Common by name, crawler by nature Mr Smith has directed a film, which the BBC are creaming their knickers over, in which some self righteous and self important effnicks who work for the NHS instruct you to applaud them:
Do we really have to endure all the hero-worship for this one group of essential workers?. What about bus drivers, delivery men, dustmen to name a few who also have to go to work during the lockdown, and why do the ethnics feel they need extra qudos.
Self aggrandising cunts.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
A cunting for the #YouClapforMeNow campaign.
It’s interesting that the good will of the British public has been thrown back at them in this way. You’d think the immigrants featured came here to save the UK, rather than make their own lives better and their families fatter.
This clapping business reeked of lefty showboating when it was first presented to me; as clapping the NHS as an organisation rather than helping the individuals with low morale. It smelled of Soviet style aduation of the State, with the Stasi of Social media doing their best to ensure people knew about it.
Given the pasdive-aggressive tone of some of those on the video, i’d be surprised if this goodwill towards the imigrants and NHS doesnt evaporate faster than the GDP.
Talk about an own goal.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime
Don’t the countries these people left behind need doctors and nurses? Were they all sat at home In nations that must have far more medics than needed thinking poor old 3rd world Britain needs them more than their own country?
Darren Smith is a cunt.
Nothing against doctors and nurses no matter where they bare from but I despise cunts who tell us we couldn’t live without mass immigration.
Not to mention the only reason we have foreign doctors/nurses is because the government capped the amount of citizens they trained.
Not willing to fight for their own lands, but are eager to fight you for yours.
The staff within the hospitals are doing some brilliant work right now in dangerous circ (edited this word for moderation) mstances and they do deserve our thanks. I have no problem with that.
However, this does not mean that some within the NHS cannot be questioned. I’m not necessarily talking about the doctors and nurses within the hospitals, but more about those whose job it is to order PPE or advise the public. There have been claims that some staff are wasting PPE. I do not know the validity of such a statement (and one would think professionals wouldn’t be doing such a thing anyway), but there is nothing wrong with finding out if this is going on and dealing with it, if you find some staff are indeed doing such a thing.
As pointed out in the nom, lots of people in many different jobs are also doing a great job during this pandemic (without credit) but they will not be exempt from a bollocking if they do their jobs wrong. This applies to all, even staff within the NHS. I’m just concerned that this OTT worship (which embarrasses a lot of the staff, I’m sure) will exempt some (probably high-up pen pushers) from doing their jobs badly.
Hopefully, one day this country can also applaud its troops returning home instead of them being spat upon and called ‘baby killers’ by some who shouldn’t even be in the fucking country.
Embarrasses me. If I come home from work at 2000 hrs, I wait round the corner until it’s finished as my neighbours know what I do for a living.
We’ll see about ‘Hero Worship’ when it comes to pay negotiations.
Agree with other key workers, but, it’s frontline NHS staff that go into/deal, knowingly, with confirmed cases. It’s what we’re paid for.
Aye. They’ll probably applaud in the commons when they vote a pay deal down again. Duplicitous cunts!
I just heard on the news that a Paramedic has died from C-19…..terrible news.
More than one, mate. One on London, one in Wales and one in North West service. A fucking tragedy. Every time I go to a job, I think ‘There for the grace of God go I’
Rest in peace.
That’s fair DCI, it is in the job description, I think most if not all on here acknowledge your efforts but rightfully deride the gormless sentiment behind it all.
We’re bombarded with this VS crap day in, day out and as the nominee writes, these immigrants aren’t doing this out of charity so why are they being highlighted over an indigenous worker?
PS: Has anyone any knowledge of a successful applicant to pick the green produce we’re so desperately in need of harvesting who wasn’t flown in from Eastern Europe? I looked but couldn’t find anywhere to apply to and have ‘read’ that there has been no response to applicants, I wonder if that is true or just a web story>>>>?
Where I live – Bostongrad, Lincolnshire – there are dozens of gangmasters offices set up specifically to feed the greedy landowners with a never-ending supply of brain-dead, permanently pissed, no-insurance-driving in their massive BMWs and Audis EE vermin.
Not one of them has a single word of English on display their window signs requesting more of said sc*m. On the rare occasion I’ve set foot in one of these offices, seeing if there are any short-term jobs going, it’s fair to say as a white Englishman you are purposefully made to feel totally unwelcome – to the point of not particularly veiled threats being made and told to leave.
So my guess would be no, effnicks only need apply. Ah well, probably for the best as they are so highly skilled – I imagine it would take a considerable time to train our home-grown morons to be able to so elegantly coil off a steaming turd, artfully decorated with joint blunts and empty Tilske cans, in the local park.
Good Man DCI – ever since the ancient Phoenicians invented money as we know it there is a way appreciation can be shown by the Government – let’s see if Boris votes it down like last time.
I’m making a short film featuring whitey, it’s called
‘You Took Advantage Of Our System, You Ungrateful Cunts’
Do any ISaCs want to be in it?
Judging by my progress at the Ministry of Silly Walks, I’ll probably be free to do crowd parts fairly soon…
and I can play the banjo ….
The UK and its people owe nothing to immigrants, we can show gratitude for those who moved and integrated into society and were a positive addition to the country but it was a ‘selfish’ action. They moved to create better lives for themselves and their families, with healthcare, housing, schooling, jobs, careers, safety and opportunity. This country was a superpower and an economic powerhouse for centuries before Pakistani taxi drivers, Polish builders and Romanian cabbage pickers showed up.
Nail on head LL. Sadly the damage is done.
Looks like a queen, slightly off topic but this is worrying, apparently Chinky flue and make your skin change colour,
If you survive the virus it will turn you into a effnik,
We saved your life Dr but unfortunately we’re deporting you to Nigeria
Missouri is suing China; should be very interesting.
I think that we are about to witness the mother of all turd/fan interfaces.
InterfaEces, even !! Nice one, G !
“Can make your skin black”‘ fuckoff auto correct
We are doomed ,no more whitey
I have respect for anyone who does their job….particularly in such difficult times….regardless of their colour.
Wouldn’t singling out one group over another make me a racist?
I was out shooting crows when they had their pot-banging,clapping moment last week….those soft Cunts in the village probably thought that I was finally “doing my bit” by unleashing a 21 gun salute.
More likely they were hoping you had tripped over and blown your own bollocks off Sir Fiddler.
Indeed it would. Darren Smith is a racist of the most insidious type.
I find this overt out pouring of love for the NHS all a bit hypocritical. For as long as i can remember the British public have viewed and criticized the organisation for being an incompetent, cash haemorrhaging, inefficient monster. Remember the GP’s £100k a year pay rise and them kicking off about working extended hours. Junior Doctors strike adorning the headlines every day. Lawsuits for incompetence. Now the NHS is getting love letters written and the pharisaic doorstep pots and pans ritual, in some bizarre hypocritical U-turn because of C-19. I think the staff do a marvellous and looked after me with tremendous dedication and care when my leg got snapped. As for the obsession with tubby white men seeking to uncover the ‘poor me BAME’ narrative they need to go get fucked. CUNT.
Exactly, Daz. The cunts at The Sun and The Daily Mail were calling for junior doctors to be sacked not so long ago. Hypocritical, bandwagon-jumping cunts. I’d rather wipe my arse with my hand rather than with a tabloid ‘news’ paper.
You’re not a Parky are you?
Displaying my ignorance, but, what’s a ‘Parky’?
Presumably a parking stanley, they wipe their arses with their left hands.
Afternoon DCI.
Hah! No, most definately not. Cheers, RTCP, and, good afternoon.
A psychiatric nurse is doing her ward rounds and sees Tom on his bed pretending to drive a car.
“Ok Tom?”
“Yeah” Tom replied “I’m driving to Bristol I am!”. On the next bed Brian is masturbating frantically with a pair of frilly knickers in his mouth. “Brian what in god’s name are you doing?”
“I’m shagging Tom’s wife whilst he is away in Bristol”.
brilliant Daz – cereal all over the screen
most hospitals in Britain are only half-full with outpatients/clinics/chemotherapy and other services closed – if you ain’t got covid19 you can’t get in
and if you do get in you don’t get out
Seriously it must be terrifying for cancer patients. One of our neighbours was referred for chemotherapy after surgery in early February, the treatment hasn’t started and nobody can know when it will be.
That should put the “problems” of that fuckwit ponce Branson in proportion.
I’ve seen this vid…..the sort of self congratulatory, patronising brainwashing shite that James O’Shithead would wank himself to death over. Mind you, Boris is no better, making a big point of mentioning the origins of the nurses who sat on his face all night and saved him from certain death, the cunt.
Yes of course these shithole countries need their expensively trained medical staff more than we do but they can go and fuck themselves. The BBC will put on some charity night bollocks, you can phone up, pledge 20 quid, all sorts of slebs (coining it) will thank you from the bottom of their empty hearts, and you can feel so much better about yourself. Then you can go out on your doorstep, blow your whistle, bang your saucepans and let every cunt know you never had an independent thought in your head your whole fucking life. You thick fucking cunt. ?
I haven’t been out and have no plans to do so. Applauding front line staff is one thing but you’re also effectively applauding senior management that get excessive pay, haven’t been anywhere a patient in 20 years, don’t accept any responsibility for their numerous fuck-ups yet still get priority at supermarkets.
Notice how he mentioned the nurses were from New Zealand and Portugal. Not fucking a Sub-Saharan shit-hole or a sandy toilet full of peacefuls.
“Then you can go out on your doorstep, blow your whistle, bang your saucepans and let every cunt know you never had an independent thought in your head your whole fucking life” – I fucking love this, because it’s accurate.
Has he worked with some of the eternally late, incompetent, arrogant,rude, aggressive and wholly brain dead Africunt Nigerian nurses I work with? The ones who fiddle time sheets, who see paid sick leave as annual leave,who are workshy and bring religion into everything? I have one who refused to attend a cardiac arrest as he was mid prayer.
How any of the qualified is a total mystery. Joey Deacon could have done a better job. They are late EVERY day.
CUNTS,the lot of them.
Good morning.
Fuck Corbyn.
Morning Krav,
I for one will not be applauding the NHS for the exact reasons above and those given below.
About five years ago one of these Africunt nurses had a fucking good go at killing my mother through utter incompetence.
She had COPD and was left slumped face down over a table where she suffered a heart attack and a stroke. She was left like this because the thick bitch of a nurse thought she would be more comfortable without the oxygen supply and sitting upright, which clearly she couldn’t do.
Luckily my sister became concerned because Mum always used to respond to her texts immediately and rushed to the hospital, breaking every speed limit on the way. It was a young white male doctor who basically saved Mum’s life after my sister had to physically shove him into the ward to see what was going on.
Several months later at the negligence hearing the same fat cunt of a nurse was somehow still employed by the NHS and had the fucking gall to mention that she would pray for Mum’s recovery.
I lost my shit and told her the only thing she needs to pray for is that I don’t find out where she fucking lives. I was ushered out of the room at this point and asked to calm down after also letting the cunt know that I wanted her sacked and deported immediately, along with the rest of her family.
Five years on and sadly Mum passed away from stage 4 lung cancer. Even in the hospice during the last two weeks of her life, we still wouldn’t let any dark key nurses anywhere near her.
While she was on the slow decline, the NHS had a fucking good go at killing my Dad by fucking up a routine minor surgery, slicing open his bladder and leaving him in agonising pain. The upshot of that was a further two operations and 4″ of his bowel removed after they had ‘accidentally’ put it back kinked up and decaying.
So no. I will be applauding the NHS. They can go and fuck themselves for the pain and anguish their incompetence has caused my family.
I met a German once, (same job, same country) I said to him, be very careful you dont end up in the hospitals, Why he asked?
So I told Him about the time I regained consciousnesses in theatre as they were stitching me up, Thats nothing he says.
Took off his shoe and showed me a hole through his heel.
He had slipped and fallen off a mountain, broke his femur and was stretchered into the local hospital, Him German, a little English and a smattering of local.
So he is laying in the cubicle when what he assumed was the Janitor turned up with an electric drill.
The bloke loads the drill grabs his foot and drills through his heel, as you can imagine he starts shouting, but the doctor pushes through and storms off gets a German speaking nurse.
She came in and layed into him “What sort of soldier are you! screaming like that!” obviously he pointed at the doctor and said “He just drilled through my foot!” but you have anaesthetic she said, NO was the answer, they had missed him and when the doctor had asked him he had no idea what the bloke was saying.
Sorry to hear about your appearances, I thought I would share some of mine to lighten your day.
I am going to clap for a car in a tunnel incident. Bring it on.
Walk down your street at 8 p.m. on a Thursday dressed in full cricket batsman’s kit, while waving your bat to the people clapping on their doorsteps, so you can feel like you’ve just been dismissed for a century in an Ashes test match.
Or white shirt and shorts – acknowledging everone with your tennis racket. Roger Federer coming onto Centre Court!
And don’t forget to bleck up first !!
Quality, Cuntybollocks. What about cycling along a long road, all the time looking left to right and doing the Queen’s wave.
Its propaganda, and social pressure.
This is what we would like you to think,
This is right, to think otherwise is socially taboo, and you wont fit in.
All your neighbours will think bad of you, your a monster if you dont think we should swamp this country with ‘talent’ from the 3rd world.
Do as we say
Think what we tell you
Do not question
Stay in doors
Do not complain
An so forth…..
Sometimes being a cunt is similar to being a liar, it’s forgivable and an expression of impulsive behaviour. Take Gervais for example he went through his cunt phase now he’s repenting to make up for it. As for the BBC British Bunch of Cunts the lot of em anyone who’s anyone has had to suck and fuck Auntie who is trans and a chick with a dick. As soon as I see anything remotely PC or with political leanings I know where it’s going…..to hell in a handcart. Example one step up Radio 4 panel shows full of feminist lefty liberal elitist namby pamby indoctrination who are supposed to be our intelligencia. Their wit and repoirtie is wasted because they don’t possess the self awareness and social conscience to care enough to put the fucking record straight. Best thing is it’s slowly eating itself anyway numbers are down the rot has set in personally it’s a root and branch job requires a revolution at the very least a rewriting of the ‘impartial’ rule book……keep your fucking leanings to yourself or balance it out you fascist cunts
Admin, take it the image at the top is Darren Smith?
Hes got no ears!
Just holes in the side of his head, like a lizard!
Ive recently read a theory by a top academic by the name of dr David Icke who scientifically proves that lizards are amongst us, and Im making a film about this,
Id like Doug mcClure to play me in the film.
We thought when we saw/read about Winston being made to exercise in 1984 was something that could never happen in a million years. The Big Brother/NHS Two Minute Love now is immeasurably more sinister and concerning and its not going away soon. Especially as Big Brother/NHS deny services to the needy to pretend they are overwhelmed.
Old John Hurt there reminded me of myself in the morning……..not the exercise bit but the coughing and spluttering bit.
Oh fuck…….I think i’ve got the Chinky Batshit Plague. ?
I do like a John Hurt. When I was a young lad I used to watch something called The Storyteller, Jim Henson I think it might’ve been. Very good, they don’t make ‘em like that anymore…there’s also been a lot of talk about a film called Soylent Green doing the rounds lately, thought I’d give it watch last night. Prescient you might say….
I like John Hurt but he has always been old….even as a young actor he was old….I remember as a boy watching the story of the jockey Bob Champion and Hurt played him and I thought…fuck me he’s about 50 ……
You can imagine the cabinet shuffling going on….sweep anything under the carpet at the moment. ‘Jeremy Jeremy I think it’s a good time you announced your homosexual tendencies and penchant for young boys in school uniform, it will put a stop to the millions we’ve had to pay in hush money’
I’d rather be in a Chinese prison than applaud those grasping blek cunts.
Fuck off.
If an effnik wants the clap. Give it em.
I just find the clapping and VS cringeworthy if I’m being honest. All it was last week on my road was who could whoop, shout and bang a pot the loudest. So much ‘look at me, aren’t I a righteous dude’. I am grateful to the NHS but I’m also grateful to shop workers, delivery drivers, dustmen, coppers, our armed forces. I just don’t feel the need to bang a pot like a monkey on speed to make that point.
Fucking racist is what it is. Imagine the fucking outcry if this pathetic happy clappy bollocks was for whitey only?
I, like anyone with a brain and no private health insurance, have always appreciated NHS workers. and I don’t need anyone telling me I should stand outside my house and clap like a trained seal to prove it.
What an absolute bastard. As has been said, it’s an anti-British proporganda film to further bolster the beleaguered NHS. Load of flag-waving for the barely-qualified brown people swamping the country.
Tits out for the NHS
(No fatties or spaniel’s ears)
‘We’ were never asked! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2Je8WFBlts