David Geffen

David Geffen is a cunt, isn’t he.

While most people alternate between being anxious about the impending, economic Armageddon and being bored shitless, Billionaire record-producer David Geffen is rubbing their faces in it. He recently took to Instagram to declare he was self-isolating on his $600 million yacht in the Grenadines. Not sure what’s more distasteful: bragging about your yacht or a grown man using Instagram.

Geffen made a boat-load of dosh foisting The Eagles, Bob Dylan, and Crosby Stills & Nash onto an innocent public but we won’t hold that against him (except Tom fucking Waits – he was dreadful). What’s truly vulgar is bragging about your assets.

Don’t fret David, essential workers will carry on. The poor are called “essential workers” so that they keep working. Remember kids, there are a thousand people willing to take your place stacking shelves at Aldi if you quit, so fucking work harder and be grateful.

Donate some moolah for protective gear for over-worked nurses or buy a few thousand ventilators, Philanthropic Dave. You wont even notice.

Fair enough making billions of dollars from shite music and films but don’t blatantly flaunt it in a global crisis, you obscene little turd.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

29 thoughts on “David Geffen

  1. The US Navy should take him and his boat and park it just off the Somali coast. That would be a giggle.

  2. I’ve never understood the need to have more money than you can spend in ten lifetimes….don’t get me wrong, I’m no Bill Gates but then I’m no Scrooge either.

    I guess people like this just get carried away and start to live on the smell of their own farts.

  3. Is this the guy who was secretly married to Keanu Reeves? He think she can buy himself out of death with his money. Sooner or later this braggart will be stripped of his wealth, the only difference will be a bigger coffin as death doesn’t discriminate. Make me laugh.
    Sod this swaggerer, unless he bathing me in diamonds.

    • Secretly married to keenau reeves? Haha never heard that one before surely John Wick wouldn’t sick dick but I heard Geffen is a poof

      • No, it was probably just a slimy rumour.
        I hope you’re not a REAL Titslapper.

  4. This cunt is a Gaylord so I hope he gets a good dose of AIDS, assuming the arsebandit hasn’t got it already. Failing that I hope his boat hits an iceberg and the bastard drowns. Better still a shark bites his cock off.

  5. This cunt Geffen -along with that other cunt, Jann Wenner and his Rolling Stone rag- is responsible for the cultural snobbery that turned pop into ‘rock’. These fuckers also bigged up and spread the whole West Coast Laurel Canyon coked up singer songwriter hippy bollocks of the 70s. With cunts like Jackson Browne, Dan Fogelberg (who he?), Crosby Stills Nash and Cunt, and obligatory hippy slapper, Joni Mitchell. Geffen and his ilk thought the world began and ended with California. Satirised by Robert Plant on ‘Going To California’ off Zeppelin’s fourth album. Then in the 90s Geffen signed the Stone Roses. Not that he got much out of the lazy cunts. By the time they took Geffen’s mighty dollars, they themselves had become a mirror of their 70s predecessors on Geffen’s label. Drugged up to fuck, infighting, massive egos. A bit like the Eagles without the chops or the work rate.

    I really fucking hate hippies…

    • Oh, and major points against Geffen and Wenner for sucking up to that utter cunt and human leech, Yoko Fucking Ono…

    • Neil Young isn’t a cunt. At least he wasn’t last time I looked, which was admittedly over 10 years ago.

      • Young has made some pretty good music over the years but our beloved canadian hippie cowboy is a bit of a hypocritical cunt sometimes isn’t he?

        Eagles made 3 decent songs what a overrated shit band, hotel California can go fuck itself

      • Listening to Neil Young today while shopping ‘ohio’ ‘down by the river’
        And ‘harvest moon’.
        Not in my bumper book of HATE.
        Think hes ace.??

      • I always thought Neil Young sounded like a cockerel being strangled at dawn by some oafish farmhand for waking him up too early in the day. “A Heart of Gold” deserves an award for being the most monotonous “song” ever recorded. As for Crosby – ex-Birds with walrus moustache – Stills – nonetity whose formewr band I can´t remember – Nash – ex-Hollies – and Young – what a phony bunch of longhaired nancy boys. Give me Kenny Rogers any day.

      • That it is!

        Words (Between The Lines Of Age) is another favourite of mine.

        And Cinnamon Girl… and Like A Hurricane… and Cortez The Killer… and Southern Man…

        There’s usually a smattering of great tracks on most of his albums. Including Trans, his Devo influenced 1982 album.


      • First thing I ever heard by Neil Young was ‘the needle and the damage done’.
        Id of been early 20s and just met this bird, constantly shagging, getting stoned and listening to Neil Young.
        Liked him ever since.

      • More like his kraftwerk devo influenced album Trans, ruff… speaking of devo and young You see Human highway yet Ruff Tuff? its a pretty good film but its bizarre as fuck tho

        You don’t have to smoke pot and drink a beer when you watch it but I can assure you it most certainly helps

  6. I hope the Philipinos he undoubtedly employs as his servants mutiny and make the cunt walk the plank covered in sardine grease.
    The fucking shit weasel.

  7. Pedantic point of order Herr Captain:

    Geffen did not foist Bob Dylan on an innocent public. It was John Hammond who did that, signing him to Columbia Records in 1961, thirteen years before Dylan signed to Geffen for two albums in 1974, subsequently telling him to get fucked.

    One source put it more politely: “Dylan thought Geffen ran a terrible record company; there was no follow-through on release of albums, a hundred and one technicalities. He thought Geffen was just interested in being a celebrity.”

    • Geffen also was behind the diabolical Byrds reunion in 1973. He offered them a shitload of money and let his hippy buddy, Crosby large it over the others, which did not go down well. It was a shit album and only the great Gene Clark made any sort of effort. Loved the Byrds in their 60s prime, but their brief time as Geffen’s dancing bears left a bit of a bad smell with the legacy…

      • That Byrds reunion album was shit i agree Norm aside from maybe a song or two it was a crosby led shitshow

        Geffen also screwed with Young when he was signed to his label, everybodys rockins was to geffens credit is fuckin weird but Trans I think is brilliant

      • Agree TitS – Trans is ace!

        Wasn’t so keen on his rockabilly follow up though…

  8. Yet another multi billionaire expecting to be treated like an emperor. Put him in the same boat as Branson, Philip Green, the weirdo from Apple, and send it over the Niagra,

    Hoo-ee, what a palace of cunts.

    • Forgot to say but, on the subject on wealthy weasels, did anybody see that video of Branson, beard dyed black, moaning and pleading about Virgin Australia. Fuck me, the audacity of this shitcunt.

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