Chinese goods

A cunting for things made in China, now i know thats very expansive but bear with me first i will go with the bad- Corona virus,covid 19,soon to be 20,21,22,23 you get the idea wutan flu, kung flu, yellow fever,yellow peril Sarrs, Bird flu, swine flu and many other lovely viruses and pathogens, worst of the global emissions , knock off copies such as Fake Rolex s, Apple ipads, Prada handbags, fake BMW x5,s and millions more things that are usually bollocks the little yellow minions will copy, they dont give a fuck about rules and we can all see the result.
The good – Chinese food, but only when its from the UK

Nominated by Fuglyucker

91 thoughts on “Chinese goods

    • Agree re: boredom CF. Just a bit fed up today. Sick of twats grandstanding on the radio and tv about ‘saving lives.’ I’ll be fine. Bought a nice leg of lamb and a French red for Easter tomorrow so I’m looking forward to that.

      • Sounds good CMC ! – enjoy your Easter dinner & keep your spirits up.

        Having Lamb shank tomorrow (never tried before) with roast spuds, roast parsnips & plenty of veg. Might open a bottle of Chateau neuf du pape, been saving for a long time. A few cans of Carlsberg & relax in the back garden either way 🙂

        Enjoy Easter at home everyone. Take care of your sanity as well as your physical health. It won’t be that long till the streets will be filled with noisy cunts again & we’ll be nostalgic for the peace & quiet of a walk to the park in isolation.

    • It’s whitey’s fault if the dark keys can’t stop themselves from meeting up ‘wid da crew’. Or smoking 20 spliffs a day and destroying their lungs. Blame me if D’Shaun Stabbinson-Okenbogwe gets China flu! You knew this one was coming, surely?

      I read one report saying that minorities are over represented by about 10% per capita when it comes to positive coronavirus tests. According to the 2011 census!

      Excuse me, but perhaps their number has gone up substantially since 2011?

      I am surrounded by fools!

      Thing is, it won’t be a laughing matter when the dark keys are prioritised treatment due to ‘inequalities and waycism’.

      That’s what they’re playing at here. Don’t stand for it!

      • And black males are more likely to have high blood pressure. This puts you at risk if you get the China flu.

        Not racism. Genetics.

        What does Hirsch suggest we do about that?

    • So 65% are white victims of the disease, looks like whitey got the shit end of the stick to me then.
      Racist yellow bastards and over privileged dark keys.
      Bad whitey.

    • They fail to note that a high proportion of infections have been in places like London and Birmingham for a reason. They’re crowded cities because they have large families…whose fault is that? Mine?

      Perhaps Hirsch wants us to sterilise the non white population to stop them being overcrowded? I doubt she’d want that, so what’s her solution? Oh, silly me. Of course. She’s an anti white cultural Marxist and has no solutions to anything. Just ways to stir up trouble for white people. Many in these cities have been out and about, having parties with their mates and ignoring social distancing. They’re heavy smokers because it’s ‘cool to smoke da spliff man’.

      It’s nothing to do with racism. It’s all to do with culture.

  1. I will in the future be attempting to buy less Chinese goods but in the case of people buying fake “designer” goods…Fuck them. Anyone so pathetic that they’re trying to impress people by having some silly “brand” is beyond hope anyhow…if you’re so poor that you can’t actually afford the genuine article buying a fake one is unlikely to convince your neighbours that you have suddenly developed class, signed off, got a job and stopped breeding children in order to pocket child-benefit.

    I would never buy fake designer goods because I was worried about what anyone else thought….even my matching pair of Holland and Holland shotguns are,of course, quietly understated and I would never dream of blasting off about them in order to impress anyone.

    Fuck Off.

      • PS….I used “Farmer’s Grant” money and the wages that I chiselled by employing cheap foreign labour to buy my shotguns.

        Fuck Off.

      • Holland and Holland make good meat&potato pies too Dick!
        (Excuse my stutter).

      • You would not be welcome at one of my exclusive Shooting weekends.


      • Does Randy Andy attend your ‘exclusive shooting weekends’ with his sick fucking pedo pals ? – or aren’t you posh enough for a cunt like him ?

      • Morning Dick,Cuntflap, All.
        Theyre certainly beautifully made guns,
        My old dad used to be in a shooting club way back,
        Telling me about shooting a Mauser, and the western sixshooter cowboys would of used,
        He still has a shotgun from when he worked on a farm over the fireplace but its not a work of art like those, and sadly decommissioned.
        You a good shot Dick?
        Im not.

      • Cuntflap …..” My god, with those in my hand and lonely ramblers on my land….
        I have no idea how you manage to restrain yourself”….

        The simple answer is that I don’t restrain myself.


      • Lord of the Rings….

        The British royal family is not “posh” enough to attend…a bunch of Kraut nobodies will never cut the mustard in my circles

      • MNC….

        I am a good shot but find that it pays to give push-biking trespassers a good long lead and let them just ride into the spread…amazing how fast their pasty little legs can propel them when confronted.

      • Hollands of Baxenden? The place where you never see a dog, cat or rat? I remember it well.

    • I can only imagine what a Chinese shotgun would be like. Probably made from plastic, the stock would fall off after one use and then the rest of it would fall apart after killing you instead of the pheasants.

      • Imagine a catapult with a large pouch. that should do it.
        Oh, and with a rubber frame and wooden bands.
        I just can’t prevent mice elf from cunting these slippery little yellow bastards off enough.

  2. Yeah alot ripoff designer crap is manufactured in china but alot of our ‘real’ products and parts are made their too. I’m not disagreeing that we need new international product partners but we are stuck with the commie cunts as they make alot of our shit whether you realize it or not

    I’d recommend a soft boycott of chinese products while in pandemic mode not that you are probably buying much at the moment, if you are pissed off with the bastards not much we can do except shake our fists at them right now…

    Also Thai food is bout 1000x better fugly ever had a red thai curry before? fucking lovely stuff beats any chinese dish i can think of tom yam goong is really nice too

    • I dont eat chink shit, or any foreign shite for that matter.
      Try not to buy anything chinese(admitted hard)
      Bought a sealant gun once that crushed like marzipan,crap chinese metal, and turns out My favourite workboots Dewalt are although based in US made by these asian locusts.
      The only thing ill probably willingly buy thats chinese is the cure for coronavirus.
      Boycott these yellow monkeys.

    • I went to a Thai restaurant with friends In a nearby town a couple years ago and it was lovely.

  3. I bet none of the mayor’s in China had an immigrant bus driving grandfather from Pakistan!

  4. I am keen on Singapore noodles but I’d happily forego them if the Russians reenacted the Rape of Nanking on a countrywide scale.
    The little yellow cunts.

  5. Chinese goods…..maybe the nom should be called Chinese bad, Chinese velly bad.

    Morning Cunters

  6. There was an expert on China a few days ago who’d lived there for years being asked if the authorities can’t stop these wet markets springing up.
    His answer was ‘are you kidding’? ‘They can easily do whatever they wish and could shutdown wet markets tomorrow if they wished’.
    Maybe we’ll have to get used to a bat flu every ten years or so untill a really bad bastard spreads and does for us all.

    • Or we could deal with them beforehand?
      Have to eventually!
      On a perfect world, china would be ashes and its people akin to the loch ness monster, occasional reports of a sighting but rare.
      Id settle for the UK being a very dangerous place for the Judi Denchers,
      And nothing to buy that wasnt from a civilised country.

      • Morning MNC , the chinks are green with envy at the rest of the world. They turn out second or third rate counterfeit tat that they deem acceptable for human use. I remember watching Top Gear when they had the blueprint for some European cars and rebranded them for their car market. They do sports brands, the lot and all of it is fucking awful.

      • Morning Rob, agreed.
        Theyre in the space race, imagine being in a rocket ship made in China?!!
        Fuckin windows would fall out.

      • All Chinese look like they are in a race of some sort, the slant eyed fuckers. You could just see them strapped to a rocket in a shoddy silk gown and woven hat.

  7. Great call. You can be sure there is, as much as is humanly possible, an embargo in this fucking household on all things made within the diseased, disgusting shithell known as China.

    Cunters may also want to pay special attention to Amazon – the company is absolutely flooded with cheap Chinese household and tools goods. Always look for where something is made and just accept paying a few more quid for something if it is made elsewhere.

    Daily reminder: Fuck the commie Chinese, violently.

    • The same applies to eBay. I’ve been fucked over three times by China cunts pretending to be operating from uk or Europe. Even applying location filters you struggle to weed the cunts out.
      Every time I spot it now, I’m straight into the “report this seller” link (which is hard enough to find in itself!)
      Close the fuckers down.

      • I now look at delivery time. I’m fed up with delivery that will be from 2 to 6 weeks and look elsewhere but it really is very difficult to find anything that’s not made in China even though it’s sold locally.

      • Order something, tell them you never got it, get a refund.
        That pisses them off. Imagine that on an industrial scale?
        “Dear friend”………..

  8. Anyone who believes that this started from a wet market and a dodgy bat should start to worry. There are some really nasty piss coloured people who do some strange experiments in laboratories with chemicals. Unfortunately the laboratories are about as safe as the goods that they sell to the rest of the world and they had a little accident but a story about a dodgy bat should cover it all up. Like chinese goods…I ain’t buyin it.

    • You may well be right. In which case it is even more scary.
      Either way boycotting the cunts maybe the only answer.

  9. I would dearly love to see a resurgence in British manufacturing .
    I would also like to see the reintroduction of National Service, with a strong emphasis on quality apprenticeships and training across the board on the widest range of disciplines.
    This country is far too dependent on others, we need to be far more resilient and self reliant.
    Fuck China, and fuck foreign aid ( we still give China aid money FFS ).
    British goods for British people.
    Good morning.

    • We need to instil a proper work ethic to the young and return the benefits system to being a safety net, not a lifestyle choice. Then get rid of a lot of the pointless academia and replace it with proper vocational training establishments. A good plumber, sparky, brickie or plasterer impress me far more than most people with a degree. They earn more than anyone on the Mickey Mouse degrees too.

  10. China is already playing the victim card; or at least that is what some of the libtard media in the West are portraying them!

    Any hint of hatred toward the Rinky Dinks and you’re branded a bigoted racist, even though they lack any notion of human rights, animal rights, do not follow strict pollution laws, massive government subsidies resulting in cheap and nasty products, no health & safety laws, no laws to protect the environment … absolutely fuck all in fact!

    And yet strangely all the protest groups over here in the West are strangely muted when it comes to criticising China for some or all of the above. Where’s Greta? Where’s Extinction Rebellion? Where’s the Guardian & Twatter? Where’s the Wimminz groups? Where’s the effnicks groups? (you don’t see many dark keys in China, why is that?)

    And yet over here if you boycott a Chinese takeaway Twitter goes into fucking meltdown with the libtards slagging you off for racism big time!

    • It doesn’t matter how the outbreak started, be it their depraved and cruel food markets, or sub standard research facilities, it’s China’s fault the world is fucked. The suppression of vital information on the virus undoubtedly helped the mass spread of it. That doesn’t let western governments off the hook though, as they should have stopped travel to and from China until they had some form of control over it. For them to allow that to happen, especially during Chinese new year, when millions travel back to China, then return after feasting on insects, pets, and endangered animals, is the biggest mistake that could ever be made. Fuck China.

      • Exactly right, Gutstick. They suppressed information on the virus in order to save face. What in the world could they possibly do to save face now? It’ll be interesting, in the months and years to come, to see how the yellow bastards are described by western leaders. They’ll only be making conciliatory comments about them if an agreement about reparation has been thrashed out behind the scenes. But how much would they have to pay to make up for the loss of thousands, maybe millions of lives, not to mention ruined economies?

  11. Hard to avoid their shite, but I will do my best. And I’ll only be interested in voting for someone who will have nothing to do with the cunts until they get rid of their communist party. And until they can go 30 years without causing a major epidemic or pandemic. And also, if they promise to compensate every one of us to the tune of £20,000 each.

    Not gonna happen, but hey…

  12. Covid 19 was developed by the Chinese government to control the Muslims however it was ripped off by a fake lab and they mass produced it with a slight fault so it fucks everybody.
    It did retain some of its original properties which is why it disproportionately effects BAME.

    This is not fake news (honest)

      • But surely filthy evil (white) Men deserve it because of their history of slavery and misogyny – ask any wimminz!
        Land Rover tried to sue the yellow peril over a blatant rip off copy called the “Land Wind” – identical except for a few tiny bits, the locust judge disagreed, Land Rover f*cked, nothing they could do.
        China have engaged in industrial spying, copyright breach, disease spreading for corporate reasons and data theft on a permanent basis for the last 50 Years, China are illegally building an island in the South China Sea in international waters and militarising it.
        They are evil rat b*stards and need stamping on – I have cancelled all my business contracts and kept the stock, I am legally allowed to do so and even if I wasn’t I would do it anyway.
        Build British, buy British, sell British – Chinese locusts do not buy their own sh*t they dump it on the World, I for one ain’t buying and contacting every business that sells sh*te made in virusland to let them know I ain’t doing business.
        Gloves off, fight – if we don’t we are lost and in 30 Years will be China’s bitches – we’re half way there already.
        And put the boot into the UK Government to FUCKING GROW A PAIR, cowardly appeasement won’t work against the devil locust people.
        Did I mention – I f*cking hate these little parasites, and every death from “Profit19” makes me more angry and resolute that we cannot ever let this happen again.

      • The only saving grace with the chinky rip off Landwind is that it has precisely zero of the safety features that a Range Rover has.

        You will never see one outside of China.

        If you do see one in China, chances are it will be on its roof, on fire or covered in a tarp until the local police can figure out which body parts beling to which passenger. Having crashed at 20mph.

  13. I’m absolutely with this. I’ve had 3 recent instances of cuntery like this on eBay.
    Most recently, I ordered a box of protective gloves from a company in Ireland. Turns out the cunts are in China. Look at their eBay details deeper and they also claim to be in Norway on some ads and Belgium on others. Still waiting for the delivery after 2 weeks and have emailed them ( they keep replying, addressing me as “friend” telling me “you wait 5/6 days it is ok?”. Cunts. No it’s not ok. I’ve reported the cubes to eBay central but you can bet nothing will be done about them. Plenty more of these hidden Chinese located cunts on there.
    Dig deep. Check the seller out. Look at their shop front. These cunts need closing down.

      • Gumtree owned by Ebay Moggie. Someone of my acquaintance informed me a most amusing way of pissing Stink Locust Sunshine Rocket Ship Company of China off is to order a load of stuff on Ebay (itself an offshore tax dodge based in Luxemburg), say it never arrived and give lousy negative feedback and demand a refund – Ebay always side with the buyer and the locusts are bullies who constantly demand the negative feedback is changed before refunding – the threat of issuing County Court proceedings always sorts it, in my acquaintances experience, and contacting the allegedly UK seller to inform them you do not buy Chink sh*t and asking if their products are made in virusland is always a good idea – if they say no (which they always do – it has been my experience that they are pathological liars) and you do receive Chink sh*t they are legally liable for misrepresentation and fraud in UK Courts.
        Oh, did I mention – FUCK CHINA.

      • I didn’t know that eBay owned Gumtree although I’m not really surprised that a vast company owns smaller ones that would otherwise be competition.

      • eBay refunded my buyer £250 for a bracelet I sold because the fat cunt couldn’t measure her own wrist. Said it was not as described.
        I got no change from them when I complained that they’d refunded before the goods were returned. After threatening to take them to court, they reversed the refund. In the meantime, the buyer returned the goods and they refunded me again.
        Recorded delivery letters couched in legal terminology work. It’s not worth their time fighting it.
        Naturally their call centre is in the far east. Probably fucking China. Cunts barely speak English. Bet they’re cheap tho.. .

    • I’ve been stung; genuinely though I was buying slight seconds, which was not an issue, and that the GB manufacturers had shifted all the stuff to Oz (apparently they are not averse to churning their market a little…).
      The one-off payment went through on my bank security code system, which I’ve encountered before.
      Then it displayed YEN equivalent. For what seemed to be an Australian outfit.
      They posted me some shit I didn’t order, but not the item I really wanted.
      Slitty-eyed fucks.

      Am now searching ebay for a military surplus Tsar Bomb to send in their direction.
      I hope the cunts all die of death-turds.

  14. Their motorcycles and scooters are absolute unfit for purpose shite.
    Tyre valves and fuel lines that perish dangerously within the first year of use. Alloy components with the structural integrity of cheese and frames held together with “bird shit” welding, electrical connectors improperly crimped and dangerous razor edges on every metal pressing and so on.
    I’ve dropped chink bikes into a skip before they even reached their first MOT.
    There is a reason why a new Honda commuter bike costs a couple of grand instead of 750 quid new in the crate off ebay.
    Whatever must their cars be like…

    • I am thinking of sending our kid – pray for China! I have asked him to leave some alive to use as our slaves, but can offer no guarantees! ?☠

      • Portion? I’d love to know what’s changing my spelling, don’t get any of this shit on my desktop, only the tablet. Porton!

      • Huawei might be CCP approved Dio but it still makes better cellphones then apple does… bout few hundred dollars cheaper and better specs

      • You didn’t buy yourself a Chin-key tablet with an auto-correct that uses Chinglish, did you?

  15. The western consumer has lapped up Chinese goods, western industries have moved production to China and lapped up Chinese cheap labour, western governments have aided china to become economically and technically dominant, this virus could complete the shift and at the end China will be the remaining super power.

    We are all pointing the finger at the wrong target again. As we do when we get enraged at immigrants, the guilty parties sit blameless as we pay the price.

    • Sit blameless and rubbing their hands.
      But they’re not blameless, just nameless.

  16. The writing should have been on the wall for Chinese and Taiwanese electronics manufacturers after the 1999-2007 capacitor plague:

    Unfortunately China was on our side during WW2. The Japanese are clean, but you can’t quite trust them.

    I wonder if George Formby was alive today if he’d be singing, “Mr Wu’s The Chief Medical Officer Now” – a slightly racist song about a Chinese man who can’t decide if herd immunity or social isolation is best to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

  17. There wouldn’t be a market for cheap Chinese knockoffs if some of the ‘brands’ that the evil little bastards replicate were made available at a reasonable price. Or even made available at all.

    As an example of some of the worst customer services I have ever experienced, I recently tried to buy three Rolex watches while on holiday.

    As the three models I was looking for (to flip for profit, admittedly) are impossible to come by in the UK, I thought I would try my luck.

    Having rocked up to the Rolex authorised dealer in Funchal and been eyed like a piece of shit by the armed security on the door, I gave it my best shot with the arrogant little turd of a sales twat.

    Me: “Hi, I am looking for a few Rolex”.

    Rolex cunt: “Yes sir. Is there anything specific you had in mind”

    Me: “Yes, I would like a GMT, a Submariner and a Cosmograph Daytona in black if possible”.

    Rolex cunt: “Ah, yes sir (chuckling to himself and rolling his eyes at the other sales twats). Everyone wants those”

    Me: “Good, so you have them in stock”?

    Rolex cunt: “Yes sir. We do, but I won’t sell them to you. They are only for sale to our very best customers”

    Me: “Excuse me? Thats €30,000 worth of watches and I am willing to pay you cash for them now, today. Are they reserved for someone”?

    Rolex cunt: “No sir. But I can only sell them to my very best customers”.

    Me: “OK, so what makes someone ‘Your very best customer'”?

    Rolex cunt: “I can only let you have one of the watches if you have spent over €75,000 with us”.

    Me: “Have a nice day then” (Muttering under breath “you cunt”)

    Now, I like a nice watch and Rolex are not really on my list of watches that I want to own. They are a bit clunky and a bit tacky for my tastes. They are also not particularly exclusive as there are 800,000 made every fucking year. Vauxhall make less cars than Rolex make watches.

    On the flip side of this, a mate of mine went on holiday to China and had a perfect replica of a submariner made, complete with automatic movement and date for £450. It is almost indistinguishable from the real thing, which he also owns. The only difference is that the replica keeps better time.

    If the likes of Rolex were to sell people what they want without the arrogance and bullshit, then there would be no market for snide versions of their product.

    Don’t even start me on Chanel. They managed to talk themselves out of £6k worth of business by being rude arrogant cunts in the Bond street shop by refusing to speak English, only French. So I just responded in Swedish. You can probably guess how confusing that got for all involved.

    I hope the chinks put them out of fucking business. The cunts.

    • Your mate was robbed.
      I have a fake Rolex and a fake Omega. I paid £70 each for them. Neither of them has ever given me a problem – unlike my genuine Longines which cost me a couple of hundred for a service when it stopped working. That sells for £2,500.

      Like they say on the ads, do the math…

      • Hi Dio!

        In all fairness, it is a bloody convincing copy. Even down to the correct brushing on the bracelet and colour of ceramic.

        It even sweeps instead of ticks.

      • Yeah, except it always rains in Manchester so most days all you can say for certain is it’s day. Or night, if you fall over the sundial wandering home from the pub, drunk.

  18. I would like to think after this, there would be worldwide measures in place for the movement of people. But I doubt it. Cheap imported labour is far more important to governments and the large companies than the health of it’s residents.

    This started in China, but the next could easily come from India, Africa or anywhere. We should stop importing people especially those from the 3rd world and countries with poor or no regulations on animal slaughtering.

    But it won’t happen. The joy of globalisation.

    • Some say there will be travel measures in place in that you will only be allowed to travel if you have been vaccinated.

      • I will only travel if I am in possession of a Lee Enfield with a shiny bayonet on the end! (Standards must be maintained!)

  19. Chinese Tat put it where it belongs in the garbage
    Vote with your wallet don’t buy anything off these Commie Yellow bastards buy ??

  20. Can’t even say I like the food, all deep fried shot with far too much salt in it. So much so whenever you have it you wake up in the middle of the night with your tongue glued to the roof of your mouth…

    • Filled with salt, MSG and some ingredients which allegedly may skirt UK law – and they ain’t getting my money.
      Random watch related one – I bought a Zeitner after 14 Years of owning a Klaus Kobec (still perfect, sold it to a mate) – a TAG level of quality for 70 quid brand new, perfect timekeeping, and superb design.
      I dumped my Rolex because it was pretentious overpriced w*nk, kept bad time, embarrassing to wear and was generally s*ite!
      Never buying another.

    • Dont want to worry you LG, but thats not salt.
      Its…protein on the plus side!
      Sum yung ghi.

      • MNC, that reminds me of that Mo Farra Fawcett advert for Quorn. “Practice, protein, practice, protein, practice, protein, protein” etc etc 🙂

  21. Where I work, I see shops own make have a ‘made in *insert country here*’ or ‘made in ** and assembled in **’, label I sometimes notice on the packaging.
    I’m not a business person.
    Is it about maximising profit? If a company can get something for a price they like, usually the lowest, the bigger the profit for them?
    When they come to sell it in the shop they can sell it at a price which might sound reasonable to the general public.

    Customer: “Ooh £9.99 for a set of dining crockery for 4 people. Bargain!”
    That set probably cost 50p to make. But how much money is going to the person or persons whom made it?

    I do notice when shopping online I press the button that arranges the items cheapest first.
    I admit I never buy something at the highest price if I can buy the same thing cheaper.

    I tend not to buy designer things or knockoffs of designer things or things with names on. I don’t see the appeal of designer stuff. For some people it might be wanting to fit in.
    I remember at school, to some people, I wasnt cool if I didn’t have the latest craze at the time etc. But I did have real friends that liked me for me.

  22. Only one thing worse than a fake Rolex… a real one!

    “All chinese knock offs are utter shit. You get what you pay for.”

    Fucking A!! – only yesterday I took delivery of a desk-mount microphone boom (Anglepoise type jobbie) ordered by our axe man. He’s not in the least technically or mechanically competent so thought I’d better give it the once over before dropping it round – took three fucking hours ferreting through my gash/bitz boxes to cobble together a working device from the pile o’ shite as delivered involving the replacement of EVERY fucking monkey-metal ‘bolt’ in it! Chinese approximations of legitimate metric thread forms truly are beyond parody.
    I have in desperation of a Sunday a’noon been forced into that dispiriting portal to mediocrity, post industrial decline and despair known as M*chine M*rt and it is the very epitome of cack. You buy three items and it’s a racing certainty that you’ll be bringing two of them back on Monday. Much amusement can be had however by spinning a few cranks on their machine tools/lathes/millers and feeling the swarf and casting sand grinding away at the leadscrews, the vice jaws that are so misaligned as to render them fucking lethal should you ever dare to approach the retained workpiece with a 3,000rpm cutter – utter fucking garbage – just like the chinese in fact.

    • I had a job once fitting strip lights into lighted mirrors for retail outlets. For a while it was doddle, attaching the battens to the inside of the mirror box, linking them up, putting in the tubes, and pat testing them when finished. Then the boss of the company decided to use Chinese lights instead of the reasonable quality European ones. They were so shit, you had to remember which tube came from which batten, as none were interchangeable, even though they were supposed to be the same size. I’m sure the only ruler they have in that backwards country is called Ping, which incidentally is the sound one of their sub standard bolts makes if you actually try to tighten it properly.

  23. The Lifan 320 is something that you are unlikely to see in Europe, (that is if I have got the right car) it was a knock off mini, looks like one but drives like shit and has a 0 safety rating.

    I think when I first read of them some had been exported to Russia.
    However I tend to view all new cars as take away tins (expensive ones) The ethos of saving the planet and making irreparable disposable cars is beyond me.

  24. Chinese goods and trying cut corners: My maxim…
    “Being cheap,comes with a price”….

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