The Turkish Border


Turkey is a cunt, not the animal but the Country.
As Covid19 takes hold in Iran and Italy, The Turks have decided to open their borders to release hundreds of thousands of Gimmigrants into the E.U
Now ignoring the first point of call asylum system (You let them in they become your problem) a wave of undocumented un controlled migration is about to push through two known covid19 infection sites heading to a place near you.
This is as you would agree this is not only irresponsible but tantamount to a biological attack on Europe by another member state (maybe I am over reacting) what a bunch of cunts they are!

Nominated by Lord Benny.

70 thoughts on “The Turkish Border

  1. Absolutely right Lord Benny. If any of the crafty bleeders get into trouble in the English Channel I hope the rescue boats following the example of their illustrious forebear and turn a blind eye.

    Let the fuckers drown as a sever example to others

    • This is bad, thousands of them all with their hands outstretched an eyes on Europe, then here!
      Rather than worrying about their marbles and daydreaming about their boyfriends, the Greek riot police should show these locusts some rubber bullets and all you can eat truncheon.
      Maybe break out the gatling gun from Crete museum?

      • Sadly, it is not thousands , it is millions. Mrs Merle says ‘ Germany can cope’ so send them all there and build a fucking Great Wall around Der Vaterland.

    • They say the next wave of gimmigrants will be thousands of Christians from Lebanon.
      They pose a bigger threat crossing the Channel because they can walk on water!

  2. Middle eastern psyche generally is, by nature crafty, viscious, untrustworthy and unprincipled. Sorry if that sounds harsh and I know there will be exceptions, but personal experience apart from what I see in the news confirmed it years ago.

    I had a turkish ‘friend’ that I met in a snooker club and the guy did nothing but try and ponce off of me. He even nicked my specs the cunt. Got rid of him as soon as possible. Nuff said.

  3. I think border force should be issued with Narwhal tusks and go out dinghy jousting in the channel myself.

  4. The border is the sea. Anything across the channel there be hordes of cunts.

  5. The navy has an obligation to protect us from invaders. If these manky cunts get close then sink em.
    And any country named after a bird needs cooking.


  6. It’s the fucking Russians. They’ve killed some Turkish soldiers so if the EU countries back Turkey the problem solved. But wait ,news flash,the EU takes months to decide anything so don’t expect a solution to be found soon.
    It’s the EU’s fault for not backing the Turks against the Russians.
    Useless cunts.

    • Turkey invaded Syria and supported the rebels. They should be the ones to deal with the fallout not European nations.
      Plenty of safe areas in Syria as well.
      Fuck Turkey.

  7. I think you are all been incredibly beastily to these poor impoverished and misunderstood people.

    When they arrive on our shores by the shipload, they will bring more cultural enrichment, knowledge, economic strength and new approaches to driving, goat-herding, drug dealing, and looking after lonely pre-teen girls.

    Remember: diversity is our strength. The more the merrier!

      • They’re the true enemy among us, the first to be offed in the civil war.

    • I agree. These poor, teenage boys have travelled so far, goodness knows how they’ve managed to make it through so many countries. Goodness only knows how they managed to pay for the epic journey. These poor, teenage boys have turned their nose up at every country in their desire to reach Britain – presumably because they love our history and culture. These poor, teenage boys have aged and now look like middle-aged men. Let’s roll out the benefits red carpet.

      • Well hopefully when these 1 million architects, teachers, and rocket scientists do arrive on our shores, they can all hole up in Londonistab. They will feel quite at home down there with all the other long-standing architects, doctors and scientists.. And old Suck Dick Khan will be quick to give them to the right to vote in time for the next mayoral election.

        It all makes perfect sense now!

      • From flying carpet to red carpet, ali baba and his 40,000 theives never had it so good.

      • Yes they are all big Admiral Nelson fans . Grew up reading The History of the English Speaking Peoples and just couldn’t wait to illegally border jump 15 different safe countries to become a jolly jack tar.

        Bless them

  8. This is deliberate and malicious on the part of Turkey and I can see some serious tears before bedtime when these fuckers turn up in mainland Europe.

    • I think Turkey are doing this out of spite for not being allowed to join the EU gravy-train!

      It has applied for membership years ago, but the EU are dragging their feet. So in a moment of petulance they go and fuck the EU with this!

      • Hopefully the Russians will kill a’lot more Turks in airstrikes .
        When you look at Africa and the majority of the middle east they are all the same , just total barbarians with no respect for anything its like they are still living in the middle ages with the middle age mentality. Lets just hope our government stands firm and doesn’t accept any of these parasite cunts .

    • I noticed that too before it was taken down.

      I suspect there was a sumo wrestling match going on between Day Admin and Night Admin as the latter was about to finish his shift and wanted to release the climate change nom. But Day Admin had other ideas and put it back on hold – and the sumo match resulted.

      They do some odd things up in Admin HQ

      it will be back at 10.30, you are men too much information confuses you, so I have delayed it.

      and as if by magic, it’s back!

  9. The Turks are cunts in themselves but you can’t blame them for wanting to dump their freeloading immos on some other bastards. I would have our lot in Ireland and France by the end of next week if I had my way. We need to look after number one and fuck the EU cunts. Nothing to do with us anymore.

      • One million m*rdering parasites headed right our way – the joyhad of it all!
        We need DF patrolling the Channel on the bow of the Mary Rose, narwhal tusks at the ready!
        “Meester Deek – why you st*bbing me”?
        “Shut up Johnny foreigner – you’re drowning out the Archers”!

      • You can bet your bottom dollar that most of that heard will have Britain in their sights. Unfortunately, the perception is, that good ol’ blighty is a land of infinate space and benevolence and all they need to do is turn up on our shores and then throw their arms up and give praise to Allah as they’ve reached the promise land.
        Of course the Turks know this themselves so why should they worry. All they have to do is provide right of way.

        I agree with technocunt that Turkey are pissed off that they’ve not managed to gain EU membership so therefore take delight in waving the smelly fuckers through to Europe.

        Thank God we’ve left Europe before Turkey get membership, but sadly I expect to see a BBC reporter in France with their microphone amongst the waiting campers asking the all familiar question:
        “So where do you want to go from here?”
        A. I waaant to go Englaand. Englaand good for meee. I hefff friends end femleee. I ken get jobe en moneeee.

      • Typo alert. Herd not heard. Sorry guys.

        Oh by the way Muhummad says

        “In Englaaand it good I like culture, I build my confidence. I build goode mosque..”

  10. The UN have said not to use “excessive force” when repelling the invaders entering sovereign nation states.

    Looking at all of the images (that the BBC barely remark upon) of these economic migrants (they are NOT refugees), they are all fighting age men, and what look like mostly sub Saharan African. Exactly the fucking types Europe neither wants, nor needs.

    So fuck the UN!

    Any state that wants to defend its borders from an invasion of these locusts then they can use any fucking force necessary and it simply is no business of any other country, nor the UN. I don’t care if that’s machine-gunning invaders down ILLEGALLY crossing a land border, or some chancer in a dinghy getting depth-charged for doing the same by sea. (depth charges are for submarines, you mean torpedo)

    You are not wanted. You are not welcome. If you choose to cross this border, you do so under the express and vocal (i.e. you can not be under any other illusion) that to do so WILL be met with capital punishment. Your body will NOT be identified and it will be burned in an open grave to avoid any further spread of the Covid19 virus! In other words: “DON’T FUCKING TRY IT!

    The UN is about as relevant as the EU and their support of the demographic replacement of Europe and the West in general is pretty much aligned with what the Globo-Homo elites want, not what normal people want.

    They’re not coming here!

    Fuck ’em!


    • The Fox says – “USE EXCESSIVE FORCE”! Don’t need them, don’t want them – plenty of room in the rich arab Countries and they take none. Not our problem, but we will have to live (and die) with the consequences.
      Vote Fox!

    • They (the BBC) are reporting it now, interviewing some who have sneaked across, only one Syrian, some Iranian, two African…. don’t want to stay in Greece want to go to Germany

      • There are too many people in the world, the numbers are unsustainable. Aids didn’t work, now Chinavirus is nature’s latest way of thinning the herd, aided and abetted by those in power who are rich enough to isolate themselves from the problem. I’m in a high-risk group. Where’s my fucking face mask?

      • If you illegally immigrated to turkey how do you think that turn out? Exactly Rebel UN are cunts

    • Actually I meant depth-charge because a torpedo would have zero effect against a rubber dinghy or lilo because it wouldn’t go off.

      A 5m depth-charge plopped alongside them however…

  11. If the news reports are true these ‘refugees’ aren’t just Syrian, there are Afghan, Iranian and I am pretty sure I saw some very dark individuals, I guess from somewhere in Africa.
    Turkey are pissed off because there are more Syrians heading for their border, fuck knows what is happening in that country but whatever it is you can bet that Western Europe will end up with another load of mudslime infestation.

    Not worry Angel Merkel will take them all.

      • They take them and the redistribute them, good that the UK is leaving the EU, when these sand dwellers and Co finally get citizenship in the EU they won’t be able to come here (legally)
        If the EU have any fucking sense they will scrap Schengen!

      • The Germans do have the right idea in that ‘refugees’ are designated a certain region they can live in, so can’t ghettoise as easily. We should do that with ours, dump them in the highlands which the SNP are so keen to boost with immigrants.

  12. Just looking at that picture above and in just envisioning back to world war two where German soldiers would walk up to the barbed wire and just machine gun the lot down. The photo shows all men ,angry men and they are the last thing any European country wants to have.
    Muslim men are scum its that simple and there hatred for the west knows no bounds and is there for everyone to see. Radovan Karadzic had the right idea what to do with the musilms

    • I suggest that if any of these gimmecunts do end up over here, then they should be rehoused in Islington, Knightsbridge, Mayfair and all the other posh areas of Londonistab, hopefully in close proximity of those celebs & libtards who are desperate to have these “refugees” land on our shores and integrate with the community!

      • Australian outback would be a good idea , miles from nowhere , intense heat and some of the most poisonous creatures on earth.
        They could even do a show similar to I’m a Celebrity called i’m a immigrant get me out of here.
        This time though they would use venomous snakes and spiders and massive crocodiles. As for food they would be given the highly toxic puffer fish where only a small section is safe to eat. They would have to prepare it themselves and cook it themselves without knowing which is the safe part to eat. The winner gets a 2 man tent and a all expenses paid trip to Syria.

  13. Just glass the fuckers if they threaten with forced immigration again for the millionth time. Nothing even worthwhile even comes from turkey, figs and dried apricots i guess but I can live without them.

    EU are a bunch of bend over poofs, Ergodan says how deep and hard do you want it? And EU says “anyway you want it daddy”. Soft pushover cunts! They are still baffled by brexit but their open border migration policy is mostly why that happened

    “Glass the fuckers” are you suggesting we deploy a load of jocks with beer bottles along the border, or did you mean Gas ?

  14. Following the “downing” of a Russian Plane, and the murder of its Pilot and Navigator, Im surprised and very disapointed that Turkey remains upon the face of the earth. I don’t like Tuks, I don’t like their kebabs, and I much prefer the annual roasting with a sprig of holly up its arse.
    Turkey, the wanker who runs it, and the oily unshaved dermatologically challenged population should be consigned to the bin.
    Fuck Turkey !

    • As long as Turkey is in NATO, Russia can’t invade or attack the territory of Turkey.
      They can bomb the crap out of Turks in Syria though ?

  15. Quick question: now that the EU has lost our money, can’t agree a budget (because the “saver” EU states are not prepared to dip further into their pockets to offset the UK contribution shortfall), and can’t get their grubbies on the net contributors’ rebates (again the “saver” nations have said they’ll veto any attempt to annex rebates in order to offset the UK contribution shortfall), do you think that the cynical cunts at the high table of the EU will now try and fast-track Turkey into their Ponzi scheme, just to get their hands on the extra moolah?

    I wouldn’t put it past the cunts, where the € is king, and they want more of it to piss away on critical “the straightness of bananas” legislation, etc.

    If it did happen, I wonder what the Turks will think about them being made members to basically bankroll their neighbour – and enemy – Greece?

    I wonder how the Greeks will feel about being a charity case of Turkey?

    Tensions? Surely not!?!


    • The EU hasn’t lost all our money. Following the Withdrawal Agreement, ratified in January, they are now guaranteed £39 billion (equivalent of 4 years net membership payments) of our money to play with.

      And when the transition period is extended…

    • I wonder how St Greta would feel should 1 million goat herders turned up in her home country of Sweden?

      Imagine the carbon footprint these cunts would generate, demanding homes, schools, electric cars, mosques etc. and basically ignoring her climate change bullshit and telling her to go fuck herself on her own doorstep!

      • They already did. It’s working out great in places like Malmö.

        It’s their greatest strength.

  16. Well that’s Turkey’s chances of getting into the EU fucked!!
    Not to worry laydeesngellelmen; Mutti will take them all!r

  17. Unlike some here, I’m all in favour of Turkey, especially as compared to Salafist Arabs, but in this instance they are complete cunts, and Erdoğan is suffering from/enjoying the psychosis that comes with being too long the boss.

    In the background to this situation is the PKK, which would like large chunks of Turkey, Syria and Iraq for a Kurdish state, and which even the EU labels a terrorist organisation, although it is impossible to distinguish from the *heroic Kurds* who took most of the casualties on behalf of the US in liberating Northern Iraq in 2003 (onwards). In order to wipe out its considerable presence just across the border, Erdoğan thought the Syrian chaos would be a good excuse for moving in, in force. (This happened to Iraq a few times when Saddam was alive- it’s a pretty regular Turkish response to escalating terrorism by Kurds inside Turkey) Early on in this Turkey was on pretty good terms with Russia, if not the Assad regime, and the sensible thing to do, with total war happening across the Syrian border, would have been for the Turks to stay exactly where they were, and seal the border as far as possible, postponing a settlement of accounts until the anti-regime Kurds had been weakened by the Russians and Syrians. Co-operation with Russian intelligence would have helped discourage PKK fleeing Syria. Good idea to seal the Eastern borders, too, but that would be a hell of a job. But no. A clusterfuck is now in progress, as each interested party attempts to kill its different target group, all of which are milling round the same city, and anyone with any sense gets as far away as possible. But that’s not all.

    The EU has up to now been bribing the Turks to contain the refugees reaching them. There are four million in the country, and a good proportion of these are nothing to do with Syria: Iranians, Afghanis, some Iraqis, and migrants from shitholes further south, all heading for a softer life in a cooler climate. The Turkish strategy of containing Syrian refugees in a safe space in Syria seems to have failed, and if I were Erdoğan, I’d be blackmailing the EU too.

    Nobody in this scenario has any obligation whatever to house the migrants, and while Turkey may or may not be the first safe country they reach, they don’t have to stay there under international law, even under the Geneva Convention. Only in the EU is there (weak) legislation to send them back to the EU country in which they were first processed.

    We don’t want four million of them, and neither do the Turks. Who blinks first?

  18. Immigrants boost the economy they say, they promote growth they say. So surely Turkey would be happy to have all these immigrants stay, it’d be a boom for their economy, no?

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