Brexit Stalling

I suppose that it was inevitable. Desperate, Remoaning cunts in the UK are climbing on board the latest bandwagon in an attempt to keep us tied to the European Union’s apron strings.

Of course the UK has formally left the EU, but is in a transition phase which ends on 31st December of this year. In the light of the Coronavirus emergency, the call is going out from the usual suspects to extend the transition period beyond 2020; the Limp Dicks want it, the SNP wants it, individuals such as Lisa Nandy are calling for it. ‘It makes sense’ they bleat. A last desperate throw of the anti-Brexit dice on their part, more like.

Naturally our ‘friends and allies’ in Brussels are quite keen on the idea too. Step forward the European People’s Party group, for example. Luxembourg MEP Christophe Hansen, a spokesman for the group, claims that the UK will be ‘dealt a huge blow’ by the simultaneous shock of Coronavirus and leaving the single market and customs union. It’s all about ‘common sense and substance over ideology’, you’ll understand. The EU’s own ideology doesn’t enter into the scheme of things of course, it’s simple pragmatism, what Hansen calls ‘the responsible thing to do’. German MEP David McAllister stated that the EU has always been open to extending the transition period, because it’s worried about the UK government subjecting us to this dual disruption, and that the ball was now in our court.

Now I’d call that downright neighbourly. It’s gracious of the Brussels establishment to be so thoughtful and caring about us at this trying time, and is without doubt a demonstration of altruism at its finest. Naturally it’s got nothing to do with the vexed question of how much additional cash we’d be expected to inject into the bloc’s budget, dear me no. It’s got nothing to do with the continuing plundering of the UK’s territorial fishing waters, nothing to do with keeping us tied to EU regulations and under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice for as long as possible.

Well as far as I’m concerned the reality is simple. We’ve left the EU and we’d like a trade deal; does the EU want one or not? The answer is surely ‘yes’, because it’s in their interest as much as ours, if not more so. That being the case, the EU should stop prevaricating and knuckle down to the job of getting a deal done, and most of all, should stop pretending that by offering an extension, it’s doing US a favour.

I don’t see anything wrong with extending the trade negotiations beyond the end of this year given the current circumstances, but as for the rest, the EU can fuck off. No more trying to tell us what we can and can’t do. No more free fish, no more rule book, no more ECJ, and absolutely no more cash beyond 31st December. We need every penny for ourselves, and Boris must know that he’d be cutting his own throat politically if yet more of our cash gets put into the bottomless Brussels money pit to help bail out the EU’s mess. As the old saying goes, ‘charity begins at home’.

Nominated by Ron Knee

57 thoughts on “Brexit Stalling

  1. As I see it, if we don’t leave now we never will. A Boris u-turn will leave Brexiteers with absolutely nobody to vote for unless the Brexit Party makes a return and, to be honest, they are very much a one-policy party. If by some miracle they won an election they would be clueless, possibly even worse than Labour. If MP’s can carry on claiming salary and expenses through this ‘crisis’ then the fuckers can carry on with the leaving process. Get it done.

    • The jury’s still out on the Brexit party. They were completely outsmarted by Boris in the GE ’19, and I did think they would gain traction as UKIP did in 2015 but Boris; out-and-out appeal to BBrexit voters snuffed out any significant loss of votes.

      However, I still think the Tories won’t be foolish enough to underestimate the savvy of Farage; specifically, Nigel can sniff out Brexit wavering like a fucking police dog and will not hesitate to get himself shouting from the rooftops to the disillusioned voter.

      The question though is whether the entire Tory policy on Brexit is not still littered with strategic ‘roadblocks’…. time will tell.

      • Totally agree Empire, Sir Nigel was and is our only hope. I just pray (if I believed in that shit) that he stays as healthy as yours and mine. If I were him i’d stay well away from any non dom doctors.

  2. I would say that in the current climate the EU has massively under-performed as a “Government”, Thinking along the lines of the one state one nation idea they should have closed external and internal borders long ago.
    Regarding their aid effort, that was a big fat 0 until recently when it was suggested that the north dig into it’s coffers and bail out the south ( that was not well received either) so how and if europe stands as a unity after this has yet to be seen.
    Regrettably the French will always be cunts so EU or no EU things will remain the same.
    On a lesser EU thought, one of the Dame “Remainer’s” was given Italian citizenship, something to do with Florence I wonder if she is sitting it out over there.

    • That the EU response has been so muted came as no surprise to me. A near half century of waffle has left the decision making process of the EU ‘not fit for purpose ‘ when the chips are down and rapid , momentous action is called for. I wonder how many governments within the EU are focussing on national rather than EU needs .

      Again you did not put your full name in hence moderation

  3. The EU will be lucky to survive Corona, I’m not worried about this yet. Nandy and co don’t understand what’s coming economically.

    • Not surprised or worried by this, think we’ll leave, doubt that albino of downing street has the bollocks to cross us that badly, might be a delay due to a national crisis but we will leave.
      They must be chewing their yoga mats in frustration in islington,
      Leaving the beloved EU,
      BBC under attack, and the restaurants and bistros are shut!
      And some rotters stockpiled all the latte from waitrose.
      Welcome to hell Giles & Cressida.

      • I wish I had your faith but I don’t trust our ‘leaders’ any further than I could spit a rat. They all have their own agenda, with their own well-being of primary concern, and the country comes a distant second.

      • Oh dont trust them a bit Moggie!
        But know theyre the type to save their own skin first.
        Ive never liked or trusted Boris.
        But to be fair never liked any politician.

      • To use an analogy, I would have no problem with them climbing into a lifeboat first and helping others aboard afterwards but these cunts are more disposed to climb into the lifeboat then use an oar to push everybody else’s head under water and that’s what I reckon we’re looking at here.

      • Haha nice analogy!!
        Oh an youve fuckin jinxed me!
        Tooth hurting this morning.
        Gargled whisky seems ok now.

      • Sorry to hear about the tooth M, fuck alone knows how long things will be shut. My cat’s been sneezing the last couple of days and the fucking vet is shut too! I’m fed up with it.

      • The whisky works Moggs!
        No shit, done it before.
        Swilled my mouth with strong alcohol to kill any bacteria, assume vodka would do the same.
        The vets i go to is open for emergencies an pre booked inoculation,
        There monday for dogs 2nd jabs/flea/worm treatment.
        The dog not me obviously.
        Ive already had mine.

      • @MNC that jinx has worked again on me now, a crown I’ve had for over 25 years has just come off!

  4. The remoaners were never going to give up their Weltanschauung……if it wasn’t for this Chinky shit it would be some other bollocks. Boris was never a real brexiteer ……. I see the cunt on the telly and he looks well washed up, the wanker has visibly aged in a matter of weeks. Getting out of the Kraut empire is as far away as it ever was.

    • Wait until the baby arrives next month, then his bout with CV will seem like a picnic in the park.

    • Boris’s only reason for being a Brexiteer was to be elected leader of the Tory party by an overwhelmingly pro Leave membership. Had the membership been pro Remain he would have been a solid Remainer.

      One of the main reasons Cameron beat David Davis in the previous Tory leadership contest was that Cameron presented himself as even more Eurosceptic than Davis! By the time the referendum came around he had morphed into an arch Remainer….

      • This is precisely what I meant when I said above that they have an agenda, Boris’s was simply to become PM and the ends justified any means.

  5. Charity begins at home (excluding England). Official eu dictionary of quotes ( 3rd edition published by Bullshit and Wankers Ltd an imprint of eu forever, Brussels and Strasbourg

  6. I think if you ever needed a stark demonstration into the sheer illusion of the European Union facade, you need only look at how Italy and Spain have effectively been told ‘you’re on your own, lads’ in the face of the China Commie Virus.

    Interesting isn’t it, how having borders is somewhat necessary after all. Someone tell Sweden, though – the daft cunts are still prioritising social justice over basic health measures in the face of a fucking pandemic. Still, a bit of viral cleansing in Sweden across all shades of cunt might do the Scandinavian fraternity some good.

  7. It’s a miracle for Remainiacs. They might not be stating it but inside they’re whooping, ‘Hallelujah’ and dancing a jig. When New Year looms they’ll play all their cards: Stronger together, financially viable, the (fucking romance of the) NHS and all its Dooshka-Mooshka employees who’ve helped us at this blah blah blah, surely at least continued open borders for low-skilled criminals, perhaps even a re-think…a…second vote…

    The longer the Chînky Virus continues, the stronger their hand looks. By then, the new Reich will have created plenty of new methods of their masterly strategy ‘divide-and-conquer’.

    • Some chinky cunt at Wahun needs to concoct another virus that Kills all Lib Mong, Left Wing, Gayness cunts, Sandal Persons etc…..

      Go for it Charlie Chan….do us all a fucking favour.

      • ASA, those mong Libtards love a good march. I’m surprised they haven’t organised one for the Chînk flu:

        ‘March to stop the Corona Virus’
        London, Trafalgar Square, 11am.
        ? 156489 people attending.

  8. What I’m expecting soon is all the migrant camps to be emptied and the inhabitants spread around Europe and some will be coming here. I suspect they will be given citizenship and your grand house

  9. Should it ever come to fruition, and attmpts to delay are successful, I shall have no compunction in blowing the living shit out of the House Of Cunts.

    I dare say I am not the only one.

  10. Despite the ching chong bat flu, the Remoaners are busy working behind the scenes to capitalise on this opportunity to devise and promote ways of stalling Brexit. Of that you can be fucking sure.

    For example, the New European is running an article on the current panic buying in UK Supermarkets, empty shelves, the starving vulnerable and how a similar thing could happen after Brexit. These cunts are like a dog that won’t stop licking its own cock.

    Alistair Campbellend must be wanking/drinking himself into a froth of ecstasy during his period of social distancing/enforced stay at his masturbatorium. The Coronavirus is manna from heaven for this nasty cunt.

    • Just back from Tesco, all fine, shelves pretty well stocked, social distancing in place the only downside was a longish queue to get out, but no more that 10 minutes.
      As I drove past the petrol station I noticed the price has dropped like a stone…. if it keeps up like this it will be under a quid soon ?

      After Brexit deal or no deal it won’t make a blind bit of difference to supermarket shelves, fuck the EU.

      • I go in them all, and Tesco are the only ones that seem to have made any attempt to re-stock their shelves. I actually managed to get some tinned carrots there the other day. I’d almost forgotten what they look like.

      • I was in Asda yesterday. No flour, no cooking oil, almost no tinned veg, no beans, no yeast, almost no bread and that was just in the aisles I ventured into. I don’t believe it’s still panic buying so much and they appear to be making no effort to restock shelves. I reckon the night shift either play cards or kiss chase.

      • There was a bit of everything in Tesco today.
        Not the full variety to choose from, but they had beer, bogroll and soap.

        Walked straight in with no queuing outside.

  11. One thing for sure is at the end of all this unemployment will rise across Europe, the UK has to leave or we will be invaded regardless of the fact the UK will be in the same position.
    The EU solidarity will be tested to the hilt and they are desperate to keep us tied up for as long as possible, not least for the fucking wedge.

    It’s going to be every man for himself when it comes to the crunch and the UK needs to be in the driving seat of its own wagon, leave at the end of this year with a basic trade deal, that’s it.

    Fuck the EU, it’s a dead duck!

  12. The bat flu may have the unexpected benefit of crippling the 4th Reich.
    I’m looking forward to the fun.
    The rotten cunts.

  13. News for all the Remoaners
    We have left the EU suck it up Chinese Virus The Hidden Killer or not We have left ????

    • They’re not going to give up until the bitter end, Ginger. And even after that there will be calls to re-join at every minute of bad news. This is permamnent now.

  14. No problem in extending it except for 2 things.
    1. The money stops going out.
    2. Open boarders cease.

    I can’t see the cunts going for that though.

    • That’s what has really annoyed the EU Eurocrats (cunts), individual countries closing borders, but why not, every individual country’s first responsibility is to keep its citizens safe.
      If ever there was an argument for stopping free movement it is the current Covid 19 pandemic.

    • My position entirely HC. I really think there’ll be hell to pay here if Joe Public sees loads more of our cash flowing out to the EU after the end of the year. Regardless of how the fucking Guardian might see it, I can’t see the bulk of the population standing for it.

    • My position entirely HC. I really think there’ll be hell to pay here if Joe Public sees loads more of our cash flowing out to the EU after the end of the year. Regardless of how the fucking Guardian might see it, I can’t see the bulk of the population standing for it.

  15. Boris knows if he fucks about with this he is finished. They will do it by video link but come the 31st Dec it will be over.
    The EU may not even survive this virus as everybody can see how useless they are when the chips are down.
    I can also see a lot of countries refusing to open their borders again.
    We’ll be finished with the EU by Jan next year. Be cool folks. Johnston is no fool.

    • We desperately need to be finished with it Mac. The economic shit is really going to hit the fan, and a massive recession is on the cards. Spain, Greece, France and Italy go in with huge levels of unemployment and massive debt.The Euro is going to be under massive pressure.
      If we extend the transition period (as I’m sure the EU is now desperate to do) they’ll be looking for yet more billions of our cash; the Krauts don’t call Britain ‘Treasure Island’ for nothing. Naturally, they’ll try to make it look as though offering a further extension is to do US a favour.

      • Yip I agree with all that Ron.
        We need to just finish this. We’re so close to the finishing line.

  16. An erudite and excellent cunting as usual Ron. The EU have got to be the stupidest of ALL politicians if they honestly think we’ll fall for their guff. I’m pretty sure Boris WILL stick to his guns (if he doesn’t he’ll be toast), and given that the ‘impossible’ time scale is now down to less than 9 months for trade talks. Covid-19 is actually a blessing in disguise for the UK, since there is NO WAY the disparate countries in the EU will EVER receive any real help from the EU, and the Euro will probably collapse very soon indeed. All in all, looks good for us and bad for them, virus or no virus.

    • Agreed. I think that some serious questions are going to be asked, particularly in Italy, about just what the EU’s actually good for when the chips are really down.
      I’d say that ‘solidarity’ has been shown to be empty rhetoric. The takers will want to take even more from the givers now, and the givers won’t to hand yet more cash over, at least not if they’ve got any sense they won’t. Establishment elites around Europe will fight like fuck to hold on to their superstate dream, but I can see a huge popular revolt building across the EU; at least I hope that’ll be the case.

  17. Best estimates put the economic damage done across the Eurozone to be in the region of 7-8 Trillion and they know if they can keep us hooked in we will be bled dry and have all the trash currently being corralled in Europe.
    The EU are not our friends – they hate us.
    No extension, we have had out pocket picked so much they have worn a hole in it and now the thieving treacherous b*stards want the dust that’s falling through as well.
    The damage caused by kung fu flu will devastate this Country’s economy, and if we start throwing aid at others I genuinely think that will be the catalyst for civil unrest, we are reasonable people as a rule but broke and hungry leads to angry.
    No tricks, no lies, no extension.

  18. And just a quick addendum – in the biggest crisis it has ever faced where the hell has the EU been?
    Nowhere – and the poorest people in Europe are condemned to being abandoned to Third World horror and death as the EU Mandarins sit in their palaces suggesting the little people eat cake.
    When the going gets tough the tough get going, and the EU have shown how irrelevant they are in a crisis, and how unnecessary they are as an entity.
    Good nom RK, they always are! ?

    • Thanks Vernon.
      I can’t stop going on about just how big a bunch of cunts they’ve been in Brussels since the referendum, and I’m sure they’ll do their very best to keep us tied in to their rules while plundering our coffers for as long as they can. What boils my piss right over is the fact that they’ll graciously allow us an extension if we ask for it! Don’t do us any favours, you duplicitous, money grubbing cunts!

  19. I suspect when Qweer Charmer becomes queen of the labour party in 2 days time the first thing he will do will be to organise Mary-Anne Hilary Benn, Lammy, Thornberry and all the nancy boys like Bradshaw into a new “peoples vote” gang lorded over by Mandy and Campbell.

    Boris should just tell the cocksucking cunts to fuck off

  20. The remoaners will never, ever admit they lost, constantly tell us they are right and the silly little people need to listen more to the nonsense they come out with and even though the will of the Country is against them and they are increasingly being laughed at.
    See also “The Labour Party” – AKA The Anti-British Communist Party.

  21. No fucking delay. If we now have to go no deal, well, big fucking deal! It’ll be fuck all compared to this shit and we wouldn’t even fucking notice. Fuck the EU remoaniac spazmundos!

  22. And leaving with no formal agreement will cost the EU 100 Billion Euros a Year in lost revenue (I have checked the liability/cost projections – scary and we need to be well away from it – no wonder they are “open to an extension period”)
    I am open to doing my grim reaper impression through France and then blanket bombing Germany, but we don’t always get what we want! ?
    No extension, any EU s*it we just leave on December 31st on WTO rules, time to see who blinks first.

  23. We gave to hope, whichever way it ends up going, that we put a FUCKING BARBED WIRE BLOCKADE on any trade deals with any country that insists on bat soup as a delicacy.

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