Professional Footballers

Can footballers get any more despicable?

The Professional Footballers’ Association says proposals for a 30% pay cut for Premier League players would be “detrimental to our NHS”.

Yep, that’s what they say. The reason? Less tax paid, at least from the fuckers who are not ‘off-shore’ with their finances.

Words fucking fail me.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

63 thoughts on “Professional Footballers

  1. Fuck them, fuck football, I’m well beyond caring what any footballer thinks about anything.

      • Having said that, every club and player have PR people. Remember the WW 1 poster of post war children sitting on Dad’s lap and asking ‘What did you do in the war Daddy?’ How can the cunts be so clueless?
        BTW the Tank Museum at Bovington are the exact opposite; coming up with brilliant videos on YouTube .

  2. How would it be detrimental to the NHS?
    Dont follow that?
    I have some premiership footballers as customers,(back in the days the government let people work)
    And the money they have is disgusting for one person.
    I know that the NHS haemorrhages money and that beds, equipment is very expensive.
    These sportsmen should WANT to help the country and can easily afford too.
    Make them.
    Asset cap the greedy fuckers, same with actors, singers, rappers, etc
    Name & shame them, lets see stormzy dig deep, Lineker, the Beckhams, that camp boxer AJ, all the people we nominate on here.

    • They would pay less tax if their wage was cut and so public funding to the NHS etc would drop

    • They would pay less tax if their wage was cut and so public funding to the NHS etc would drop. (in theory)

      • The NHS would be awash with cash if my common sense reforms were enacted.

      • Their only value, would be as grass fertiliser, if ground up and sprinkled over football pitches….

        As for the cuntish managers & orpulent club owners, how about a charity penalty shoot-out ?
        Sever their head & have a doc lr nurse try to kick in in the goal. Best goal that week, the previous owner of such head’s bank accounts & offshore trusts get donated to the wonderful NHS.

        I’d be happy….

  3. “I have nothing against football. It just seems very wasteful losing 2 hours of my life to watch 22 millionaires on TV chasing a bag of wind in their underwear.” – Guy Martin.

  4. Disgraceful, overpaid cunts. We won’t forget this, just like we won’t forget what that bearded turd Branson has done. Once this shitfest is finally over, there should be a cull of celebrities and sports stars, especially useless reality “stars”. Stop paying them a fortune for doing FUCK ALL and increase the wages of those who matter.

    Off topic, but it does concern another useless “celebrity”. Channel surfing earlier, I had the misfortune to briefly land on “The Steph Show”, starring BBC fishmonger Steph McGovern. Her guests included Ruth David’s and Sandi Toksvig.
    Anyone else spotting a theme here…??

      • Afternoon Beemack, they just need Clare Balding pawing at the window to be let in. At least coronavirus has put paid to her hanging around the ladies weightlifting changing rooms at Tokyo 2020.

      • Afternoon LL. Good point, she won’t be able to judge any tuppence flicking contests this year… She’ll be gutted that she won’t get near the gusset…

      • You won’t be tuning in to next series of ‘Hitman’ with Mel and Sue then Beemack? You must have seen the advert at the moment — there they are with guns sneaking about (taking the mckey out of Hit MEN)and there’s that hilarious moment when Mel fires one and it just says ‘BANG!’ Oh, my sides.
        I must tune on to what they themselves describe as their ‘inane antics’.

      • Thanks, miles, but I think I’ll give it a miss. I’ve seen the reviews, and let’s just say they’ve been less than complimentary. Well, what else can we expect from Mel and Sue, the unfunniest pairing since Salmon teamed up with Ella.

      • I’m gonna stick my neck out, Miles, and predict that (S)Hitman will feature Mel being the daft, dizzy bint, and Sue being the intelligent, authorative boss, with lots of hilarious jokes about stupid men, and plenty of reminding us how great wimmin are, and how misogyny is still oppressing them and making their lives hell. Hey, we might even get some incredibly original material about Boris, Brexit, and Big Don.

      • As double acts go theyre more popular than Hindley and Brady but way below Fred and Rose.
        Never acheive the dizzy heights of little& large.

      • That’ll be it Beemack. I suppose the title means to hit men with their vicious parody.
        French and Saunders come to mind as well doing their fat blokes sketches. Which were equally unfunny.

      • Yes, they were crap, but at least they only had to buy a fat suit for Jennifer Saunders. Good observation, Miles.. Hit men. But only hit the White, heterosexual ones. I was sorry to hear of the death of Eddie Large. Seen him and Syd a few times in Blackpool, and I enjoyed the daft humour in their TV show. Just watching old clips of them on the news the other day was a sad reminder of how far entertainment has gone downhill. If Mel and Sue had appeared on prime time Saturday night TV in the 80’s, there would have been riots to rival those concerning the poll tax, and whoever commissioned their show would have been put against a wall and shot, along with Mel and Sue. We wouldn’t have tolerated them then, why do we tolerate them now?

    • Steph McGovern presented HIGNFY last week. I know because the wife still watches it. ?

      Alone, I hasten to add.

      • You’re right, RTC, she does look like her! Hindley was funnier, though. Yeah I seen about 5 seconds of her lantern jaw on HIGNFY.

  5. I would much prefer an afternoon of exciting Croquet for my entertainment. Football is ( IMO ) simply an old Roman devised Strategy for control of the thick.

    The fact that those who are successful in the game, earn huge sums of money, is indeed a great irritation to me. How can so many thick fuckers , knuckle drag themselves to such wealth ?

    Fuck the “Beutiful Game” and all the useless twats who play it….Im off to watch some more croquet! Hmmmm the ladies quivering varicosed veins…..hmmmm !

  6. I think it’s quite interesting how footballers have been singled out. Don’t get me wrong they’re an overpaid shower of cunts and why anyone would pay the sky subs after this is beyond me but it seems like they have been singled out there are plenty of other cunts earning millions who haven’t been, actors, F1 drivers, CEO”S and Gary fucking Lineker and his wedge from the beeb. I suspect its probably because footballers are much less likely and able to use off shoring and tax schemes than the other groups I mentioned.

    Clubs should have dealt with this in house by asking the players to take a small pay cut so staff didn’t have to be furloughed, problem solved and good PR.

    The tax point I agree with them on in fairness, they don’t get paid or get paid less then they aren’t paying PAYE so less revenue for HMRC.

    • Too right, Peasmould. Lineker should’ve had his pay immediately halted. Let’s see him house all those gimmigrant râpists without his filthy BBC wage.

      Oh shit, silly me. He hasn’t housed any of them.

  7. Lots of sporting events cancelled. I was hoping to go to the ‘Flicking a ruler on the edge of a desk World Championships’ which was being held in the Dordogne….

  8. You’d think they wouldn’t need prompting to take a cut seeing as they’re now being paid obscene amounts of cash for …what? Practising? Keeping fit?

    Oh but wait… there’s Gary fucking Neville attacking anybody who dare suggest that they take a pay cut. Piss off Neville. Go fuck your mum, you nasal eunuch.

    Nonetheless, I love football and I miss it terribly, Premier and other leagues. No Eyro championships. I even miss cricket, despite its tragic dullness. Obviously not rugby, ridiculously quëer; watched and played by viciously closet hömos.

  9. I genuinely feel sorry for football fans
    They appear to get treated like absolute cunts , if they believe the clubs give a flying fuck about them other than their wallets they’re in for a nasty shock! , all this fucking shite about the “ football family “ is nothing but PR spin , the clubs milk the fans like cows at the stall but for me it’s the utterly selfish cunts who play the game that are the truly shallow vacuous rapacious fuckers , the vast majority care about one thing, as Jerry maguire would say “SHOW ME THE MONEY “
    Football supporters deserve better
    Most sports fans are treated with some degree of contempt but football fans top the list …….

  10. I don’t like football! Never have! Bunch of namby pamby, cheating cunts! Their only useful purpose is to attract and marry thick cunt, airhead bimbo’s. This of course leaves birds with a higher IQ for the rest of us!

  11. A gang of proper cunts.
    Freeze all their assets immediately and use them to increase NHS pay for nurses.
    Any complaints gets oven.
    The greasy fucking pooves.

  12. They’re all cunts now, as they have collectively said fuck joe public, the dumb saps who pay their extortionate wages through ticket sales and TV subscriptions. Come three months time, they’ll be back playing kickee ballee, and all will be forgotten. Perfumed ponces.

  13. I was fucking dumbfounded when I first read this NHS excuse. Having thought about it, how about:
    The workers at the clubs get full pay, funded by the reduction.
    A 30% reduction in wages by and of the foreign cunt owners goes directly to the NHS.
    The cunts get nowt and it all goes to the NHS.
    And furthermore, no cunt goes to premier games and no cunt pays Sky or whoever funds the cunts. Ever.
    Go watch Scunny, Newport, Chesterfield etc. Too late for Bury but at least these clubs mean something to their towns.

    • You’re right CC. As a Villa supporter, I can say with absolute authority that footballers are useless cunts.

      • Ron, with all due respect, we’re talking about professional footballers. ?

      • ? Evening Ron. Are you missing the grandchildren?
        I certainly am.

      • Dave ‘Piggy’ Cameron loved the Villa, didn’t he? Couldn’t name any players and all that but would’ve died for them.

      • Evening chaps.
        Yeh I am missing them Bertie!! Yesterday was our wedding anniversary, and the family came up to the house to leave us gifts.
        They had to stand at one end of the front garden, and the missus and I at the other. The little un’s only five, and couldn’t understand why she couldn’t come up to us or come in the house. It’s a right cunt, ain’t it?
        As for old ‘Call me Dave’, he did once state that he was a Villa supporter, and got some hassle as a result!

  14. Speaking of total twats, it’s being reported that potato-headed cunt Wayne Rooney has been ‘told off’ by the rozzers for meeting up with Man Shitty’s Kyle Walker in breach of the government’s anti C-virus measures.
    Rooney is a total bellend, but then I don’t suppose that anyone on here needs me to tell them that.
    Sounds as though Walker isn’t behaving himself and observing ‘social distancing either!

    • Now there’s a surprise. Rooney is on a mission to get on the wall of cunts by the looks of things.

  15. I Loathe Football and every Cunt associated with it.
    Whenever I see one of these football Cunts speak they seem to have no point of view and can barely string a sentence together.
    Why they are payed such obscene amounts of money for just kicking a ball about baffles me.

    • I couldn’t agree more Fenton. I have never been to a match in my life, if there’s Footy on my telly then the wife is watching it and I’m in the shed cleaning my self lubricating device, also known as a Royal Enfield.
      I would possibly be interested in football if it was still like in the days of black and white. If there was a team of lads from my hometown playing a bunch of lads from another hometown. Lads that might live across the street from you or you may have gone to school with them, you could have possibly fucked their sisters, you get the idea.
      The football that they have today is meaningless to my mind, its not about football, its about money.
      Its a load of cunts paying a lot of money to go see another load of cunts, pure cuntishness!

  16. Keep their gross salary the same.

    Income tax reduce to 20% of gross.
    N.I. contributions 70% of gross.
    Net income the 10% left over.

    Defer any mortgage/rent/car payments until it’s over.

    Same for the F1 cunts and all billionaire salary cunts too.

  17. Raheem Sterling. Can’t pass or shoot or tackle or head a ball.
    £300,000 per WEEK.
    You must be fucking joking.

  18. Wheres Spoons?
    An Nurse Cunty?
    Hope theyre ok?
    Someone doesnt post for a bit it makes you think doesnt it?
    An George Bamboo.

    • I know our esteemed Nurse has a mother who is at risk. So maybe she’s running errands for her.

  19. To be fair to Wayne, and he doesn’t like to brag about it, but he does an awful lot to support the ageing prostitutes of Merseyside.

  20. A Fait Accompli – as far as I am aware the PFA made this statement, not the players – the players get the backlash, the PFA get nothing.
    Divide and conquer – and nicely sidesteps the fact that Premier league football clubs and the PFA have been constantly accused of being “economical with the truth” at tax collecting time.
    Top level professional sport is one of the very, very few means by which a working class Man can get rich, and whilst I agree that the money involved is insane if someone gave me the choice of making 18 grand a Year working in a warehouse or 18 grand a day chasing a bag of wind round somebody else’s lawn then you would see the great “El Foxio” with my sublime skills on the pitch PDQ!
    Easy target, and pretty hypocritical for overpaid underskilled Politicians to be sanctimonious when they themselves have said nothing (and will continue to say nothing) about taking a pay cut to their huge and undeserved salaries for the duration of the current crisis whilst the electorate go to (and up!) the wall and our frontline medical staff face the very real risk of death because some c*nt can’t organise the very basics of protective equipment.
    Interesting and well thought out nom CC, but on this one I am afraid that with respect we will have to agree to disagree.

  21. And just a quick off topic one – Guy Martin, top Man – check out his “flying fireball” TT Crash pictures – f*ck me, that lad has a pair!

  22. I see that money grabbing cunt red nap is up to his old “honest broker” tricks

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