In this time of national crisis it’s good to know that we’re all in it together – unless, of course, your name is Stephen Kinnock, a Member of Parliament, and arrogant fucker who thinks that the law is beneath him and only for other people.
Not only was this idiot breaking the rules on essential travel during a health emergency that is killing people all over the planet, but he was stupid enough to post it on social media and them bleat that he was being ‘targeted’ by the police for having audacity to reply thus to his rather inappropriate tweet :
“Hello @SKinnock we know celebrating your Dad’s birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel. We all have our part to play in this, we urge you to comply with @GOVUK restrictions, they are in place to keep us all safe. Thank you.”
Pretty fucking mild targeting in my opinion. This arsehole drove 200 miles to visit his father on his birthday. This is not essential travel. It contravenes the government rules. I can’t even drive a mile up the road to visit my grandchildren, yet this fucker thinks none of this applies to him.
Predictably, that well know left wing arsewipe, The Guardian, had this to say : “Critics said the police were overzealous in publicly criticising the MP, as others warned they could could lose the respect of the public.”
No, no, no!!!! If anything, people like this should be setting an example to the rest of us. He’s an MP for Chrisake! If criticism is due, it should be levied on the police for not slapping a £60 fine on him. I’m sure they would have slapped one on me if I’d behaved like this.
I would not wish this disease on anyone – but wouldn’t it be a poetic irony if the Kinnick family now succumbed to it?
Mr Kinnock, you are not above the law, but you are my candidate of choice for “Cunt of the Week”. Congratulations…
Nominated by Dioclese
I would still smash his wife’s back doors in though.
Yes, rather sexy she is.
Another brain dead, privileged ass hole without a shred of common sense doing whatever the fuck he wants and wont be told by anybody he cant do it, and they cry because of a snowflake comment, i think he should be given 50 lashes with motorbike chains for being such a cunt, it prooves he is a chip off the old Welsh block, so no slaphead, your a total cunt as is your dad, if i had my way you would be handcuffed to your steering wheel for a week to think about how not to be a cunt…
If this twat traveled 200 miles to visit his Dad on his birthday you can bet your bottom dollar we paid for it He will have claimed the travel on expenses The bloke along with the rest of the Kinnock elk are a bunch of scrounges who have made a good living out of politics ??