They want equal pay; they point to a number of things like revenue generated. They say that discrimination is plain sexism. Sorry girls, but sport is a meritocracy – a level playing field. The better you are, the more your potential earnings. You earn rewards by being better than others.
The US team won the World Cup, but got wasted by an under-15 boys team in a warm up game. I don’t see the boys grizzling for your fame, recognition or pay, but they are clearly better than you. Either beat every opponent, or shut up. Oh, and by the way, Trans women will fuck women’s sport up so much that you will wonder what you were moaning about in the first place
Nominated by Cuntsince1066
Some of them are worthy of a good hard, remorseless cock up the arse….that is all, thank you.
Judging by the smile on that dyke rapinoes face she’s getting a big 12 inch dildo up the arse curtousy of the tart behind her. Equal pay!!! They can all fuck off.
There’s at least five strapons in play in that very picture
I’d as soon watch my cock-head forcing it’s way through the anal sphincter of The Queen Mother’s disinterred corpse than watch professional football of any kind.
PS….nice to see that they haven’t allowed any cross-species back-scuttling in that photo…Just white lezzas doing white lezzas and dark-key lezzas doing dark-key lezzas.
Real man’s game Mr Fiddler? Would that be the same game that produces whining, attention seeking pooftahs like Gareth Thomas and where cunts get banned for grabbing other mens’ genitalia? Or is that some other game?
Gareth Thomas is the exception that proves the rule,Freddie.
Joe Marler probably got the idea of grabbing someone by the cock from watching legendary footballing “hard-man” Vinnie Jones grab a very youthful Gazza by the genitalia.
I think it is quite obvious that Vinnie went under the radar and was always a Gaylord. Look at him now…….mincing about in Hollywood and pretending to be an “artiste.” It’s only a matter of time before he becomes a vegan, starts whining about Trump and licking Greta Thunderbird’s arse.
Fucking poof.
I don’t think that all footballers are The Gay….Jack Charlton just seemed to be an ill-mannered old Cunt when I saw him at an event….don’t know about Bobby…could well be a “ball-player”…and as for Nobby Stiles…well, Christian name alone gives the game away there.
I just keep me ed down and let me feet do the talkin’
Just do what the boss wants me to do.
Birds’ football? Nobody fucking cares except Gary Taxdodger, the BBC and the Guardian.
The England team are shit and it might help if they brought back Hope Powell ( black and a lezza ) and got rid of that twat, Phil Neville. Is there a bigger, tongue tied, fucking idiot involved in football these days?
Absolutely!……I just can’t be arsed to make a list of them right now.
Personally i’d rather watch Clare Balding sucking Roy Keane’s cock. Now THAT would be entertaining.
Tbey should be out learning to bake, clean, raise sons, never find a husband fuckin about playing football.
Waste of time.
An theyre yanks!!
Borderline spaccas anyway.
So if the wimminz want equal pay lets first see their best European team take on Barcelona, and the likes of Messi, Suarez,Dembele and Rakitic
If they get a draw or manage to beat them then they might have a sniff of earning a few extra quid.
But they need to take onboard its all about supply and demand – and if no one is turning up at their grounds (other than freebies and heavily discounted tickets) then they can fuck right off!
I would sooner go round to Ginge & Cringe’s house and look at their holiday pics before I’d sit down and watch ANY football! The players are nought but a bunch of massively overpaid, ham acting, ballet dancers! Apart from that, they are also a big bunch of prima donna cunts! And that’s swearing!
Yesterday I had the misfortune to hear some woman on radio four telling the female presenter that men are the problem, men are more combative and view life in a more competitive way, men see problems in terms of a battle, we need more women in power.
Women would focus on better education and health care etc, if women run the world it would be a utopia she told us. Then she made a statement that made my piss go from boiling to high pressure vapour. When she said men she meant white men, white men are the root problem.
If I went on the radio and said Islam was at the root of most terrorist attacks or black youth was responsible for the majority of street stabbings I’d be in the shit.
Women are obviously better footballers, only white men would disagree because we are evil cunts.
We are arent we?
Proud white an evil.?
Tee hee hee. My family and I, particularly my 19 and 21 year daughters, are so fucking Aryan it’s outrageous. Fuck the ethnics and the donkies they rode in on!
The goverment should give you a extra £300 a week Westy for helping ‘keep Britain tidy’.
Well done sir!??
My blonde hair and blue eyes stirred a hornets nest only yesterday.
How dare you! Get in the oven.
@moggie that sounds like a conversation between Greta Thundercunt and Unkle Terry.
Greta in the fucking oven first and before all the other oven ready cunts.
I would say in this current climate that her statement about “white men” was racist and sexist.
But of course that doesn’t suit the BBC narrative and is never brought up.
Had it been a bloke saying “black women are the problem”, then OMG he’d be hung out to dry before he left the fucking studio!
And yeah white blokes might be the problem, until the washing machine stops working, or the sink/toilet is blocked, or there’s a massive spider in the wardrobe. Different kettle of fucking fish then!
And I trust the presenter never picked her up on it?
That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.
A racist feminist? Thats new.
I’d like to see viewing figures for Match Of The Day and the Wimmin’s Football League Show as a comparison, or the men and wimmin’s world cups. Let’s start talking about revenue raised. Until then, eight sugars, luv.
On the same subject, I’m fucked RIGHT off with wimmin sticking their oar in to men’s sports. Tarts are even commentating on it. Gary Linekar might be a goat-jugged cunt but at least he’s played at the highest level. They keep getting birds on giving their worthless opinion. It’s a bit like me giving a HEMS doctor a bit of advice as he/she RSI’s someone at the side of the road. And what is making me go to DEFCON 1 is that they’re starting to introduce it into rugby. They have that box-tickers delight, Maggie something, spouting shite. Our third XV would give your England Wimmin’s team a fucking hiding, love….
Dead right DCI. You can see the ex football players on the panel trying not to laugh their bollocks off when some tart tries to give a tactical opinion on the game.
Like the centurion squirming not to laugh at Biggus Dickus
All we want now is a transgenders football association which would consist of teams of “everyone else” in the gene pool that isn’t a pure xx or xy chromosome.
So then we could have 3 associations – men, wimminz and the bits in-between – all competing against each other. I wonder who’d finish bottom?
Transgender football, would they change games at half time?
Might be OK if they exchange shirts at full-time but you definitely don’t want to see t.rannies exchanging shorts at full-time.
Flawless Nom, Cuntsince
I am far better at my job than any professional male footballer is at their’s and infinitely better than any female footballer – yet because what I do isn’t a spectator sport, I get paid far less than either footballing gender.
That’s the way the world works and it ain’t about to change by me throwing a blob-strop…
Nobody apart from The Van Dykes gives a fuck about wimmins football.
It’s like watching a junior school team in slow motion.
Put the sausages on love.
I would be an avid follower of nude oiled, young and attractive women playing football. Although I would have to invest in rolls of cling film to keep the TV screen clean.
Aside, from that – pfft.
If they want to have equal pay then that should be levied at the box office.
So for a big world mens event in the Houston Astrodome say 70,000 people at $100 each = $7,000,000 purse.
So if all the people who turn up to watch the women’s version of that event are prepared to pay $1,000,000 each then happy days!
I watch womens football as often as I can, in anticipation of the Benny Hill sketch occurring……
Old farts like me will remember that
I most certainly do my old fruit! ?
Heard on the radio last week about the retirement of some player who is the all time record goal scorer in international football. Who the fuck is that I thought……turned out to be some bird no cunt has ever heard of.
Well what about, on a similar level, the thousands of goals I scored in my back garden, over the park (jumpers for goal posts), in the playground at break time and on real pitches against men and boys elbowing me in the face, calling me a cunt and trying to break my fucking legs? Where is my 15 minutes of fame? Fuck wimminz football.
That’s what grips my shit. They’re trying to put wimmins’ sport on the same platform as the mens’ game.
Women play better. They have good strategies, a more aggressive play, and they dont dive or piss about as much. Mens football, especially english, is like a lame horse…take it out the back and blow its brains out.
Fuck me, I bet you’re serious! I’ve got some magic beans for sale if you’re interested?
I have a very hard working and friendly cow available if you would like to do an exchange deal for those magic beans DCI!
(Don’t worry, it’s not my good lady, or I would have removed the word “friendly”! ?)
The only thing worse than women’s football teams are women commentators. Radio 5 Live has dumped the white men such as Cornelius Lysaght ( cool name) , Alan Green and Mark Pugatch .These men did a great job for many years and really know the sport they talk about. Sadly, competence is not sufficient if you are over 40 and have a todger. The BBC want a screechy harpies ( preferably of an exotic hue) whose vocal range would make a bat’s ears bleed.
And it is licence fee payer’s coughing up the dosh to finance this madness.
I nominate:
“Vocal range to make a bat’s ears bleed”
As Simile of the week. Brilliant!
What you cant see in this photo is ‘team physio’ B&WC, hanging around on the sideline with his tongue hanging out like a Labrador eyeing a pork chop.
That boy gets about doesn’t he.
Me and my missus have what’s known as a football marriage.
We’re just waiting for the other one to kick off….
Women’s football, rugby, boxing…all shit.
All they’re good for is beach volleyball.
Women’s football is fine for the girlies, they can run around and do their best but will never be able to compete with men therefore cannot be described as elite.
Other ‘sports’ like darts and snooker there isn’t any reason why they can’t compete and there was an example recently where a woman did quite well at the world darts championships. Even golf, I know distance is related to power but accuracy is the key.
So fair play to women who compete in games with men, they deserve to get the reward but football ain’t one of them!
Very fair-minded of you, Sick, and, quite right.
There aren’t enough lesbians in women’s football to make it interesting. I mean bull dyke lesbians. When was the last time you saw a female version of Tommy Smith with a crewcut and a tache go crunching into someone on the halfway line pretending she was trying to win the ball? Blood and guts, that’s what will bring the fans in. Bums on seats pays wages.
Tommy Smith absolute Star from an era when the game was great.
Look at that goalie, she (?) would give Arnie a run for his money.
I have no problem with Women wanting to play football, or any other sport for that matter.
They just aren’t very good, and lack the basic skills (such as speed, stamina, accurate passing – basics for a ten Year old).
I do the same job as Lord Sugar and Sir Richard Branson – can I have their wage?
And the US Women’s team have been well paid professional player for a long time with an established league and an absolute fortune thrown at them – it is no coincidence the massively funded aggressive jingoistic tuppence twiddlers win everything.
And, sorry for sounding unpatriotic but the England Women’s football team are sh*te, as is “gurning grave robber” Neville.
PJW does a hilarious compilation on this very subject.
The reason they don’t get the moolah is because:
A) Nobody turns up to watch.
B) They’re shite.
Now shut up and make me a sandwich.
Good morning all.
Hang on, you say the girls should win every game to get paid more? The male teams dont get that and they still get a fuckload! Instead of the girls pay going up, the guys should come down…a lot! And they shouldnt get money if they play shit or dive too much.
In womens football,.do their fanny’s overheat? I could imagine a cool sponge on yer twat must be very soothing.
They got my tongue for that…and if they score, I fuck them.
And a puff on your bong judging by your last few posts…
They WANT to play the men, but the woke fucktards are, in this instance, sexist enough to disallow it. Maybe because they know the shittest english ladies team would slaughter the best english mens team. What we need is to have more ENGLISH players in our teams. Sibk of hearing that man u or whoever has bought eduarde de balle from france, sum dum fuk from vietnam and alika tu dive from barcelona for 1million each.
Fuck me, you need a Nom. all of your own, mate!???
(A professional Wimmins team got slaughtered by a schoolboy team. The only thing they want is equal pay for doing fuck-all. Are you a troll?) Yeah, yeah, I know we don’t Cunt each other, but…..
If what you are smoking is that good Diablo can you save me a ten bag? ?
Be nice, remember the rules! I take it cabin fever has broken out among you all
Only way Women’s Football earns more is when it’s Naked Women’s Football.
My personal favourite was some lezza on the BBC during the World Cup giving her advice on dealing with Lionel Messi. I remember the phrase, ‘Well,when I played..’. Almost smashed the TV in.
Fuck me, on a football pitch, not one split arse on the planet would even get within 10 feet of the slippy fucker. They wouldn’t even see him.
Women’s football is just a load of jiggly bottomed, slow as fuck carpet munchers trying to be men. The standard is fucking terrible, which is why after all these years of the sport, despite all the coverage and marketing, despite all the money sent from the man’s game to promote it, nobody still gives a fuck. It’s shite.
Fuck off
With an analysis like that, you could boot Alan Shearer off Match Of The Day!!