Kelly Brogan

This daft cow does not believe that Coronavirus exists and that people are dying through fear.

In addition to being a cunt of the highest order, she is also apparently an “holistic psychiatrist,” who has previously written blog posts and Q&A’s for Goop and appeared as an expert on panels for Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand (Remember that one? The soap that smells like her vagina?). She doesn’t think the virus is real because she doesn’t believe in “germ-based contagion”.

The New York Times bestselling author also compares the contagious virus to her child having a runny nose, explaining that she is just as likely to drink from their glass because contagion is “not a conceptual framework that I operate within”.

Rather than believe that the virus is a real threat, Brogan encourages her followers (cunts) to “try on other narratives” beyond the mainstream one that says Coronavirus is a dangerous pandemic, before suggesting the possibility that the US Government is planning to “link our passports with our vaccination records” as a method of gaining “totalitarian governmental control, not unlike the divide-and-conquer, dehumanisation agendas that preceded the Holocaust”.

There is of course a very simple way for her to test her theories – one night in a Bergamo isolation ward would do it.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

119 thoughts on “Kelly Brogan

      • Sparkle’s remake of “Dumbo” was slated by the American press, I believe…

        There is really nothing quite like the loopiness of an American nutjob, although GB is fast catching up, I fear…

  1. If the “elites” wish to impose the New World Order on the back of this, manufactured or not epidemic, then she’s going to get clobbered along with the rest of the serfs.
    #wattacunt. Goop yer fanny you holistic harridan.

  2. What a fucking idiot. She should spend a night shift with me in the hospital I’m.working in to see if it’s not a virus. The fucking thick, retarded bitch

      • Afternoon B&W. Why not make a night of it with a nice bottle of wine, fine food and add to the ambiance by lighting some of Gwyneth Paltrow’s fanny candles.

      • ? Afternoon LL, she’ll have to bring the Paltrow fanny candles as Amazon don’t have any…must be all these people self isolating buying them for personal comfort. I have an assortment of class A and B drugs that’ll make her spout more bollocks whilst licking my bollocks.
        What a romantic evening we’ll have.

      • You’re a bit late on that, Shagga, Walker’s have been selling Linekunt’s arse-blasts for years…

  3. Shes like all those hippy californian new age vegetarian sandal wearers…a mong.
    Quasi-mystical mumbo jumbo masquerading as enlightenment.
    Half strangle her with a windchime, choke her with a quartz crystal and wrap her body in a yoga mat and bury her on a ley line.

    • Now I know what I’m doing with the missus on her birthday mc….thanks for the experience idea….”new age death fuck”

      • Or could it be ‘new age death suck’?
        Admin, you may wish to conduct a survey amongst the dreadful denizens of this site. Would they prefer a fatal blow job or a terminal shag.
        Obviously, B&WC and his disciples are excluded from this activity; we do have some standards.

        You went into moderation because you did not type your full name

      • No…I think looking into those dead shark like eyes crystal up her arse and wind chime gently strangling her as I pound the last gasp of life out of her would be a perfect birthday send off….in her yoga top….”happy birthday for you…happy birthday for you…”

  4. A complete idiot….
    I would give her a fucking good rattling though.

  5. Talking of believing where’s all the god botherers gone.Surely they should be first in line to volunteer for the NHS frontline since obviously they have nothing to fear with the big fella on their side.If his protection is found missing and they die doesn’t matter coz he’ll have had a plan for them, after all he works in mysterious ways.
    At least the choir boys are safe for a while.

    • Haven’t you heard CF, they’re doing ‘on-line services’ now to halt the flow of the virus. Strange. God sends a plague and ignores the prayers but doesn’t let people come together to celebrate his mightiness.

      Why congregate anyway? Do prayers work more effectively due to one’s proximity to a church?

  6. A holistic psychiatrist?

    Does she water down the advice until its absolutely useless?

    Stupid cow.

    • That’s Homeopathy you cunt!

      Trust me, I’m a Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment.

      • Same shit RTC.

        If Gwyneth ‘smell my growler’ Paltrow endorses her, she has to be fucking useless, pointless and utterly clueless.

  7. What a loon. She probably thinks vaccines cause autism as well (which given myself and several other members of my family have the condition I find very insulting).

  8. Off topic, the cuntfest that is Wimbledon has been cancelled. Who are the up their own arse tennis players going to throw their germ infested sweaty towels at now? Fucking cunts.

  9. A lot of this stuff comes from ‘Christian Science’, Mrs Eddy. Lady Astor was a great believer. There are no diseases, it’s all in the mind. it’s your attitude ONLY. Underpinning it Buddhism, Eastern esotericism. So a bit like this virus, if you trace it back, something diseased from The East.

    • I dont believe this crocodile is eating me,
      Or that bus that went over me really broke my back, like that?
      Easily proven bollocks eh?
      Some very odd people about when the batshit hits the fan.

      • Stop blithering MNC, you barbaric northern monkeys love batshit in your gruesome diets.

      • Only British bats!
        None of that foreign bat muck!
        Buy British!????
        MNC stores are now stocking the following-
        And for those who like the exotic, fruitbat.
        All reared in the uk
        All had flu jabs & aids tests.
        Come on lads, whos ‘up to bat?’??

      • Aren’t pipistrelles the tiny fuckers? You’d need 27 of the little black cunts to fill a vol-au-vent

  10. The usual will die, and a few more anomolous.
    Letting Scientists and experts run the country was a daft cunt idea.

  11. I bet she’s a flat Earther too. If she honestly doesn’t believe C19 exists, she can test her theory by camping out in a ward full of people infected with it. Personally, I think a few days of that will change her mind.

  12. News just in….The Pope is selling off his gold and a building in the Vatican City to help poor people during these astonishing times. “Money will help at this extraordinary time” he said.

    Naa, only joking. April Fool.

  13. She lost me there when I read, ‘holistic psychiatrist’ and “not a conceptual framework that I operate within”.
    and “try on other narratives”

    Stop talking bullocks. It’s not big or clever. It just makes you sound like a complete twit.

    • P.s. she could have just said, “It’s something I don’t believe in” and “try something else.”

      • Spoonington@
        I tried on another narrative but it was tiny!
        Ill stick with my old one even if its got a few holes in it!☺

  14. She does not believe in germ based contagion!? Fine. Introduce her to a couple of big rats with fleas carrying plague and watch the party take off.
    Stupid cow.
    This kind of cunt thinks that established scientific fact has no basis.
    Fuck her.

    • With those credentials, its only a matter of time before she is on the Meghan Sparkle pay role, with Halfwit Hewitt’s bollocks in her vegan friendly bag for life.

    • “Young beautiful girl covered face by long red hair – stock image”.

      Pointless description of something you can’t judge. She might look like Anne Widdicombe for all we know.

      • Indeed, Moggie. However, I do find Anne Widdicombe somewhat beautiful in a grandmotherly sort of way.

      • #MeToo.
        And she reminds me of someone… someone who I think isn’t a nutter… someone who also gives me the horn.

        Been bothering me all afternoon. As if there’s nowt else to worry about… like will Sainsbury’s have any chestnut mushrooms when I go shopping tomorrow?

      • What sort of horn? For me, it’s the cream horn in the fresh cream cakes section in the supermarket. 😀

      • Sorry, I was referring to the Brogan bint, not the delectable Ann.

        Pay attention Ruff Tuff!

  15. I remember an employee who did not believe a number of things that I told him, in fact his belief was so strong that at his final and terminal interview he stated in all honestly what exactly he had done and why he had done it (and that I was wrong).
    Before he stood up he was unemployed.
    So I in practice am a bad person/boss I will say something so many times and then smile and say “Off you go then”.
    This particular cretin reminds me of the cretin upstairs no job sat on his arse for 20 years and now complaining there is nowhere to go to, I have pointed out to him that he is not supposed to be going out ect so what happens next? He has his mate round to visit, fucking bell end.
    No this shit may be a blessing in disguise it could wipe out a lot of bell ends so fuck it, bring it on.

  16. I can certainly imagine my balls resting on her chin.

    Having said that if she’s so mental perhaps not.

    Yes people are imagining they are dying. Some people will say/do anything to get themselves 15 minutes of fame.

  17. I would happily fire one into her but I fear I doubt she could technically give consent because consent is a bit of a grey area where the profoundly mentally-handicapped are concerned

    • It a!ways amazes me how people who are, supposedly, well qualified are so devoid of intelligence when it comes to things that even Diane Abbot could see clearly. You have to be pretty afraid to die of fear and I have yet to hear of anybody found floating on a pile of their own shit.

  18. Dianne Abbott would be the first to lose in a staring competition with all that blinking she does when she talks in her breathy voice.

  19. Perhaps the stupid, dangerous bitch would like to have a chat with my fellow ambulance driver colleague in hospital that has Covid19. You’ll have to wait to see if the poor cunt pulls out of the fucking coma he’s in, first.

    We hope they pull through and that you stay safe.

    • Sorry to hear that DCI.
      You stay safe pal!?
      Assuming for all the cunters on here we appreciate everything you & your colleagues do for us.
      And wish you all the best.

    • That’s not good, I am sorry to hear it, be strong I hope they look after you now and after this, good luck

  20. I think that yo-yo knickered, trailer trash hound and her slavering, ginger village idiot should be classed as a harmful virus. All they do is travel the globe making people sick!

  21. If her name is Brogan, Logan or Hogan, she is of Irish origin, so should simply fuck off.

  22. If she is that dopey, perhaps she would believe me telling her that a definite cure is to take the contents of my drooping nut sack orally twice daily, with at least another load fired onto her chest? It’s probably worth a try.

  23. Here’s a website that will tell you all you need to know about this supposed qualified cunt. Every piece of crap, pseudoscience, fad, “woke” shit, conspiracy possible, she believes and makes up more of her own, trading on that MD monicker to peddle her antivax, bollocks, that if it were to be taken up would see hindreds of thousands dead.

    I’ve always said that psychiatists are only a step away from witch-doctors, in the case os American psychiatrists, give me the witch-doctor every time.

    Explains to why for example, the New York lefty-cunts and the whole of California are the insane asylums of the universe.

    • After a little read, I realise that she isn’t that dumb, just making a living off those that are. Like Icke, or the Pope.

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