Neuro-Diverse Students – The new buzzword for students with mental-health issues.
Apparently with the current lockdown in place students at Cumbria University are studying from home, but it would seem some of them just can’t cope with the isolation and change of routine. This is causing a “great deal of stress and anxiety”
As a consequence teachers and the university itself are going to change its methods to accommodate these individuals, while also suggesting “We need more positive role models to inspire and empower neuro-diverse learners to join the workforce.”
Recommended adjustments include:-
• Sharing resources prior to a session
• Providing clear content and avoiding unnecessary content that may distract
• Avoiding high contrast colours, considering the dark text on pastel background
• No timed assessments/quizzes if not required
• Communicate in plain language
• Avoid idioms and sarcasm when communicating
• Use images to contextualise the subject
Expect lots of desperate students and other snowflakes to come out with “I’m neuro-diverse, therefore I shouldn’t be told to do this that or the other unless I am accommodated!”
The only real issue I have with all this bollocks is that those people with genuine mental problems (genuine autism, depression etc.) will not receive the help they desperately need because of all those bogus attention-seeking cunts jumping to the front of the queue screaming “I’m having an anxiety attack. Facebook is offline!”
Nominated by Technocunt
The power of suggestion. Tell people they are weak, are problematic, can’t cope, tired, exhausted, dependent, fucking mental, whatever…….they follow the line of least resistance, they want to conform, they want to be part of the social group. It’s an old trick, how the strong minded control the weak. That’s all that’s going on here……developing a dependency culture. We call it “education” these days.
I’ll communicate in plain language to the poor dears…”FUCK OFF YOU SNOWFLAKE CUNTS”.
Just another label for bell ends to attach to themselves. Look at me I’m a victim, I’m a victim, I’m a victim. I must have my needs accommodated now now now.
I hope any neurodiverse cunts drown in a hot tub being operated by M. Barrymore
I totally relate to this! I am ‘bordering’ and liable to unreasonable changes of mood Doctor diagnosed me as ‘Temperamental’…50 % temper and 50% metal. CUNTS!
Fuck Me…It’s sickening just how weak and pathetic we have become. From a generation that won the Second World War to a collection of “delicate flowers” unable to accept that the World doesn’t actually revolve around them and their foolishness.
” Be nice to each other” seems to be the latest phrase….why?…All it does is give the self-indulgent licence to scream ” I’m on the spectrum” or “you’re bullying me” if anyone dares to tell them a few home truths.
These students (and a lot of other people) are in for a nasty shock soon. This Country will no longer be able to afford to indulge them and their ” I’m entitled” attitude. In a way I’m looking forward to the inevitable financial meltdown caused by this ” We must cosset everyone regardless” attitude. The wails and howls of protest when their “the Govt. should pay” lifestyle comes to an end will be a joy to behold.
Fuck them all.
PS…..The Govt. should also stop this “caring at all costs” mantra and also explain clearly just what the long-term consequences of their ” Money no object” are going to be.
I wonder if the younger generation will think that saving everyone at the cost of bankrupting the Country was actually worth it when they have to pick up the bill.
In addition, wouldn’t it be fun if the parents and grandparents of the “pampered entitled generation” suddenly decided to update their wills so that their spoilt brats received sweet fuck all (especially the house).
After all the Millennnials and Gen Zs detest the Boomers and Gen Xs, blaming them for all their ills. So what better way than to make their lives even more unbearable than by striking them off their relatives’ wills.
Couldn’t agree more Mr F but with one exception, the word “think” doesn’t apply to these melts, there lives revolve around ‘feelz’ and social media acceptance and affirmation of their need to be of value. Their minds work on the latest buzzword and false wishes put about by their peers.
It’s an ever decreasing spiral of decay solely due to their lack of fortitude and a society that convinces them it really cares and there is always help available.
A good dose of reality and self sufficiency sorts out the chaff from the wheat here.
Fuck them all, the millennial cunts.
A winnowing process for the real world?
PPS……Nice to see that there’s talk of removing BAME nurses from “the frontline” due to WuhanFlu being racist…..We are all in this together,after all.
I thought that “Colour is only skin deep”?….Obviously no one told Coronavirs.
I think if I was a white nurse being ‘unfairly treated’ because of the colour of my skin I would cry ‘Racism’ now that would be quite amusing in the follow up investigation.
There would not be one. Racism against white people has been ordered not to exist.
As you recently pointed out Dick, it is our generation that reared the current generation to be “soft and silly”. We have failed them and ourselves.
My parents must be spinning in whatever cremated people spin in.
We will also fail them when we leave them to pick up the pieces for this current affair because we were too weak to face some unpalatable home-truths…..borrow our way out of it,indeed…why not?
At the risk of sounding “trollish” I wonder if the younger generation will think that those 6 extra monthly visits to see Grandad in his care home were really worth it when they are living in a Country that decided that “money no object” was the way to go.
Morning All.
Morning Dick.
Irresponsible government borrowing is nothing new, and was turbocharged during the Blair /Brown (my generation) years and has since become so “normal” that barely anyone questions the wisdom of it.
Even before this Coronavirus shit hit the fan the National Debt was over £2 trillion. As a result the UK taxpayer pisses £55 billion down the shitter in annual interest payments alone!
Fuck knows what it’s going to be once we get over this pandemic, which incidentally is costing us £2.5 billion a day in lost productivity.
A figure of £4 trillion+ would not surprise me at all.
Won’t be my grandchildren picking up the tab because I don’t have any.
PS: that National Debt counter may be an underestimate. Here’s another:
Yes, these cunts really don’t know what the hard end of a deep recession looks like. To them we live in a world of money trees, benefits and entitlements.
But one day they will piss their pants when VAT hits 25%, basic income tax goes up to 30%, NICs to 20% for Cat As, Hs and Ms; and mortgage rates hit double figures, and inflation goes through the fucking roof!
There will be plenty of gnashings of teeth and protests, but this is exactly how it would be like if Labour had been in charge.
No such thing as a free fucking lunch, cunts!
Those tax rates look a little optimistic to me. ?
Morning Techno.
Morning RTC
I can just about remember inflation being at around 25% in the 70s during the Three Day Week. Add to that income tax for the highest earners was something like 83p in every pound!
Then there were BoE base interest rates at 18.5%, and mortgage rates at around 17% and VAT at 15% under Thatcher and the deep recession of 81/2.(along with 3 million on the dole)
Imagine a return of that lot in the near future! You’d be better off dead quite frankly
That sounds more like it Techno. But at least in the 70s/80s we had some good music to help get us through it.
Got a feeling the depression will be even worse this time if we continue to sacrifice the economy on the altar of preserving life at ALL costs.
Retired cunts over 65 should continue with the lockdown rules, everyone else needs to get back to work pronto. Without a vaccine herd immunity is our only hope.
It’s not real money, it comes from magic grandpa’s magic money tree.
Ring that bell tonight Jeremy, you may get you meals on wheels delivery.
Probably better than two world wars and a depression (so far, anyway) but the debt was repaid eventually – in fact didn’t Maggie hand over the last cheque to Ron some time ago?
The people who say ‘be nice to each other’ on social media are always the ones delighting in things like Boris being hospitalised or David Cameron mourning his disabled son.
Neuro-diverse? What a load of wank.
A blanket term for pathetic inadequate bell ends.
How,on earth,did we win WW2……
Good morning.
Fuck Corbyn.
Happy birthday Colonel Tom.
God bless you and God Save the Queen.
Also, happy 72nd birthday to The State of Israel.
I have just watched WWII in colour and think we won more by luck than strategic direction of the generals (Exception of Monty). I was most impressed with the Japanese. Uncompromising cunts they were!
Ive never heard of this, neuro diversity, those poor little idioms.
Always believed that if you have a weakness or a disability you should hone it as a strenth, not bleat about it and use it as a badge of exeption or make it into a get out of jail free card.
These cunts are in for a rude awakening.
Cumbria has a University? Many of these ‘initiatives’ come from places whose students in years gone by would never have been considered suitable for higher or even further education. They would have left school at 15 and started apprenticeships which gave them skills and experiences to allow them to contribute to society. I do feel sorry for many young people nowadays who in their mid 20s find themselves saddled with huge debts , few relevant skills and an over inflated sense of their worth.
Indeed we do have a “university”, although fuck knows what they teach: certainly not hard subjects like mathematics, physics or even English.
Perhaps these soppy snowflake cunts will be proud to put on their CV “I am Neuro Diverse”, as if its some fucking achievement to brag about.
All this clapping for the NHS must have these cunts hiding in their safe space in the cupboard under the stair crying for their mum.
Useless snowflake cunts.
There is a quick cure for these little uni-verrs-it-ee cunts who feign mental illness. A couple of years in uniform receiving strict military discipline. The best university in the world for character building. They might break their mummies hearts but they’d never break mine.
Why invent a new word when there’s already a perfectly adequate term?
Neuro diverse? No, just a cunt.
Or mental.
Fuck all to do with this topic but am I the only one sick to death of Captain Tom? Call me a cunt but it’s so fucking boring now. Just fuck off.
That made me laugh. ???
I notice that fat cunt we only usually have put up with at Christmas, Michael Ball is using there collaboration to further his career.
What a cunt Michael Ball is.
He’s received 120,000 birthday cards. Why would you send a card to somebody you don’t know and never met? Especially, as normally you would be calling him a soppy old cunt. The power of the media.
I hope he found Lizzie’s card among all those
And topless photo!
It’s going to be wall to wall Captain Tom* today because it’s his birthday…
* Now promoted to Colonel Tom, FFS! Might at least have made him Major Tom, then they could have annoyed us to distraction by playing Bowie’s Space Oddity every 10 seconds, cunts.
Oh ho! Hero bashing again!!
It’s the usual human interest story that finishes the news being ramped up to silliness in order to stop the more fragile stabbing themselves in the eyes from despair.
Probably mandated by HM Govt.
Imagine a future episode of University Challenge
For a start it wouldn’t be called “Challenge” as that would upset the neuro-diverse (ND)
And the students would have to be Woke and ND, but all the questions must be very easy. And if a student doesn’t know the answer the questionnaire must tell them, pat them on the head and say “well done!”
And at the end of the show, no one loses because everyone is a winner, otherwise it might put some ND cunts into a downward spiral of depression at being a complete and utter failure.
This is the future!
Ah yes, the “everyone is a winner” routine, which really sets children up for later life doesn’t it?
Used in schools to keep the intelligence levels down by making everyone learn at the thickest cunts ability, and keeping the physical attributes to a minimum by making everyone run at the fattest cunts speed.
Brains not working right eh?
Dr Mengele will see you all now.
Soft cunts.
The mention of Josef of Paraguay always raises a titter on these pages.
This Neuro Diversity is a cunt but not a surprise, we have become a nation of soft hypocritical cunts…the nation needs a kick in the bollocks.
Clap the NHS fuck off, the same cunts who voted Tory (who voted to freeze NHS staff pay) are there clapping like the cunts they are.
We need a figure to ‘unify the nation’ and who better than Captain Tom…respect to you old boy and he’s raised a lot of money but he should have used his platform to tell Boris to fuck off on the BBC today and stop the migrant cunts in their dinghy’s and the Dooshka’s coming here to beg.
Captain Tom would have really captured the nation’s spirit by saying that but he didn’t.
So he’s a bit of a cunt. ?
The money he’s raised will be wasted by the NHS (who I have the utmost respect for by the way) on buying a load of dud PPE.
Anyways when all this shite is over well no doubt have a massive cuntfest concert, hosted by Cunt and Dec and the Queen will address the plebs from Balmoral and four dogs and a blackbird (Spice Girls) will entertain us.
Cant wait…piss off.
I’d like to know how you know the BBC commissioning editor’s plans so far ahead of time?
I’m with Dick on this one – able-bodied scroungers need a wake up call. After this pandemic is over, I’m damned if I’m going to pay taxes so the professionally feckless can sit at home watching the new equivalent of Jeremy Kyle on their smart TVs. I recognise jobs might be scarce after this, but you all know the cunts I’m referring to.
As for the young, look up from your smartphones and learn some resilience.
Jobs are indeed hard to come by, unless you’re a fruit picker!
Seems this country can’t find any, so we’ve got to ship in a few Jumboloads from Ruinmania because they’ve got the right “skillsets”, as well as being easy to financially exploit!
One wonders, if they’ll be told to fuck off home when the picking season is finished, or will they seek residency?
Plus why bother with a lockdown if you’re letting these cunts onto our shores?
And why can’t they teach “Fruit Picking 101” at college or university?
Fruit picking involves the wet and the filth of being in a field. Our young geniuses can’t be made to tolerate such conditions. Human rights etc.
Soft f*ckers! I have just done an afternoon of piss wet through filthy graft – it did a grand job of lifting my dark mood of earlier ??
Actually “psychopathic mood” would have been more accurate, that’s what you get with an hour of a stupid b*tch at WH Smiths who has – yet again – lost a very expensive item I posted – I believe my point was made to the brain dead snowflake porker though.
(I have no tolerance for rude arrogant chavs).
On other news, I am having homemade spicy beef stew!
Imagine if these pathetic specimens had to live for months on end in a trench ankle deep in mud with bullets and shells coming at them .They have to be the weakest generation that’s ever lived just FUCK OFF CUNTS. and die you are of no use to society.
It seems this whole virus bollox has seen a huge spike in the cunt population.
My guess is around an 80% rise.
And the rise in snowflakes is 2,500% since 1979.
Mardy piss wet little b*stards. Cwying lickle ickle where’s my teddy bear and a hot dwink fwom mummy babies.
Grow a spine c*nts – and the commie hippy traitors who have brainwashed, er, I mean “taught” you to be victims and blame everyone else need a f*cking good kicking.
But enjoy paying the bill for the next fifty Years, c*nts.
Right, back to the coffee, gambling adverts and charity scroungers – and get that f*cking diseased n*gger some trainers, he’s got to walk 10 miles to get water ? – I have an idea, stop shitting in the wells, throwing dead animals down them so people from other tribes cannot use them and stop stealing all the parts for scrap, thick dirty useless c*nts.
And pay your own way – I’m all out of sympathy – stand or fall on your own and if you don’t like it feel free to take it up with whichever dictator is in charge this week.
Feel better after that expletive laden rant.
If that had been a party political broadcast, it would have secured my vote…?
Eat shit and die snowflake, you are not the centre of the Universe.
There are far too many of these new labels, to keep it simple I think Cunt would cover the whole diverse spectrum.
What we need are camps.
For the snowflakes to concentrate in!
Neuro-diversity my arse, and these fuckers need a foot up theirs.
When this shits over and taxes go up these “universities” pushing out cunts to abuse the taxpayer are going to be finished. Cunts
The ‘universities’ are crying for bail-outs, but have been told to explore all other possibilities (such as selling off properties) by Mr Sunak.
I’m going to disagree with the ‘parents are all to blame’ game. Sure, many bring up their precious miracles wrapped in a cotton wool environment whereby they scream and sulk until they get their way but eventually puberty passes into adulthood. This is the time that generation snowflake are required to take control of their own lives.
Two words for these entitled, faux victim poseurs:
Personal responsibility.
It’s called life and you play the fucking cards you’ve been dealt so move the fuck on, nobody really cares about your twattery and the longer you keep it up, the more the onus is on you to sort it aaaaaaaaaaaht.
Double cunts.
I’d love to pitch up at some lefty-libtard gathering, grab the mic and rant about taking responsibility for one’s own actions…
“I might’ve mentioned the war, but I think I got away with it…”
So often I hear some crap situation on the “news”, and I think “Whatever happened to personal responsability ??”
It’s a massive elephant in the room; just not on the radar for them. Even a NON-elephant, I suppose…
Funnily enough the snowflakes are the last people who can claim to be neuro-diverse as they all think alike.
It’s a trendy term for autists.
When you raise the idea that psychopaths are ‘neuro-diverse’ it will join the other neologisms that have since become a joke for all but the most earnest and lobotomised Lib Dem or Green councillor.
Never have i heard so much reference to having mental issues, this was never the case before, if you were feeling a bit down you where told to cowboy the fuck up and you did and that was the way of the world, nowadays the world seems to be half full of weak arsed mother fuckers who have a mental episode if someone goes on twatter and says something they dont like, they then usually go onto Facebook crying about their mental state, feeling threatened, bullied,trolled,frightened no matter how in the wrong they are.
So to these cunts i say cowboy the fuck up you weak arsed mother fuckers, get a grip, how did you get to the age you are without help you useless whipped cunts.
The modern adult are usually pathetic wasters with no common sense whatsoever, i despair at what these cunts think is acceptable behavior with no underlying cause that warrants the way these fuckers are…
The Coronavirus might not cull a lot of them but I think the lockdown and looming recession will.
They’ll probably say the likes of Fred and Rose West have ‘Pleasurably Challenged Syndrome’ and need a hug and understanding – not prison, just before Fred and Rose tie them up, beat the shite out of them, rape them and add them to their patio collection.