Tim Leunig

Tim Leunig, a government adviser, has come out with the advice that the UK does not need farmers. He argues that the food sector is not ‘critically important’ to the economy – and that agriculture and fishery production ‘certainly isn’t’. He claims that the agriculture and fishing industries make a negligible contribution to the economy.

In his controversial comments, he also suggests farmers should not be given tax breaks denied to other industries. What a wanker.

He says that ‘as a logical possibility, a nation (or region) can import stuff. We see that in many places for many goods and services. Singapore imports (almost) all its food, Germany all its oil, Japan all its planes and all its oil, Australia and New Zealand import all their cars, all their planes and all their oil, while Iceland imports oil, cars, planes and graduate-level education.’ If you don’t want to see Dick Fiddler out of a job, please support this cunting.

Take one look at this cunt and you will.


Nominated by Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt

Tim Leunig deserves a monumental CUNTING.

The halfwit, who looks as though his mummy changes his nappy, dresses him before she gives him his lunch money and sends him off to “work”, thinks that the UK can import all of its food, abandon its fishing industry and become dependent on the rest of the world for our basic needs. Successive governments have already sold the UK’s arse to China, then this CUNT advises that we should give everything away and become like Singapore, a former British territory which was, ironically, established by The East India Trading Company (there is a clue in the name, fuckwit Leunig!)

Tim’s mummy has obviously never allowed her runt to visit a farm as there are no nappy changing facilities for her to minister to his needs. Fuck off and die, Tim ‘CUNT’ Leunig. It is a good job mummy can bottle feed you when the UK can no longer produce solid food for adults.

Nominated by Sir Cuntalot

116 thoughts on “Tim Leunig

  1. Jesus what a drippy little cunt “he” is!

    fortunately he’s just an advisor; and shouldn’t have that much influence in the grand scale of things. But twats like him can say whatever they want because the aftereffects of any suggestion/recommendation that becomes a reality will live long after the cunt has long fucked off!

    Moreover, is this twat suggesting that the countryside should now be handed over to property developers in order to build more homes, towns and cities for our ever growing population; thus fucking the Green Belt, along with the environment?

    Plus by suggesting that we import all our foodstuff is just asking to be shafted up the arsehole by merciless EU countries getting their revenge on us for “leaving” them.

    The bloke is a twat, and should go back to school with a packed lunch, a scarf tightly wrapped round his neck, and an apple for teacher for being an empty-headed suck-up!

    • What happens if every nation thought like he did: ‘Someone else will grow my food’
      Like those twats who expect others to pick up their litter.

      well done!

  2. Tim the jarvis cocker looking fucker is a traitor to his country.
    Why the fuck would we import?
    We have seas full of fish the europeans want to steal, we grow great produce and rear great livestock.
    Fuck off Tim, your dad didnt instill any patriotism in you did he?
    Support British farmers and support British fishermen.
    Buy British!!????????

    • A bit belated but related this Miserable. But what ought to be done is the French fleet fish their half of the Channel (or La Manche) and the English fish this side of it. The English would be able to tell their limit because they would see the lazy smelly fish laid on their backs ready to surrender. On this side of course you would have robust agile fish full if stamina and grit. The trawler men would know instinctively.
      That’s the answer.

      • The answer is cannon fire Miles.
        An stealing their fish an boats also.
        Ive signed up with a privateer known as cap’n Fox aboard the Black Pig as first mate.
        Rum rations, a share of the booty an a sovereign for every french scalp i drop at his feet.
        You want in?
        Need a swashbuckling padre to bless our bones if attacked by kraken!!

      • And Commodore Of The Fleet Sir Fiddler will be leading the charge on the newly refurbished Mary Rose! (With a bit of copper plating and caulk on the bottom gun ports – won’t be making that mistake again!) ?

      • Just getting the vital supplies together CC – cannonballs and grape, powder, sides of beef, barrels of ale and brandy, fruit and vegetables, throw out the fruit and vegetables (no need for that muck!), more room for extra beef and ale, longbows, arrows with bodkin and barbed heads, broadswords and a good supply of pith helmets of course!
        Just need a friendly tide now!

      • Miserable! What’s happened to your emoji?
        It looks as though it’s had a double dose of Covid-19!

      • Its admins YTS trainee, fuckin wreckin the joint!
        Hes wiped my nom then screwed up my avatar.

      • Regarding the link to the picture of him you put up Bertie .
        He’s stood there with his hands out with the expression as if to say “don’t worry your kids are safe with me.
        I bet he kept his Jim’ll fix it badge.

      • He’s a fine figure of a man Telly!
        I’ve never seen a man whose chest measurement is about a third of his hips!

      • ?? I know that Dominic Cummings called for ‘weirdos and misfits’ to apply for No 10 jobs but this guy takes it to extremes!

        wank name gets him thrown into moderation

      • Dominic C , now there is one dodgy looking fella , Kinda reminds me of Ian Hislop.
        You only have to look at them and you wanna give them a big slap.

  3. An astonishing idiot.

    If we were to follow his advice and abandon all farming and fishing, has he not considered the UK would be held to ransom by foreign countries on the cost of importing produce? This cunt clearly has not paid attention at school and understood the mechanics of “supply and demand”.


  4. No doubt he won’t be happy until all land in the UK has been concreted over for housing and shopping centres.

    Bit like Nicola Sturgeon who was going to take back land from the large estate owners in Scotland to turn the highlands into the Gorbals.

  5. This specky little arsebandit wouldn’t be a remoaner by any chance would he?

  6. The funny things is (even though its not funny at all), is that this cunt gets paid for giving out bullshit advice like that!

    And I don’t know why but looking at the header pic I can’t help but feel he’s going to morph into Gollum when he reaches puberty!

  7. Is this fuckwit desperate for some sort of recognition?
    Yeah, well the cunting on this website is the only claim to fame this gormless twat will ever get. I think coming out with absurd claims such as this will hopefully curtail any rise through the ranks too, and keep us all safe from having his twattery in a position of authority.
    Maroon the cunt in Antarctica where everything needs to be imported. (If he can afford it).

    • There are international treaties forbidding the dumping of waste anywhere near Antarctica. Incinerating the cunt on the ship en route is, however, permitted. Flytipping him in a new executive housing development might be the answer.

  8. Sadly for us, British governments of recent years particularly, use taxpayers money to bypass democracy (the people) by employing whole groups of advisors (NGOs) who help them make up policy – doesn’t matter what the people think or say or do – when was the last time your MP replied to a letter you sent? – these people on luxurious salaries are paid to research and lobby government with their ‘bright, progressive ideas’ – unfortunately for us we have first class idiots with no live experience leaning on government and getting their way.

    They are everywhere, in all departments, heard of the Behavioural Insights Team (led by Dr David Halpern) – have 500 staff working for them!! All to provide the government with the tools to propagandize the population (also known as the nudge unit). This guy is typical of the breed – a right, no nonsense cunt

    • also, this is the same guy who wanted everybody from ‘up north’ to move to the ‘sarf of England’ – even Cameron thought he was a looney!!

      • He what??
        Id slit my own throat rather than that!
        Hes a fuckin monster!
        Fruit for the Tyburn tree.

      • Think of all the money you could have made from removals. Big bonus for trapping recalcitrant movers in the wardrobes before loading and driving them somewhere they didn’t want to go.

      • Jesus Moggie!
        No way i could do that,
        Id feel like the bloke who drove the cattle train to Auschwitz!
        All Northern accents pleading “aye its reet terrible in’t back of ere lad, you stoppin at t chippy on way like?”
        Wrote this with tears streaming down my face Moggie you terrible man.

  9. One thing for sure, the UK does not need Tim Leunig (good solid British name), it would also benefit for less imported human or more accurately sub human beings.

    On the news today, Rachael Maskell is self isolating, so that’s one less Oxfam rejects badly dressed labour women in the House of Commons.

    Buy British! Lamb, Beef, Chicken, Fish and vegetables.

    • Should have read: “comprehensive cunt of an Oxford-“educated” economist” He went to Someone’s Mathematical School For Speccy Knowalls, not a comprehensive. Where repeated immersion of his head in a toilet was either forbidden or ineffective.

  10. Slightly off topic.

    Some cunt on the TV had been travelling in south east Asia, complaining he hasn’t been tested for corona virus, he has been self isolating for 11 days…. if this cunt has been self isolating for 11 days he will have either had it and recovered or never had it.

  11. While harvesting his crops my farmer mate drove his combine harvester over somebody who had passed out in his field. There was blood, pieces of tattooed skin and fragments of Burberry clothing scattered everywhere.
    He said it took hours to sort the wheat from the chav….

  12. You don’t eat cars or oil. We currently produce about half our own food.
    This nitwit needs a hard slap.
    Suppose there’s a war and we find it more difficult to import food? If we produce 50-60% then that’s a huge benefit. If we produced none we’d be fucked.
    Clearly this dimwit has never heard the phrase ” don’t put all your eggs in one basket”
    It’s not just about profit it’s about necessity and common sense which this chinless wonder clearly lacks.
    I would never rely on others for anything. Be as self sufficient as much as possible, whether as a nation or an individual.
    Boris should get rid of him now.

    Dozy little drip.

    • What’s wrong with buying foreign produce if it can be bought more cheaply and tastes better?

      Why is it that the British tomatoes in my local supermarket are twice as much as the foreign ones, the ones from Morocco or Spain? Why?

      The answer is that British farmers are too greedy and can rely on a gullible, jingoistic, British public to purchase their over-priced stuff as long as they stick a Union Jack on the bag. I’m patriotic but not to fund Farmer cunts.

      Keep waving the flag and the morons will keep paying over the price.

      • Morning Capt.

        It’s more the supermarkets who are sticking it on than the farmers…..both price and Union Jack on the bag.

        As for buying from overseas,I’m sure that as an animal lover you’d prefer to see meat produced ( like it or not,it will continue to be in demand) in this Country which has some of the highest standards of animal welfare in the world.

      • Forgot to add….British agriculture tends to use less harmful chemicals on crops than many foreign producers and,of course,if food is not travelling thousands of miles there are less preservatives on it,plus there is less pollution involved in getting it to the shelves.

      • Morning Uncle

        The difference in price simply confounds me. Perhaos there’s a small mark-up for fippy jingoists. Sure, make a bit of money off the Sun-readers and cretins.

        Nonetheless, I live within walking distance of where tomatoes, apples, pears, strawberries, cherries, etc are all grown. Yet they are twice as much than similar produce that’s travelled from North Africa. Psh.

      • Id pay 10 times as much for british produce than foreign shite cap,
        Im jingoistic, proud of it, proud of british farmers, fishermen, and what they produce.
        Not a Sun reader though.
        Never learnt to read or write.
        Dictating this too admin who kindly writes it for me.

      • True Fiddler Saint Greta Thundercunt never brings this point up when talking about climate change. Yeah local produce gets my cunt because it is and tastes better but my government doesn’t invest in it and the farmers get the shaft so they have to charge double to break even

        Why have locally grown tastier small strawberries when you can have the big tasteless ones grown in California crony capitalism is a fucking cunt

      • It might be locally-grown, TS but it’s been sitting in a fridge-freezer for up to ten months hence buying British apples in the middle of July.

      • @Capt.M

        I suppose a lot of it comes down to the fact that many people do appreciate British farming and are prepared to pay slightly more to support it.

        Perhaps it is a bit jingoistic but many people are a bit jingoistic…personally I’d always prefer to pay slightly more for .say. a locally grown, fresh,less chemically saturated strawberry than one produced in Turkey and flown in doused in preservatives.

        Food production standards are among the highest in the world in this Country and personally I think that is a good thing…if things have a shorter shelf-life due to them not being chemically preserved,they may well cost more than some foreign “fresh” product that can sit on a shelf for weeks and not degrade.

        Each to their own,I suppose.

  13. What in fuckery is this? Be kind to farmers day? What next, hug a pædo? Cook a meal for a Päki? Fuck that.

    A L L F A R M E R S A R E C U N T S

    • I have to admit to an addiction, Food, not vast quantities but I like to eat a couple of times a day and I don’t have a big garden or livestock.
      so I am inclined to disagree to an extent.
      we need farms, farmers to survive, two rather major conflicts and the blockades they brought have taught us that as an Island nation growing your own is important.
      They are a necessary evil

      • I’m happy to pay a bit more for British. I don’t want to help the French or Spaniards or any EU country. They’ve been viciously antagonistic towards us and made endless threats and demands.
        Fuck em.
        Buy British.??

      • Morning gents

        I agree. I WANT to buy British. Yet it’s own “Hooray for Britain’ attitude that let’s prices shoot up if there’s a thirsty, captive audience.

      • I suppose you have to re-educate your tongue for Chinese birds B&W?
        Bit like exploring a bat cave?

      • I’ve never had the pleasure of a Chinese bird BBTC, I will probably give them a miss in future otherwise I could end up with some new Dog flu or something.

  14. An Irish sheep farmer is worried about the health of his herd and phones the vet.
    The vet shows up and says, “It looks as though the whole herd has Blue Tongue.”
    Paddy says, “Fuck me, I didn’t even know they had mobile phones”….

  15. He can Sod Off.

    I want my lovely,lovely subsidy cheque….having to buy a new Hunting Outfit every season isn’t cheap.what,what.

    Fuck Off.

    • I was thinking Mr Fiddler that’s a fun thing Mo Farrah does putting his hands on his head like that? Its a fun thing to do isn’t it? Usain Bolt does t too. I thought maybe you could have your own gesture at the Hunt when the dogs finally have their quarry you would (sitting astride the horse) put your two fingers up at either side of your head up like foxes’ ears? Just a fun thing to do. Try it.

  16. Fuck look at the mug on him, must be a real pussy magnet as in pussycat magnet cause no way he’s getting any

    • His name is just CUNT , take the P,R,O,U out of the word pronounce
      and that’s what he looks like.

  17. Had alcohol on the mind for a few weeks now. I don’t know if its just built up stress, temptation or the eventual impending doom that we will all be corona’ed soon

    I haven’t had a salty dog for a few years now, use to be my favourite cunttail. No better combo then fresh grapefruit juice, gin and salt on the rim be making this salty dog extra hairy with added gin shots cheers cunters good morning and have a good one

    • Properly pissed now, Having a saison blonde ale too, its very tasty. It will go good with my bratwurst

  18. Cunt couldn’t be more wrong. There should be a Minister for Preparedness (there’s one for everything else) who’s role is to ensure the country is able to operate and survive completely independently in the event of catastrophe abroad. Moreover each town and city should also be prepared to act and live independently in the event of catastrophe here, like war or natural disaster. We’ve seen what a fucking basket case we become if there’s even rumours of bog roll shortages. This country needs to pull itself together, we need war drills, diverse old-fashioned skills that mean if the worst happens nobody dies of starvation etc.

    • What you said, exactly. But first off there must be leadership. Anyone know a leader? Unfashionable idea, I know. But a leader’s better than a messy clusterfuck any day.

    • Most anime is shite but I’m quite partial to the older retro animes 70’s -mids 90’s.

      I just recently finished binge watching robotech on netflix, recently finished watching all 86 episodes of it about a week ago. Alot of the newer anime is complete weeb trash tho

      • ‘Weeb’. I do like that term.

        I’ve seen a few like Akira but a long time ago. The most amusing was Legend of the Overfiend, the rental VHS of which was a bit tired during certain scenes.
        I bet it was the copy Tim used to watch via reflection on the glass door.

      • Akira was alright cuntamus but i don’t think its aged well its really slow paced too tho it has some standout scenes. I haven’t seen legend of the overfiend yet but i heard decent things is it have a English dub?

        My number one rule for anime is its gotta be dubbed. I’ll watch practically any type of Japanese anime but its got to be in English. I can’t be bothered to read and hear all that jap talk in the background

      • The version i saw wasnt dubbed.
        Ive never really minded Subtitles though. I like those French and Italian arthouse films.
        Mainly those directed by Tinto Brass, lol.

  19. @Capt.M

    I suppose a lot of it comes down to the fact that many people do appreciate British farming and are prepared to pay slightly more to support it.

    Perhaps it is a bit jingoistic but many people are a bit jingoistic…personally I’d always prefer to pay slightly more for .say. a locally grown, fresh,less chemically saturated strawberry than one produced in Turkey and flown in doused in preservatives.

    Food production standards are among the highest in the world in this Country and personally I think that is a good thing…if things have a shorter shelf-life due to them not being chemically preserved,they may well cost more than some foreign “fresh” product that can sit on a shelf for weeks and not degrade.

    Each to their own,I suppose.

  20. Produce our own food. That way we cannot be held to ransom by self serving foreign interests. This is complete common sense, just as not walking haphazardly in front of speeding lorries is – and the majority of people do not need telling this.
    British jobs preserved, reduced carbon footprint, quality produce to export, higher animal welfare standards (some foreign nations are simply cruel, and even though I eat meat I cannot stand unnecessary suffering caused to animals during the rearing, transport and slaughtering process) and a significant input into the UK economy.
    What’s not to like – and we must make sure Sir Fiddler can afford his tweeds to look sartorially correct whilst casting a critical eye over the most robust and comely looking fillies at the hunt ball!
    Good nom chaps – Tim Leunig is a bloody idiot.

  21. And just a quick one to every UK supermarket – pay more to the farmers you tight buggers! (Seriously, terrible rip off contracts, should be named and shamed!)

  22. I assume this cunt is a Remoaner and is trying to retroactively debunked some pro-leave arguments about farmers and fishermen – completely ignoring the human aspect of the issue at hand as these are real people with real lives but fuck them right?!

    I also assume he is unaware that UK food safety and animal welfare standards are some of the best in the world (and certainly in the EU) so he is arguing for us to become dependent on other nations with lax regulations who will sell us inferior agri-foods with poor traceability and even poorer quality.

    Let’s just hope we never have a global pandemic of a flu-like virus with no available vaccine which might result in the UK shutting of it’s borders to foregin imports, resulting in us having to fall back on our own food production!…………. Oh wait.


    • Anyone for Romanian horse lasagna? Those EU quality standards are certainly working well!
      Tomatoes grown in Iran, picked before they are ripe, transported in refrigerated lorries filled with CO2 across half the World, sprayed with and pumped full of preservatives to make them look and seem fresh but then rot so quickly at home you rarely get to use them before throwing some of them away.
      UK Tenant farmers being held to ransom by greedy supermarkets and going to the wall whilst said supermarkets post ever greater profits but still send 20% of all produce they buy to landfill.
      Just daft – who the hell thought any of this was a good idea?
      And RTC nailed it on the head in an earlier post, dig for victory – if we produce more of our own food we will not be held to ransom by foreign nations – common sense.

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