The New ‘Woke’ Wombles

The Wokeness of the Wombles!

The Wombles are making a come back, but the Cunts who control the rights to the brand (Craig Treharne) have decide that they need to reflect the diversity in society.

The ‘New’ Wombles will include a black one – I am not sure why because the Wombles were never white, they were never human, They Were fictional and looked like teddy bears, with teddy bear colour.

The son of Elizabeth Beresford, the creator of the Wombles, said it is an insult to his mother memory. The Wombles were fictional, none political and did not relate to any specific race or religion.

The question is why?

For fuck’s sake, just bring back the Robertson’s Golly and rename it as fucking ‘Rasta’, if the Wokes want more colour in fictional characters!

Nominated by Sick of it

83 thoughts on “The New ‘Woke’ Wombles

  1. Hate to say it Sick of it but with bollocks like this the only conclusion you can arrive at is that this once great country is well and truly fucked.

    • Youll find allsorts wandering on wimbledon common,
      Wombles, kevin spaceys looking for dogs, politicians wholl give you a prostrate examination etc
      A black wombles nowt,
      Just sits on its arse waiting for someone to drop KFC in a bin.

      • For a miserable northerner you appear disturbingly familiar with Wimbledon Common. Just saying.

      • Heehee, do dont I?
        Im a great believer in” if you dont know the facts make up your own” Moggie.
        First rule of journalism that is.

      • Its never done any politician any harm Miserable, incidentally, I didn’t know Judi Dench was ‘Patient Zero’ for the coronavirus, some good investigative reporting there Mis.

      • Im no slouch when it comes to hunting the truth LL.
        Judi Dench is the ‘Mandarin’ a female Fu Manchu.
        She leads the yellow peril and is the mastermind behind ‘kung Flu’
        Everyone who went to see Cats?
        Well she infected you three.

    • Now that would have Abbott & Lammy frothing at the mouth!
      Does it give directions?
      Near Brixton id assume?

      • I foresee the fried chiggun outlets doing good business on that contentiously named island!
        “Watsa dat in da slop bowl maan”?
        “Salad Diane”
        “git it away from a me you whitey oppressor”!
        “And me Son never did a bitin dat nurse, you evil waaycists, I know dis cos I a “Woman” of colour and a better mudda dan you whitey bitches innit”!

  2. Yes the white haters are at it again. Redoing shows from the past and using them to twist children’s minds to their left woke way of thinking.
    After Brexit , the Tory landslide and a full rejection of this pish by the rest of the country the londonistan centric cunts still won’t listen. Well those of you with nippers of an age to watch the Wombles, again I say, get the original online or on dvd and don’t let these sinister bastards indoctrinate your offspring.

  3. I hope they’re all gender neutral. We owe at least that much to the kids.

  4. Sounds like people have started identifying as wombles, I’ll now be a one legged black lesbian womble activist.

    Forget litter join the identity class war.

    Remember you’re a cunt.

  5. Why the hell don’t they listen to the late creators son and wind this crap in. As the nom says, a Womble is a Womble. A fictional creature like the Clangers (some of you will remember them) All the Wombles had non-human names, that should be enough to tell anybody they weren’t little ‘people’. What are they going to call the black one to differentiate it’s ethnicity?

    Oh this is so fucking embarrassingly crass it’s unbelievable. I can’t even get properly angry about it, it’s that cunting stupid. This warrants an ear deafening clarion call….


  6. Madame Cholet is a trans no doubt.

    Maybe it should just be called: “Cockwombles”

    • The one on the right looks a bit Chinese. Once he was Uncle Bulgaria; now he’s Uncle Malaria.

  7. I always liked The Clangers.
    My Da had a bright yellow 7″ (EP, that is…) of Noggin the Nog. Anybody here remember that ? Sounds suspiciously Wagnerian to me; Ring des Noggin der Nog Lied. (13 hours of Wagner opera spread over bright yellow 7 inchers ??)
    I may nom something musical, after I’ve been to the chemist’s for something for the weak end…

    • Yup, I remember Noggin the Nog.
      A bunch of Norsemen. I didn’t see any blacks, ragheads, trans, spasmos or queers amongst them.
      Those were the days.

    • Im a fan of Noggin the Nog HBH.
      Oliver Postgate narrated i think?
      Relaxing, so the kids would be quiet while mum got tea ready, did housework etc
      Hypnotic like Bagpuss, Ivor the engine and the Clangers.

      • “In the lands of the North,
        Where the black rocks stand guard against the cold sea,
        In the dark night that is very long,
        The men of the North Lands sit by their great log fires,
        And they tell a tale”….
        Noggin the Nog.
        Sheer fuckin poetry that is!

      • Bliss Miserable.
        I remember all of them along with Bill and Ben.
        One of my favourites was The Singing Ringing Tree. It was one of those Tales from Europe series.
        Does anyone else remember it ?

      • The Flashing Blade! Remember that? The Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe? Belting theme tunes and great programmes. Wasn’t TV better in those days before The Wonderful World Of Woke.

      • The Lone Ranger – with The William Tell overture as its theme music – used to watch that as a very small child on a Saturday morning, loved it!

      • Flashing blade..

        Was that the one I watched as a kid in the early 80s? Was dubbed and had lots of medieval sword fights? Killer theme tune.

        Fucking loved it. Had no idea what the plot was though I was as nipper.

      • Thinking again the plot was Roundheads vs Cavaliers. Must have been French dubbed into English I guess

      • Stop I’m getting emotional now remembering how great things were and how shit it is now.

      • Yes Fenton, was that the one with that weird dwarf, was only little when I saw that.

      • Yes, I remember OP’s name on the sleeve…
        We used to call our headmistress Bagpuss (similarity in name, owt to do with pussy)…

        Various vids on YouTube quite good for Thomas the WANK Engine spoofs.

  8. I had to read this nom twice as I couldn’t believe it.
    I should have expected it, but I was hoping there was a least a vestige of common sense left in this fuckwitted, cock sucking, piss taking country.
    If I were the son of Elizabeth Beresford, I’d be seeking legal advice to have this shit banned before it starts.

    • Elizabeth Beresford’s son is probably only making a big brouhaha about it because they can avoid paying him royalties.

  9. Wombles woke? Over at Marvel…..

    “ Marvel announces first non-binary character – called Snowflake”

    Here you go kids

  10. There will be a black one with a knife.
    A black&white one with his tongue up Madame Cholet’s arse.
    A sickly yellow one.
    A mincing one.
    An unconvincing tranny one.
    A perpetually offended one.
    And a Corbyn look a like.

    • Hahaha!!☺
      One in leather cap with chains on like its in Judas Priest!

  11. Will the Black Womble wimble across Wimbledon Common with a knife?

    Will the Black Wimbledon be a budding architect?

    Will the Black Womble leave a trial of illegitimate little Wombles with a ‘funny tinge’?

    Will the Black Womble not pay for his shopping?

    Will the Black Womble be the Womble to call when you need some gear?

    So many fucking questions….

    • There should definitely be a Dooshka-Mooshka womble who stinks of piss, sells drugs, burgles your home, claims benefits but demands to be seen first at Wimbledon A&E, who complains that Wimbledon Common is wayyycist and not as good as ‘back home in Womblooshka’ and the food and culture is better in Womblooshka and the weather is better in Womblooshka but never, ever fucks off back to fucking Womblooshka.

  12. Now renamed the Wogbles.
    The Country of Wogble is embroiled in a civil War.
    East Wogble splits from West Wogble.
    West Wogble is immediately embroiled in a civil war.
    Charity adverts begging for money from whitey because Enoch Wogble is going blind.
    Scroungy Wogble takes his Family of 28 to the UK from West Wogble and immediately begins shouting waycism from the balcony of his taxpayer funded mansion.
    Stabby Wogble kills someone.
    Breedy Wogble spits out 44 kids.
    Cokey weedy Wogble deals and steals.
    Good British common sense prevails – Prime Minister Fox executes the Wogbles.
    I am now self identifying as a house roof, appropriate I feel as the good lady often alleges I have a slate loose! ?
    The wokes need a rope.

  13. Small point but it pisses me off spending 20 minutes putting something together for it to be immediately modded. ?

    • 3 letter word Foxy starting with W ending in G.
      Straight in the sin bin.

      • Does that mean you can’t say woggg?

        Yes! fuck sake I am trying to enjoy the site and all I end up doing is approving comments!

        Niger queer pedo ect are shite words do not use them!

      • Bloody hell, you can’t say fuck all nowadays. How come woggg is non grata whilst cunt is OK? And I’ve never been up the Niger. What about Blair as a swear word?

      • Also: pérvert, dwârf, héinz, docümentary, paèdôphile, pâddy, grîstle, Byrné, excéedîngly and sñîggĕring.

        They’re just the tip of the bizarre iceberg.

  14. Are there any pikey wombles? They could park their caravans on the common, completely trash the place, burgle all the big houses and empty the local pubs. The local middle class wombles can’t say shit for fear of being seen as unwoke.

  15. Lifted straight off cunts corner

    Break out the boot polish because apparently the wombles is being remade but this time updated to reflect the multicultural nature of today.

    What the load of utter wank. Wombles are furry cunts that live under Wimbledon common, coming out occasionally to recycle, pick up litter, knock out some catchy top ten hits or take a shit in a badger latrine. They’re not people. This is what will probably happen…

    Tobermory will now become Mohammed an engineer, talented rapper and local politician who’s married to his 12 year old cousin.

    Orinoco becomes Dave a lazy white womble who’s generally thick and needs the other ethnic wombles to clear up the fuck ups he constantly makes and to teach him the wrongdoing of his white womble forefathers.

    Bungo becomes Bongo, a Congolese immigrant womble whose been saved from nafe crame and gang culture by the other wombles. Also a practising witch doctor who cures any ailments of the younger, pre-pubescent wombles in his own special way, in private.

    Madame Cholet becomes Madame Nmagba from Ghana who organises cultural appropriation workshops and DIY Female Genital Mutilation sessions.

    Great Uncle Bulgaria stays the same, however, but instead of the wise old sage he was he’s actually from Bulgaria, an illiterate goat herder womble from Cuntinov who speaks zero English, drives an uninsured stolen car and enjoys raping the local underage girls with impunity as its part of his cultural heritage.

  16. With reference to the Robertsons Golly, at my local flying club, there was an aircraft with a golly on the tailplane and it’s registration number was G-OLLY. Wonder what happened to it?

  17. Uncle Bulgaria will now say he learned everything about recycling from Mtembe Akonbigwe Womble.

  18. I wonder if the one who is the colour of shit will partake in a bit of rape, tax dodging and drug dealing to kids from his fake front kebab house..?

  19. How are they going to cope with Sooty and Sweep give the poor “Wokey” twats an attack of the vapours.

  20. Don’t destroy Fagpuss you sick cunts. I’m warning you. Camberwick doesn’t need bruvs riding mopeds through the Green. Trumpton had nothing to do with magas. Rainbow was gay enough.

    • Trumpton would never get shown, now. No ethnics or ‘Strong, empowered’ wimmin in positions of power or in charge of the fire brigade/army.

  21. And Never ever mess with The Magic Roundabout or the wrath of ISAC will be swift and fatal.

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