Nazifa Zaman is the Labour chair at Warwick University and is delighted that Boris Johnson has coronavirus. She tweeted, “Pm got Covid, Happy Muslim women’s day again!”
In her biography, Zaman identifies herself as the Chair of Warwick Labour, and an “advocate” of Warwick Decolonise, a group dedicated to “decolonising the curriculum” at the University of Warwick. This piece of filth is supported by Labour MP Zarah Sultana, and no doubt by her university too. The University of Warwick’s official Twitter account replied to Zaman’s original tweet. “We send our best wishes and compassion to each and every person who has sadly become infected, and for their families, and do not condone any remark to the contrary,” but added that they “deplore the abuse now being directed at a member of our university community [Zaman].”
So this piece of trash celebrates that our PM has the virus, but somehow she’s the victim. Well, as the virus does not discriminate, hopefully she’ll be next.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
At least Bojo has a virulent disease, as opposed to being one.
40 likes in one day. It’s like a pair of Aces, rare but pleasent.
What’s happened to the tickie counter? – 51!
It’s becoming more like the Coronavirus figures.
There will be a solemn announcement everyday at 3.30pm to update the tickies who have succumbed to this tragic (but funny) post.
I’m not quite sure how much longer the good indigenous people of the UK are going to put up with all this shit, I can see it all ending rather badly. Why isn’t she been prosecuted for fucks sake or does hate speech only apply to whitey?
If it wasn’t for the white indigenous politicians and libtard Establishment who allowed this alien culture to take root and thrive in this country, none of us – indigenous or otherwise – would have to be putting up with all this shit.
Boris isn’t indigenous. He’s a Turk-Jew. This is the problem, just because it looks white indigenous, doesn’t mean it is. Calling him indigenous may be just as insulting to the white indigenous.
I never said Boris was indigenous – I didn’t even mention him! That said, he’s indigenous enough for me.
How about Tony Blair, is he indigenous? Not that I give a fuck.
Btw, what colour is Boris if he isn’t white?
Hes whitest man ive ever seen.
Maybe hes a albino Albanian??
Yowzers Miserable. Did he come over in the back of a lorry to deal drugs and pimp teenage girls? Prime Minister eh? The lad done good.
Hi RTC –
I think you may be looking at this the wrong way. It’s not a question of if Boris is white or not. It’s whether or not he identifies as white. Try to keep up with the times my friend. LOL. ?
Evening IY.
Know what you mean old bean.
I chose to self identify as brown tonight while having our vegetable vindaloo. I then reverted to being white for the vanilla ice cream pudding.
Lady Creampuff forwent the ice cream (she’s on a diet) and has decided to remain a funny tinge until further notice.
And remember, as I was rightly (in hindsight) taught/indoctrinated whilst at Harrow – “Etonians are our enemy” . See also Pigfucker and Gideon Osbourne.
Is that the archery academy?
? The very same, MNC. (Shit, another fiver I owe you). See also Churchill (natch), Byron, and Shropshire’s very own ‘Mad’ Jack Mytton. Apart from plenty of other escapades he once tried to drive a coach and horses to jump over a gate! Crazy cunt, worth a google!
I know who he is, a good british eccentric and regency dandy,
Although when it comes to ‘mad Jack’s i prefer mad Jack Churchill, a personal hero of mine.
Yes you still owe me £5!
Know your a gentleman but i still dont take cheques, a rogue by nature with a rogues ways, so prefer cash?
Oh an the cornetto too.
Only to whitey
I’ve stopped CS. I’m just openly hostile to all mooslims. We need to outlaw islamninnthis country and start mass deportation.
Manky cunts.
And the real number of those called Mo is disguised by the number of variations in its spelling. Happy to be corrected but am sure it’s the most popular boys’ name by quite a long chalk.
Starting tomorrow all non Muslim boys in this country should be named John.
Sikhs and Hindus excepted.
We’d win by a cuntry mile!
I suppose if someone threw some shite her way she’d be up in arms shouting hate crime! But taking a pop at the PM is somehow justified.
Also nice to know that Warwick University (among many others) seem to love been dictated too by their woke students. A clear case of the shit-stained tail wagging the shit-stained dog!
Just another entitled attention-seeker thinking her life is unbearable etc. And yet she’s still here enjoying the easy life. I just wonder if she’s volunteered to help the NHS or any other key workers during this crisis? Has she gone the extra mile to help others? Will she sacrifice her precious time from social media to deliver food to the less fortunate?
Answers on a postcard, but don’t hold your breath!
Some of these peaceful tarts are well worth fucking but this ain’t one of them. Pity the poor bloke who’s parents make him marry this ugly fat slag. I just hope he’s not a taxi driver for obvious reasons.
I was about to ask…
“Why are slime wimmin so bloodly ugly ?” Fat-faced bastards.
Probably the result of her parents having an incestuous marriage, certainly her lack of brain cells would make it appear that way.
As Mystic Maven said ‘a piece of filth’. If she doesn’t like that remark then as an old mate of mine use to say ‘you have to be answerable for gob’ usually before hitting someone.
The fat ones always seem to be called Fatima ?
What kind of post is Chair of Warwick Labour? I bet there isn’t a Chair of Warwick Conservative.
Warwick this Warwick that…
Warwick Hunt
I’m looking forward to what I hope will be a terrible reckoning after this chinky virus episode. The purse strings are going to be tightened so we need to look around to see where we can make savings. We’ll still need retailers, hairdressers, builders etc. What we won’t need are tax-payer funded oxygen thieves like her.
It shows what a shithead this creature is, when apparently other Muslims have been upset by these comments!
I’m surprised she didn’t round off her announcement with the traditional Alan’s Snackbar.
Evening Bert.
If you reply to this tonight you’re a sad bugger. It’s 12:20AM your time.
I wonder if the rozzers have been around to suggest that she ‘checks her thinking’?
Fat bastard. It takes a fucking virus to know one.
I’m back after a day hiats caused by my shitty internet service provider who has not provided service for our street all week.
What can I say about this gurning little cunt you haven’t said already, except that she should be stripped naked and put in a prison cell with one of the most violent sex murderers. Let him “rehabilitate” her.
4 day hiatus – my internet might be OK now but my keyboard is still a cunt!
And when her Brothers finished r*ping her in the cell they can chat about how the Family are doing!
Then having shamed her family for indulging in incest her brothers can kill her
Happy Christian Men’s Day Lads !! Lets hope ALL muzzies get the Coroner’s virus !
She can fuck right off. She gets the virus and I’ll celebrate
What makes me smile about the whole thing, is every time her mum types in her daughters name in a search engine, it will come up ‘is a cunt’.
Anyone have Eddie Large in the Deadpool?
GTC, you got me a bit…excited there.
Thought the demise of Eddie Gizzard was a distinct possibility; he has an underlying condition, namely being a total arsewipe.
I was saddened to read of his passing.
Not a massive fan by any means, but I’m sure many on here will remember Little and Large being a staple on TV when we were younger. Cannon and Ball too. Bobby Davro. Christ, remember him?
I’m dreading someone whose work I’ve really loved and enjoyed passing away because of this crap. It was bad enough when Lemmy and Bowie passed away so close together a short while ago. A brilliant and creative life cut short because of the Chinese will be very, very hard to accept.
The most telling thing was Warwick Univershitty painting this vicious Islamic head-case as the victim. maybe it’s time for a wholesale clearout and defunding of these “Halls of Knackerdemia”, the closure of usless courses susc as “Gender studies” or anything with that word “studies” in it. The sacking of a whole tranche of toxic Marxist “lecturers” and musnamed “professors” would be a good start. An examonation of the bloated salaries and sinecures of so many chancellors and vice-chancellors, often political appointees and cronies. let’s also look at the whole university SCAM where for outrageous fees are turning out, unemployable, indebted, snot-hanger-nose-ringed, coloured haired, tattooed, angry, lefty cunts programmed to blame everyone but themselves or the UniversiCunts who groomed and impoverished them.
Perhaps somebody would make time to enhance her victim status by punching her in the gob. They can follow it up by doing the same to whoever runs the Twatter account. I am sick to death of these fucking anti-British cunts getting away with everything whilst being white almost guarantees you a prison sentence for anything.
Stupid bitch should realise that rocks can fly both ways.
And, we have more rocks.
Now that knafe crame has ceased due to the lockdown, Suckdick Khant will be voted in as Londistan mayor. Watch it happen peeps
In a twisted sort of way I rejoice whenever I read about yet another pile of drivel coming out of a ‘peacefuls’ facial arsehole. The BBC and other MSM outlets won’t make an issue out of it but the blessed intrawebs will.
These shit skins are making a rod for their own back, have been for years and eventually there will be retribution,its inevitable.
On a plus note, have the mosques been closed yet? I hope not.
Peacefuls and little yellow bastards can all get to fuck.
She makes Shemima Begum look almost attractive. ?
Her fuckin’ head looks like a turnip. Needs hollowing out to make a lantern.
Or a pumpkin. She’d come in useful over Halloween.
Especially if I got to carve her then light a hollowed out candle in her skull! ?
She looks like someone’s done a shit in a hankie then wrapped it up.
Her thoughts are probably not too dissimilar from the rest of her ilk.
I suppose every Peaceful or other filth who catches Chinky-Flu could be celebrated too.
An eye for an eye and all that.
It’s just a shame that all the would-be suicide bombers aren’t working from home
Been on a course at Warwick university, would be more accurate to call it Coventry polytechnic. I blame social media for giving pigshit thick nobodies a platform, which results in them thinking their moronic opinions and witterings matter. Have I mentioned that I now carry a bag of pork scratchings at all times in case i encounter someone like this, and to fight off any stabby jihadists. (Used bacon for a while but scratchings keep fresh much longer)
Chair of warwick Davies?
Some fat jabba paki with a teatowel on its head?
Terry know your ovens working 24/7 so got the firepit out as backup.
Ill do this one.
My Grandma’s boiler had a gas poker…am sure these could come in very useful at Unkle Terry’s; cook them from the inside out.
Thats the spirit HBH,
All pulling together as one in these hard times.
Might even go into business?
“You blame em!
We’ll flame em!”
Terrys Ovens
A ltd company uk
Where nail-bars and mobile phone shops fail, we’ll have a branch on every corner !
I’m currently working on a spray a bit like mace but it’s concentrated pork stock in an aerosol can. I call it ‘Muzzaway’. Catchy no?
Rodders, this time next year we’ll be millionaires!???
I always wondered why the full face head bag was invented, so there’s one mystery solved. Thanks to your adherence to this ridiculous religion, you are one of the world’s most oppressed people, thanks to your gender. Happy Muslim women’s day.
I’m sure we all know people who, if they became infected and died of Covid-19, the news wouldn’t exactly break our hearts. I know people who treated me badly and eventually went to live in Spain. I hope and pray that they’re suffering right now. But I wouldn’t wish it on a politician because I didn’t agree with his policies. I’m a nasty fucker but I’m not that bad.
Alan for years I used to soothe myself to sleep thinking about putting someone in a wheelchair, then as soon as the cunt got used to the inconvenience, I was going to kill them.
Fortunately I did not do this ( 1, it is illegal and 2, prime suspect), but some people have different calming mechanisms.
(just to say I have only ever felt this strongly about one person and it is not a regular thing, as you can imagine I did not like them that much,ditto a lot of other people who had the misfortune to meet them)
“soothe myself to sleep thinking about putting someone in a wheelchair”
OMG – what a classic one-liner. Top marks Lord B. Top marks!
What a bitch and a pure example of another muslim cunt , again bullet to the head and left for the crows.
How is a Muslim at a university? They have been marrying their first cousin for forty generation and account for 35% of all cognitive birth defects in this country. Thick, muslim cunt.
Positive discrimination.
Typical mustashiod ugly Muslim woman, sometimes its better when they cover their faces, its to save us having to look at the gormless, nightmare inducing troggs.
As usual for these fucks if you dont like the country feel free to fuck off back to the fly blown shit holes you or your so called downtrodden reletives hail from, we as a country are now being forced to tolerate these peaces of shit, not allowed say what we want, without getting into trouble and the shame of it is that its cunts like her , terrorists, and dont forget the spongers that fuck it up for the good muzzies who are goid people and as soon as they get some peace one of their own opens her/his mouth and drags them all back 50 years, the worst thing is we say it and its racist, they say it and its their right to abuse the infidels who provide a country for these cunts to live, so dont bite the hand that feeds you goat fuckers ….
Yet another loyal member of our community supporting us. We are in the biggest National crisis since World War two, and this hateful racist rat just shows why we need rid – a reckoning has to come or we are destroyed.
Us or them now.
She should try living in a country ‘widout da white man!’
Like Pakistan, for example.
Let’s see if she can wish death on the PM there, or get a top political position within a university.
People like this should be deported. Frog marched her onto a fucking plane and chucked her out (parachute optional) 10,000 feet over some Islamist shitehole, like Afghanistan or Syria.
Get fucking pieces of shit like this out of my country.
‘frog march her onto a fucking plane and chuck her out’
Fuckin’ retard
Another hideous carbuncle hiding behind her religion! Totally lacking in talent, looks or spine, the only way she attract attention is by spitting venom like some hijab’d Puff Adder. She is smart enough to know that she lacks in intellectual prowess and could never attract a suitable mate by learned discourse, so travels Plan B where she knows her pretend radical beliefs will get her ‘grace and favour’ amongst others of the same ilk.
The IS mob will be trying to recruit her now, or maybe she is already a convert, I reckon it’s probably best to put her in isolation for around 50 years.
What a cunt and they wonder why Islamophobia exists.
Is she single?
Celled? Probably. She’s stupid enough to be an amoeba’s cousin.
One week to pack up her Darth Vader outfits and fuck off out the country.
Otherwise roast it over a fire then feed it to pigs.
Any mithering cunts after that get oven.
Fucking useless trash.
Not pigs. I already can’t eat other meat due to halal certification, which funds ISIS cunts.