Tim Leunig

Tim Leunig, a government adviser, has come out with the advice that the UK does not need farmers. He argues that the food sector is not ‘critically important’ to the economy – and that agriculture and fishery production ‘certainly isn’t’. He claims that the agriculture and fishing industries make a negligible contribution to the economy.

In his controversial comments, he also suggests farmers should not be given tax breaks denied to other industries. What a wanker.

He says that ‘as a logical possibility, a nation (or region) can import stuff. We see that in many places for many goods and services. Singapore imports (almost) all its food, Germany all its oil, Japan all its planes and all its oil, Australia and New Zealand import all their cars, all their planes and all their oil, while Iceland imports oil, cars, planes and graduate-level education.’ If you don’t want to see Dick Fiddler out of a job, please support this cunting.

Take one look at this cunt and you will.


Nominated by Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt

Tim Leunig deserves a monumental CUNTING.

The halfwit, who looks as though his mummy changes his nappy, dresses him before she gives him his lunch money and sends him off to “work”, thinks that the UK can import all of its food, abandon its fishing industry and become dependent on the rest of the world for our basic needs. Successive governments have already sold the UK’s arse to China, then this CUNT advises that we should give everything away and become like Singapore, a former British territory which was, ironically, established by The East India Trading Company (there is a clue in the name, fuckwit Leunig!)

Tim’s mummy has obviously never allowed her runt to visit a farm as there are no nappy changing facilities for her to minister to his needs. Fuck off and die, Tim ‘CUNT’ Leunig. It is a good job mummy can bottle feed you when the UK can no longer produce solid food for adults.

Nominated by Sir Cuntalot

116 thoughts on “Tim Leunig

  1. One has to wonder how or why this shit stain even made the news. Aren’t advisers meant to stay in the background, give their so-called advice behind closed doors and generally keep out of the public eye? Self-serving cunt. Perhaps he’s in with a bunch of property developers. Those vermin would like nothing better than to concrete everything they lay their greedy bastard eyes on.

    Growing your own food and being as self sufficient as makes sense is just good old fashioned common sense. Not sure how this has affected Blighty, but ye olde Coronagerm has highlighted a major problem for the US. Apparently 97% of pharmaceuticals and active ingredients to make such are imported from China. The fucking Chinese, far from feeling shame for inflicting this blight on the world, have already threatened the US with limiting or withholding drug exports should they decide their own population takes precedence. In other words, China may deliberately withhold medical supplies, thus causing suffering and death to the population of an adversarial trading partner. Lovely.

    Only now have the idiots who run the country woken up to the fact this level of dependency is dangerous and perhaps the manufacturing of these things should have stayed domestic. Grow your own food, make your own drugs and look after yourself as much as you’re able makes sense for every nation. Turds like Leunig should perhaps venture out from their mother’s basement and experience real life for a change. Adviser my arse!

    • This is a very good point Imitation. It has a major knock on effect. India is the worlds biggest drug exporters and in turn imports 70% of the raw materials it needs from China.
      India is now threatening to limit its exports to the west, which includes many antibiotics. It’s also one of the world’s biggest manufacturers of paracetamol which, if it limits, could cause major headaches in the future. ?

  2. When working in the shop, I see packaged meat and fruit from lots of countries including England.

    Sometimes I see packaged meat with label on it ‘reared in *insert country name here*’, and ‘slaughtered in *insert different country name here’.

    What’s that about? Sorry, I mean, what’s that abaaaaaaaahhhttt?
    *walks around as though I’m carrying big invisible rolls of carpet up my arms*.

    • Fill it in yourself Spoons,
      Reared in- my shed
      Slaughtered in- my living room.
      Easy peasy.

  3. I always buy British where possible and buy in season. So no Apples unless they’re british, same with Strawberries etc.
    We have some of the best produce in the world in my opinion and I’d rather wait till Asparagus is here than buy some shite from Kenya.
    The problem is cunts who want stuff all year round, hence Broccoli being flown in from Chile etc.
    Its madness and if more cunts learnt what is in season and how to cook we wouldn’t be in this mess.
    If only people were as wise and educated as me.
    Piss off.

    • PS Buy British Rapeseed oil instead of Olive oil, you wannabe Mediterranean cunts.
      Its healthier as well so piss off.

  4. I’m considering boycotting all Scottish produce after my duel yesterday with that rotten Scotch egg kunt.
    I bet he is Ian Blackford.

    • You were the better and more mature man B&WC, I like debate but never feel the need to be rude without good reason.
      And you are right about the seasonal cooking, I have all my stuff in the bay window and they can grow all Year round (the good lady makes me take them outside when they start sprouting into a forest!)

      • I was a bit of a cunt to him to be honest… didn’t give him the warmest welcome.
        Either way he is a cunt so deserved his treatment.
        Gonna get my chillies and other plants started soon, ready for summer.

  5. Globalist cunt. Make us totally dependent on imported food and you sign away sovereignty by the back door.

    • He probably believes building houses and flats on all the farm land is the right thing to do …and when that’s full up…build more floating houses and flats at sea.
      Is this cunt actually an advisor?

  6. If a thick cunt like this can get a job as an advisor, the West is fucked. Feeble looking cunt, another spacker that could have benefited from his dad leaving it in to soak, rather than blowing it on his mother’s tits. Or, the world could have benefited from his dad doing her up the wrong ‘un instead….

  7. If this epidemic, which has been exported to the four corners of the world, doesn’t show the real downside of globalisation, then fuck all will. The planet seems to be on the brink of catastrophe, all because of the Chinese, and their disgusting and cruel eating habits.
    Talking of those cunts, I saw a headline earlier about two albino giraffes have been killed by poachers, leaving only one surviving creature, no doubt destined to end up in some Chinese remedies. Who needs science when you have ten thousand years of stupidity.

  8. We are a little island built on more coal than can be imagined, surrounded by more oil than most, a huge supply of fish, and thousands of acres of farmland – yet we manage to fuck it all up. Fuck of green cunts – open the mines again and produce power so cheap we can fuck over the europeans.

    • The greens won’t be happy until the rest of the world looks like Futurama whilst the UK population are living in caves and grass huts, getting aid from Africa.

    • “We are not an island. We are a Colombian coffee-drinking, American movie-watching, Swedish flat-pack assembling, Korean tablet-tapping, Belgian striker-supporting, Dutch beer cheers-ing, tikka masala-eating, wonderful little lump of land in the middle of the sea. We are part of something far, far bigger. Together we thrive.”

      Courtesy of HSBC. ???

      • Congratulations Bertie on you and Percy duping Harry Half-Witt with a fake phone call and then posing as Russian pranksters, genius.

      • Evening LL. Yeh! Percy said it was as easy as taking sweets off a baby. Mind you, that’s what the cunt is always doing when he travels by bus! He’s ruined my chances with many a MILF on public transport!

      • They failed to mention chicken /prawn vindaloo (with mushrooms) and spaghetti bolognese, and toast and marmalade (Seville orange).

        Fart knockers!

      • “Bollocks Ayoade, you were only funny in the IT crowd”!
        Courtesy of Vernon Fox ?

  9. Being a feeble nerd is fine if you’re clever and useful, but he’s just a waste of space. Not very much space to be fair the skinny cunt, but definitely a parasite.

  10. I’m getting pissed off looking at this smug rejoiner’s mush goading me to punch my computer screen. If this cunt was anywhere near me at closing he’d be picking glass out of his fucking eyeballs.

  11. Translation. Tarmac over all agrarian space to make way for Grenfell Tower blocks, funded by $oro$. After all, the entirety of Africa and the Middle East are going to need somewhere to live. And if they want real food they can import it, otherwise put up and shut up with Soylent Green.

    ‘Government Advisor’ = Globalist Apparatchik

    • Soylent Green isn’t that the film with Charlton Heston where they eat human’s in liquid form. We could make them eat all the trans that have been rounded up and murdered and processed into soup.

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