Hardcore Feminists

Feminists (especially hardcore ones). Pretty self-explanatory this one.
They want women to be treated the same as men, yet also want us to respect their differences, and want to reserve the right to hate and belittle and bully men without it being a crime (men doing that to women is a crime). The hardcore ones are very open and honest about their abject hatred of men. They care more about that than actual women’s rights. While I advocate freedom of speech, I don’t like that they can bash us, yet we cant bash them back.
Nominated by DiabloLordOfTerror

98 thoughts on “Hardcore Feminists

  1. Feminism, only exists if you believe in it. I don’t and I don’t allow any of the crazy bitches to spout their insanity in my presence.

    • Women forget they only have rights because men permit it.
      If the muzz do manage to take over, you can kiss women’s rights goodbye.

      • MM Bethune – “The true worth of a race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.”…..you are fucked luv if we move to Shakira law

      • That’s a really good point, UC.

        The mud slime mentality is very anti-women. Very much a case of second class citizen. Yet we don’t see feminazi marches protesting against the ever increasing presence of mud slimes in the UK (or elsewhere). By definition, they are natural enemies. Odd that.

      • Ending slavery for Women? – Men.
        Human Rights Charter for Women? – Men.
        Votes for Women? – Men.
        Equality for Women? – Men.
        Taking equality and wanting more? – Women.

  2. Theyre full of shit.
    Head the balls.
    Trouble causers without bras.
    Im not sexist, think women are capable, intelligent, should earn equal pay, etc.
    Cant drive obviously.
    These radicals are the same as any radical, puddled in the head with a chip on their shoulder, tend to be middle class, wear ethnic clothing, mannish haircuts.
    Always try an get on their good side to avoid a argument!
    Say politely “you look nice luv, your husbands a lucky man, phoaw!!”
    They like that.

    • Morning Miserable, yes the middle class thing rings true as with veganism and climate change. Any serious message gets lost in all the tantrums, hysteria and wanting of special treatment.

      • Morning LL, yes they definitely have a ‘type’ dont they?
        The girl who cant get a boyfriend,
        The girl whos frumpy,
        What they are really saying is
        “Listen to me! Pay some attention to me!”
        All they need to calm down is a ) box of chocolates or flowers
        B) a fuck
        C) sparked the fuck out
        Im skint at mo, married so ill settle for option C.

      • “There’s no point trying to understand women.
        Only women understand women and that’s why they all hate each other”
        (Al Bundy).

      • “Could you help me load my surfboard”…
        Ted Bundy.
        Ted was not keen on feminists.

      • Hardcore feminists are extremist hate criminals, and should be arrested and hanged.
        Mostly for crimes against beauty.
        End of (a rope)…
        Sod them…

    • It’s not so much they can’t drive it’s that their reaction times are shite. Watch any car coming towards you needing to slow down or take action in avoiding an obvious hazard. If it takes them fucking ages to respond , it’s a fucking woman driving. Guarantee it. Every time.

  3. You can’t argue with most women i’m afraid as the ‘it just is that’s ALL’! mentality that they bring to a debate trumps everything.

    • You can’t win arguments with split arses. There are just degrees of losing.

      If you’re winning an argument too easily, they’ll just start crying and before you know it, you’re saying ‘I’m sorry too’ for crashing the brand new Merc into a hedge because she was taking a selfie while driving.

  4. Equality is great.Everyone gets to be a cunt.
    These screeching feminazis are a bad element wherever they are.
    Round them up.
    Oven the cunts & give them something to cry about.
    The rotten swine.

  5. “Men and wimminz are equal, but wimminz are more equal than men.” (Millie Tant)

      • “Get daaaaan he’s gotta shooottaa”
        Big Vern , excellent.

        I would suggest that you use the contact me link and ask why you are in moderation, It is getting boring releasing your comments, no fault of your own as far as I can see, but you could be coming in on a banned IP

      • Loved Big Vern and The Parkie. He was my favourite. Biffa Bacon was funny too. Pathetic Sharks were often fun. Ugh…back in the day.

  6. Hard core tranny activists regard them the same way as they regard men. Ironic that they should be hated by a bunch of mentally ill preverts for stating the obvious – you cant change sex.

      • Seahorses change sex? Clear discwimination against land horses! I need to organise a gender fluid equine saline protest immediately! ??

      • But the laydee seahorses carry the burden, and the guilt Sister – ask any seahorse wimminz! ?
        Seahorses are amazing creatures.

  7. I always find that the best way to win an argument with one of these feminazi types is to interrupt her with “…..I understand the concept you are trying to convey, but can I just point out that where it falls over is the fact that you are an utter cunt.”
    If that fails, refer to Sean Connery.

  8. What is it with the obligatory brightly coloured hair (green, blue or red) and the hideous, dangly earrings?

    They are almost a female parody of Jimmy Savile.

    Anyway, any normal male companion is unlikely given their militant attitude and their hairy axe wound having the fragrance of a tin of rotten anchovies.

  9. Now i like watching one woman eating out another woman’s rug as much as the next man but the feminist agenda is not about equal rights. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians (which i don’t object to in moderation) and get air time on dull TV shows.

  10. Men who start sentences with ‘I’m a feminist’ are cunts, they are usually the arty-farty types and drivel on about respect bla, bla, bla.

    The feminists need to concentrate on areas where women are really being fucked over, the Islamic world and Africa come to mind, you don’t need to be a feminist to hate men you dopey cunts!

    • well said that man, To me a lot of the indignant people tend to concentrate on cultures that are going forward, whether it be gay rights, equal rights or color equality.
      They do not focus on places that are reversing at speed into the dark ages, nor the people from them.
      I am not sure why, maybe they find being beaten or stoned to death offensive, there was a time that people would die for their beliefs and not just bleat about them.

    • All these begging ads for “poor little black gurls” on the box superheat my piss, and the utterly DAFT, middle-class munters they get on to try and persuade you to part with your moolah.
      Massive elephant in the room (and I don’t mean Me-again Dumbo)…all these kids will be next decade’s Shamima Begum.
      Horrible little cunts.
      Let them starve.
      Sod them.
      JC, I’m in a really charitable mood today…

      • ‘she’s just 12 and will be forced into marriage’. Ok, if its legal there, why are we sticking our noses in? And if its illegal their, its up to THEIR justice system to sort that shit out. Either way, not our business, and I am sick of seeing the fucking adverts about it. Fuck it, if its illegal then send me over, all expenses paid, after ive shotgunned a few of the cunts they’ll think twice about attempting to marry little girls!

  11. They don’t want equality, they don’t want to sink to the same level as men. I’ve worked with many of these shit-birds over the years and they’re as bad as an uppity ethnic or a South-East Asian. They’ll drop you in it for their own pleasure. There is always a psychological reason why they’re like that.

  12. It is men, not women, who are oppressed. Men commit suicide more than women. More men are in prison than women. Men are more likely to be a victim of a violent crime. Men typically lose their children in otherwise equal custody disputes. Men are expected to work in dangerous jobs in construction, military, agriculture, manufacturing, engineering. Men work longer and harder than women as well as die younger, whilst having to wait longer for a pension…..On the up side men are also much funnier than women….

    • We also have a lower life expectancy.

      What I find amusing is how the feminists are in a fight with the gender benders. They both tend to be hard lefties and to see them going at each other is pure joy.

  13. I’m so glad chinky flu has kicked these lefty, middle-class woke agendas into the long grass. For now. Currently, these oxygen thieves are busy banging saucepans for real people who are now rightly recognised for the tangible contribution they make to society. Sadly, the woke virus will spread again when normality returns.

    BBC R4 was at it again this morning with a sob story about homeless people. Heart-warming story about some doushka that has been housed. Lovely.

    I think it’s about time we look after our own….

    • I noticed a bit of community division last night, I live in the ground floor flats of the “Have not,s” mainly old age pensioners and non workers.
      On the other side of the road are the have’s a terrace of 2 bedroom property’s mostly owner occupier and mostly employed.
      of the two groups, my side of the street seem to take up most of the social,police and NHS resources, did they clap? Did they fuck so at least they are honest bitter cunts.
      Mrs B and I did, then when it was done we took over the Easter egg’s that she had bought for her children (no chance of delivering them or seeing the “Kids”) and gave them to a paramedics kids.

    • The irony of all our pisstaking on here is that many women fucking well love it, despite the feminazi bollocks.

      The wolf-whistles, the eyeing up their tits and bums – it puts many of them on cloud nine. Put the boot on the other foot – if some woman whistled at you, pinched your arse and gave you a cheeky wink – most men I know would be made up.

      • Aye.

        Remember in Magaluf when I was in my early 20s getting wolf whistled by birds as I walked past bars. Fucking loved it!

        No way do they not like it too. OK, I’m not talking about a guy leering, pinching their arses and following them down the street going, ‘Phwoooar!’, but a lad just giving a cheeky wolf whistle.

      • The law just as bad here: Woman whistles at a man, Fine. Man whistles at a woman, Misogyny! Misogyny is hatred of women. Yeah, I whistle at a hot bird because I hate her? Fucking stupid.

    • She needs to get a MNC “new age death fuck” experience voucher for her Birthday!….

  14. These fuckers are just angry because men won’t pay them any attention. Some of them might look OK with a wash and a bit of make up on. But they do themselves no favours by having ‘that look’. Also, a bit of exercise wouldn’t go a miss either.

    The reason they hate white men and ignore the shite others get up to, is because they hate themselves but want something to blame (the men that they desire who ignore them).

    It’s all a bit sad, really.

    It explains them ignoring girls being stoned to death by the Taliban for going to school, but losing their shit over a dude explaining something to them or just having his legs opened on public transport a fraction more than they like.

    Well bitches, the world has a real problem now and look how small fucking minded you look now, you dumb cunts.

    Buy a nice frock, go to the gym, eat and sleep well, have a wash, grow your hair and put some lippy on. You might find a decent lad and be happy.

  15. Just roar at the cunts if any give you a hard time. ” You ugly fat fucking cunt” at the top of your lungs. Always works. If they lay hands upon you polaxe the cunt. You can claim self defense.
    Fuck off,no quarter given.

      • I’m afraid that’s all they understand,brute force. They’ve waged war on men so give them what they want.

  16. Just the usual suspects , big mouth lefty ugly fuckers with bright coloured hair and glasses . The reason their so bitter is because no man would wanna be with them anyway .

  17. I love the fact that the picture for this nom is Chanty Binx. That batshit crazy femininst is the go-to meme when ragging on feminists. “I’m talking fuckface!”

    • I’ve seen the cunt in action.

      Imagine the state of her minge? It’d be like Terry Waite’s hedge after a lorry had dumped its load of rotting fish, green eggs, stilton and yeast on it.

      • I was going to have a cream egg with my cuppa but you’ve put me right off.

  18. I ignore these cunts, and their plight, as much as I ignore any other cunt I dislike or despise. There, equality. What, not enough? Ok, I’ll despise you even more. Fuck off, you dry fanny slags.

  19. A mate of mine, married with kids and settled now, was one of the gang of lads I hung about with in my younger years when ‘out on the pull’. I was always a bit shy, but got a bit of action now and again, but my mate was a fucking legend. His method?

    He’d walk into a bar or club, spot a bird he thought was fit, walk straight up to her and say, ‘Fancy a fuck?’ We watched in awe as he got slapped in the face, laughed at and even in the odd fight if she had he fella he hadn’t noticed. But guess what? Most nights, some bird said yes. And some of them were fucking tasty. He just said he, ‘Couldn’t be arsed with all the pissing about.’

    Not recommended if you don’t want the odd slap, fight, humiliation or being launched out a bar by bouncers.

  20. There is no such thing as a “radical feminist”…only a badly disciplined female.

    ” A woman,a dog or a walnut tree…the more you beat them,the better they be.”

    Fuck Off.

    • Luckily this type when not on marches or protesting are in specsavers.
      The 4eyed speccy cunts.

  21. I don’t know what is coming out of that harpies snarling whine hole, but I bet it’s unreasonable. She looks the type to get violent with blokes, until one gives her a dig back, then she would instantly remember that she is a woman, and you should never hit a woman. Just shove her out of the way, and hope she falls, and lands in some dogshit.

    • I’d never considered that it’s possible to make dogshit worse, but you found a way.

    • I make a point of holding doors open for da wimmin like her…then accidentally letting it slam in their face…
      It really confuses their poiltics.

    • Woman or not, if she takes a swing at me she gets one back. Same with gay, straight, trans, english, paki, whatever. Now THATS equal!

  22. We don’t have these problems in the amphibious communidee. If you want a bitch you just take her. The fact is if you’re green and female you’re gonna get fucked.
    For sure blud.

  23. Why is it its always some fat ugly cunt who looks like a bull dog licking piss off a thistle?

  24. I see the new temporary Nightingale Hospital was opened today to handle Coronavirus. I don’t think we’ll see the day out before cunts are shouting that it should have been named after Mary Seacole, the black Crimean War nurse.
    Fuck off – she was Jamaican not British and she couldn’t hold a fuckin’ CANDLE to Florence’s achievements.

  25. Marike de Klerk, the wife of F. W. de Klerk, the man who negotiated the peaceful end of apartheid in South Africa with Nelson Mandela, once said: “Women are unimportant. We´re here to serve, to heal the wounds, to give love. If a woman inspires a man to be good, he is good.”

    Every man needs two supportive women in his life – his mother and his wife. I´d like to add a daughter but unfortunately mine is a bit of a feminazi.

      • The self created illness of feminism is cured by penis and housework – which is done more efficiently if the black eye is still fresh!
        As the great Shaun Ryder said “What do you tell a Woman with two black eyes? “F*ck all – you’ve already told her twice”! ?
        And my favourite chat up lines? – “Fancy going halves on a bastard”? Or “Tell me – can you smell chloroform on this handkerchief”?
        Men are oppressed, Women are by and large not, and I think hate baiting sows would make a more productive use of their time if they started protesting outside the Embassy of any Muslim Country in the World – as a Man it sickens me how these f*cking animals treat Women but they get a complete free pass from Wokeworld, I wonder why..
        And feminazis are generally ugly bitches, which would go a long way to explain their hateful attitudes – no attention from the boys love? Aaaaw, cwying sad face.
        And I can say all this because the good lady is not here to beat and chastise me! ??

      • Most feminists wouldpddpa dgijdmtmoa acmaj. .mmmamngiptmotaggmg md.. Ga. mmmamndftajgmg wamtptmo.

  26. you gotta feel sorry for these poor dears cos they iz getting a hard time from the trans crowd – my answer is fuck off to both – now, that’s equality!!

    • Two types of trans. 1, you go from one gender to another. 2, we are a third gender. Um, 1 is right, 2 are fucking muppets!

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