Dr Chaand Nagpaul

Dr Chaand Nagpaul is a moaning about racism cunt.

Unsurprisingly the story was in the Guardian, the British Medical Association chair Dr Chaand Nagpaul, has urged the government to look in to why the first 10 doctors to die of covid-19 were black, Asian or a minority. He says things like it could be that ethnic doctors fear they may be bullied if they ask for PPE, and that they were less likely to raise concerns for fear of being reprimanded as opposed to their white counterparts. Fuck off you daft cunt, he even acknowledged at the start of the article that black and minority employees make up 44% of NHS staff. Well there you go you thick fucker, it’s clearly a mathematical certainty that more black employees will die if they make up nearly half the work force.

He also goes on to say that it’s sad because all but one of these black or Asian doctors were not born here, and have moved here to give their lives for the NHS. I don’t believe they did; I believe they moved here for a better life and security for their families and clearly to walk straight in to a job. I appreciate they were helping to save lives, but they didn’t come here specifically to give their lives for the cause like a soldier does, they were already here when the outbreak occured, just like the white doctors who are here.

If I were you Dr Nagpaul, I’d be concerned why only 14% of NHS staff are from England and Wales! If that figure were for black and ethnic minorities you’d be screaming discrimination. But no it’s only racist when it suits your cause. You fucking hypocritical cunt.

Nominated by elcuntio



88 thoughts on “Dr Chaand Nagpaul

  1. Yea! It’s back!! Was getting “cannot find is-a-cunt’s IP address” error up until a few minutes ago. It’s like it disappeared off the internet. What the heck was going on, I wonder?

    As for this tool, it’s the same old shit – the virus is racist. You’d think he’d be intelligent enough to not go down that road, but then there’s no headlines down there so no possibility of getting noticed. Cunt indeed.

    • Probably Antifa cunts trying to hack the site . They don’t really like us you know. No platforming for us cunts. Fuck em, but that’s a well worn nom.

    • I thought it might have been CS, in one of his Walter Mitty personas he was pretending to be Dutch, and threatened us with ‘mates’ of his that work for the cloggy version of GCHQ. The dull cunt.

  2. Yes, the virus has been added to a long list of things to be used as a big stick to beat whitie. That cunt Yasmin Ali Brown was on the other day, pointing out how essential immigration was to the NHS as Boris’s story unravelled.
    Wouldn’t it be the case that the two nurses who carried out the 48 hour vigil on Boris were from Portugal and New Zealand? Am I being cynical in thinking that this was deliberately engineered and was never going to be two nurses from the UK?
    Surely we’ve still got a few indigenous nurses?

    • London is rammed with foreign health workers but as you leave that shithole you see more indigenous staff.

    • Just counted 5 (white indigenous nurses) straight off in my family alone. I did point out when this bullshit surfaced last Friday that Dr Nagpaul is a racist and flagged the article to the BMA. Yes basically we now have racist viruses that ‘home’ in on only ethnic minority groups according to Dr Nagpaul. I also pointed out that how would the virus distinguish between a Chinese man on holiday in the UK (as then he would be in the minority group) to an indigenous Chinese man? If, as they claim as well it was made in a China lab to kill minority groups and not the indigenous populations. It beggars belief that these sobs get to places of power, now we all can see how. Through being afforded the ability to be racist against whites with impunity.

  3. The thing about these medics who come here to save the NHS is that they should perhaps train here but go back to support their own health services, such as they are. But no, at 20 rupees an hour? You are having a giraffe. Fuck Bangladesh, Pakistan and so on. They work here for money and standard of living and don’t give a tuppenny fuck about their homelands.
    Every one who works here impoverishes their own health system. Sad but true.

    • Exactly. Mercenaries to a man/woman. And who can blame the cunts for not wanting to live in whatever shithole they came from, and work for fuck all? But if they were as virtuous as the left makes them out to be, they’d GTF back home and help out there.
      THEN I’d applaud them- as the plane took off……….

  4. I’m sick of these ethnics playing the race card at every opportunity. If they don’t like it here why don’t they fuck off to a slum in Asia somewhere and help their own out.

    I wish this virus did discriminate against them, a few hundred thousand wiped out would be a helpful cull…

    • It must be a real pain for those migrants who have integrated fully into British society to hear these ‘Woe is me’ sob stories. You’d think that the moaning cunts were Scousers.

    • Wouldn’t touch the sides; there’s billions of the cunts.
      And they all expect you to finance them.

    • Well said indeed.
      Any excuse to have a dig and these soppy cunts are right at it.
      Never trust the shifty fuckers!

  5. Afternoon Cuntstable. I see Newport and Monmouthshire are hot spots for the virus. Do you think it will have depleted those hubcap stealing cunts in Ringland?

    • Char wallah! Stop coughing!
      Bring me some ice!
      Doctor you say? Hahaha
      Dont be cheeky char wallah.

    • If so they wont be missed. Perhaps the buses will be able to go there without having bricks through the windows.

    • Hubcaps Bertie ? Hubcaps ?? My dear fellow – I’d always thought I was the oldest cunt on here !

      • This is going back a few years Seymour when I used to visit the area and my early Ford Sierra was pillaged.
        So yes, I am an old cunt!

      • Evening Berticus – Last saw hubcaps on a Morris Minor – your Jellymould probably had plastic wheeltrims (posher ones had alloy wheels) but even back then people secured them with cable ties to discourage theft (like any cunt ever wanted plastic wheel trims !!!)

        Noswaith Da i ti !

  6. The silly cunt must think we are still running plantations, can anyone imagine Effnicks being bullied in the workplace, more likely that whitey would be bullied!!

  7. When I saw the photo, I thought he was one of those greasy “consultants” like the famous Dr. Fondle, who used to examine teenage girls jugs, when they presented with an ingrowing toenail, or that he was a part time minicab driver in Bradford

    I guess he has been talking to that Sultana cunt, and possibly Hammy Lammy as well

    • He might moonlight part-time as a waiter at my local Tandoori whose hobbies are chess, gardening, wood-carving and fondling the jugs of teenage girls.

  8. I will probably upset a few people here by saying this (Or stating the fucking obvious).
    Certain professions have certain risks attached to them and certain dividends too and some not so.
    I have been married to an education professional and a healthcare professional and both at some point or another brought home some disgusting lurgey from their charges and gave it to me (now that is not fair!)
    Now as a soldier I had to deal with people trying to kill me and my colleagues on a daily basis, and my PPE was pretty shit, unless you think a standard defender landrover is armour, however I got on with it, (Might be interesting doing a quick racial survey on how many whites were killed in those times too) I also got paid fuck all for the risk, BUT IT WAS MY CHOICE.
    As a doctor apart from a fucking big salary and the chance to locum your job to a junior doctor whilst you do a nice bit of cash in hand work, you are required to look after sick people, sometimes people with some nasty shit, it is part of the job, sorry but that is how it is, and do not bleat on about PPE, I get paid a shit load less than any doctor (or member on this site) but I had the good sense to buy a full face FFP3 respirator with removable canister filters.
    it cost me £19.00 because every twat and their mother was panic buying dust masks.
    As a doctor you have access to virologists, they have better information on spread and protection than us, sorry but you should have more sense.
    Now the racial bit? come on as I stated above, more white chaps have died in the recent conflicts* than coloured’s because of the racial mix in the service.
    So the asumption that the NHS or any other service is Racist is just pure bollocks (also if they where how the fuck is he a Doctor and not a porter?)
    rant over.

    *on our side, the others do not count.

    • As ex-army myself, I agree with your viewpoint LB, though to be fair to the front-line docs, it ain’t so much them doing the bleating, it’s this cunt (& why the fuck hasn’t he got his sleeves rolled up & getting into the trenches too!?) I get the impression the docs & nurses are & have been getting on with it, PPE or no PPE.
      The racist agenda stuff is bullshit & does the ethnic staff who have succumbed a total dis-service, as I’m sure they wouldn’t have had it said in their names.

      • You are right, but you know the adage, this stuff is not the best that there is but the best they could get for the money.
        Even I dug into my own pocket to buy better stuff.
        (Glad there are other boots on here)

  9. BBC R4 is running the “virus is racist” story this evening. Something to do with overcrowding in the Asian community, blah, blah.

    Are they suggesting ethnic cleansing as a means to alleviate this?

    • I would suggest that overcrowding in the Asian community is purely the fault of said Asian community

      • In Tower Hamlets at the last election, to get an idea of voting intentions a canvasser knocked on one typical door in Whitechapel and asked the resident the family’s voting intentions:

        “Oh goodness gracious me, my dear sir, let me see: 8 of us are voting Labour, 6 of us are voting Green, 8 of us are voting Lib Dem, 5 are voting Socialist Workers Party. All the rest are undecided, but of course I cannot speak for the people upstairs”

        I’ll get my coat……

      • Everything that happens is the will of an imaginary sky fairy; can’t argue with an omniscient, omnipotent CUNT.

      • We can certainly remove his inbred hateful r*pist followers though.
        Sooner the better really – or we’ll have no more 5G masts left! ?

      • Ron I am sure it is not, I am still trying to fathom the need for that amount of fridges and freezers in the Grenfil flat, they were either ice cream oholics or there were fuck more than should have been in that flat.

  10. And as a doctor he would know the reasons why they die. The statisics and evidence of ethnic bio-physiological data, are taught in 3rd and 4th year.
    The given example is of A Black Africans Blood Preessure, is much higher thatn a Caucasian. There are more Asian Diabetics and so on. Yes ther ARE racial differences between peoples in spite of the best efforts to conceal the facts and present elements of “racism” in place of biological fact.
    The man almost certainly is a cunt

    • And on this subject also, TV ( comedy FFS ) Kate and Ejoi, the story of a highly educated professional doctor from Africa seeking asylum in the UK, befriending a thick fat wifey who owns the cafe where he goes everyday to prepare his asylum appeal.

      This is one of the most blatant pieces of television propaganda, and should in itself , be subjected to its own fucking cunting !

      Intelligent blacks v Thick moronic whiteys

      Fuck em all

    • Yeah, it’s not surprising that the fucking guardian gave him column space to spout his race hate crap, and sadly inevitable that would follow suit. Asking questions like he is, he doesn’t come across as very bright. I hope to fuck I never need his services.

  11. While stale pale males were inventing all modern medicine, stale yellow cunts have been decimating wildlife to feed their cunitish ” medicine”. And as for this cunt, it’s probably vitamin D .

  12. In unrelated news, I see the Daily Star has picked up where the Daily Fail left off the other day, reporting that all seems not so rosy for the Sussex clan in LA. Here’s their headline which I quite enjoyed:


    Maybe we should start a sweep, kind of like the Dead Pool, where we predict the date Ginger de Fuckwitt will return to the UK sans ball-and-chain. I’ll give him until Thanksgiving (end of November). Thanksgiving is huge in Yankland – bigger than Christmas – and Ginger won’t be able to get his head round it. It’ll be way too American for him. The meltdown will really get underway around July 4th which the Yanks also love and he won’t enjoy at all!

    • When he comes back it won’t be just without the little princess his bollocks will have been well and truly removed.
      Little Meg must be bit of a novelty, being a ‘black’ mum with kid and DAD.

  13. They died because they died you thick spiv cunt…

    Getting sick of reading about all this coronaracism shite

  14. Poor old whitey cannot win on this one. If they don’t get the jobs they complain and when they do, they complain.

    A great nomination. They came for the money and lifestyle the job of a doctor brings.

    Not for the reason to give their lives for the cause in treating the Coronavirus.

    Unfortunate but true.

  15. Quick enough to throw the racism card at England, but is strangely reluctant to blame the Chinese (in case it causes racial offence) for this shitstorm!

    • As we all know, the chînķs and nîps hate the blacks, but do they hate indians and smelly pąķis?
      And does a black like a peaceful?
      Surely not, no-one likes a carpet rider.

      • They all hate each other TTCE.
        But hate us more.
        I genuinely wonder if there is a competition (not the “win a 12 Year old white b*tch sex slave”, that was last week!) to see how far they can push stupid soft whitey before we snap.
        Not far, now.

      • They’re too deeply entrenched, Mr Fox. There’s 3 million of the disgusting parasites in this country. Besides brits are, for the most part, total pussies who tow the line and even do what they’re told by security guards and PCSO’s, let alone an actual bonafide pig.

      • Evening mr Cunt Engine, in answer to your question…no.
        Used to work nights, few ramjams and a few dark keys and they hated each other!
        Once one of the Ghanaian lads went to chin a carpet kisser because he said africans all have aids because theyre shagging monkeys(?)
        The africans told me the stanleys couldnt be trusted and were snidey ,
        Naturally I took no pleasure in this racial divide an did my best to get each side to see the humanity in the other.

      • Your humanity does you credit MNC – in these trying times we need our virtuous contributers to bring a sense of fairness and playing “with a straight bat”, as it were! ?
        Which the P*kis can’t as they are all cheating f*ckers!

      • And surely, when they’re bowling, as soon as their arm loops round, the smell is akin to chemical warfare, knocking out any adjacent honkies.

  16. And if Chaand Nagpaul is so bothered about the “poor dear ethnics” why is he raking it in and lining his pockets in my Country instead of f*cking off back to the stinking disease and deformity ridden slum of the Third World to treat people there?
    Not enough money over there though is there Dr greedy?
    Don’t like “racist whitey”? Airports that way. Cunt.

  17. Seems to me that nearly every time that a doctor is up on a charge of performing a vaginal examination on a 16 year old girl with a cough or pressing there hard on against some bent over nurse that their name is nearly always one you’d usually equate with an area of east asia than the home counties.
    I could be wrong.

    • Names you’d associate with the Home Counties? What, like Pavel, Jablonska, Grotsky, Lachwenska, Czeauçesku, Dooshka, Mooshka, or Booshka?

  18. I’m sure all over Africa and India there are doctors waiting to come and die for the NHS. Nothing to do with better pay and conditions, standard of living.

  19. Right the virus is racist, must be a whitey ploy to reduce the number of effnicks prior to us rejoining the eu and giving our fishing rights to the Russian Federation. The virus is spread via 5g phone masts cos only whitey science could come up with something as cuntish as a racist virus that uses parts of the electromagnetic spectrum to seek and destroy effnicks. Problem is conspiracy theory’s based on fearmongering and lunatic bollocks are more fun than reasoned arguments. My dogs have their own foil based headgear

  20. Three of my ancestors were slaughtered in the Cawnpore Massacre. Where’s my apology Gunga Din? ??‍♂️ Where’s my fucking compo you cunt?
    Remember Cawnpore!!

    • Freddie@
      Know you like your history and probably know, but the revenge we took was fitting!
      Wish we still was a country that dealt with insults that way.????

      • Indeed. How I would love to tie a peaceful to the open muzzle of a cannon and light the fuse. Then I would feed the remnants of his stinking carcass to the pigs. Rule Brittania! ??

      • That should have been “Britannia” of course. I was using the Roman spelling, another bunch of foreign cunts who owe me compo.

  21. Facts don’t really matter to assholes like this one.

    The only things that matter to these hate mongers and race baiters is that everything that goes wrong for them is because of waaaycism.

    It’s all grown out of white bastard liberals infecting our institutions of state from the 80’s onwards and using racism and political correctness as a way of silencing dissent or basically any view they didn’t want to hear.

    It’s a game of ever decreasing circles though, we now have ‘transphobia’ what the fucking fuck is that all about. I have no phobia of Trans people, I think they have a mental illness and need support, that’s not a phobia.

    Identity Politics and victim hood will eventually dive to the bottom of the cesspit of blame and at some point apart from themselves they’ll be no group left to single out for their poison.

    Fuck the lot of ‘em

    • I’d bet you’d be trånsbůmderphobic if you were trapped in a broken down lift with one, CMC! Especially if he was hard as nails, had the horn and was wearing crotchless underwear and a short skirt…

      • I think I’d probably be a murderer too Thomas!!!

        But obviously my sentence would have another 10 years on it because it was ‘phobic’ related.

        Despite the fact I didn’t want to be bummed

    • Evening SV,
      Imagine the levels of soy present in the director, Darren Smith.
      Cuckold prick, I’ll bet his wife’s boyfriend laughs in his face whilst fondling her rotund arse.

    • Fuck me, this cunt hasn’t just jumped on the bandwagon he’s taken over the driving and wants whitey to pay for his petrol, insurance and road tax.
      10/10 for bare faced fucking cheek.

  22. Dr Popadom can go fuck himself, the curry munching overpaid son of a punkah wallah.
    Go and drink some chaai and fuck off back to your corner shop.


    • LOL, great comment, you’re almost Swiftian with your rapier-like subtlety.

  23. Every other public information film tells us the virus ‘ doesn’t discriminate’ ‘we are all at risk ‘ ‘we are all in this together’ ‘heroes this heroes that’.
    Its in events like this that people show who they really are. When people use what is effectively a killer virus to promote their racist anti white views, they put the nail in the coffin as to what pointless cunts they really are.
    And JR Cuntly, you are still a legend.

  24. What if I told you that the number of UK medical school places was ‘capped’ by the govt.? And that these places were so over subscribed by indigenous Brits that the competition for them is described as ‘fierce’. The only logic offered by the govt is the neoliberal trope that it is cheaper to ‘poach’ those from the dark continents as the govt doesn’t have to pay for all that pesky education. And that this situation could not be overcome by a simple contractual obligation of the newly minted British doctor, because you see, you have a better chance of paying off your debt by qualifying in media studies. What if I told you that the govt is ‘willing’ to expand the number of places by 25% cos you know Brexit, but “UK medical schools will need to demonstrate that they are making deliberate efforts to appeal to and encourage students of deprived backgrounds before they can lift the cap on training places”. As you know, I am not a suspicious man ..


    • We need a surplus of essential workers who are citizens.
      Relying on foreigners for survival is just retarded.

  25. Stop press news!

    The UK Government is ignoring all lockdown legislation to fly in 150 Romanian farm workers on Thursday, the first of six such flights, whilst still keeping us in prison.

    I could genuinely fucking cry.

    • There must be a drugs shortage, Vern. These cunts are always reliable to bring in crates of prang and lorryloads of nasty-looking whores though fuck knows what the million or so illegals already here are doing. “Hand car washing” must be in big demand during the ChînkFlu. What’s another few thousand more pock-marked pîkeys roaming the streets looking for houses to burgle, eh?

    • Just when you think this whole situation couldn’t get any stupider, it goes and gets stupider. Do we not have a load of people of our own who are being paid to do nothing and might quite like to do something?It’s just what we need, more bloody unskilled Eastern Europeans. Sure, take their temperature at the airport and get them to fill in a form, because that’s a sure fire guarantee that they don’t have the virus lurking. Meanwhile, I haven’t seen my family for yonks and don’t know when I will be able to again and can only go out to go to work, walk the dogs or go to the shops for essential cut price Easter eggs.
      I am seriously displeased.

  26. To put it politely, funny tinged cunt.
    That’s how ex mp angela smith would put it. The fucked up libtard bastard so what if 19 have croaked.
    There will be plenty more in the next dinghy to wash up near Dover.

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