Adverts using coronavirus

Advertisers cashing in on Corona Virus are complete cunts.

It didn’t take them long did it? cunts like Co-Op, Tesco, Sainsburys and so on cashing in on the national hand-wringing by coming out with some truly sickening commercials.

Spewing utter shite like “We’re with you all the way” and “Feeding the Nation”?

No you cunts, you’re making profits, cashing in on mass panic and hysteria caused by a noob government and the BBC and lining the already ample pockets of your senior management and shareholders.

Not only did they seem to put this butt cheese together really quickly but it’s also full of right on OK yah, BAME folk and the people of many colours.

There’s even one begging for money for victims…I rest my fucking case.

Nominated by Spanky Mc Spank

53 thoughts on “Adverts using coronavirus

  1. “Corona, corona, its to orangey for crows its just for me n my dog” ..
    Once sang a little piccaninny kid, hassles by jiveass crows.
    That kid?
    Grew up to be that actor Itchy Elbow.
    Its been done before is what im saying.
    Corona was a brand of mineral when I was a kid.
    Now its a pandemic killing thousands.

  2. Great cunting Spanky. I’m sick of seeing these ads from various stores, telling us how wonderful they are for staying open so that we can buy food and the other things that they sell. As you said, these places are still making a profit, so they’re not being in any way altruistic. We all know that were it not for the fact they’re making huge amounts of money, everyone of these stores would be firmly shut.

    • I don’t know, I might not want to live in Glasgow but it’s ok for the occasional visit.

    • when this is all over (if ever) none of us will have any money to spend in their shops anyway – fucking good cunting

  3. I had a quiet snigger to myself as I went into Asda this morning to see a manager stacking still more pallets of Easter eggs that they can’t sell, even at less than half price.

    • Moggie@
      Today I picked up 500 easter eggs for a school donated by Mars,(the confectioner not the planet)
      There was 5000 when I got there.

      • People have realised that perhaps real food (flour and real eggs anybody?) is more important than chocolate. I got a bag of brown bread flour this morning, first I’ve seen in a month. What are the plans for the martian eggs, as schools aren’t open?

      • Kids get them when they return to school I assume, dunno.
        Picked them up from a unit in Manchester, was run by a charity, woman had a go at me for charging the school!
        She said Mars had donated them, said Im not a charity im a business, the cheeky bitch.

      • Most charities are created primarily to funnel cash into middle class pockets anyway. So fuck em…?

  4. The worst thing about these budget adverts is the tubby pug faced staff on video conferencing in their shitty bedsits…..Paedo Paul who has been given a job in the kids clothes section of Asda as part of his rehabilitation looking suitably smug. Fucking nauseating…..CUNTS.

  5. Advertisements are for clueless cunts. I liken it the woman who knocked on my door once trying to sell me something – obviously I told her nicely that whatever she was touting, I wasn’t fucking interested & the stupid bint got all snotty with me saying how did I know I didn’t want it if I didn’t know what it was? Cos I look for stuff when I want it, I don’t need some stupid cunt waving it in my face.

    In our enlightened times, it’s delightful to see how inclusive our family adverts are – usual format: caucasian mum, dark key daddy & a pair of half-chat kiddies. Where I feel they’re missing a trick is that the kiddies should be one rinky & one hamilton, as this would then be a true reflection of the average British nuclear family …or have I dreamt that?
    What a load of complete woke cuntishness.

    • Don’t forget one of the kids need to be gay, the other a trans and either of them can be in a wheelchair.

    • Off topic- saw on news last night, black south africans queuing up for food, theyre well pissed off, saying fuck the lockdown we are starving!
      Starting looting and minor rioting.
      They werent using social distancing.
      And I thought to myself, am I empathising?
      Is this what it feels like to pity my fellow man?
      African people?
      I had a packet of crisps anf laughed as one got battered off a copper.

      • I reminded of the line in the Macc Lads track:
        ‘Eating me dinner, watching Live Aid, sit up straight you scruffy jiggers’

      • Africa – an absolutely glowing endorsement of black rule. (Whitey gives up power, n*gger savages prevail, turns back into a medieval shithole – what a f*cking unpredictable surprise there!)
        Fuck them, no sympathy whatsoever, 6 decades of throwing our money down the toilet so a few mudslimes and warlords can have a new Rolls Royce – pay yourselves, sort yourselves and go f*ck yourselves.
        Like the (real) WHO said – we don’t get fooled again.

      • Hehehe, hasnt it?
        To be honest Bertie, I dont blame them for being angry, Their PM Cyril Ramadingdong had promised them aid packages, which they hadnt received.
        Toss up between risking coronovirus or starvation.
        A starving man is a desperate man.

      • Rioting, looting and getting battered by the police is what is known as ‘Monday’ in all African countries.

        Coming soon to a council estate near you.

  6. In this time of mass death and despair, they still can’t help themselves with their fucking woke agenda. FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS.

  7. There’s a trend in advertising to show businesses or products like they are part of our lives, McCanns (not Maddie’s parents) and their multicultural non binary shite products the great British family can’t live without. The filthy cunts are now using the Corona crises to sell themselves.

    Advertising is a real pet hate of mine, it’s mostly an insult to the intelligence, what the hell marketing and advertising executives do for their money I don’t know.

    As I grow older I realise how much the truth matters in a world drowning in bullshit.

    • Oven Chips…

      Mystery solved!! That’s where the little girl ended up.
      Now long departed, with the fried eggs, beans and brown sauce…

  8. Deliverpoo are doing it too with a nauseating advert telling us how they are feeding the nation and helping the NHS.

    They aren’t creating any jobs for Britons who have been furloughed though – all their drivers seem to be parking stanleys or iron curtains.

    • Just delivering unhealthy shite food to fat cunts who sit on piss-stained sofas, too Feckin Idle to walk 5 mins to the takeaway. Virtue-signalling gleet stains on bikes.

  9. One of my grand daughters works for one of these national grocers. Minimum wage and usually too few shifts to get by on. Now its all the hours 6 days a week. No extra pay or overtime for increased hours or for working in an environment literally facing the coughing wheezing greedy cunts who were stripping the shelves bare initially. No p.p.e gear and no bonuses either. Just a get the fuck on with it. Meanwhile the stores are fucking coining it in. They increased prices of some items saying it was to deter panic buying. F.f.s, aye that’d be right eh?

    • I feel sorry for grocers min. wage employees its shit boring work for shit pay usually unless its a higher up management job.

      I wouldn’t do it especially during this wuflu black death 2.0 corona virus Price gouging is gonna be commonplace now good thing i stocked up on essentials like frozen meats, veg, beans and tp

  10. The ads only show you the glamorous side – they don’t show the happy shoppers have queued outside for an hour to get in, with cars grazing their backsides, or the snotty “security man” (one puff would blow him down – probably even one poof would), then the old hag wearing a cricket box round her gob at the checkout telling you to “pass down the red line man, innit”

    Feeding the nation by withdrawing all the cheaper products off the shelves and replacing it with premium stock, and putting 10% on their normal prices.

    • The security guard in the supermarket near me?
      Sure hes Scatman Crothers from the Shining and voice of Hong Kong phooey!
      Frail bald old black guy, like the lead from a pencil.
      Hardly a visual detterent.
      Like a african Gandhi.

  11. Happy 4/20 everyone hope your smoking some pot or drinking a beer during this fundemic lockdown

    I just cracked open a tripel ale and probably have a bowl in a bit this lovely morning, while thousands are suffering in agony from the wuflu in hospitals worldwide cheers m8s and remember china is asshoe!

    • I’m getting the all grain home brew on. I bottled 5 gallons of best bitter 11 days ago, I’ve 5 gallons of a Sierra Nevada style beer to bottle tomorrow. Then I’m making 5 gallons of a brew that I hope will be light and crisp. Loving furlough.

      • All grain best bitter what kind of brew is that exactly Betram?? A mix of of different grain beer like wheatbeer?

        I’ve never got into homebrew beer though i’m interested in it. I have a friend who says its easier to make good homebrewed wine then homebrew beer complex process maybe? and it keeps better he makes some good red wine

      • “Sainsburys” – keeping our loyal Romanian fruit pickers fed, whilst slyly jacking up the prices on everyday items we need – “to avoid panic buying and stockpiling” according to the supermarkets.
        Really? Looks like racketeering to me – I sense a stern email to the CEO of Sainsburys..

  12. Top and worthy cunting Spanky Mc Spank,
    These cunts never seem to lose out whatever the crisis, probably to do with us being a nation of fat greedy cunts who love scoffing.
    Anyone notice the supermarket’s waited at least a week after panic buying before ‘making time for NHS staff and old cunts’ so after all the sad panic buying cunts helped boost their already massive profits they decide to act all caring and thoughtful.
    Can’t blame them though I’d have done the same.
    Go fuck yourselves. ?

  13. I bought some shampoo advertised as ‘no more tears’ for when our little grandson came to stay with us, but no matter how much I squirted into the little cunts eyes he still wouldn’t stop fucking crying….

  14. Ben Mrs Cuntatious agrees. We’re sick of the utter brass neck of the cunts. The fuckers at McCain are the worst. Their advert leaves no BAME/weirdo/bender stone unturned. It’s truly awful.

    • HSBC/E I Addio seems toha e gone awol. Has he gorn to Burton’s to replace his atrocious shit-brown ensemble??
      The cunt.

  15. Companies claiming they are ‘by your side’ are just blatant liars. They aren’t by your side, they are they to sell you stuff for a profit. I’m not against Capitalism, of course, but don’t make out that making a profit is because you care about my emotional wellbeing.

    Like those Lloyds Bank cunts claiming to be by your side. When I forgot to pay the last eighty fucking pence on my credit card, they wrote to me and reduced by credit limit and took 200 points off my otherwise excellent credit score. I shit ye not! Cunts.

  16. Tescos seems to be doing a much better job of delivering millions of items to hundreds of destinations than the NHS.

    • They have a recognised supply chain and negotiators that don’t get ripped off by those suppliers. Only the NHS can pay £1 per plaster or £20 for 50 paracetamol.

      • Unlikely they are ripped off. They probably have second homes paid for by the CCP

  17. Great cutting. Was only saying to Mrs CuntingDaugher last night how vomit worthy these ads are. Especially the McCaines chips ad.

  18. From the Fox Advertising Network (formerly known as Scratchy and Scratchy) the true adverts:
    “We are a bunch of greedy thieving motherf*ckers who are so low we could slither under a locked door with a top hat on and who pay dirt poor wages to staff on zero hours contracts and treat them like s*it.
    We screw UK farmers over, pay them less than it costs to produce some items and work on contracts with our ripoff thief friends Arse-ociated Dairies (Excuse me while I spit) to pay nothing for milk and if the yokels don’t like it we’ll put them out of business. We will jack up the prices of all the essentials because we have a monopoly (putting all local shops out of business always helps with that one – and we are specialists on that one) and you mugs better shut up and pony up. Profit, profit, profit – we love it – so don’t spunk your money down the toilet on those silly gambling or charity donations – if those black c*nts don’t own a supermarket chain that’s hardly our fault now is it? So, hurry along to queue up outside for a couple of hours and then panic buy and stockpile as much as you want – it’s all profit to us! ?”
    Welcome to supermarket chains, which is what the CEO’s of these f*cking vampire parasite racketeers should be wrapped in before being hoofed into the sea. (After a f*cking good booting of course, where are my manners?)
    Oops – nearly forgot – FUCK RICHARD BRANSON!

  19. Who buys this bollocks? Modern adverts generally are wank, full to the brim with positive discrimination and humourless bilge. It all passes as ‘branding’ who are they kidding they may as well call it ‘rinsing’. The late great Bill Hicks sketch on marketing speaks for those with a modicum of self awareness imho

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