Jeremy Hunt (4)


“I’m about this much of a cunt.”

Jeremy Hunt is still a cunt, isn’t he.

“We did a massive amount of work to prepare the NHS for this kind of situation.”

Why was no action taken on the Cygnus report?
“…erm….We need to learn from other countries.”

Not that well-prepared then.

If this namby-pamby fecal stain of a man had done his job instead of sitting with his tadger in his hand, dreaming of being PM to bring back fox-hunting, 16th century dentistry, and fuck knows what, we might be better-prepared for this Chinese Virus. For him (and other leadership-loser, Rory Bubbles the Chimp) to recently fulminate Johnson about reacting to the Chînky Flu is a bit fucking ripe. Hunt’s NHS legacy is cringeworthy.

Listen sugarpuffs, The NHS absolutely loathes you.

Remain voter (horribly), lover of the EU (probably), lover of the cock (possibly), hater of foxes (evidently) husband of a Chînk (certainree), ambitious but talentless, shameful little cockroach (definitely), Jeremy Hunt, you are a cunt.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

73 thoughts on “Jeremy Hunt (4)

  1. You are too kind captain. The man is a far bigger cunt than your mild mannered cunting.

  2. He was like george osbornes standing to me, that repulsive little cunt left hunt as a reminder that sometimes you have to elect cunts just to keep bigger cunts away from power.

    Cameron was like king cunt and surrounded himself with cunts like hunt.

  3. Mention of monkey boy Rory reminds me I haven’t seen the supercilious little remoaner knocking about recently. Postponement of Suckdick’s re-election has kept the cunt off the telly. He must be gutted. Him and Jeremy are a massive pair of bell ends.

    • Monkey mooch Rory hasn’t got a chance in the Mayor race. People either love Khan and vote for the Mosqe kneeler or hate him and vote for that black Tory geezer.
      The only twats voting for PG Tips are friends and family.

    • We all know to name a child Jeremy is a middle class curse and that child will grow up to be a politician of unrivalled cuntishness.
      Hes got all the charm of a sex offender and the popularity of scabies.
      Westminster weasel.

      • Mind boggled for a moment there Miserable. Ritchie Blackmore once fired Graham Bonnett for having the temerity to have his hair cut. No way would he ever entertain anyone called Jeremy even being a roadie.

      • Jeremy Bamber, Jeremy Kyle, Jeremy Beadle and Jeremy Irons? And in his later years Jeremy Paxman

        Apart from the great JC (Jeremy Clarkson) would have to agree that pretty much all Jeremys are total cunts.

      • Have to take issue with you there Willie.

        My next door neighbour is called Jeremy and you couldn’t wish to meet a nicer bloke! And coincidentally his missus really is Japanese, unlike Cunt’s wife, unless he’s very much confused which I’m sure he isn’t.

        He didn’t get where he is today without being able to tell a Nip from a Chink!

        Seem to recall your wife’s Japanese isn’t she? How is Mrs Stroker these days, murdered you in your sleep yet?

      • I’ve always found that the Simon’s I’ve ever known have been cunts. Apologies to any Simon’s on here.

  4. Too fucking right we in the NHS loathe the cunt-bubble. I’d cheerfully lose the batteries in the defib if that cunt needed it.

    • Lose the batteries …pftt shouldn’t be getting anywhere near the defib.

      • Yeah not bad RTC, yourself? Had to take a break for the sake of the old mental health, while there’s nothing of note dominating the news I thought I’d have a quick paddle…..

      • Good to see you Cuntan??
        We thought the mob from the film site had ‘whacked’ you!!☺

      • Cheers MNC! Nah, it was a self-imposed whacking (been doing that about three times a fucking day since the old chinky flu lockdown came about). Have I missed much?? And lest we forget of course a solid cunting from the Cap’n

      • Missed nowt.
        We discussed the BBC and dog shit, thats about it really.
        Oh we had a infestation of Trøll!
        I begged admin to let the trolls play but like sea monkeys bit underwhelmed when got one!
        It promised RTC an me a fiver and a cornetto,
        Still waiting?

      • What happened to the trolls then – similar fate I assume to that of a Chinese doctor trying to get the word out about a killer virus, i.e. quietly taken out back and having a bullet put between the eyes before being hacked into cutlets and put on sale in the wet market??

      • No admin got something from the chemists, cleared em right up!
        I thought theyd be mad,bad, an dangerous to know, …middle management type who lived with his mum.
        NOT what I was lead to beleive by hollyweird.?
        They vaguely threatened Bertie(the old man with a parrot)
        And were like flies round shite for Komodo.
        You ready to unleash some bile an pent up rage Cuntan?
        Good to see your ok an the film buffs hadn’t done for you!!?

      • I think it came a couple of days ago Daz.

        Didn’t bother to open it, left it to the wife to deal with. Told her to wash her hands thoroughly after throwing it in the blue recycling bin.

      • Not bad thanks Cuntan. Think I know what you mean about mental health though….

        Fuck me, nice pair of legs just went past my window!

      • I think it came a couple of days ago Daz.

        Didn’t bother to open it, left it to the wife to deal with. Told her to wash her hands thoroughly after throwing it in the blue recycling bin.

  5. It must be an awful trial to go through life knowing that everybody is rhyming it;
    ‘Jeremy Hunt, he’s a cunt’, to the tune of ‘Tom Hark’.r

    • “Awful trial?” I don’t think so Ron. I know the sort of trial I would give this cunt. I also know the verdict and the sentence. I just need to buy a rope and find a suitable lamp post.

  6. was this guy ‘born’ out of Virginia’s bottom – what an absolute cunt of a human being – talentlees, unintelligen and a fucking clow – brilliant cunting of a really big fucking cunt- ps I do not like this fucker (just in case you didn’t know)

  7. Great cunting Cap’n and this ‘orrible Hunt is indeed a massive cunt but…I have to admit ….I would stick my thing in his wife. I know Asian women don’t age that well but she still looks neat and tidy. He must have a shedload of dosh as she didn’t marry him for his Mr.Bean body and personality.

    Hoo-ee, what a cunt.

    • Yeah the wife is a fair bit of Chinky crumpet. A mail order bride almost certainly. Even fucking Hunt the Cunt is better than living in Chinkyland.

  8. I trust Jeremys August stewardship of the “present situation” – he’s got them all wrapped and this Christmas sorted, now he’s moved onto viewing pictures of cats online.
    F*ck all else to do you see.

  9. Our Mr Cunt seems to be developing dictatorial tendancies. The other day when he mentioned “stricter measures” for lockdown, there was a definite glint in his eye. Like a chief constable with a power complex, such men are dangerous.

    • Hmm, noticed some of these head county coppers getting a bit macho over extra powers too!
      Cant move for coppers at moment, but only few weeks back they were that undermanned couldnt attend house burglary or ‘minor’ crime like being mugged.
      One on the news other day sure he was on the verge of creaming his jeans.

    • After seeing half the Politicians and slebs do what the hell they please whilst lecturing us anyone trying to hoof a sixty quid fine at me will receive a somewhat stern response!

      • Same Foxy.
        Dont hate the police or anything, but try fine me for using my van they can suck my plums.
        Bet loads of cars have flat batteries, breaks seizing up already,

      • Slightly off topic I see our favourite “roly Poly Mayor” has been sacked by the bosses of her law firm – now she will have to struggle by on just 80k a Year as a Politician..
        And I got a Cornetto and a fiver from Admin (they said if I said owt there would be trouble, so I’m keeping it quiet! ??)

      • That was mine!!
        ( an Rtc had shares in it too!)
        Your despicable Foxy.

      • The police really are dim. Makes me wonder how this one passed her driving test, probably didn’t and had a male companion driving.

  10. Steven Headley: What a cunt.

    Has now been suspended. £100,000 a year to sprout his antisemitic vitriol. Good luck on the dole your utter cock womble.

  11. What reward do you receive for fucking up, starving and criticising the NHS for six, long years whilst alienating, failing to support or listen to its staff. A couple of years moved to a sideways job then, astonishingly, the Commons Health Committee Chair! Just bizarre.

    Don’t look at what he says, look at what he did. As somebody else said, as big a cunt as Osborne.

  12. I’m convinced that back in the early 2000s he was openly bent, as could be found in several ‘Attitude’ type articles lauding him as a ‘brave Tory MP’ etc for being so. Now of course, all traces totally scrubbed. Misprints verified.

  13. The man is a rat and a quivering jelly.
    Worth nowt at all.
    Needs full Spanish Boot.

    • The Man needs to be unemployed – useless, narcissistic, devious, self – serving clown.
      Why are people so consistently bad allowed to continue in the job?

  14. I’m lucky… a professional Muslim psychic I have one of the easiest jobs on the planet….

    “I’m getting the letter ‘M’….definitely the letter ‘M’. Does the name Mohammed mean anything to anyone in the room..?”

      • I know Olive Oil is popeyes girlfriend,
        But never heard of Reg Paddlingpool.
        Is he in showbiz?

      • Showbiz ??!
        You might well think so, I couldn’t possibly comment, dear boy !
        I was thinking more of Reg Hedgerow, with a comb-over, and Savilian tendencies

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