Criticism of Greta

I love my meds

Criticism of Greta

Well she has finally spoken. My idol. I have waited with bated- breath during this coronavus pandemic for what she had to say. Wondering all the time what would her focus be now? Her silence was so deafening I felt like writing a heartfelt letter beseeching her to break her purdah: ‘We need you to speak, the whole world needs you speak’.
Now she has released a statement appropriately enough on Earth Day. Finally it has come. And she doesn’t disappoint.
She said that this world Lockdown SHOWS we can take drastic action when it suits us, when it is required.
Now digest that cunters. What we hear on this forum a lot is we ‘can’t go back to the middle ages’. But in a sense we have. Everyone living in their homes, their vicinity. All modern transport drastically reduced, pollution. We can hear the birds singing again! The skies are clear blue. A great community spirit once thought lost has been rediscovered. Many news items showing that people are reconnecting with their local community. Neighbour speaking to neighbour.
And all because we are adhering to rules essentially set by scientists.
BUT that same science has been saying every day for years and years now that there is a climate emergency and DRASTIC action is needed. Why are we listening and acting on what Science says regarding this CV crisis and not listening and not acting on what Science says about climate change?
It has fallen to Greta to expose this contradiction. What a gal she is.

137 thoughts on “Criticism of Greta

  1. Stop press news – Dame/messiah Doreen Lawrence of the saintliness arrested by Inspector Fox of the yard on suspicion of the manslaughter by neglect of “Laughing Gravy” – a goldfish of good character owned by our esteemed contributor MNC! (MNC was approached for comment but at this understandably emotional time was too upset to make comment except to say “What the f*ck are you reporters doing in my garden”? “Do you want a size 12 up your a*se”?)
    And widespread reports that fatty Kim of North Korea is dead of heart failure.
    Back on topic – Greta smells! ??

      • Good point. I hadn’t even noticed your name was missing, but I knew it was your nom after clocking the title and reading the first sentence!

        Most remiss of Admin not to acknowledge your authorship.

      • Yes RT I have typed my name in Search and it’s not coming up with my previous Noms. I do like to occasionally peruse my noms, have easy access to them. A bit like you as well I like everything tidy.

        I don’t want live under any economic ‘system’ at all. I believe in a ‘3 acres and a cow’ ‘SMALL is beautiful’ ‘Distrubutist’ economy with the widest possible ownership of land, property. Everyone their own capitalist in a sense. People minding their own business not other people’s.

        That’s why I like The Middle Ages.

        When I use the word ‘capitalist’ I am not using it in the commie sense of ‘evil capitalists’. I recognise there is great creativity working within it. But also it is immensely destructive.

        Too late to go on.

        Just we talk of a delicate ‘balance’ in Nature. If that balance reaches a tipping point the ensuing catastrophe will makes this Coronavirus emergency look like a walk in the park.

  2. St Greta of Mong please just get to fuck with your holier than thou sanctimonious prophecies, the latest that worse is yet to come after Chinky Flu in terms of disease outbreaks due to rampant destruction of the natural world. What utter bollocks this little mong spouts.

    Coronavirus along with a number of other deadly pandemics in the past century have emanated from the Gooks due to their fascination with eating everything and anything that’s fucking living, some animals which should be nowhere near the human food chain and have caused viruses to jump from animal strains into human strains of which the vast majority of the time there is no antidote available to fight said viruses.

  3. Great nomination, Miles. 🙂

    I think Greta means well and what she has been doing and saying has been helpful.

    I take my hat off to her.

  4. I assume this nom is a piss take. On the off chance it isn’t, criticism of this child is completely justified on the basis she is in no way qualified to utter anything about the subject matter she would like us to think she knows something about. She doesn’t. She’s merely parroting the talking points of people and corporations who are using doom laden and alarmist rhetoric to further their agenda.

    It would be a bit like me driving over to the Johnson Space Center (I live hear Houston) and protesting that the nose cones on NASA’s rockets are the wrong shape, the solid fuel boosters should run on methane and the ignition system isn’t fit for purpose. I’m pretty sure a bespectacled PhD would wander over and tell me to shut the fuck up and piss off on the basis I have zero qualifications or knowledge of engineering, mechanics, propulsion systems, space flight, orbit trajectories or anything to do with how NASA does what NASA does. And that would be fair enough.

    • But-but-but THE SCIENCE!!! THE SCIENCE!!! (or at least the bits we’ve cherry-picked to stress the results we want, the rest can fuck off cos those scientists are racists with white privilege)

      • Science, along with reason and logic are “white constructs” used to oppress persons of colour. Apparently… ???

    • She is:
      An expert on co-called ‘manmade’ climate change
      An expert in Coronavirus (“I’ve had it”)
      Recently an expert in World Finance (as evidenced by her latest mouthful, of ‘many countries are going to suffer financially’)
      We Mogs have an answer for the Greta-huggers.

  5. She should be E’d up, smoking a Lambert and Butler round the back of the bike sheds while getting fingered by some spotty prefect cunt.
    Live a little Greta you cunt.

  6. “Great community spirit” my arse.
    My neighbours are still a bunch of cunts whom I’d happily feed into a bark chipper.
    Told them to shut the fuck up last Thursday- they were all outside making a row when I was trying to have a wank.

  7. I recently wrote on a less respected site than ISAC that Greta will be doing Porn once she turns 18, but got a load of abuse back on how disrespectful a comment that was. Am hoping for a better acceptance here though.

  8. Sorry Greta is still a cunt, she will grow up to be a mega cunt, she was brought up by cunts and her kids will be cunts, if she can find some stupid deaf and blind cunt to do the dirty deed.
    But you get the jist an absolute cunt, and if it wasnt for the orange cunt trump, no one would have heard of Greta the cunt, so in my opinion she is no better than the cunt Trump, just the opposite end of the crazy scale of crazy cunts…

  9. Personally, I think she is the illegitimate offspring of the mong-chef Jamie Oliver.

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