I would guess that the cunt of the year for 2020 could well turn out to be an entire fucking country. China.
Not only did these cunts destroy the world as we know it with this fucking fucking disease, they refuse to take any blame and even tried to cover up the spread so they could travel the world during their new year celebrations. ‘Fuck everyone else, I want my jolly’, they seemed to say.
If that wasn’t enough, get this. Deep breath…
…the cunts are reopening their wet markets in fucking Wuhan this week.
What the actual fucketty fuck. This is not some right wing conspiracy either. Here’s a link to the libtarded Independent as proof.
Speechless. Fucking speechless.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks
Yeah there’s no point even doing a COTY poll this year, we already know they have it in the bag. Nasty, awful country full of awful racists who celebrate animal abuse and a culture so barbaric that it would make even some of history’s worst dictators blush. Fuck them all.
The CCP is Calling Chinky pox “Foreign virus” and foreigners are being denied entry to hospital and shops. The Chinese are supremacist, racist national socialist cunts and the rest of the world should have nothing to do with the yellow fuckers or another pandemic will be along in a few years. Fucking cunts.
This has thrown my racist viewpoints a kilter!
Used to hate nothing more than the mud slimes, but then along comes China.
Filthy inhuman cruel little yellow lookalike locusts.
And commies to boot!
Genghis Khan kicked their arses, as did the Japanese, as did we, if you learn from history its ‘never leave a job half finished’.
If China as a country, as a race was wiped from the earth the only comment from me would be ‘now the parking stanleys’.
The Chinese didn’t do a bad job of kicking their own arses – their great leader Mao was responsible for the deaths of 65 million of his own people whilst imposing Socialism on his country.
The Chinese are the Borg. Individual lives have never meant anything in their shitty 5000 year old ” culture”
Afternoon RTCP,
I’ve seen “right on” wankers in Brighton wearing chairman MAO T-shirt’s thinking it’s all cool and fucking trendy without realising they have a mass murderer on their T-shirt, imagine their OUTRAGE if I walked past wearing a hitler one?
Daft cunts
Lying through their slitty eyes.
Up to the knee hi’s in it…
“Call me Chinky or Rittle Lellow Geek and you’ll be on the bog for a week”
You whitey people ruv to brame honourable Chinese lace but not collect this time, you mistake, velly long.
Just minute, hear my rogic:
If everybody eat bat, nobody get sick.
You must eat de bat.
You buy bat flom me, honourable Chinaman.
I sell you for twenty dorrar.
You pay now or you leely pay rater.
How would you know, obviously coming from Jamaica?
Reading your post captain I was instantly transported to Wuhan , I could almost taste the pangolin scrotum , feel the crunch as I tucked into my scorpions on a stick
A truly magical experience……
Afternoon capo ….?
Afternoon Q, esquire
How about a bowl of garlic locusts for an entrée?
Noodles in earwig sauce?
Monkey Brains eaten from a live, scalped organ-grinder?
Enjoy your meal.
Hope all’s well down there in HoveLand. Don’t let the police break up your parties on Chesil Beach.
? ? ?
Sounds great captain but I’m sticking to pangolin scrotum garnished with Wuhan bats knob cheese if it’s all the same ….
Dogs and cats skinned and boiled alive…
Evening Q, Capt.
Evening RTCP
We have the makings of a Chinese cook book …….
Not forgetting birds’ eggs, with semi-grown chicks inside.
Filthy fucking fat yellow cunts.
Berinda, you mekking me velly hungly with runchtime foetus snack.
I didn’t realise you were a Macc Lads fan Paul?
I presume everyone’s seen this utter fuckwittery. In case you haven’t:
Apparently Cressida Strapon was in the crowd
Bunch of fucking cunts. Don’t give a shit about social distancing as long as I can get my virtue signalling in. There’s some bitch there with a baby. What the fuck are you doing with a baby on Westminster Bridge at 8pm? Oh yeah……..getting some good pictures for Facefuck Book.
I hope they all give each other a sloppy kiss.
Isn’t wishing people dead of Covid-19 banned on here ?
I’m sure I read that somewhere on here…
quite right. Please behave.
These things are far more ‘look at me’ than ‘look at them’ the cunts.
I saw one where police, nurses ambulance drivers and paramedics were all applauding……applauding themselves? I thought, self centred twats. Our street were at it last night so I thought I’ll open the window and contribute “SHUT THE FUCK UP TOU CUNTS!!”
The police apparently prefer harassing responsible individuals safely walking their dogs on the moors rather than dispersing virtue signalling idiot crowds blatantly ignoring social distancing rules big time, including the police themselves.
This country is fucked.
ex-fucking-actly, well put RTC.
Not so keen on laying down the law on gyppo sites though the shite bags.
Most people working for the NHS have nothing to do. All agency staff have no work
The media just saying, ‘oh aren’t they naughty’ rather than…
‘What a bunch of cunts and what the fuck were the police doing, clapping along with them’
Fucking Joke! But then it is London the foreign capital of the England.
That’s not London, the fuckers are all white.
There were a couple of cunts in the foreground who didn’t look English, one looked like a fucking chink!
Shame if wasn’t on tower bridge as I would have opened the cunt up ……
fucking fools
I notice Al Beeb are eager to say that there is no evidence that the Chinese made the virus in a lab. They’re pretty much saying it’s a nutty conspiracy theory (probably because Trump mentioned it). Sure, there is no evidence of such a thing. But the BBC are missing a key word here. ‘Yet’.
There is no evidence yet, but rest assured, the world will be looking for answers and I predict, in the end, we’ll find out. Personally, I don’t know if it came from the wet markets or if it came from a lab and then got into the wet markets. Like I said, I think we will get the answer one day and the BBC might end up looking like cunts again (like with Saville and the hurricane, for example),
It would be like saying, before trial, that there is no official evidence that Peter Sutcliffe was the Yorkshire Ripper when he was arrested (they thought he was just picking up a brass at the time). The ‘BBC’ will try to discredit anything Trump says. Every time. Never heard them once do this with Khan, for example, despite him turning London into a complete shithole full of stabby stabby ‘Brudda showed me no respec, blud!’ types.
One thing’s for sure though with this disease. Like almost every major pandemic or epidemic, it originated in China.
Fuck them!
The thinking man’s thinking is that it is weaponised SARS that escaped from the lab and has now mutated into at least three different varieties.
I don’t know about everyone else, but when we first went into lockdown, the only fuckers on the streets were the rinkey dinks.
All I saw when I was walking the dog for a couple of weeks was little slitty eyes above a surgical masks.
Its almost like they knew what was going to happen and had come well prepared.
I don’t think this came from SARS, it had a 15% mortallity rate, where Covid-19 is only .2 or something.
Its full name is SARS Covid-19.
I think there may be a connection.
There is. They are both respiratory illnesses caused by a coronavirus. The genetic coding of the SARS virus is similar to the Covid-19 virus, but not enough for it to be mutated or engineered from it apparently. (According to the clever cunts that study this shit.)
TBH, respected western epidemiologists are saying it’s a natural mutation from a horseshoe bat virus with almost certainty.
However, there is no doubt that those little fuckers have been messing about with the virus in their labs. My view is they’ve had some kind of fuck-up in there & it’s jumped into humans.
I’ve mentioned in a cunting I’ve submitted that the reason Xi & his commie pals are trying to blame it on the market is that it would be a kind of ‘natural’ event, as the virus has jumped species of it’s own accord. But if they have been studying it maybe for honest medical purposes but dropped a bollock & let it out, then it becomes a case of being culpable, albeit via an accident. And as we all know, ‘where’s there’s blame there’s a claim’ & ting-tong is gonna have to pay.
Exactly right, TSG. It’s the difference between just-one-of-those-things versus yeah-it-was-us.
Either way, at a bare minimum they delayed informing the world and then lied about it. That cost lives. Tens of thousands of them. They know it. We know it.
Odd that when ‘something’ happened, they locked down Wuhan province to contain it, but did not suspend international travel. If that’s not self-serving and fuck the rest of the world, I don’t know what is.
Something is a brewin’ and it’s not my tea. I expect repercussions big style.
I’ve got no doubt about this & here’s why: this is a nation that had the SARS outbreak, so you’d think they would realise with first-hand experience that this is serious shit …but no, first immediate response was to sit on it, sucker the WHO ass-lickers & lie like fuck, letting the rest of the world take it up the ass.
Now, even Xi & his bunch of cunts would realise there’s going to be serious fall-out from doing that, so why do it – unless there’s a bigger sin to hide.
It’s very plausible that the virus escaped from a lab whilst legitimate research was being undertaken.
The last ever death from smallpox in the world was that of Janet Parker in Birmingham in 1978 due to poor controls in the lab where the smallpox virus was being studied.
I don’t think there is evidence to conclusively prove the virus came from the wet market. Those I’ve watched being interviewed said it was likely. Likely is not certainly.
Given that a research lab in Wuhan, just up the road from the wet market, was actively studying Coronavirus from bats, it’s just as feasible that the outbreak came from there. Some scientist a while back said Covid 19 has proteins in it that don’t occur in nature ergo human intervention. Maybe someone has since debunked that. It’s hard to keep up with the contradictions!
I don’t trust the BBC to tell me tomorrow’s weather never mind lecture us on what is unequivocal fact about the origins of Covid-19. Cunts!
The Chinese are amongst the happiest people in the world. Ask any Chinese person what’s it like living in China and they’ll answer “I can’t complain.”
The Chinese are saying they under-reported the deaths. Yes, by a fucking factor of at least 10 they did. A country that could kill and starve fucking millions on a whim – the cultural revolution, has no regard or respect for individual lives. And their animal cruelty and eating habits are vile.
Anyone have Norman Hunter in Deadpool?
Chinks have killed him with bat flu.
That’s done it. Now the yellow commies will have Leeds fans after them. This won’t end well.
This week was our wedding anniversary and, thanks to the eating habits of the little yellow fuckwits, we are spending it at home instead of in the cozy hotel on the Norfolk coast with the great restaurant and real ale bar where we usually end up on anniversary week.
Thanks a bundle, you shit-eating slope commie zipperhead cunts…
Had a can of Old Speckled Hen last night. Went down a treat. One can left and Mrs Yank has been told to not even think about it.
Fuck knows when I’ll be able to get some more.
Sorry about your anni, BB. Been to Suffolk, but never made it to Norfolk. I had a ticket to see Killing Joke at UEA back in the 90s, but the show was cancelled. Hanging out at a cozy Norfolk coast hotel with real ale on tap does sound wonderful.
Absolutely filthy race – they even walk fucking odd with their feet at quarter to 3 and stomping their heels down as the search for creatures to flash in oil and garlic…….
An they wear funny hats!
See some near me, the bloke has a captain hat an his missus a sort of rasta hat.
An one has loads of little dogs he cant control, probably going to eat them the deviant.
Called him a stupid cunt months back before his countrymen tried to kill all life on earth, letting his dogs cause chaos with other dog walkers.
Said I’d let my akita off lead next time and its game on.
Ill probably batter him in the woods before the years out.
Akita would kill most dogs…
Its not his dogs fault though Daz its him,
He sees dogs as a snack that runs about, like a mars bar with legs.
Wouldnt really let my dog off, she bit him she could get bat flu, but hes a right knobhead!?
1.4 billion Cunts of the Year! There’s one for Guiness Book of Records.
These cunts have always been on the doomsday watch list. I never bought into this faux capitalism they adopted which has successfully undermined the entire world’s manufacturing industry, through companies wanting endless cheap labour, and the public, for eagerly buying up the substandard shit that is churned out as a result. The cunts haven’t invented anything since gunpowder, and are quite happy with stealing and copying other people’s innovations. Corporate espionage and intellectual property theft are only reasons China has any industry of its own.
As a people, the Chinese are racist, who populate the four corners of the world, without ever integrating. The west are basically toothless to call out their expansionism, be it building islands off shore to broaden their reach into the sea around China, to buying up large swathes of Africa because they joyfully bought up vast amounts of western debt.
As for this virus which has effectively strangled the western world, it’s a Chinese virus. It doesn’t matter if it came about because of their cruel and filthy food markets, which in fairness ain’t just Chinese, many countries in the region share their disgusting eating habits, or if the virus was caused by sub standard laboratory practices, a theory which is being investigated properly now, it’s a fucking CHINESE VIRUS, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot.
Agreed, it is a Chinese virus and the little fuckers need to start looking at cancelling debt where they have completed shafted the economies of numerous countries. Ours included.
I for one would rather felch rancid bat jizz out of a Pangolin than ever buy anything made it China again.
I’ve lost track of how many days have passed during the fundemic lockdown I’m having so much fun! I’m guessing roughly maybe the 43rd day of lockdown?!
How many days of the fundemic until things go back to normal you cunters think?!
One hundred more days perhaps more
The ting-tongs locked Wuhan down for 3 months & despite what the lying little fuckers are saying. it hasn’t gone away yet.
Until they start telling the truth, which will never happen, we’ve got nothing to gauge it against.
Oddly enough, I’ve watched less telly since the lockdown began. Partly due to programmes I’d usually watch no longer showing and partly due to the News being 24/7 blanket Coronavirus bollocks!
Me neither, RTC and good morning/afternoon.
Been on the Xbox rather heavily the last 2 days. Plus some ‘light’ reading (Mountain of the Dead by Keith McCloskey). I’ve stopped watching the news altogether at this point.
Did you cunters know Brian Wilson of the Beach boys is a prophet of the fundemic? He wrote a song about the 2020 fundemic 60 years ago fucking brilliant
The most ridiculous thing about all this is the libtards calling you ‘wayciss’ if you criticise the Chinese government’s handling of the pandemic.
And yet, in China, there are reports of the Chinese now throwing rocks at whitey out there (because they think we are dirty and diseased) and lot letting dark keys into their restaurants and kicking them out of their rented properties. You could argue that it’s there own fault for having anything to do with the cunt, but the point stands that they’re being incredibly (and actually!) racist towards anyone not Chinese.
The cheeky fucking cunts also called everyone ‘racist’ for mentioning travel restrictions against the Chinese when the virus peaked over there, but now, are lightning quick to ban any fucker entering their country. And treating anyone that is not Chinese and unlucky enough to be out there like utter cunts.
Cut off all ties with the cunts. Not easy to do, but fuck it. We can’t rely on or trust these bastards ever again.
Their hubris in denying and lying about covids origin is amazing no one seems to call them out on it. I highly doubt a war will happen the best result is china confesses their involvement of this virus and pays some form of reparations for the countries hardest hit.
Of couse for this to happen their would need to be a global pressure on china from world leaders tho I don’t except anything to come of it with politician cockheads do any good. Also EU has been quiet as fuck on the subject of china or corona recently guess they can’t stop worrying bout brexit… Does merkel, juncker suck chinese commie cock I wonder?
Nuke them.
And Africa.
The little yellow cunts have fucked up the world and then made their dodgy, cheap mass produced crap the usually doesn’t work properly and then taken the fucking high road selling aforementioned shite, selling this stuff and saying they are trying to help.
Bollocks these cunts and thier discusting habbits caused this shit in the first place, they kept it a secret until it was to late and should therefore be made to compensate for the havock they have inflicted !on the world and until that happens i strongly suspect they are going to find their standing in the world has changed, so thats going the next waysist problem for shite hawk solicitors to milk,so fuck the rinkydinks in my opinion….
I loathe these little bastards, their shiftiness, their baseness, their willingness to eat anything, their weird quacking language, their unwashed odour.
Mind, all these loudmouth idiots protesting they’ll boycott Chinese goods. All forgotten in six months with China tightening its stranglehold on the globe. Cunts.
A total cunt of a nation. Now they’ve murdered Norman Hunter.
The fucking cunts.
The Chinks are cunts along with the WHO, after all the crap that has originated in China/Far East you would think that WHO scientists would have China under a constant microscope and jumped all over this virus as soon as it appeared.
Both are equally to blame, dirty fucking Chinks and useless WHO.
Dirty slanty eyed everythings on the menu eating cunts!
I know what would be a great idea is to open up the very same type of market that Chinky Flu is allegedly supposed to have spread from.
Fuckwittery if the highest order from the slanty eyed cunts of the year!
Who would have thought that the Labour Party would have been beaten into 2nd place for the cunts of the year prize.
I’ve called the Chinese as much as anyone over the past weeks, but there are decent people in every country as well as cunts. Their leaders’ priority will be first and foremost to stay in power, and to see if there’s any way to make all this work to their advantage. Those who run the wet markets will just shrug, they won’t give a fuck. The decent Chinese will be thinking ‘what must the world think of us?’ They’ll be mortified.
Disagree Alan.
I feel about chinks like Hitler felt about jews.
Happy to see them get their payback when it comes.
The ‘thinking’ behind Hitler’s genocide of the Jews was based on an evil lie.
Btw, our Chinese chippie, you couldn’t meet a nicer chap. Or the cunts at the Chinky takeaway.
You don’t mean them, do you Miserable? Alright, fair enough. Probably gone out of business now anyway.
Have been rather partial to the General Tso’s Chicken from the local restaurant. Am I the only one who has gone right off Chinese food now?
Afraid I do Rtc,
Although I would allow you to wave him off at the station.
These satanic, pan faced, doll eyed cunts have no conscience….collectively as a nation. They need to be flash fried with A Bombs immediately….
Hmmmm Clispy Noodles eh ?
Chinky fritters.
Not only are the Chinese CUNTS guilty of causing a global catastrophe, they still think that it is necessary to consume endangered animals (tigers, rhinos etc) to make it possible to get an erection. There must be a hell of a lot of erictile dysfunction amongs the Chinese Leadership, otherwise they would have stoped all of this nonsensical behaviour years ago. They are all cunts from Dictator XI Jinping (ugly small dicked CUNT) downwards.
The thing about orientals is that there isn’t a swinging dick to be found in that part of the world. Micro cock is the norm, and they know Johnny Roundeye has it going on big time compared to them. During the Vietnam war, oversize condoms were air dropped on the North Vietnamese to fuck with their heads even further. So, the backwards fuckers will try anything to give them a superior stiffy, regardless of what species they wipe out in the process. It’s funny how they are quite happy stealing the technology to make electronic shit, but reject any real science that calls into question their nonsense medicine. Cunts.
I don’t know why The Chairman of The Yellow Peril doesn’t just admit they made it and unleashed it on purpose.
It’s not like anyone,even an angry Donald,can do fuck all about the cunts.
I remember someone posted this in the comments section of another nomination. It is hilarious.
It’s not China, it’s there communist socialist control and command system of government.
Freedom such as it is in the west is non existent there, call the president Winnie the Poo and before you know it your organs are for sale.
Fuck communism or it will fuck you!
These customs programmes are revealing. One in Australia. And the Chinese tourists are always caught with huge amounts of illegal plant stuff and seeds. They can’t believe they are not allowed to bring it into the country.
What is it with them and food?
I remember a few years ago some rich South East Asian fella I got talking to. All about him flying to Hong Kong to go to a special restaurant. All he talked about was food. And having the rarest delicacies.
Where is Greta? A dereliction of her duty here I believe. She should be making the link between the wildlife trade AS PART of the Environmental emergency.
The trade in wildlife. Not that deserves a cunting.
Maybe the tiddlywinks have eaten Thetta Gruntberg ….
Doubful. The spoon-faced, baleful little cunt would turn even the hardiest of Chink stomachs.
We all have a responsibility to boycott the Chinks.
It’s surely the only way these cunts will ever change.
Absolutely, Steaming. Will make a tiny, tiny bit of difference but I’m not ever having a Chinese meal again, not buying anything Chinese and will do my due diligence to see if anything is made in China or got anything remotely to do with them. Pain in the arse I know but these cunts need to be made the pariah of the world. Hit them in the pocket the fucking devious zipper head cunts.
Gave up on chinky meals years ago Bob…. following mornings, my arse was firing grapeshot and cannister !
Nuke Wuhan
Nuke the dirty bat guzzling blue minks.
Fox News reported 2 nights ago that senior level and well informed US government officials have credible evidence the Chinese virus originated in one of the biological research labs in Wuhan. A worker got infected and contaminated bats somehow found their way to that fucking wet market. The lab in question is supposed to be a category 4 location, i.e. the most secure and the Chinese fancy themselves as being ace at handling viruses of this kind. US inspectors had previously visited this facility and reported its security and safeguards were well below par. The virus is not a biological weapon and its release into the wild was a complete accident. Allegedly. Investigations are on going.
Some US senators have said if this is proven conclusively, then legislation will be amended and/or introduced enabling law suits to be filed in US court citing Chinese officials. There’s already talk of the US canceling massive amounts of Chinese funded debt.
Watch this space I guess.
However this plays out, I hope the world turns on China.The CCP has blood on its hands either way. In some ways it’s fortunate the Chinese have nukes because if they didn’t, I think conventional military action would be on the table already. The world cannot overcome this, shrug its shoulders and carry on as if no one is accountable. I sincerely hope the shit storm is coming and China is put back in its place.
Surely that cunt fest of a market could be cured with just one drone on the grounds or world stability?
Cunts have 5 times more new yorkers than Osama. Should be reason enough for the Donald to consider one,
I think we can all take it as read that China will be this year’s winner of COTY. And probably for the next two or three years also. Let’s face it, nobody could possibly be a bigger cunt than a Communist regime that deliberately lied about the Flu Manchu, thereby allowing it to spread around the entire planet and subsequently being responsible for untold tens of thousands of deaths globally, just to save face. The big problem they have, is they weren’t smart enough to pull it off, and now anyone who ISN’T a dipshit lefty hates China.
If there isn’t some kind of punishment for the Chinese Communist Party when this is over, I shall be extremely pissed off. And I won’t be alone.
Quite so, QDM.
The whole ‘keep it quiet to save face’ plan has back fired big time. Who knows how this is being reported in China though. For all we know, Chinese news outlets might be telling the people how Xi acted quickly, decisively and avoided a bigger problem, so praise be to Xi – our beloved leader.
If nothing else, Xi knows he fucked up on a scale that he cannot begin to comprehend. To say he and China have been discredited forever is an understatement. He has no hand in international affairs from this point on. Everyone knows it. The only play the Chinese have is denial, finger pointing and lying. Everyone knows that now. What we don’t know is what the world will do about it.
I think cancelling Chinese debt will happen. Legislation making it illegal for Chinese entities to own high value/important foreign assets will happen. Repatriating manufacturing will happen. Sanctions on China will happen. If enough countries side with hitting back against what China has done, it will decimate their economy and rightfully so. Any country that abstains or sides with China will probably get the same treatment.
The world has to show some balls here and put China in its place. If it doesn’t, then look forward to Covid-20, Covid-21 and so on. China’s day of reckoning is coming.
What a good comment .