actually felt genuinely sorry for the bloke they featured.

    He spent thousands on these so called collectible coins so he could leave a legacy to his grandchildren.

    Sadly though he’d pissed his money down the drain, I know the government has got a lot more on its plate right now but these fuckers need to be regulated.

    It’s nothing but a fucking scam, end of.

  14. Listening to Peter Hitchens blast the government’s actions around the lockdown strategy. That feeling when someone expresses all the frustrations and doubts you hold over an issue. but you haven’t been able to quite articulate it yourself.

    He might be an argumentative twat at times, but he’s one of the few talking heads I genuinely pay any attention to. An anti-cunt. if you will.

    • Herr Fiddler summed this up for me. When the government finally gives the OK on releasing the lockdown, it doesn’t mean to say people are no longer going to catch Covid 19 and die from it.

      Possibly fewer deaths, but not necesarily, will occur. This was just put in place to protect the already knackered NHS from collapsing. My view is the WHO fucked up big style by poo-pooing the efficacy of face masks being worn out in public. Some protection is better than none and, in many cases, the severity of Covid 19 symptoms is down to viral load. Look at South Korea – face masks for public early doors, no lockdown and fewer cases and deaths.

      Things are only going to start getting better when a vaccine is developed – how many years this will take, who knows?

  15. I’ve got some Rupert £5.00 notes, only £100 a piece and no limit per household.

    • Put me down for £500 worth 6dog!
      Love Rupert
      Love financial investment.

    • I’ll have five grands worth SV – they will go lovely with my Rupert Bear 50P collection – a sound investment if ever I saw one!
      That felt better.

      • Foxy, in 3 years time when we are ‘Rupert millionaires’ due to shrewd investment and being ahead of the game these old fuckers will be gutted!

    • I had some Disney coins a while ago.

      I took it to a valuer and told me they weren’t worth anything..
      He said it was all just Mickey Mouse money.

  16. buy one of these and stick it up victoria beckham’s arse – what a miserable cunt she is – wants us to pay her staff’s wages whilst sitting on £400million – fuck right off

    • I’d rather suck Satan’s cockcheese than work for that terminally lugubrious, skeletal cunt.

      • I’ve just fed his details for a loan in to the computer
        and ‘Greta’ says no.

      • Branson can go f*ck himself – this dirty little parasite has enough money for his own island and a space programme – F*CKOFF BRANSON!
        Amazing to see the parasites crawling out of the woodwork when they think their share price might be affected.
        Noted and remembered.

      • Willie, the music manager in the kit kat advert looks a lot like the Italian fella in ‘Allo ‘Allo.
        I think he was in Eastenders as well.

  17. The Gold one is Best Buy, only £1150 for a 22ct 50p , and the cheeky cunts are still charging for post and packaging ?
    At least with this one you can get half your money back as scrap value if times are hard!

      • You may laugh but its sweeping America, some actor I dont know said so.

      • By storm!
        And the actors William the vain.
        Spandau Ballet saw this coming.

      • Jesus! Those oil prices right Ruff?
        Lost my sense of humour.
        Thats pretty bad, know when I last went the garage I filled up and on way out thought ‘that was pretty cheap’.
        Oil, gold, building blocks of capitalism eh?
        Get the feeling we’ll be long gone by time the economy is back to normal.
        Fuck me?

      • I don’t wish to be a pedantic cunt but you can’t have a price as a negative percentage. You can price a gain or loss over a period as a percentage or a market price movement not the price itself.

        The price itself is however negative, or was for a period today. West texas not Brent crude.

        The real problem facing the world economy after this fiasco is the debt mountain and perhaps more crucially IMO tackling the velocity of money conundrum we’ll face.

        Back to bartering and the gold standard methinks.

      • With all the airlines grounded and cunts not driving everywhere, demand for oil has plummeted.

        Now’s the time to stockpile Miserable – chuck all your furniture out and fill your house with OIL! You won’t regret it. When we get back to normal you’ll be an oil magnate and have Branson over a barrel!

      • Fuckin ell! Its dropping while we talk!
        Funnily enough said to the missus should fill all the vehicles up (3) while its ailing!
        Is it all oils?
        Ive invested heavily in Linseed and sunflower oils?

      • That toothy old cunt was the grumpy US army sergeant in From Here to Eternity. Probably.

      • Got some choppers on him hasnt he?
        Got more teeth in his head than ive got Rupert 50p’s!!

      • Just calculating how many barrels I can store in my garden, kitchen, living room…… ?

      • Rest assured someone will be making a fortune from betting on low oil prices, and another betting on when prices rise again. Which they undoubtedly will.

        What a fucking mental world we live in.

  18. I think you’re all missing the obvious attraction of this sound investment. Their website clearly says it’s a world’s first Rupert Bear coin. So exclusivity is built right in. How could you miss that?

    I figured this must be a wind up, so I clicked the link kindly provided by RTC. I got a banner which says this:

    It looks like you’re visiting from outside the UK – you can only register on our site if you have a UK based address. To visit our international website please click here:

    Oh darn! So I mozy on over to the ‘international’ shop and see this:

    Due to the current Coronavirus / COVID 19 outbreak we have taken the unfortunate decision to suspend our store temporarily. If you have any queries please contact us as usual at Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience but we will return as soon as we can! Thanks and stay safe from all at The Westminster Collection.

    Oh no! I can’t order my Rupert coins. I am distraught. I was going to offer them an American quarter (25¢) in exchange. I’m sure they’d appreciate the value of that kind of deal. Cunts.

  19. I don’t know how much more of this 30-day free communist propaganda I can take. Every fucking advert, every programme, every fucking banner outside and every shopping website. Today I genuinely feel like I am going fucking mad with the sheer saturation of this shitshow.

    I can take the changes. I can take the hardship. I cannot however stand the fucking indoctrination a moment longer.

    • Cheer up Empire!
      We’ll laugh about this when its over!
      As we pick through the rubble looking for food and dodging chinese bullets.

      • We will have the inevitable ‘mental heath’ crisis to look forward to when its all over, as if it wasn’t the unofficial state religion before this pile of cunt.

    • The thing that sickens me the most is the endless “do-gooding” bollocks….clapping like demented seals,old Farts singing “We’ll meet again”,, “wacky” neighbours organising “social distancing” karaoke street parties etc.
      The Cunts wouldn’t need worry about the virus getting them if they lived next door me…the hounds and my shotgun would be a far more life-threatening and immediate danger to their health.

      • You must be itching like Diane Abbott outside a shuttered Nando’s and regain your notoriety amongst the rambling community, Fiddler.

      • The mood will soon shift when the government funded pay cheques dry up.

        We could have escaped with a very deep and nasty recession instead were looking at a collapse that will make the great depression look like a tea party, particularly if you consider how much living standards for the masses have risen beyond belief in the last 150 years.

        I’m all in for gold and silver bullion and a return to the gold standard. But its likely the central banks will create some new bitcoin crypto based ponzi scheme.

      • Don’t worry about it, It’s nearly Thursday and you can clap for the NHS to lift your spirits!

      • But it is most amusing, is it not, when some fat munter discos her way through a manhole cover??

  20. Why buy a fucking coin when you can buy a genuine Rupert the Bear signature? Limited edition because he only signed his name 100 times. Where can you get one?

    From me.

    Only £79.95*

    *not actual price

    • You take cheques?
      Vernon Fox sold me a genuine pair of Ruperts sports direct tennis socks!
      So cash poor at the moment.

      • Sure. It will be sent once the cheque clears. Of course, we have to charge an administrative fee of just £10* for handling cheques during the coronavirus outbreak. I

        *to the power of three (probably best to just send us a blank cheque, really. And a bank statement to make sure you have the funds. Actually, can you scan and send us a copy of an up to date bank statement first? Thanks).

  21. I’d rather have Rupert the Bear on my coins than that prune-faced old baggage that currently appears on them. Rupert the Bear was quite obviously a rampant Homosexual along with his friends Bill Badger and Edward Trunk, but at least he doesn’t expect me to pay for his indolent lifestyle and sponging family.

    PS I see they’ve opened the crypt and reanimated Phil the Greek to send his best wishes to a fawning nation… “Gawd Bless ’em, it’s just the like the blitz,the Royals sharing our pain”…. Aye right,sharing our pain from their palaces with their taxpayer-funded private medical teams and servants. No need for them to worry about their jobs…they will continue to be well paid for doing Fuck-All as before.

    • Watch your language Dick!
      Rupert wasnt a poof!
      Just because he liked matching trouser/scarf combo and had all male friends, he didnt act like the others wading 8n rivers for salmon, scratching his arse on trees, and badly mauling hikers!
      He was sensitive.
      Like me.

      • Absolutely. He was at it with Sue the Panda for ages, much to the annoyance of Sooty. He bukkaked Jemima off Playschool in Ed the Duck’s broom cupboard too. Snorted 4 grams of beak off Miss Piggy’s baps, backstage at the ‘Muppet Movie’ Premier while jizzing in Jane’s (from ‘Rod, Jane and Freddy’) face.

        Hung like a fucking carthorse too, so they say. Always the quiet ones, innit?

      • Bill Badger is just a friend ffs! Disgusting tabloid filth suggesting otherwise.

    • I too would rather have Rupert Bear on my 50p coins instead of “that prune-faced old baggage”, but I’m damned if I’m going to pay £9.24 per 50p coin for the privilege. It’s alright for you with your £££millions in EU farm subsidies Dick, just spare change to you. ?

      • You can’t take it with you,you tight old bugger…get some of those Schekels spent.

      • Rupert Bear Schekels are virtually worthless. No more than 23p apiece. Got shot of mine to Krav yonks ago.

  22. I remember my Nan giving Rupert annuals that she got from a jumble sale. Even as a youngster I thought he was a bit of a ponce with his scarf and checked trousers.

    She also used to get me Beezer, Grimly Feendish and Willy the Kid. They were all from the late 70s/early 80s and were drawn and written by Leo Baxendale.
    They were brilliantly drawn and hilarious.
    I always felt they were meant for older kids, but I never let on.

    • Takes me back that.

      Beezer, Topper, Whizzer and Chips. I liked the broadsheet sized one the most. Was that Beezer?

      • I don’t remember, it would have been around 1989/1990.
        Saturday mornings consisted of reading annuals and waiting for Bert Raccóón to come on the telly.

      • I found a Victor annual from the early 1970s in a charity shop not long back for the princely sum of 50p (uncanny or what?).
        Read it cover to cover before shoving it on eBay for a tenner.
        Splendid stuff full of Johnny Foreigner being put in his place, Alf Tupper outrunning all comers and Fritz getting chinned.
        The sort of thing that needs to make a comeback…?

    • I don’t think so.

      But on the other hand, George off Rainbow was probably no stranger to ‘interior design’ and probably owns all of Madonna’s albums.

      • Oh yeah George was a arse bandit right enough.
        But Rupert?
        Like a ursine David Niven.

      • Alan Bennett in his younger days dressed in cheques trousers, jumper, scarf. Oxford student look of the fifties I suppose.. And with his ginger hair he always reminded me of Rupert the Bear.
        Have listened to him in many interviews over the years. Never any thing about his private life. Recently though he has started to refer (open up?) about ‘Rupert’.his partner. Telling us Rupert’s views on things. All about what ‘Rupert’ thinks.
        Like Rupert taking about Rupert in my mind.

      • He’s the old Fart who did that “Talking Heads” thing,isn’t he? What miserable shite that was… he should have put a few tits and fannies in it.

      • Upper class name Rupert.
        Only other one who springs to mind is Rupert Rigsby.
        The pig wore tweed plus 4s like a gamekeeper,
        Smartly turned out menagerie.

      • According to the internet, this Rupert bloke (not the bear version) is an ‘interior designer’.

        Make of that what you will.

      • I wear Plus2s rather than Plus4s….they are much more exclusive.

      • Rupert Everett’s quite posh, I think.

        On the other hand Rupert Murdoch is white trash.

        Rupert Brooke was a posh poet. Probably gay.

      • Rupert Grint is ginger. And probably bereft of a soul as a consequence.

  23. Rupert bear was ace!

    I wonder if all the bears from television hung out together.

    Rupert, Paddington, Nooky, Yogi, Soo, Pooh, Bungle etc.

    Am I missing any out?

  24. Buddy Bear……one of J Oliver’s cuntish brats

    Huggy Bear…….the colourfully dressed pimp in Starsky and Hutch (raaay-sist stereotype, wouldn’t be allowed today)

  25. Google Rupert and the Diamond Leaf. An story that I’m sure our woke and diverse society today would love.

    Good old racist Rupert landing into C00N island and also referring to the locals as Darkeys.

  26. I scratch ‘ no eBay’ on fancy 50 pence coins. Stops the counts trying to sell Peter rabbit for 20 quid. I Love being a cunt.

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