Donald Trump’s Vocabulary

‘Terrific’, ‘Wonderful’, ‘Fantastic’, ‘Beautiful’. These are just some of the adjectives he uses so inappropriately to my mind. Especially at this time of emergency.

From memory: ‘We had a terrific meeting this morning, really wonderful people they are, done lots of fantastic work…really beautiful it was…’ Why doesn’t he just say ‘We had a meeting this morning in which we discussed our response to the Coronavirus emergency’. No, he’s got to put a positive spin on everything. His use of the word ‘beautiful’ is especially egregious. ‘We have some beautiful testing kits coming through right now.’ Beautiful testing kits. Like a nurse saying to a diabetic, ‘everything’s going to be fine….we have some beautiful insulin and a beautiful syringe with a really beautiful needle to insert into your arm’.

Dear old Donald. He’s such a Capitalist. He wants us all to live in a Capitalist paradise where everything, all our technology, all that factories produce is ‘fantastic’ and ‘wonderful’. Where we all dress in suits (even women) and look important and serious and have ‘terrific meetings’ and ‘wonderful conference calls’ and everything is positive because there is nothing else the world but this creative capitalism.

But there are other things in the world. And one of these things has made its way across Europe all the way to the Land of the Free. A deadly virus. Yes, ‘deadly’. Now that’s an appropriate adjective for this time, but I doubt it’s in his vocabulary.

Nominated by Miles Plastic

83 thoughts on “Donald Trump’s Vocabulary

  1. I think you can sum up trump in a few words, he is a bit of a knob.

    But I quite like him, he reminds me of the guy I worked for when I was in the US ?

      • You are entitled to your opinion but I am not the only one who doesn’t fully agree with the nom.

      • Fully support that Sick. The list of ‘slick’ and ‘caring’ politicians is endless. Those like Blair, Obama, Kennedy and Magic Grandad who turned out to be morally, politically and financially corrupt will have done far more damage than Trump when history gives its verdict.

  2. Trump was bang on when he asked if the cure should be worse than the disease. Some commentators are stating it’s likely more will die from starvation due to the shutdown of supply chains than will die from the virus.

    Trump has many faults but he is far from stupid, he’s also been prepared to say it as it is, China lied about the virus to begin with and withheld information that could of given us time to prepare.

    The Japanese VP yesterday said the WHO is a mouthpiece for China and should be renamed the CHO.

    Reports coming out of China say between 3500 and 5000 runs a day are being delivered to crematoriums in Wuhan province.

    Trump isn’t a polished speaker like we are used to, I can forgive him his Vocabulary.

  3. Tango man is a showman and, like all showmen, he loves himself, thinks he’s the greatest thing on two legs. He’s a massive dumb cunt but he winds the libtards up like nobody else can. For that reason alone I like him. Don’t really care about his vocabulary as long as he gets bastards like Suckdick Khunt spitting feathers.

    • 100% agree
      Without question trump is a humongous cunt!! , but he has a very special gift which I particularly love, NOBODY elicits RAGE from the libertard democrat snowflake cunts like the DON , he’s the right wing “ deus ex machina “ just when those utter wankers the UNdemocrats thought they had America under their toxic spell of liberal shite up pops tango man who ruins 8 years of Obama bollocks, Listening to them bleating is sweet music and when you’ve got a riled Robert de Niro saying he wants to “ smack trump round the face with a bag of shit” that’s fucking brilliant…….

      • DeNiro has been slapping cinema audiences around the head with a huge slice of ham for years…

      • “Hey! Hey! You talkin’ to me you honey glazed motherf*cker”?
        “Bob! Bob! Stick to the script – you’re supposed to be selling bread”!
        “You talkin’ to me you wholemeal motherf*cker”?..

      • Bobbys a few slices short of a full loaf.
        Good in that irish gangster film..spudfellas.

    • That’s the problem. People voting for and wanting to lick someone’s ring just because he winds up people they don’t like is unlikely to result in good government.

      Let’s face facts cunters, none of us would tolerate being in the same room as him for long without wanting to stamp on his face.

  4. The man is just trying to put a positive spin of the world of shit we find ourselves in. Hardly cuntworthy. No worse than the cunts on here that after 5 or 6 decent replies resort to “morning whoever”, nice to see you insert name” etc making more of a FB page out of it.

  5. Whatever elseTrump is, he is an unintelligent CUNT with a very limited vocabulary and reading ability. He doesn’t even run businesses successfully, despite the large inheritance from his father.

  6. Sorry Miles but I can’t agree with this one. He’s just trying to make the American people feel a bit more positive about what is a terrible situation.

  7. By the way does anyone know what happened to Limply? Did he pass on?

    • Not a clue about Sir Limply General – hope he hasn’t shuffled orf, I would miss his posts!

    • Sir Limply
      mince pie guy
      General Cuntster

      Quite a few have been quiet for a while now. Even going way back, Fred West was always good for a laugh if a bit extremely left leaning.

      If you see this guys, pop in and say hello.

  8. I’d rather have positive than negative. As for a world where everything is beautiful and we’re all dressed like civilized men and women,sounds good to me. It couldn’t be worse than the endless negativity from the moaning left and/or the keys and stanleys who drag us down to the gutter. Tango he may be but the alternative of Biden or Sanders doesn’t bear thinking about.
    Love a positive outlook and detest endless negative whinners.

    • I have some affection for him as a bumbling innocent
      What I am getting at is the EMPTY OPTIMISM of our Capitalist way of life. He exemplifies it perfectly. You say you would rather dress in suits and be civilised. To me it is almost barbarianism.
      How has this bag flu spread? It has fitted around the world because Capitalists (including the Chinese) are flittering around the world, going in and out of countries, spreading the disease.
      The system promotes greed and avarice. Ok, fuck it let’s destroy our national culture, turn each country into uniform shopping mall, treat the earth simply as a ‘resource’, sell our fucking souls for a fucking dollar.
      And when we have exploited everything we can treat the world as our playground with our riches. Fuck everybody else.
      This is all there is! There is only making money that’s what life’s about.
      Big International Capitalism I mean. What word comes to mind when you hear or rather see Trump- someing that is GROSS The ORANGE suntan. TRUMP TOWER! Where everything gleams and is golden and ”beautiful’.
      The golf course in Scotland sums it up. A wild bit of land off the coast turned into a ‘beautiful’ manicured golf course. Where the business people can meet and talk business business business endlessly….and it’s all so empty and void of meaning like people addicted to crack of heroin or trying to find meaning happiness in sex of gambling. What did Jesus ssy ‘I have come to bring llife, and bring it in abundance.’. The Capitalist-‘I have come to bring EMPTY possessions, bring them in abundance’.

      Thus endeth the lesson.

      • What would you suggest then Miles? Totalitarian Communism à la Soviet Union /Venezuela?

        Surely not Communist China, with their State Capitalism.

        How about a return to feudalism? Or some variation on tribalism as per Africa?

        The bug doesn’t discriminate, but wealthier economies are better able to withstand its ravages. And they are invariably Capitalist.

        Yeah I know, free enterprise, wealth creation, freedom and democracy – quite unbearable!

      • Brilliant post until the Jesus bit. Vacuous consumption of media and tat will be the undoing of our species.

        However. For those who insist on something more cheerful, we’re on fillet steak and a shed full of decent beer and wine tomorrow. How about you?

      • That comment would have come verbatim from me if only I was erudite enough Miles. I so hope that after this Shanghai Sniffles thing subsides we can concentrate more on love, kindness and benevolence, and a hell of a lot less on the ethos of work – buy stuff – work more – buy more stuff; it doesn’t, and will NEVER bring you happiness – not proper happiness. Anyone who has experienced the two extremes of abject clinical depression and the relief of it easing off will agree that there are so much more important things than perpetually trying to satisfy our desperate craving for contentment by overworking and overspending. Suits parading their imbecility by showboating their ‘wealth’ and ‘success’ do two things: they publicise to the world their stupidity and ignorance, and broadcast to us all how hollow are their goals and their idiotic measures of ‘success’. When I see one of these slaves to commerce in their ludicrously impractical cloth handcuffs (with even more ludicrous optional ‘waistcoat’, and, wait for it – TIE (ha ha ha ha ha), I am assailed by immediate cynicism, mountainous mistrust and strong urge to ridicule their unimaginable naivety. For goodness sake you suits, wake the fuck up and enjoy your friends, families and our lovely countryside before you and your stupid cunt ‘colleagues’ have wiped out all three in pursuit of their bizarre perception of success.

  9. He has all the signs of Aspergers
    .. The inability to comprehend humour.

    Repeating the same words over and over
    , the total lack of empathy .

    seeming blunt, rude or not interested in what others have to say.

    Not understanding social “rules.

  10. The Pussygrabber is also prone to describing a US / UK Trade Deal as ‘incredible’ (or similar, depending on the day).

    Which of course is code word for “stitch the desperate Limey bastards up and show them no mercy”

  11. The vocabulary of a politician is slowly changing as we evolve as an eastoafrikaneuro spunk bubble. Just like the rest of us. We’re fucked !

  12. His success is undeniably at odds with his demeanour and vocabulary. In contrast, his predecessor seems to be the the total opposite. Obama looked and sounded the epitome of a world statesman, calm, reassuring, and wise. Most of this though is because he was given a free ride by the mainly left wing western media that rarely asked uncomfortable questions of his leadership.

      • So much emphasis is given to whether the leader is a good person or a wanker. Who cares whether they are empathetic or speak nicely. Just fix the economy.

      • Churchill was a right cunt by all accounts and many who met Hitler said what a charming and affable fella he was.

        I’d rather the Donald than Clinton the self serving slag.

      • Obama was a Rolls Royce with no engine and a tame press who did not ask why.

      • A “high steppin’ yeller” as I believe the yanks call his particular species of racoonus Americ@nus.

  13. I can’t agree with this one, somebody with a backbone needs to come out and say it as it is.

    • I agree Spanky.
      His straight talking and firing from the hip could loose the Democrats another term.
      Putin behaves pretty much the same , rightly or wrongly the Russian public feel more secure with a gangster hard man at the helm.

      • A bullshitter cannot bullshit a bullshitter……these people are the new world leaders.

        Forget all that has gone, people who see what is happening,and have lived through hard times (like me) will win the day.

    • Trouble is he doesn’t. He says it as he want’s it to be. That’s fine for us on here, but not for someone in his position.

  14. He seems to be better than the alternatives, which is tragic as he is a thoroughly obnoxious, narcissistic, bullying, thick cunt. And those are his good points.

    • Being a total hypocrite who doesnt like politicians this is as close as I get too it.
      Hes my favourite comedian.
      He pushes snowflakes into a seizure, is rude an obnoxious, and has lovely buttery hair.
      Hes the Johnny Rotten of world leaders.
      Make America great again☺☺

    • Hit the nail on the head there. 100% agree. He’s appalling and a disgrace, but the alternatives aren’t much better.

    • Ooh, he is awful… but I like him. Does he not give you the horn Cuntstable?

    • Don tells me he will only do that job if he gets some of dat great incredible fantastic (fantastic) Popa Cola, he likes it with his beautiful amazing burgers and is impressed that just one Man in the Vatican can make so much of it!
      “Let’s make America berate again”! But the Donald is stepping up and kicking arses to get things done while Boris the Morlock is dithering, like any bad situation the only ones who are needed are those who step up, and no room for those who step off.

    • How many popes do we have? Four? Frank Liar (1) the Ratzinger (2) someone nominated by the sedevacantists (3) and the coptic pope (4) which is four too many just like we have one too many archbishops of Canterbury.

      Leprosy does less harm than these freaks.

  15. I think Donald is tremendous.
    It’s patently obvious he doesn’t give a fuck what anyone else says or thinks.
    A complete breath of fresh air.
    With nukes.

    • Couldn’t agree more Unkle Terry. He says what he wants,speaks the truth,which is refreshing and couldn’t give a toss about political correctness.
      He will wipe the floor with the democrats in November because they represent pc,egg sucking,lefty ,anti western cunts.

  16. Everything with you has got to be perfect Miles!

    It wasn’t long ago you were describing Trump as “a new Martin Luther figure… with a new message that chimes with the people: ‘MAGA’.”

    As others have said, he winds the libtards up rotten, which makes him worth every penny, especially when he says:

    “It’s a Chinese virus. It comes from CHINA”

    Anyway, he’s a leader not a poet or an intellectual giant. Nowt much wrong with his vocabulary imo, unless of course he says something I disagree with. ?

    • I think this is just a deliberate ploy from Miles to deflect attention away from his heroine Greta who all of a sudden has gone strangely quiet.

      • Hmm… The Blessed Virgin Greta doesn’t like the Big Don much, does she. ?

  17. Good nom Miles.
    Trump´s vocabulary is so limited I bet his two foreign-born wives speak better English than he does. Remember how he burbled about a “beautiful” letter he got from the Ruth Davidson look alike North Korean dictator who had just arranged his brother´s murder and was threatening to send missiles into New York?

    Fenton makes a good point too in that Trump is totally humorless. He probably spent his childhood picking the wings off flies.

    The fact that he is a refreshing change from most world leaders and says things most ISCAers agree with does not mean he can´t be criticized. Would any of you like to meet him in person? Could you have a reasonable conversation with him? Would he listen to a word you said? Would you buy a second hand car from this man?

    • Does it really matter how he speaks when the message gets across to many Americans and that his approval rating of 49% is at its highest level?
      Or are you saying that many Americans share the same characteristics? ?
      Is there not an air of snobbery about all this?

      • The consensus of opinion is that Trump is a cunt. No-one’s saying he’s completely stupid, but making money and running a country are two different things. Don’t forget, this is the man who thought he could buy Greenland.

      • Listen, there are good cunts and bad cunts. To be called a cunt is not necessarily a life sentence.
        We need good cunts to help the world go round.

      • Yes we’re all agreed Donny Tango is the best thing to come out of the US since Evel Kneivel.?

        Build that wall Donald.

  18. I quite like the Donald’s vision of a “Capitalist paradise.”

    Except for the bit “Where we all dress in suits (even women) and look important”.

    Good luck with that in the land of the free! ?

  19. He’s a bellend, particularly for saying it’ll be all over by Easter, days before the virus went apeshit in YankeeDoodleLand.

    He was slow to crack down on those partying on the beaches.

    However, compared to most politicians he’s ok. At least he’ll call it ‘Chinese Flu’ and not back down when the left ‘demand’ it. Personally, I think once this is over the world will look at China and want some kind of recompense. Apart from the libtards, but if you speak to people, they’re fucking pissed off and want some kind of revenge for the Chinese gov keeping the outbreak secret for two months.

    Some say Trump and the west should’ve moved earlier to restrict movement of people in from China. To be honest, they’re right of course, but it would’ve made little, if any, difference. Two months and the virus had already taken hold all over the planet.

    I predict Trumpy will walk the next election on a promise of fucking China off. He’s not daft. I know Trumpy loves the economy more than anything, but look how fucked our economies are now. Does the world think the Chinese will write off debts and provide reparations? Not a fucking chance!

    Trumpy will, in my opinion, lead the way by ostracising China and giving a ‘Youre either with us or against us’ type ultimatum. Make no mistake, in private, reports are that western leaders, especially Trump, are fucking fuming with China.

    Llet’s see if I’m right..check in about 8- 12 months or so or whenever the next US election campaigns start.

    If politicians want to win in the west, they will do well to realise that the majority of folk will want steps that will make it very difficult for us to get yet another one of their fucking death plagues. The way to do this is hard-line, but necessary.

    Hand wringing libtard politicians who kiss China’s arse will be taken to the fucking cleaners in the next election campaigns. Mark my words.

    • Some people are saying hes the second coming,
      The chosen one.
      I wouldnt comment on that, but theres definitely something ‘angelic’ about him.
      He should be airbrushed into classic paintings in place of cherubim.
      Anyone disagrees theyre fake news.

  20. In this crisis the U.S. (or any country really) need a General in charge…an Eisenhower, Roosevelt a Patton. Someone who is going to pull no punches and explain the situation as it is while making tough, command decisions. Someone with gravitas. Someone they can all follow.

    In Putin Russia have a fiercely ruthless and intelligent ex-leader of the FSB in charge. America have an ex-Game Show host leading the nation. Putin must be laughing his bollocks off at how things are all playing out, even sending a cargo of medical supplies to the U.S. to rub salt in the wound.

    The U.S. is in deep shit.

    • I disagree. Ex-game show host he maybe, but we’ve got a great negotiator, successful business man and someone who knows and understands how international trade and relations work. Reagan was an ex-B movie actor, acting alongside chimps FFS! He’s now widely regarded as a great president.

      Trump’s rivals for the Republican nomination were mostly status quo swamp dwellers. Those that weren’t, just weren’t electable. The alternative was democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump wanted to quickly sign a massive stimulus bill to help put money into people’s pockets and help small businesses survive. What did the democrats do? Loaded the bill with expensive fluff which furthers their own socialist agenda which has nothing to do with addressing the immediate concern and threat of Covid-19. Thus slowing everything down and causing extra and unnecessary spending. That’s the democrats for you. Cunts.

      I’m glad The Donald is in charge. Everyone’s in deep shit right now. However, once this thing breaks and normal starts to come back into our lives, the US will be leading the charge and the rest of the world will be glad about that.

      • You are correct that everyone is in deep shit and at the moment and obviously nobody knows how things are going to play out, people can only guess.

        I’m not particularly for or against Trump, I think the situation is bigger than party politics. The nation effectively needs putting on a war-time footing. I think it may possibly have been even worse for the U.S. if that loon Clinton had become President however.

        Scary but fascinating times ahead.

      • You are SO right, my friend. This is bigger than politics. The really sad part is the US could be doing more and being more effective if the democrats worked with the administration rather than continuing their non-stop defamation of Trump. Trump Derangement Syndrome is absolutely out of control, but he does like to wind them up it has to be said.

        I realise my posts in this thread make me sound like a rabid Trump supporter, but that’s not really it. I’m not a citizen so I can’t vote and I’m not a member of any political party. There are many things about Trump that make me wince, but I’ll take the good with the bad. He’s got a great track record of doing what he said he was going to do, he’s very passionate about serving America first and he cares about doing the right thing. Until this fucking virus came along, the US was doing really well, making the left hate him even more. It was fun!

        I do feel for the poor bastards who happened to be in political high office when this situation arose. No one was prepared for what would happen. War time footing is what it will take and I think you’re right about that too. It’s getting like that here now, though some states (about 5 or 6) still do not have stay-at-home orders. Crazy! Be safe.

  21. Who would be a head of state right now or even the POTUS? It’s bad enough that we have to worry about ourselves, our family and friends. National leaders have to worry about whole populations and try to deal with something which is unprecedented. Nobody signed up for this.

    Meanwhile, the know-it-alls sit on the sidelines with no responsibility or accountability and continually throw rocks at Trump. Like he’s the problem here. Trump’s not perfect. Far from it. Before his presidency he wasn’t a politician, did not spend years honing his public speaking finesse and did not have any experience dealing with a catastrophic set of circumstances which is now killing thousands of Americans on his watch.

    He’s a bit crass, uncouth and combative. He often doesn’t behave in a way which you might call presidential. So what? Before his run for president, he had a great life. Super wealthy, successful businesses, beautiful homes, a chain of hotels, golf resorts, a fit wife….the list goes on. He didn’t need to get into mainstream politics, but he did because he knows how poisonous and corrupt the swamp is and wanted to do something about it. Drain the swamp! The vitriol, the lies, the insults, the Russia investigations, the attempted impeachment is what the swamp looks like when it fights back. Under those circumstances, being crass, uncouth and combative doesn’t seem so unreasonable. Could any of us smile serenely and turn the other cheek under the same circumstances? No! We’d be calling some of these vile reporters cunts during White House press briefings. The fact Trump doesn’t do that makes him a saint!

    He’s doing his best to be positive in extraordinary circumstances. Being as truthful as he can while giving the US hope. I thank him for that. He often doesn’t use a teleprompter and just speaks his mind. Sometimes it comes out as awkward, doesn’t flow well or he becomes fixated on one or two words or phrases. So what? The man is under the type of pressure none of us can comprehend. I think he’s doing a fantastic job under the circumstances.

    There shouldn’t be a US election in November. The country should instead collectively beg him to stay in office.

    • He was slow though. Opening the country back up by Easter? As I’ve said above that dangerous Capitalist Optimism could maybe have done for many.
      Indeed many here with Boris taking after him.
      He has changed his tune which is good.
      Will say it’s an awful thing to be presented with whether anyone could much better I doubt it.
      It was t hat that silly unrealistic way of talking in a Psndemic that frustrated me.

      • Agreed Miles. His wish that things would return to normal (ish) by Easter was wishful thinking. No question about that now. It’s a fluid situation. The data is changing by the hour. What seemed reasonable last week, sounds crazy this week. It works the other way too. Ten days after the first confirmed infection in the US back in January, he imposed a travel ban to/from China and instituted quarantine restrictions on people returning to the US. He was called xenophobic and racist and his actions unnecessarily overbearing. We’ll never know for sure, but cutting off the direct influx of Chinese folks into the US probably saved many lives and helped slow the infection rate, thus buying the US some time.

        For some people (the swamp dwellers) Trump can’t win or can’t be seen to win. It’s a terrible situation for Tango Man to have to deal with. I’m glad he’s there though, warts and all. And if anyone will stand up to fucking China after all this has settled down, Trump’s the one to do it. I’m looking forward to seeing how that plays out, assuming I survive long enough to see it. All the best. Cheers – IY.

  22. I hope Trump trumps China on this one and for China to ultimately pay for this in the long run. Bring back the old days ,when a product had its country of origin stamped on it , like made in Hong Kong or made in west Germany it was clear information to the purchaser.
    But no , they changed the rules so when you add 50% value to the product you imported and sell locally in your chosen country you now say made in the uk or made in Belgium etc.
    People’s need to make informed decisions of the whereabouts of what they are buying so they can send a message to China ,fuck to fuck off

  23. I love The Donald. What you see is what you get. Upsetting the snowflakes, PC brigade and media, fucking brilliant. Puts his country first, wish our country did the same. Tough on illegals, building a wall to keep the fuckers out. And contrary to popular PC beliefs, he is not a warmonger, but if pushed he will show who’s boss. When all this virus shit is over with, what’s the betting he turns the economy around once again? Plus his wife is one hell of a MILF.

    • Cheers for that, Bob. Tango’s style is to get along with every nation until you can’t get along with them. He’s met with Putin and the North Korean lunatic, trying to keep the peace while bigging up America. If that corrupt and evil witch Clinton had been elected, the US would be at odds with several other aggressive nations at a minimum. Military action having been involved more than likely. I was surprised though that he ordered that missile strike on Syria so soon after taking office. His hand was forced though. We haven’t heard a peep out of Assad since.

      Fact is, he doesn’t go looking for trouble. When the Iranians launched missile attacks on Iraqi military bases containing US military assets, Trump could easily have bombed the shit out of Iran – but he held fire. That was in retaliation for the US taking out that Iranian general/mass murderer/terrorist who was up to no good in Iraq. Because that happened on Trump’s watch, the MSM tried to make out that fucking general was a respected statesman held in high regard, blah blah blah. I didn’t notice anyone defending Bin Laden when he was taken out during Obama’s time in office. And let’s not forget Bill Clinton had the chance to take out Bin Laden during his time in office, but bottled it. Cunt.

      Unfortunately, Trump gets slagged morning, noon and night by the MSM and much of it is absolute lies. Trump’s ordered more drone air strikes killing countless civilians, so Orange Man Bad. Wrong! Obama ordered way more and no one said anything about that at the time. Trump’s deported more illegal immigrants, so Orange Man Bad. Wrong! Obama’s administration has to date deported way more illegals. No one got upset when he did it. Trump cruelly separates parents and children when detaining illegals at border crossings, so Orange Man Bad. Wrong! That policy was instigated by Obama’s administration. Border security are merely following the law of the land. The list goes on.

      The fact is, the world is a better and safer place when America is the only super power or at least the most powerful and dominant one. China has been vying for top dog status for a while now. Need I say more. Obama’s international apology tour made America look weak and helped create a vacuum that unscrupulous nations took advantage of. Remember during the Republican primaries Trump repeatedly called out China for unfair trade practices and currency manipulation. No one else had the balls. Joe Biden and his bent family are up to their necks in dodgy deals with Chinese companies which means the Chinese government by default. It’s well documented and in the public domain. Does the MSM report on that? No because Orange Man Bad and he has silly hair. FFS!!

      • Cheers Imitation. Really hope The Donald gets in again November. Great post of yours.

  24. The Donald is a cracker. Campaigns continually in huge rallies where he speaks in small words to adoring deplorables. You can see how cheesy corny but effective it is in raising support from millions and HOW MUCH it must piss off the snowflakes.

  25. I like him. He was on fire yesterday streaming live. Everything was beautiful and under control. Everything bad was just a rumor. I can fault him on one expression. Instead of referring to ‘herd immunity’ he confused it with ‘herd mentality’. He gets the nong book thrown at him for this but then again, he may have got it right if he was unintentionally referring to the media.

    • CaliAngle, I think you’ve nailed Trump just there. The very fact he says things wrongly and he forgets the script ,makes him the most refreshing leader of this out of control world we all inhabit.
      And yet we all understand what he is referring to.

  26. I enjoy seeing him hold his hand up, his thumb and forefinger together.
    I imagine he’s pleasuring a ghost hehe.

    • I believe he is checking the waist measurement of his next Wife – his current one Mailordia must be worn out by now, carrying those heavy wigs abaaaht all day! ?

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