Utter me me me bullshit.
‘Coronavirus: Naomi Campbell and African artists entertain fans online
Supermodels like Naomi Campbell, along with many musicians and artists, have taken to live streaming to entertain their fans during the Covid-19 pandemic.’
Can anyone tell me, apart from assaulting her staff, what fucking talent this stupid woman has? And, colour apart, in what way is she African?
Another example of the utter vacuity of these cunts.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Well she was born in Streatham which is pretty fucking close to Africa these days.
It was pretty close to Africa in 2001 when I vacated from London for the last time after living there for 35 years.
More Somalian near Streatham station/Aldi/mini Marks and Spencer.
Another cunt who likes to play the race card when it suits.
Doesn’t mind living here and getting all the acclaim for being a stick insect, but then when there’s a popular agenda to jump onto she’s there proclaiming she’s one of the African Sisterhood blah blah
I just wonder how much money she’s donated to Embeki and his family of 15 living in a mudhut and having to commute by foot the 30 miles round trip for a bucketful of polluted water?
In fact why doesn’t she fuck off to Africa and go live with Embeki for a few months, and appreciate just what a lucky overblown ugly old trout she really is!
What is ‘super’ about being a model? What skills does this person actually have? If a quarter of the rumours about her are true, then she is a cunt of Salmond proportions.
This video seems apt for our time…
Must have been a bit embarrassing for Tom Baker to have someone video him losing an arm wrestle with Stephen Hawking!
Embarrassing as well to be knocked out cold by a rather ordinary ecky-thoomp
What’s with the whitey syrup? Cultural appropriating slut-bitch.
The Batshit Plague is the only story in town at the moment so these empty headed idiots need to get their arses on camera and in the media on the back of it. Thus plenty of sob stories about their isolation, their mental elf and, of course untold efforts for charidee. You can do what ever attention seeking bollocks you like as long as it’s for charidee. It’s all extremely puke inducing, not to mention boring as fuck.
Welcome to the world of modern global culture.
I remember being told years ago that Mike Tyson fucked the shit out of her in a toilet at a Russell Simmons party in New York……Alas, as these people loose their superficial significance in their own little bubble, they need ways in which to attract attention in a bid to create personal value. Tyson will now do you a Birthday wish for £400 https://www.cameo.com/tags/host-a-roast CUNTS!
Naomi ‘fivehead’ Campbell is just a vile example of what happens when some stupid fucker indulges their every cuntish whim.
The kind of entitled cunt who throws shit fits (and mobile phones) when she doesn’t get her own way and whips out the all purpose race card faster than a gnat reaches orgasm when she gets called out for being a cunt.
I have never been able to figure out why walking mannequins get the title of ‘Supermodel’, having only managed one thing in their entire lives. Which is walking up and down wearing someone else’s clothes while looking either stroppy or bored. Any cunt can do that. It requires zero intelligence or talent.
Most of us manage that before we leave the house for work in the morning.
You may have noticed that Streatham’s finest doesn’t get a lot of modelling work these days. Instead prefering to suck of anyone with cash for anything she needs.
So really her career has ended where it should have started. Sucking punters off on a street corner for her next hit of crack.
A horrible entitled, ugly lined cunt of the highest order and not even attractive after 8 pints.
Remember when she thought it’d be cool to write a book then …erm… admitted it was ‘ghost-written’ ….all while doing a press conference. How embarrassing.
Wasn’t it called ‘Swan’ or some such bollocks?
She also released a single with a similar title. It sold all of 8 copies on the day of release and was relegated to the bargain bin the day after that.
What a cunt.
It was, OB. I recall the press conference when she was in a ‘Swan’ costume and Dennis Pennis yelling, “Hey Naomi, why ya dressed as a duck?”
Pennis was short lived, but funny as fuck while he lasted. One of the great deflators of overblown egos.
Aye up Cap’n.
To Demi moore
“Demi! If it was tastefully done would you consider keeping your clothes on in a movie?”
How can a “model” entertain?, well there were a few with Soho flats i n the 1960s with a nice red lightbulb in the window….
The only live entertainment I would like would be really first class striptease artistes
This clothes horse has a sense of entitlement and a chip on her shoulder that takes your breath away.
Obviously mental, look at her eyes shes got that manic staring’floating into the cosmos without a tether’ look.
Puddled cunt.
Section her.
Boris is back to work today!
Sure once hes shown where his office is he’ll be right on top of things.
Soon be off for paternity leave Boris, dont want you overworked do we?
Paternity leave is for Lib Dem voters.
Lib Dem voters are cunts and so are the people they vote for.
Section her?…I don’t want her in here with me!
Kay Burleys got a new coat!
Bout time as well, she wore that last one till it was threadbare, seen tramps that change their clothes more than her.
Likes her moneys worth the tight old bitch.
I bet she’s a right dirty Bugger… she can wrap her ebony lips round my white kidney wiper when all this social distancing is over
Bet your right Fenton, dirty as they come.
Tight though!
Rolls her own tampons.
‘rolls her own tampons’, brilliant… that made me chuckle MNC
By the size of that mouth I think she would know its not just to piss with as well.
Something weird abaaaaaht this old bag, I imagine if you were banging her she’d stand over you whilst you sleep like a psycho if you pissed her off like in that film Misery.
I am sick if all these blàçk cunts banging on about ‘Im African’.
Naomi is born in London of Jamaican parents and she has Chinese ancestry (as a lot of Jamaicans do). She is jumping on this new ‘Celebrate the blackness bollocks’ when truth be told she wouldn’t strut around Croydon or Streatham and mix with the Dark keys round there…nah she’d rather mix it with the Whiteys in my area or Mayfair.
Never understood the fuss about this slag or that alleged coke head slapper from Croydon Kate Moss.
Give me Helena Christensen anyday.
Bella and Gigi Hadid. Simultaneously.
Helena? I would give her a right scuttling and tickle her fallopian tubes with my John Thomas! She would get it, the saucy minx
She used to live near me in Denmark.
Saw her in the shopping centre once, pushing her sprog around.
Without all the hair and makeup, the only way you can tell its her is the eyes.
She has really pretty eyes and an arse to die for.
I agree OB, those Scandinavian ladies have those eyes that would even melt a rotten cunt like me.
Old Michael Hutchence was scuttling her at one time. Couldn’t believe it when he gave her up. Top fanny hound was Michael. Safe to say he would have fucked a catchers mitt given half a chance.
Hutch ditched Helena for the smack addled and clap riddled Paula Yates. Drugs must have rotted his brain…
Paulina Porizkova and Christie Brinkley in their 80s heyday. Now that’s a best case scenario. How the fuck did those two ugly cunts, Ric Ocasek and Billy Joel get those two?!
Ah yes, the noted humanitarian and “sistah ob de africaaaaaan oppressed”, she understands their cultural heritage of slavery,necklacing and gleeful muti infused violence.
The same Naomi Campbellend who graciously and after minimal consideration, accepted a blood diamond gift from dictator, Charlie (boy) Taylor ,tribal chieftain head spear chucker of Sierra Leone and Nobel peace prize nominee par excellence himself.
I like to think Tyson did her up the wrong ‘un, causing her to shit most uncomfortably for several months afterwards.
Waiter! A gold plated, gem encrusted portion of fried chiggun and watermelon over here!
I remember her turning up for that case super styled hair, perfect make up, overdressed. Short curt answers. Absolutely appalled that she should have been put in such a position.
No thought of the ‘blood’ that the diamonds cost.
To find redemption maybe she should take inspiration from Captain Tom. Set up a catwalk in her home and strut along it for hours on end.
Best thing she ever did was to fall off the catwalk.
Worst thing? Not breaking her neck.
Two mega-CUNTS for the price of one:
Vivienne Westwood – mutton dressed as scrag end of neck.
Vivienne Westwood is mad as a bag of spiders.
Once made the rather strange statement that most men would rather shag her than one of her models.
I can tell you that at no point in my life would I ever consider
climbing over Sara Stockbridge to get to Vivienne Westwood
I’ve never heard Naomi talk before and now I’ve heard it. Admittedly she is a striking woman with a pretty face but then that voice comes out. Sounds thick as two planks. I doubt Robert De Niro was seeing her for her intellect.
I like Naomi, best drag act I’ve ever seen.
Undoubtedly an utter cunt but also one of the great answers in Family Fortunes.
“Name a bird with a long neck”
Up there with “Name something a blind man would use?” Answer. “A sword”
Q Superheroes have superpowers. Name a superpower.
A America.
When you think about it, celebrities have given us so much during this crisis that it’s really outrageous no one has taken time to properly thank them. Here’s Greta Jackson and other ordinary normals thanking the stars.
I think gentlemen you are missing the point. Fucking hell she was hot, and then we learnt that if you had the folding and were shrewd enough you actually had a shot. I cannot think of a single thing that would get an estrogen raddled spunk monkey to say “fuck all this collectivist shite I want to make money” more. Imho the lady is an object lesson in capitalism at its finest, so she’s nuts, find me one that isn’t.
The Afreekan Murkins are getting a little bit like the Oirish Murkins in that they overexaggerate the relevance of their heritage and just how closely they are descended from these countries.
I fail to see how anyone can boast about an Afreekan heritage when their ancestors lived in mud huts, swung from creepers and barbequed big fat grubs on an open fire. Oh, and the odd tyre swing fashioned from a wanked-out tractor tyre that some whitey speculator had tossed their way. That bloody Idris Elba is the same. If fucking Afreeka is so bloody good then why don’t they fuck off back there? Analogous to Ireland being such a great place as opposed to the reality – miles of fuck all apart from the odd diddi riding a pony and trap; you don’t see it awash with ebullient Oirish Murkins.
Naomi Campbell – fish faced old cuntbag.
I could not possibly comment.
Every time I see your avatar I fall about laughing Cun7!
Campbell? 3 out of ten for the soup, two out of ten for accepting death diamonds from murderers, one out of ten for her kindness and loyalty to the Country that has given her everything.
Didn’t mind whitey when he was making her a millionaire did she? No work for the rancid old bag these days so she has to keep her hideous face in the media by race baiting – well do it from mud hut land then you evil talentless bitch!
Same response as with traitorous fried chiggun snaffler Alba – if whitey is so bad go to the Third World that you clearly love so much – but your gift necklace may smell of petrol..
Off you go then – fuckoff and don’t come back. Cunt.
No tolerance with hater n*ggers anymore (I use that strong word advisedly – I am not anti black, just anti c*nt), the airport is that way.
On other news, my new light switch has arrived – and Kim Jong – Un is on lockdown at mine to stop the greedy c*nt snaffling too much cheese. BAD FATTY! NO CHEESE! LOOK AT THE SIZE OF YOU! Some dictators need to buckle down and recognise who is the evil madman here!
Are you related to the lovely Naomi? ???
Talking of beautiful voluptuous women Gemma Collins has compared herself to Marilyn -‘Like Marilyn Monroe was sent out to entertain the troops in the war times, I realised that the country may need the GC for entertainment and that’s what I want to give with this series’.
No comment.
“Appy birfday ta yoo” “Appy birfday ta yoo” “Appy birfday mista President, now ahh’ll sack yer owf”.
Er, that’s OK Gemma!
“Aww – well can oi still ave the fiver then”?
I find it unbelieveable that the words ‘Naomi Campbell’ and ‘entertain’ could ever be included in the same sentence.
Great shout, CC. Campbell is indeed an absolute arsehole.
Is it because i is black, yet another one with a massive chip on her shoulder which is why the African claim, African my arse, this liquorish stick is about as African as Billy Fucking Connelly, so get of the Omo soap box and fuck off, Models all fucking nuts remember Grace Jones, fucking bat shit crazy and Campbells now passed her on the phyco scale…..
Anal then Soweto necklace.
All Campbell’s are cunts, into the bog with a cinder block tied to their neck, no trial and no unnecessary expense.
A total psychopath who looks like an Afghan Hound in a wig. Gets away with all her violence and shitty behaviour because she black innit…. File Afghan Psycho alongside Markle Fucking Ono and Uncle Tom Lammy for playing the ‘Africa’ and ‘race’ cards.
Never got the ‘appeal’ of Psycho Campbell. Never got the whole 90s supermodel craze, come to that. No meat on most of them, utter up themselves snobs and no tits either. Cindy Crawford had a face like a bloke and Kate Moss looked like a STar Wars creature with lipstick.
Claudia Schiffer was pretty saucy in her prime though…
If Africa is such a great place to be, don’t let us stop you Fucking Right off back there you fishy fannied old scut. I bet you have really skiddy knickies as well you crusty old slag. CUNT.
Fucking modded again, could have been s*c*u*m, hey ho! ?
2 mods, not a clue – proper crock of shite. Off to me cave to look at naked pics of girls! ?