Incessant never ending intrusive pain in the arse gambling advertising.
Dave has been treated fairly by Shirtoffyaback Entertainment, so he won’t be losing his job, house, every possession and friend he ever had and be found swinging from a tree – not yet anyway, just rinse him clean first.
Ooooh look – it’s Gabby and Scabby just having a little bit of entertaining fun with the great social scene as they p*ss their child support away, but awww look at Mittens the cat.
And here’s Harry Redknapp, one of the richest men in the country – but kind enough to personally contact Kev and Wayne to push them into spunking away the shopping money just by firing up the mobile phone, and big ‘ard Cockney guvnor Ray Winston scraping up anyone Mittens and Harry have missed – good one lads!
It’s just a bit of fun you see, and when the fun stops of course every gambler stops gambling immediately – you won’t see them hoofing the rent money on the roulette games..
The ads are never ending – television, radio, online – but what they don’t show is the poor f*ckers living on the street, the destitution and misery gambling addiction causes and the lives it ruins and in some cases takes.
An addiction tax on the poor – and until I see Jacob Rees-Mogg at the bookies with a tab hanging out of his mouth, the racing post and his last fiver (the rich don’t tend to gamble you see – they leave that to the working claaars oiks) I will be of the opinion that incessant never ending intrusive pain in the arse gambling advertisements are CUNTS!
Nominated by Vernon Fox
The blue bloods do gamble, they just do it on stocks and currency….
Personally I’d tax the gambling companies pretty much out of existence. Didn’t one of their bosses give herself a £250 million pound bonus, so they can obviously afford to pay more. Yet the taxpayer has to foot the bill for all the damage these cunts inflict upon society…
Morning Deploy.
Yeah, that was Denise Coates, head of Bet365, the highest paid woman in the world.
Fuck her.
Morning ruff…. how are you doing mate?
Not bad thanks Deploy. Not a lot of change here at Creampuff Manor, much to the chagrin of a few fellow cunters. Except the wife hasn’t been out for a month. Mainly cos I’ve forbidden her from doing so. Made a rod for my own back there.
I was out clapping last night for the selfless chaps and chapesses bravely keeping Pornhub up and running. Wonder if they’ve made any new teen lesbian foursome videos recently….
Apart from that, just waiting for the end of the world really. How goes it for you?
I’m ok mate… got furloughed so just sitting about. Supposed to be using the time constructively, spring cleaning and such, but I seem to spend most of my time sat in my pants drinking beer …. gonna do the garden today.
Good old cheerful, chirpy Cockney Arry Redknapp. Likes a pound note and a jam roly poly does good old Arry. Diamond geezer. Alright Arry!!
What a fucking cunt.
Probably got him a new kitchen, selling what passes for a soul to help line the pockets of those cunts, the puffy faced fucking nobody.
He sold his soul to Satan a long time ago. Being a forgettable, talentless, neopotist cunt is his punishment, before going to Hell.
Important message: Suckdick Khunt is joining O’Shithead for a phone-in and mutual ringpiece licking session on LBC at 10 o’clock this morning.
Knew you wouldn’t want to miss that Freddie. ?
I’m not tuning in to listen to two hours of groaning and slurping sounds, thank you very much.
Heard it a hundred times before, it’s a regular once a month thing I believe. Two of the world’s biggest cunts sucking each other off. If you are not of sound mind you might give up the will to live listening to that shite.
It’s enough to make a sane man rush out and contract Covid19 and hope to die.
“Speeek to Sideeek?” two nauseating cunts for the price of one. Great.
I’m a Gooner so I’ve got plenty of reasons to hate Redkunt. However, his twitching triple chins are enough for now.
Morning, Dark Key, morning all.
Speaking of ‘arry and LBC , anyone else heard the advert where he says “gotta go, Sandra’s back” ( as the door bell rings) “and I’ve forgotten to put the bins out”? My question is this, though: Why the fuck doesn’t “Sandra” (his wife) have her own front door key to let herself in? Something doesn’t add up. Not that I or indeed anyone else should give a flying fuck…
Yeah, I noticed that. In fact none of that series of ads make sense, the bloke supposedly giving out advice plays a complete idiot, the makers don’t even try to hide the fact he’s a thick cunt.
Anyone inspired to gamble after being exposed to those ads must be certifiable.
“Must go, the dog’s peed in me slippers.”
Take another look Harry, he’s also shat in your shoes and vomited over your codpiece.
Why doesnt Sandra put the bins out the bone idle bitch?
She’s too busy looking for Harry’s bow tie and gambling responsibly Miserable.
“Ave yer seen it?”
Because she’s barely alive after Harry dragged her along by her coat and ran her over as he was dropping her off at the shops. Stupid cunt.
No accident that.
Dont blame him to be fair.
Id of tried years ago.
Rich cunts telling poor cunts to waste their money to pay rich cunts wages.
Fuck off
Great time to gamble, how long till you can use the equity in your house to carry on gambling?
Great cunting Vernon, the first thing to shutdown completely should of been gambling.
The cheeky cunts say ‘Gamble responsibly’ while calling themselves BET365 (as in bet 365 days of the fucking year).
Ray Winstone is a cunt. Probably a soft cunt as well. Fuck off.
Where’s ya tool?
Nah, in real life I bet he says (in a posh gayness voice), ‘Oh One is most annoyed at this oiky one’s insolence. More Darjeeling, Sir Rupert?’
First class cunting Vernon. Everywhere aren’t they? – Half of the Premier League footy teams have betting site shirt sponsors. I was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark the other week with my young lad and every ad break was gambling. Focusing on women now. Bingo ads….screeching like fucking R2D2 making out sat on your phone on the toilet playing bingo is such fun! Bingo is shite in reality never mind the virtual loss leader. There are no ads anymore for Benson & Hedges or Hoffmeister Lager so all these cunts* should have their parasitic wings clipped. CUNTS! …*exception of Cheltenham Gold Cup
To me their is something very sleazy about gambling adds and what amazes me is the Labour Government deregulated Gambling in 2005 . The Party of the working class got the people they say their trying to help in deeper financial debt.
Labour the party of the working class? No one despises working class values more than the Labour Party.
It’s always a gamble voting labour, a bad one.
Wasn’t it Blairs’ government relaxed the laws on gambling that saw the explosion of this tawdry industry? Another feather in the cap of the supreme cunt. Now, it’s so lucrative to government coffers, it will unlikely be reformed. Mugs will continued to be fleeced, you can bet365 on it. Evil cunts.
I wouldn’t say they relaxed the laws on gambling. They abolished the betting tax in 2001 under – you guessed it – arch cunt Gordon Brown. The betting industry does not want further regulation however the sheer number of betting outlets, fixed odds betting machines and still every town has at least one betting shop tells me that it is seriously wrong. Only those working in the betting industry make money, usually from the misery of others.
I tried the lay markets betting on horse racing on Betfair for 3 years investing only £60 over the whole period. I developed a system to check the true odds, and to lay those expected to lose: it never turned a penny. I needed a 92.5% success rate to make a profit, I was getting 88.3% success rate. When I reached £10 left I stopped and never used the system again. I guess £60 for all the data I retrieved might be worth something…
Nothing but contempt for these toejam piss-stain louse
That fucking bingo ad with the Tombstone Toothed, Rylan Fuckmeupthearse cunt voiceover, really fucking gets my goat.
The irritating, talentless twat.
Get To Fuck.
He’s like shit in a field that cunt, fucking everywhere
I’m gonna sound like a right cunt now but these adverts nearly get as much air time and coverage as Captain Tom Moore. Sick of hearing it now… Walked around his garden to raise money for the NHS at 99 years. Fuck me, it took you long enough for your conscience to kick in and get off your bony arse and do something for good causes. £18.2 Million is that all! Lazy cunt!
And for the NHS? Why? What the fuck does the old bastard think his taxes have been paying for all these years? I’d keep the money, buy myself a large house and an Aston Martin and tell everybody to fuck off.
He should at least withhold the cash until the NHS agrees to stop wasting millions on funding cunts’ lifestyle choices and foreign freeloaders.
I’d pay good money to see someone insert a scalding hot jam roly poly up Redknapp’s arse.
The dodgy cunt.
Good morning.
Everybody has got their own addiction.
How do you treat someone like me, someone who is addicted to being referred to a specialist….
It doesn’t seem to matter to the advertising standards agency, it all fine encouraging the great unwashed to spend their cash or probably in many cases the taxpayers money on ‘in play’ or whatever else they have dreamed up.
But just try advertising a VW Golf with a tart sitting on a bench with a pram and it’s the end of the world, it’s banned for being sexist.
If you apply the similar logic then have big rough tough Ray Winston on the advert it’s ….. SEXIST!
Personally I think people who spend all their money on gambling are cunts, advertising may take some of the blame but cunts have been gambling out of control for decades.
People have to take responsibility for their own actions, advertising isn’t the big bad wolf.
They could show gambling ads all night long on tv and I still wouldn’t give them threepence. Come to that I can’t remember ever buying anything which I saw advertised on telly.
Gambling like most addictions is for cunts.
Even now, when I’m trying to buy my daily provisions I’m stuck behind some cunt spunking money away on the lottery or scratch cards.
The National LotCunntery even has a commercial on TV saying how using your ever dwindling resources to purchase lottery tickets helps various trainee architects, peacefuls and spackers.
I’ll pass thanks.
Good nom Foxy!?
Gambling is a mugs game in my opinion.
Used to work nights with a degenerate gambler.
2 day after payday hed be skint, on the tap, but if you was stupid enough to sub him youd wave by to ever getting it back.
What used to bug me is we all knew where the cameras were an would rob a bag of sweets, eat em while working through the night, this cunt would rob the cheapest fuckin ‘own brand’ basic winegums!
Could have anything!
Because they were cheaper!!
The daft cunt haha☺
Excellent cunting,
Government gambling with our fucking lives and livelihood 15 000 unchecked and potentially fucking carriers entering this country every day when the rest of us are in lockdown fucking furious,
Beggars belief
I’ve seen what gambling does to the weak minded.
Stick their last fiver on a five way accumulator and swear blind they are in for a multi thousand pound payout come the end of the day.
Problem is, they never seem to quite get all five picks and now face living on whatever is left in the fridge until giro day.
Rinse and repeat until they end up blowing the rent money, the money for the bills and the money for the kid’s new school shoes.
Ever seen a skint bookmaker?
No, me neither. That in itself should be fair warning.
Any advert is better than this one though. Surely channel 4 were promoting criminal activity but then as long as it’s immigration law (if such a thing even still exists) then I guess it’s ok…. it was 3 years ago but still boils my piss.
I’ll admit to enjoying putting a quid on the Saturday football acca each week a as a bit of fun (sometimes twice a week if the Champions League/League Cup is on as well) but certainly no more than that. The way gambling companies target people who don’t have that self control is sickening.
The ad that I cannot stand is for Tombola bingo.
Looks like the Variety Club has had a day out for the adult window lickers.
This is a message from the Government
Stay IN
Protect the NHS (which we have cut to the bone to support miscreants)
And MOST of all, please stay inside while we ship plane loads of Romanian Gypsies into the UK and visit our second and third homes.
Apparently loads of people out in the sticks have applied for seasonal farm work to make ends meet.
Either they received no reply or were told all of the positions have been filled.
Filled by theiving do as you likeys, agressive beggers, hugger muggers and big issue sellers.
Who will work for two quid an hour, cash in hand.
I think they get paid by weight or bunch.
There are professional fruit pickers that do a tour of Europe throughout the year. They do pretty well out of it.
The Travelling Wilberries?
I wonder how may of these government cunts have a vested interest in these fruit farms?
Hate absolutely anything to do with gambling and have nominated successfully on ISAC.
Completely out of control in this country and the government seemingly happy for this to continue.
Sadly Norman Hunter appears to have bitten his last legs.
Gambling is daft, except on horses, dogs and lottery tickets where you’re a special daft cunt.
This nomination really sings to me.
I haven’t gambled in a long time. I used to do the occasional scratch card and lottery ticket.
I remember my mother, Dessert Spoonington, many moons ago tell me not to gamble as the only winner is the house (the betting shop etc).
That is indeed true.
I say to fellow ISAC members, as tempting as it is, please don’t do it.
Temptation is a cruel mistress.
Bet its not?!!
MNC! Cheeky monkey! 😀
90% tax on gambling profits should cure these cunts.
Parasitic vermin.
I enjoy gambling…can’t wait for the racing to start again.
I also occasionally go to the casino….why shouldn’t I? I can afford it and enjoy it. Nobody has ever been forced to gamble….bookies don’t drag innocents into the shops and force them to bet…the same with people who try to blame the fact that they lack the willpower to say “That’s more”. I see ads for fanny-cream,cars,vegan foods….doesn’t mean that I can;t resist the urge to spend my last Penny on them.
If people are so weak that they can’t control themselves…well Fuck them. If they weren’t spunking their money on gambling,they’d probably find some other way of being a loser and then blaming everyone and anyone for their weakness.
Sick to the back teeth of Nanny telling people what the Fuck is good for them…plenty of people enjoy a bet without having a problem….why the Fuck should everyone suffer just for the sake of a few sad cases who can’t control themselves.
Fuck them.
Live a virtuous life…don’t drink.don’t smoke,don’t gamble…..You might not live to be a hundred years old….but it’ll certainly seem like it.
Sanctimonious bollocks.
Afternoon Dick.
That’s 3 rather fine rants there Mr F, more power to your (Fiddlers) elbow.
Cheers Cs.
Back when I was a kin in UK there were betting shops all over the place.
Something my dad said to me, probably early 60s was “I have enough trouble buying my own car, buggered if I’m going to buy the bookie one as well”
I’ve been known to play cards for pennies, but that’s about the extent of my gambling.
Total mug’s game.
The point of these ads ‘when the fun stops, stop’ is the real idea. Yes, gamble a little if you want, but when you start to get pissed at it, give up. The idea is to stop people becoming an addict, rather than helping the already addicted. Its one of them ‘prevention better than cure’ ideas, like use a condom to not get a STI instead of getting one and being treated. This idea is lost on the general public because ‘a person is smart but people are stupid’.