Criticism of Greta

I love my meds

Criticism of Greta

Well she has finally spoken. My idol. I have waited with bated- breath during this coronavus pandemic for what she had to say. Wondering all the time what would her focus be now? Her silence was so deafening I felt like writing a heartfelt letter beseeching her to break her purdah: ‘We need you to speak, the whole world needs you speak’.
Now she has released a statement appropriately enough on Earth Day. Finally it has come. And she doesn’t disappoint.
She said that this world Lockdown SHOWS we can take drastic action when it suits us, when it is required.
Now digest that cunters. What we hear on this forum a lot is we ‘can’t go back to the middle ages’. But in a sense we have. Everyone living in their homes, their vicinity. All modern transport drastically reduced, pollution. We can hear the birds singing again! The skies are clear blue. A great community spirit once thought lost has been rediscovered. Many news items showing that people are reconnecting with their local community. Neighbour speaking to neighbour.
And all because we are adhering to rules essentially set by scientists.
BUT that same science has been saying every day for years and years now that there is a climate emergency and DRASTIC action is needed. Why are we listening and acting on what Science says regarding this CV crisis and not listening and not acting on what Science says about climate change?
It has fallen to Greta to expose this contradiction. What a gal she is.

137 thoughts on “Criticism of Greta

  1. We could ‘save da planet’ if we had an infinite lockdown.

    It would only require us to borrow forever and 99% of people to live off borrowed money instead of working.

    Nothing can go wrong ?

  2. Is it wrong to hate a child? Especially one that looks like she’s packing an incorrect number of chromosomes.
    Normally yes, of course.
    In this case, no.
    I actually hate this bitch and hope she pops her clogs in an amusingly ironic way, such as being minced by a wind turbine, her innards splattering all over the faces of her parents and several dozen of her ciƛsy left-wing devotees.

      • Indeed I have, Sir.
        I have a full compliment of 3 boxes of Paraspiteomol!

    • Maybe I’m being too spiteful. She is quite sweet-looking. Kinda like a Trisomy teddy bear.

      • Isnt TrisomĂ© the French term for Downs?

        I thought it was hair care for tarts..

    • I theenk Thom-ass shood be tek-king a bit morr off a nicer attitude to the Grretta. I warned effery-body that they shood akt like der howsse was on fi-yar. Iff you had leestened to mee, we woodant be in thiss mess. Climate change hass caused this prob-lem.

      Well, and those fuckink ChĂźnk kunts.

  3. ‘Why are we listening and acting on what Science says regarding this CV crisis and not listening and not acting on what Science says about climate change?’
    We are acting now because people are/were shitting themselves abaaaaaht Coronavirus, most people generally don’t give a fuck when the danger is not immediate, hence all the lack of action regarding the environment.
    A virus goes somewhere, takes over and then moves on to somewhere else to colonise…a bit like humans.
    We are a virus and we are cunts, could Coronavirus be nature’s way of telling us to go fuck ourselves?

    • Actually we’re acting in the way we’ve been ordered to – Or face a fine from plod. Fuck all to do with the science (on either issue)

      Well, that and the fact that the media have encouraged us to shit ourselves into hiding. Interesting to see how it pans out compared to AIDS when science told us we’d only to touch the same spoon or cup as a f#ggot and we’d get it….

  4. Let her speak…!!! Let her speak…!! For she is the Messiah!! Welease woderwick…

  5. She’s not a child, she just looks like one and thinks like one. She’s 17, far too old for a peaceful taxi driver for example. I doubt if you’ll ever see Greta hanging around a kebab shop in Rochdale anyway.
    I thought this window licker was claiming she’s already had Batshit Plague? So she didn’t listen to the science then did she? Just fuck off Thunderpants you whiny little bitch.

    • Plenty of Kebab shops in Malmo for her to visit if she fancied her meat skewering.

  6. Watch “plant of the humans ” on YouTube to see what load of grasping cunts the “green” really are.

  7. I don’t agree with those Extinction Rebellion cunts methods but they have a point regarding our way of life especially in the west.
    All these synthetic clothes we wear cause loads of airborne pollution, everytime you take a shit where does it go? It has to be pumped here there and everywhere, then get treated or whatever…now think of your whole street taking a shit…what a pile of shit cunt that’ll be, then you get in your car to go shopping when you don’t need to, buying shite you don’t need and then go home and scoff your faces with a load of shite packaged in plastic.
    Spare a thought for the poor old earth literally having to deal with your shit.
    You cunts.

    • I’m all for glass bottles, paper bags, and maybe hemp based clothing lovingly crafted by impoverished Bangladeshi children.

      The supermarkets have made billions, saved in transport and manufacturing costs by using plastics. Charging me more for bags doesn’t undo the fact that the rest of my products are all vacuum packed in plastic like raving lunatics in straitjackets – fucking Tescos can’t produce their own properly, always fails, especially bacon packets! These cunts should be forced to change so we have options.

      • I swear all this plastic packaging is having a bad effect on my the food on it and then on us eating the shite.
        Food should not be in plastic full stop.
        It’s all to make money and as you mentioned last longer, cheaper for them to use and increases their profits. Too many of us wanting cheap food so they cut corners in the production as well especially meat.
        We have messed it all up.

    • I agree that all the scientific evidence and expert concensus seem to indicate that man-made factors seem to be the driving force for the current trend in weather patterns but they don’t seem to be the ones doing anything about it.

      Rather it seems to be shrill, middle-class hippy women in London who know fuck all, lobbying politicians and business leaders who also know fuck all. Their responses then seem to be, in the case of politicians to fine/tax people or in the case of businesses, to signal their virtue by going green (McDonald’s non-recycleable cardboard straws anyone?)

      As soon as the scientists start talking about population control, then I’ll start listening. Until then they are just blowing hot air as far as I am concerned.

      • I agree TITS,
        Overpopulation is the cause of most of the world’s environmental problems.
        Crazy to think how fast the population has grown over the last couple of centuries.
        I have been promoting giving the Mrs one up the shitter which would help control the population but not many seem to be participating.

      • “I have been promoting giving the Mrs one up the shitter which would help control the population but not many seem to be participating”.

        Not convinced that your Mrs would be overly thrilled with your generous offer to all and sundry, BWC…

      • That’s the thing, overpopulation is the elephant in the room, the issue that nobody wants to talk about, or they it hasn’t even crossed their tiny minds. The lefty cunts won’t mention it, nor will Extinction Rebellion, because it doesn’t fit their narrative. Nothing says ‘hypocrisy’ more than a simp father and a dowdy mother turning up to a climate change protest with a couple of brats hanging off their chests.
        The immigrant cunts they love so much are excessive breeders in their own shitty townships, slums, deserts etc in the third world, so here, they are taking advantage of the goodies supplied by the British taxpayers as soon as they’re helped off the boat, so they breed more and more because they can and the spawn will be a-ok!
        Any British cunt who supports this is a traitor, in my opinion.

  8. Talking of pollution, I’m up and down the M4 a lot in the Beemer but I’m not on abaaaaaht that.
    I notice outside of Swindon there is a landfill or whatever they call a place where they bury all the non recyclable materials etc.
    IT STINKS, I smell that shite at least a mile or two before I even pass it and it makes me heave. I look over and see all the birds scavenging the rotting shite we throw away, I pity the (and laugh) at the poor cunts who live nearby in there nice country house’s that smell of this shite.
    Another example of human’s being cunts.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • A pĂźkey walks into a pub with a seagull on his shoulder. The landlord asks, “Where the Hell did you get that from?”
      “There are fucking loads of the disgusting cunts down at the landfill”

      – says the seagull.

      • It must be PĂźkeys working down there CM, I don’t understand how anyone else could hack it. Literally windows up and I’m still heaving…I’m sure it’ll smell even better mid summer. ???

      • It does stink Ghee The Witches. I pay the poor cunts who live near it.
        I will be telling Cuntstable Cuntbubble abaaaaaht your blatant breaking of the lockdown rules, your admission is here, you’ve incriminated yourself. ?

      • Delivering PPE to Newport BWC.

        Doing my bit so I’m expecting you and ALL esteemed ISAC cunters to be thinking of me when you’re out there banging your saucepans on Thursday night.


      • If it is junction 16 then yes, it is the ‘do as you likeys’.

        Did a job out that way and ÂŁ6k worth of cable got nicked over the weekend.

        Reported it to the police and showed them the CCTV footage, complete with number plate of vehicle.

        Even told them to look over the other side of the M4 on the pikey encampment if they wanted to find the cable.

        Was threatened with a caution if I mentioned thieving pikey cunts again.

    • Fuck me!…….B&W is going all snowflake! He must have a touch of the Chinky flu and is coming to terms with his own mortality, the soppy libtard.
      He’ll be trying to pick up letterboxes next. Good luck with that one mate.

      • I’ve realised the truth FTF, and that is we are a virus, I heard someone say it on the radio. The earth told me today. I was walking down the street and the earth said ‘You lot are cunts’.
        I thought abaaaht it for a while and realised it’s the truth.

        Ps I made some Hash flapjacks the other day but that has naffink to do with it.

      • You will be chaining yourself to the gates of Fiddler Towers next B&WC protesting the scoundrel when he is off rabbiting or gassing badgers.

      • I tried to organise a protest outside his house LL, I noticed the hounds munching on a human leg so made my getaway.

      • Which economic system currently operating in the world would you rather be living under?

      • Bwc, come back, your not in isac land your heels and say..there no place like isac place like your heels and shout WHAT A CUNT!!! and everything will be back to normal.

    • BWC – It fucking stinks. Should have an environmental order on it for air pollution…..

      • I take it you’ve had the misfortune of passing it Daz? That poor cunt who drive the tractor things must be on a grand an hour.
        How does the cunt eat his lunch.
        I bet there a tonnes of rats rummaging also.
        It is literally a pile of cunt.

      • Perfect job for PĂ ki.

        Workman: Fuck me the reek is worse than usual.

        Mubarak: If you are commenting on my trousers then I vill be claiming some hate speech compo.

  9. Fuck her and her touchy-feely, pseudo scientific bullshit. I’ve only been on the planet for 50 years so I’m not the root cause of any problems, real or imagined. I’ll be gone in another decade or 2 so she can go and talk to someone who gives a shit, as far as I’m concerned.

    P.s. Which one of her handlers thought it was a good idea putting a spectrum lurking weirdo as spokes-thing for the planet? I for one don’t hear the message, I only look and think “strange looking child”

    • I had to laugh at the absurdity of her sailing to the States for a climate change conference with two crew who then flew back to Europe with two more flying the other way to bring the yacht back. On top of that some inconsiderate cunt switched another conference from Chile to Madrid but obviously Thunderpants couldn’t fly.

  10. She’s so sweet. If she ever grows a pair of tits I’ll worship her.
    (36D would do the job).

  11. The one thing that’s the same about the pandemic and climate change is the science. Both are flawed. Both suffer from a lack of real data, and base their recommendations on computer modelling of basically guesswork. They both may be correct, but they are not the consensus of scientific opinion. And I’m not on about real science versus swivel eyed cunts on YouTube (where’s my Icke cunting!), I’m on about actual scientists who disagree with the main theory, because that’s all they can be at this stage. Saying that, the government plan of everyone stay in until it goes away doesn’t come across as very scientific. Where the fuck is it going to go?
    And that bobble eyed mingo can fuck off.

    • Think this is Miles nom?
      Got a point.
      Air & water quality is improving, wildlife thriving not seen the community spirit thing only panic buying cunts though.
      Eight in that the chinks caused this by their disgusting treatment of animals, and overpopulation spread it.
      Well, we’re certainly a few lighter globally now.
      As for Greta self diagnosing, id always take the medical opinion of a retarded teenager over a qualified doctor.
      Teenagers know it all.
      Ps (any pedantic cunts, people without a sense of sarcasm or gramma nazis, complaints to- 1a suckmedick rd, get terfuck, cheshire.)

      • Fuck me MNC did’t realise your in the same county as me,if only I could afford a posh manor like you Alderley edge by any chance…..hehehe

      • Stockport Crusty near the border with Derbyshire.
        Gods country!

  12. The planet can fucking blow up the day after I pop my clogs as far as I’m concerned; until that day give me all the gas-guzzling cars and motorbikes I can get my hands on! The more polluting the better – Gretchen can do one

  13. It’s not “can’t go back to the middle ages” that you hear on this forum Miles, it’s “don’t want to go back to the middle ages.” And rightly so. Why would anyone want to go back to that nasty, brutish time, unless you’re a some sort of dippy hippy or a Green Talibannie or a perennial wearer of rose coloured spectacles who glamorises the past? Certainly no-one I know does.

    What a grim time that was, with a far worse pandemic than the one we’re presently coping with. The Black Death killed half the population of Europe, 99% whites, so it was a racist virus too, just like ours is.

    No. The lockdown is not remotely like the Middle Ages, doesn’t even come close. We still have everything that makes modern life bearable and enjoyable – heating at the touch of a button, electricity, a treasure trove of literature, music in the form of CDs, great films on DVD going back a hundred years or more, all available for even the lowliest of peasant. Radio, TV, fridge freezers, private /public transport, freedom of thought and speech, no State imposed superstition, unprecedented choice of good cheap foods in supermarkets, personal computers and free online porn, a health service free at the point of use – you fucking name it, we got it, and the cunts back then didn’t.

    And the lockdown is nothing like the Middle Ages where Catholic priests burned cunts at the stake if they did not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it, or that the Earth sits immovably at the centre of the Universe. Religious bullies whipping cunts and slitting their noses for having sex outside marriage, preaching that wanking is worse than rĂąpe (cos at least rĂąpe can result in a pregnancy ?).

    I get the community spirit bit, cunts now cross the road rather than come anywhere near me. Which is an improvement, I have to admit. And my neighbours no longer invite me round for cups of tea.

    Concerning Climate Change, we are listening and acting on what Science suggests, no country has done more in that regard than the UK, we’re even doing something about plastic. A lot has been done and will continue to be done. Even the Chinese are doing a teeny weeny bit
 If you want an approximation of what it would be like to go back to the Middle Ages, try living as a nobody in Iran.

    PS: I didn’t mention mobile phones cos they irritate me and would not mourn their passing.

    • I must admit, I thought the nom was a bit tongue in cheek, but reading it again, I agree with your concise rebuttal RTC. Bravo.

      • In my experience Gutstick, our Plastic colleague does not joke about such matters, especially when invoking the blessed virgin Greta.

      • I didn’t think people who agreed with her liked her. Or anybody over 15.

      • Especially the bit about mobile phones, which seem to have turned everybody into cunts.

    • ?? Excellent response Ruff one! I find it difficult to add to that.
      I see that BA has suspended 30,000 workers so Greta will find it difficult taking her message to other parts of the world with her entourage, especially as they have to cut back on all the baggage they handle.

  14. Great Greta looks like a malnourished spastic, Great Greta looks like Gollum’s younger sister, that which I cannot say on politically correct Facecunt an Twatter.

    Great Greta is puppet with the New World Order’s fist up her arse.

    GATES needs a proper cunting. Wants to inject 7.8 billion persons, with mercury and chemical soup.

    I miss pubs and prostitutes and beer and “romantic” meetings with ladies. I am even thinking, maybe, of getting a job, after all this blows over, maybe.

    This is such a great site.

    We thought we had a platform for Free Speech in life and net in 2020, I have never been too controversial but I have been banned from Facecunt and Twatter, we most certainly DO NOT have free speech.

  15. I’m sick and tired of this spoon faced cunt , it’s a sign of the times when the world hangs off the every utterance of a fucking “ special’ child who’s being exploited by so many cunts with agendas , she will be used, abused and ultimately dumped when she’s no longer of use ……..

  16. They ought to introduce her to a certain Royal personage who allegedly has a taste for young pussy. He would give her a good rattling and give her something else to think about.

  17. The human race will only change when faced with extinction, when we are at the precepise,
    Apparently within the next century we will have to sprout gills and grow flippers, as the ocean’s are going to rise a lot more, it’s a fucking cull that is needed, mankind is doomed, it’s in our DNA to destroy ourselves,

    Maybe Greta is a alien and was sent here to
    Warn us of our impending demise, she does look a bit like ET

    • Ah, ET……what a charming little film that was. That was the first time I ever heard the phrase “penisbreath.” Very nice. I’ll have to use that more often.

  18. Who gives a fuck what this cunt says? Once the novelty of youth wears off, nobody will listen to her.

    She has problems with westerners but it’s the fucking Chinese and Indians over populating and polluting the shit out of the planet.

    She won’t kick off with those cunts, but will readily give Trumpy a look like he’d just teabagged her mum on live television.

  19. Was this cunting written by Miles Plastic?
    I noticed the local river is running super clear, and it’s nice not having cunts getting in my way when I’m aaaaht and abaaaaaht (driving or walking).
    We hit by ok before this digital revolution and although every cunt will be back doing their best to mess the world up again by consuming too much, hopefully this will make people think what’s important in life.
    Well said Miles.

    • So you’ll be getting rid of the Black Mans Wheels and getting a bicycle then? You’re becoming a right Jeremy Corbyn. You’ll be sticking your tongue up the Flabbot’s bumhole next.

      • Got a bike already FTF, never ride the damn thing though.
        It’s important everyone apart from me does their bit to help the environment you see.
        Most women I’ve met lately all seem to be slightly lefty environmentally concerned types so I have to get some practice.
        I’m like a chameleon, I adapt to situations and people for my own selfish goals.
        I’d be a good politician.

      • So you ARE Jeremy Corbyn!! I fucking knew it. You can’t fool me Jezza you commie, Jihadi loving bastard!

  20. The global lockdown hasn’t shown us the way Greta, the drastic action isn’t anything other than an action all governments are obliged to carry out.

    What it has shown and has been obvious to many cunters that overpopulation is a major issue, regardless of countries being wealthy or poor and it is the poorest in both that suffer the most.

    There are far more people on Earth than are required to maintain a good standard of life and all we (the world) are doing is providing ‘stuff’ to keep the ever increasing population occupied, the inevitable consequence will be be Armageddon and climate will play a big part.
    It’s not climate change that is the problem it’s the ever increasing number of useless people being born into a shrinking world.

  21. Ruff Tuff@

    Watching the ‘village’ about Portmeiron,
    Nice isnt it?
    Cant wait to move there!
    I assumed it was a slightly nicer Rhyl, but much nicer.
    See you soon!??

    • Is that a docĂŒmentary you’re watching there Miserable?

      Reckon you’d make a great number 6 (I’m planning on leaving) ?

      Be seeing you…

      • Its a series Neighbour.
        About our portmeiron.
        Coming down for a reccy.
        BWC wants to check out the women there,
        Fiddlers coming to see whats to shoot.
        Get the cream teas ready!!?

  22. I always enjoy the stony silence when any eco type you’re arguing with, realises they’ve run out of arguments to joylessly harangue you with; “you mean you don’t CARE about the future of the planet??!?” Nope – as long as it’s got another 35 years or so in it to see my tenure out, I care about as much as a Muslim wiping his knob on the curtains in a white 12-year-old girl’s bedroom. “But-but-but the rising tide and pollution levels and global warming and -” Couldn’t. Give. A. Toss.
    Harsh but fair I feel.

    • Evening Cuntan, is the lockdown keeping the eurotrash at home and the crime rate low in Bostongrad?

      • Evening LL – far from it, on the rare occasion I stick my head above the parapet and go to the shops the old Easties are out in force, congregated all over the place in groups of 6 or more and hocking snot all over as per. To the point it’s actually been pointed out on local news (all comments disabled obviously).

      • Similar story I saw over the weekend in Manchester, over 150 people attending the funeral of a local ‘Mr Big’ criminal along with public drinking and loud music. Plod let it slide and came out with some Jackanory bullshit excuse of being given short notice of it taking place.

      • Plod should’ve rolled up their collective trouser-leg, taken a goat along, and got well stuck-in.
        No plis abaaaht in Cardiff this afternoon; it was raining.

  23. Few quotes from the interview. Greta said:

    ,’Whether we like it or not, the world has changed. It looks completely different now from how it did a few months ago. It may never look the same again. We have to choose a new way forward,”

    “If the coronavirus crisis has shown us one thing, it is that our society is not sustainable. If one single virus can destroy economies in a couple of weeks, it shows we are not thinking long-term and taking risks into account.”

    Johan Rockström (the fella interviewing)

    ‘He said there was a strong correlation between the pandemic and the environmental crisis: deforestation and the wildlife trade heighten the likelihood of viruses leaping the species boundary; air pollution increases human vulnerability by weakening respiratory systems; and the expansion of air travel allows epidemics to spread more quickly.
    “The scientific evidence shows they are interconnected and part of the same planetary crisis,”
    “We are living beyond the carrying capacity of the planet so we are putting human health and the health of nature at risk’.

    • It’s not the virus that’s destroying our economies, it’s our response to the virus that’s doing it. If we had let the virus run free, thereby sacrificing the unproductive old whilst gaining herd immunity for the productive majority, our economies would be booming by now, all thanks to the virus!

      Either way we need a cull. A reduction of about 20 million would seem about right for the UK. Appears the very old and those belonging to cultures who refuse to integrate are at most risk, which makes sense.

      Unfortunately though we live in a society where health & safety trumps all and death must be avoided at ALL costs. Hence the lockdown and the flushing of a sophisticated economy that has taken generations to achieve down the shitter, all in the blink of an eye.

      • Well said RTC, no arguments here; what we’re doing as a collective society is utter fucking lunacy. If I see one more article about a cancer-ridden 90-year-old DYING OF COVID-19 I may eat my laptop. We’ve spent so long telling the current generation of fuckwits that they’re utterly special and unique and that nothing bad will ever happen to them, that they now seem to think they’ll fucking live forever. Here’s a newsflash for you – life’s a terminal condition. To quote Jim Morrison – no one here gets out alive.

      • Indeed, and so many “experts” ignoring some rather obvious figures re death tolls.
        GB population would benefit by shrinkage, the fucking place is overcrowded. We “have to” house more and more gimmes, and the more we house, the more farming and recreational land will be lost. Sadly, unless something is done, GB will be living in fuck-off great skyscrapers, and the populus will be chowing down on superannuated stock-cubes.
        Population of London (however one defines London…): nudging 9M
        Austria: a whisker over 9M
        Switzerland: 8.7M
        Portugal: a bit over 10M

        GB total: nearly 68M, and nearl 0.9% of entire world population. This is just so bloody WRONG.

        I saw some africunt kid trying to retrieve water from a squalid river this pm; I caught the word “Scotland” in small print, bottom left of screen.
        I don’t remember the Clyde looking like that when I last saw it, tho from what I’ve heard about the puce-faced auld trout’s cuntstituency…

  24. Greta. Sweater, regular bed wetter. Protesting outside the Chinese Embassy are we? No, didn’t think so – easier to harangue the low hanging fruit and count your Millions and Millions of Pounds. (Being an enviro MENTAL ist is clearly very good for the bank balance eh Greta – lots of money to buy your 10 Year old child gippo clothes). And if she had Covid19 then I’m a f*cking Chinaman!
    (Just for purposes of clarity I am not a Chinaman!).
    Shut up Greta.

    • My thoughts exactly Vern, I think the claim to having chinky flu was purely to grab some newspaper column inches back again after being knocked off top spot. And far be it from me to wish illness on a child but – erm, can’t think of a way to finish that, sorry.

      • I think there’s a lot of wishful thinking going on here on the eco loonies part – my money’s on the travel industry going fucking stratospheric once the government takes the bracelets off, hopefully to even greater levels than before. I friggin hope so anyway

      • Doubt it. Be siphoning fuel from cars in 12months.
        The Greatest Depression is coming boys make no mistake.

      • I really hope not Miserable – but if it does my fingers are crossed for a Mad Max style dystopia, not a gay 1984 one. Always thought I’d look hot as fuck in black leather, tearing down the A15 in a V8 Interceptor, running over stray eco warriors while getting 6mpg

      • Out in Cardiff centre this afternoon, really not v nice at all; very few bods about, but some decidedly zombie-apocalypse types, gibbering uncontrollably, yelling. Sadly, no plis to round them up and take them to the “shelters” where they might have got some warmth provided…
        Most of them lurking around M&S in the bizarre belief that the customers are rich as Croesus. I picked up twox 400g simnel cakes to clear; 75p a piece. Gosh, made me feel REALLY bling !!

  25. The only cunts daft enough to listen to her meanderings are the Western democracies and the shitty new wave eco warriors having another spasm on Twatter.
    Fuck her planet and fuck her into a refugee camp.
    Shite for Chernobyl.

    • If Extinction Rebellion ever get their way this current crisis will be looked back on as a golden age.

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