Dr. Tedros Adhanom

An urgent and global pandemic emergency cunting for the biggest cunt on the planet at this moment – Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation. In addition to being a total cunt, this piece of shit is a stooge for the Chinese Communist Party and has been lying on behalf of the Chinese Government since the CCP coronavirus first broke out.
This cunt has previous form, allegedly covering up three cholera epidemics in his native Ethiopia. He also appointed the late Robert Mugabe, that lovely former President of Rhodesia, as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador. Since the outbreak of the CCP coronavirus, his performance has been a litany of incompetence, e.g. suggesting that no measures be taken which would “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade”, thereby allowing the virus to spread around the world, and accusing the Taiwanese of racism.
The two largest donors to the WHO, the US and the UK, should cease funding that shower of shit immediately and call for Dr. Tedros’ resignation. As tens of thousands of people have now died from this disease, he should be charged with crimes against humanity.
This cunt needs to fuck off. Fucking cunt!

Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the head honcho at the WHO, deserves a special cunting during these difficult times. A man who worked as a diplomat for the corrupt Ethiopian regime and lied to the west on its human rights and health issues to keep the money flowing in.

When in battle to become the leader of the WHO (not the band), he promised to promote BAME members into prominent positions to ‘overcome the colonial mindset’ (as he put it) within the organisation. And he has been doing just that. He controversially promoted an unknown Russian into leading the fight against TB too, after a meeting (backhander?) with Putin. He’s also courted maniacs like Mugabe, giving them prominent roles.

Finally, he advised the world not to wear facemasks. This for me, is his worst act. Masks reduce the distance that droplets from your coughs and sneezes (and breath) can travel. Tests in Iceland showed that around 40% of those with coronavirus are asymptomatic. It is believed to be an even higher number. Therefore, many can be passing the virus on and not even be feeling ill. Countries whose population wear face masks (and refused to listen to this idiot’s advice) have lower rates of coronavirus. They also seem to ‘flatten the curve’ quicker. Some believe climate plays a part (I do too), but South Korea’s climate is very similar to the UK’s. It was even colder there than in the UK when the virus hit. The locals were told to wear masks by politicians who knew what they were doing (unlike in the west, who seemed to listen to this clown).

Countries who ignored Tedros and shut their borders, locked down their population and got everyone to wear masks seemed to avoid the chaos we’ve seen in countries taking his advice (the west, mostly). They were right not to trust this clown. They probably realised he was promoted due to ethnicity and corruption rather than his knowledge. If only our lot realised the same thing?

I do not believe it is pure luck to see lower numbers in countries that wear masks. It stands to reason that wearing them reduces the risk of spreading the disease. It’s fucking obvious.

However, this idiot has been telling everyone that wearing them makes no difference. Sure, you can still catch it, but it’s much more difficult to pass it on to others if you’re wearing one. Therefore, everyone should wear one when outside.

No, this clown has showed what happens when you somebody in a powerful position based on race. And of course, gets that position by promising to promote others based on their race. Don’t forget, this clown has been bashing western leaders and praising China too. He labels any criticism of his response (and China’s) as ‘racism’, as he did recently with the USA. He also bowed down to China and underplayed the seriousness of the outbreak in the early stages, to protect the Chinese economy and advise countries that they should let the Chinese travel internationally during the Chinese New year, with devastating consequences.

In an ideal world, he would be fired. Imprisoned possibly. Certainly, his deal with Putin; corrupt promotion of others, his disastrous response to the outbreak and his eagerness to suck China off should be enough for him to lose his job.

But you can bet he’ll whip out his race card and get the backing of the umpteen BAME members he put in high paid positions to cling to his position. He’s turned the WHO into FIFA. Corrupt to the core.

I’d ask him why he did the things he did, but I doubt I’d hear him with all that Chinese cock in his mouth. Cunt!

Nominated by Cuntybollocks

42 thoughts on “Dr. Tedros Adhanom

  1. He”s as much of a doctor as I am .He’s a corrupt cunt and should be behind bars, along with the CCP, rather than in front of the camera. Cunt

    • news alert – he is NOT a doctor – he’s a war criminal in the vogue of Bliar and Brown and Cameron and ObamaLamLou and the Bushes, who could forget George erm W erm whatsisname – oh fuck …..

  2. Another sly cunt using the race card to manipulate the weak minds of gutless white western libtards and filling his pockets at the same time. How come the UK is always one of the biggest contributors to every shithouse organisation on the planet? Always us and the Yanks giving money away like there’s no tomorrow. That needs to fucking stop. The cunts.

  3. There are lies, damned lies, and there are statistics. I get the feeling that, like climate change science, only the science that has bias favouring a particular outcome will be allowed or promoted, and everything else derided.
    Nearly 30 000 people died of seasonal flu in the U.K. during 2014. This was an exceptional year, last year it was more like 1500. But apart from the odd news report, there was fuck all. I wonder if the death toll will exceed that? Are there proper post Mortems being carried out to ascertain the precise cause of death, or are they considered too much of an infection risk, and buried/cremated without?
    As for this cunt, and the WHO in general, they have failed spectacularly, and staffed and run by corrupt shit streaks like him, it’s no wonder. They literally had one job…..

  4. Seems any world body is corrupt and under the influence of one major power or another. WHO? Who is right, who the fuck are these people, where were they when the Chinese were creating the perfect breeding ground for cross species mutations of a virus or indeed do they know that the virus was never born in a market but created in a lab.

  5. Not only should we stop contributing to the WHO, we should also fuck the UN off as well. Let troughing cunts like this fucking gangster get their cash off commy cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

    • totally agree Jack – bear in mind the trillions of dollars that have poured into the WHO from Bill & Melinda Gates – famed for their lies, corrution and eugenic mindset – they would happily kill the majority on here to to get a thrill – and Bill ain’t no doctor either! Cunts the fucking lot of them

      • and, forgot, sorry, Gates pours millions into BBC Media Action – a charidde set up by the beeb to provide subversion across the planet with their fake news

  6. The present crisis has shown in stark detail just how useless and unfit for purpose the self created organisations (WHO, UN, EU, etc) are.
    They were set up, supposedly, to provide for crises such as the one we are currently in – and they have wrung their hands, bleated from their palaces, took our money fooooooreeeeever and done NOTHING.
    Greedy, lazy, arrogant, incompetent not fit for purpose talking heads, and their lack of any action except consolidating power shows how utterly irrelevant and unnecessary these bloated vanity projects are. Get rid.
    And an interesting one – if we stay in the EU past December 31 this Year we will technically be liable for a significant percentage payment of the 500 Billion EU “bailout fund” – one last excuse to thieve from us, and the estimated pro-rata cost will be up to 100 Billion from us, FUCK THAT!
    Putting these c*nts in charge of anything is like leaving Jimmy Saville in charge of bathing kids – or me in charge of international diplomacy! ??‍♂️

      • Keith Moon was killed by the Moon Men – obvious! Ask David Icke, although I must warn you his crooning skills have gone downhill since splitting up with Tina Turner! Nearly as obvious as the money we piss away on the WHO, the UN, the EU etc for nothing.
        And the EU rats are already trying to extend the transitional period so they can steal a fortune from us for alleged “rebuilding” (of their fucking wine collection – they must have gone through a shed load sat in their palaces with f*ck all to do for nearly six Months!).
        We are surrounded by enemies, and need to treat them as such.
        Nearly forgot – FUCK CHINA!
        On other news, I decided not to buy a pair of socks.

    • MI6 for your list? Where the fuck were they? Populated by the same sort of useless metropolitan lovey libtard fuckwits that were so fucking happy to see this shit stain of a man put in charge of the Wuhan Health Org? I want fucking answers, cunts.

  7. This website is a mine of information.
    I’d never heard of this motherfucker before. He sounds like one corrupt, self serving, cunt we could well do without. That’s before we get to the anti white bile he spews out.

    Like Jack The Cunter has said, let’s just abandon the WHO and leave the UN.
    I’d rather we looked after ourselves.

    • I did contribute towards the other WHO recently, I bought their latest album, even though there’s only half of them left.

      • They are joint first with Led Zep as my favourite band Duke.
        An agree with you lets dump the UN as well, like Jack says.
        Jack talks a lot of sense,
        We are rid of one scrounger soon in the EU why not get rid of these as well?

  8. Another cunt who’s about as much use as an umbrella in a hurricane. Christ, there are some cunts about and no mistake.

  9. Of course there’s a virulent virus that seems to be indiscriminately killing some victims randomly. But all the empirical truth remains that it is most dangerous towards already identified high-risk groups. The continual drive by the likes of the UN, WHO and EU (aka Germany) to keep ramming down our throats that there is NOTHING suspicious whatsoever in the massive infection/death rates between the West and third worlds**, is the first globally rolled out experiment in whether or not government gaslighting can be successful. And boy, has it been and then some.

    The Governor of Michigan has banned people from buying seeds to do a little bit of home-growing. Let that sink in.

    **apart from Germany of course, where Mutti Merkel has it all under control. Even amongst her three million undocumented friends who are miraculously immune to contagion. Merkel, aka the EU’s frontward face of Soros, has got MSM media holding her up as the epitome of how a leader should have dealt with this, and they are taking it to the hilt – it’s Boris’s fault that we’ve had deaths in the UK, it’s Trump’s fault that they’ve had deaths in the US. Death, disease, fear, all avoidable if we hadn’t picked the wrong leaders and voted the wrong way in the last few years, you naughty Westerners. But listen to Mutti and you’ll have the chance to put it right, you silly yanks can elect the Demonrats like you should have the first time round, so Biden’s squad can totally bankrupt the country with the green new deal, and then Blighty can elect queer charmer and we can overturn that jolly silly ‘Brexit’ faux pas we dared make.

  10. I play in a band called Dyslexia.
    We’ve just released our greatest shit album….

    • I wouldn’t argue with you on that Willie. And this cunt ! Bought and Paid for by the Chinese, to promote the Chinese State positively!!!

      (Now where else have we heard that ? )

    • the longer this lockdown goes on the more, hopefully, the people will wake up to what’s going on – just think Matt Handycock was digital minister and now NHS minister and he wants an app for everybody on their mobiles to monitor them before lockdown is over – get rid of your smart phones quick – Handycock is a cunt, a mad dillusional, self-important twat of the highest order

      • The Government and the Police will be very, very reluctant to give up their draconian new powers, and Hand Cock just needs a Hugo Boss outfit and a pair of eagles on a flag behind him to complete his transformation.
        Never in my life have I seen as many Police doing nothing – no manpower to investigate crime but plenty to swagger about in their jackboots responding to accusations of potential hate thought and interrogate poor f*ckers who just want a walk though.
        I will tolerate this lockdown, for the moment, but my anger at living in the Fourth Reich is growing.
        Do not trust the Government or the Police, ever.

      • Hand cock, Handycock….
        I’m sure I just heard Sir Nigel on LBC refer to the cunt as Handcuff. Anyone else hear that this evening, c.6:45?

  11. Wanky loon.
    Boutros Boutros mahahzeedingdong Ghalee.
    Now this unpronounceable bumpkin.
    What is it with the selection process, is it adjudicated by dyslexics?

  12. Test test test, yes right just like that, the WHO are cunts.

    Close all borders except essential freight
    Impose social distancing
    Then start testing.

    If the WHO were any use this is the way it should have happened as soon as chinky flu was detected.
    Having a fucking effnick in charge, what else can you expect!

    Fucking media are the biggest cunts especially the BBcunts, you would expect our publicly funded broadcaster would cover the daily briefings in full but no, if it overruns the BBC just leave it and go onto the next program.
    They also have slots where yet more experts answer questions from Joe public, if Joe public doesn’t know what the fuck is going on by now they must have been in a underground bunker for the last month.

  13. Why the hell do we put Africans in places of power like this, we know the continent is corrupt as fuck? This arsehole is responsible for alot of the shite we now have not to mention some of the deaths.

  14. Give a kaffir or a peaceful any position where corruption is possible they will take it. Jack Warner, Baroness fucking Scotland (for fuck’s sake), this cunt and his ilk. Anywhere in the Arab world and the whole of Africa. They just get as much as they can and fuck the rest of humanity.
    What else can be expected? It’s not if they are bent, but how much.

  15. And wait for the constant charity adverts/propaganda/brainwashing/guilt tripping about the “poor peacefuls – it’s so much worse for them”.. (TBH my attitude now is fuck them, die like we are, but don’t to forget to cry racism as you do).
    And we appear perfectly able to imprison our own (white) people and use enormous manpower to harass people out for a walk but completely incapable of stopping the waves of dinghy jumpers hopping onto English beaches to spread even more disease as well as more of the normal evil.

  16. Be careful cunters you don’t now who is listening. It says at the bottom there ‘Who’s online’.

    • What does it mean Miles? I thought we were all online, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to post. Or visit. Or hit.

    • If it’s Priti monitoring me again I have to say this: Patel! No! I will not provide c*ck pics! (Honestly, she’s terrible!) ?

  17. This is the corrupt dark key Beijing stooge that pretended not to hear a question during a news conference as it referenced Taiwan,which of course the Chinese despise and would like to take by force.
    The WHO is a pile of useless shite that the UK pours tens of millions into annually with no benefit to our country whatsoever.
    This cunt and the dungheap he sits on needs to be told to fuck right off.

    • We just need to stop using our much needed cash to prop up their corrupt vanity projects UT – and place a ten Year stop on ALL foreign “aid” from the UK.

  18. Don’t forget this cunt has had his tongue up comrade Xi ring-piece over the C-19 debacle – praising the ting-tongs for their response & also initially promoting the bollocks they were spouting about it not having human-to-human transmission (while it was spreading like fucking wildfire!)
    He, & the rest of the world should be stomping all over the yellow peril over the almighty fuck-up of letting that virus out of the lab then fucking lying like cunts about it.
    He’s a Grade A, Class 1 ass-sniffer of the worst order & a fucking dangerous cunt!

  19. Doctor tedious and his pals over at WHO are nothing but shills for those pangolin eating wet market loving Coronavirus exporting chinks!!
    I’m sick and fucking tired of snowflake liberal type cunts saying you can’t blame the Chinese!! Why not? The last time I looked Wuhan was in China you despicable cunts!!

    • They say it’s not a Chinese virus, it’s a bat virus. Yes it is, but it would have stayed in fucking bats if those dirty cunts hadn’t eaten them. So, it’s a Chinese virus, their gift to the world.

      • The animal market story is bullshit. ‘Patient Zero’ was one of the researchers at the Wuhan Centre for Disease Control & the lying yellow bastards know it – The market story is a convenient cover because that’s how the dirty bastards managed to set SARS off.
        They have got the blood of the dead on their hands & the propaganda machine is trying to cover it up – blaming the US & constantly trying to get other nations to say how well they handled the outbreak – including this turd at the WHO.

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