I would guess that the cunt of the year for 2020 could well turn out to be an entire fucking country. China.
Not only did these cunts destroy the world as we know it with this fucking fucking disease, they refuse to take any blame and even tried to cover up the spread so they could travel the world during their new year celebrations. ‘Fuck everyone else, I want my jolly’, they seemed to say.
If that wasn’t enough, get this. Deep breath…
…the cunts are reopening their wet markets in fucking Wuhan this week.
What the actual fucketty fuck. This is not some right wing conspiracy either. Here’s a link to the libtarded Independent as proof.
Speechless. Fucking speechless.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks
Being a strange individual, my first thoughts were that if a class 4 viral lab can have a leak then perhaps a nuclear facility could have an accident too (in lines with recent rulings this would be a non lethal one), then I thought of the joint Pakistan/Chinese military manoeuvres earlier this year and remembered that Pakistan is a Nuclear power (that receives UK aid????), chances are so is China, so I thought maybe not.
(The Chinese are knocking up a few submarines for them ect and I doubt that they are free).
I have also been reading up on the war in Korea and still wondering why no one nuked them then (in a friendly way), but that’s history.
Because the Korean’s allies – the Chinks and the Soviets – would have repaid the complement by nuking the U.S. (in a friendly way) or its allies, thus triggering the much anticipated global nuclear holocaust. That would be my guess.
It’s CHYNAAAH ! I just loved the way the Don slaps that one in ! CHYNAAAH!
“Slit eyed gooks with piano keys for teeth” ( description quoted direct from Larry Harman ) although applied to Japanese ( by Popeye ) was inspired by Harmans distaste of the CHYNAAAH people.” I never met a chinese cunt that didn’t eat shit .”
I wonder how many still have their little red books ?
I realise she’s a dopey leftist cow, but that (alleged) reporter who provoked Tango into his “CHYNAAAH” come back is fucking gorgeous. I definitely would.
Yes, I’d discuss the coronavirus situation with her while placing my dick in one of her holes.
I would very much like to push some fingers and toes in her….
When this bows over i’ll pop in my local chinese and order a kung pao Pangolin, a civet cat in sesame seeds and honey and a bat wing soup with prawn crackers
They’ll give you a flea for the plice of tooh…
You’ll get the shits, that’s a given.
I wonder if the film Demolition Man is banned in Chyyyna:
Simon says.. Ching-chong-chong-chang
The best retribution with China is don’t buy a fucking thing off them Cancel any involvement with HS2 Phone networks 5G etc Until these horrible Dinks start towing the line fuck them hit them hard and fuck their economy up like they have ours ?
Bomb the bastards.
The Chinese Liberation Army has 2.5 million men under arms. That will take some defeating.
Not to mention their nuclear arsenal….
Here’s an idea……inject some willing volunteers with some nasty bio weapon vaccine. Then infect them with said bio weapon. Then send them on an all expenses paid tour of China with strict instructions to shake hands with and breathe on as many of the locals as possible. Stay as long as you like. Job done and all with plausible deniability.
Any country that owes China money should tell them to Fuck Off.
Then bomb the bastards.
Do it on Chinky New Year.
By the time they realise it isn’t fireclackers, it will be too late.
So long you almoned eyed little morherfuckers.
morherfuckers ? Must have been pissed.
almond …..
Big Don’s Nuclear Subs are placed exactly where they can turn China into glass. It won’t be done though. Too much money involved. The Chinese are the worst people any country could do business with. The western world had got into bed with the devil and has dug its own hole.
Blumpf is unfortunately in bed with goblins hes had pretty passive attitude with the corona virus and china so far. Joe Biden will probably win the election in November Norm, Only time will tell tho
And we are still letting in approximately sixty flights a day – seems a bit pointless having house arrest when all the World is just casually strolling in.
(“But, most of them are nearly empty” – well they shouldn’t be coming in the f*cking first place!)
Oh, nearly forgot – fuck China – and adopt the JTC method!
Shove all your PPE equipment up your Covid19 arse.
British Jobs For British Workers Chinese Tat straight in the bin ????
I’m grumpy today as evidenced by a ranty rant elsewhere… however this is one of those moments when I muse upon a classic line line from Aliens `“I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure’, cunts.