In this time of national crisis it’s good to know that we’re all in it together – unless, of course, your name is Stephen Kinnock, a Member of Parliament, and arrogant fucker who thinks that the law is beneath him and only for other people.
Not only was this idiot breaking the rules on essential travel during a health emergency that is killing people all over the planet, but he was stupid enough to post it on social media and them bleat that he was being ‘targeted’ by the police for having audacity to reply thus to his rather inappropriate tweet :
“Hello @SKinnock we know celebrating your Dad’s birthday is a lovely thing to do, however this is not essential travel. We all have our part to play in this, we urge you to comply with @GOVUK restrictions, they are in place to keep us all safe. Thank you.”
Pretty fucking mild targeting in my opinion. This arsehole drove 200 miles to visit his father on his birthday. This is not essential travel. It contravenes the government rules. I can’t even drive a mile up the road to visit my grandchildren, yet this fucker thinks none of this applies to him.
Predictably, that well know left wing arsewipe, The Guardian, had this to say : “Critics said the police were overzealous in publicly criticising the MP, as others warned they could could lose the respect of the public.”
No, no, no!!!! If anything, people like this should be setting an example to the rest of us. He’s an MP for Chrisake! If criticism is due, it should be levied on the police for not slapping a £60 fine on him. I’m sure they would have slapped one on me if I’d behaved like this.
I would not wish this disease on anyone – but wouldn’t it be a poetic irony if the Kinnick family now succumbed to it?
Mr Kinnock, you are not above the law, but you are my candidate of choice for “Cunt of the Week”. Congratulations…
Nominated by Dioclese
Kinnock is a cunt – no matter what – he is an irredeemably arrogant and stupid fucker
This cunt is begging for a kick in his Putin-esque face.
Your right Moggs, he DOES look like Putin!
Albeit a putin whos lost weight due to illness.
Bet like Vlad hes keen on walking round with no shirt on.
Bum boy.
Vladimir poontang! Had any of us done that we would be sixty quid lighter.
He also looks a bit like Chukaduckie Umunna, when he has applied too much white makeup.
You can’t blame the lad for being as daft as arseholes though – look at who his parents are.
The next time I want to see “Junior” next to Bedwetty Snr., is when the latter is in the final stages of nothing too trivial, and is hooked up to a “Hoover Junior” (TM) respirator and gimp hood.
If that sounds a Bird’s Trifle too harsh, would these walking, gibbering sacks of faecal matter give a toss about our fate ? I think not.
As for not sinking to their level…well, the gloves are off now, and I’m sharpening my 3-ft. weed-cutting implement…
Fuck off, you pair of Dog-forsaken windbags. I hope Junior’s Scandi wife gets culturally enriched by a goatfucker, if she hasn’t been hawking her twat around voluntarily already.
Excellent nom, Dio.
Chain the cunt to a radiator….
He is a Cunt, his father is a Cunt and his mother is a Cunt.
So what can you expect.
And his mother has the cunt of an aicraft hangers doors! How else did she deliver a cunt with lugs like that ?
He is a Kinnock, he is a Cunt. End of.
ALL Kinnocks are money grabbing, traitorous, hypocritical CUNTS. They should all be horse whipped through the streets and then hanged from a good old BRITISH oak tree.
Fucking bastards.
After a good kicking FtF – we want our money’s worth!
The Apple didn’t fall from the tree,
the kinnock clans a ( bad) joke
Not only did junior decide it was essential travel driving 200 miles to see the old ginger windbag his wife also got in on the act , not to be outdone his sister apparently put in an appearance too ? FFS
What message does this send out to a country in lockdown? That its only for the small people to obey? Sure there’s plenty of other silly cunts breaking the guidelines like those absolute cretins who decided to have a giant karaoke party at home but you expect high profile MPs to set an exemplary example, how long before the abbotpotumus gets caught? Like a junkie denied his fix she will soon be clucking for some fried chiggun wings ?
The law doesn’t apply to important people like the Flabbott. Remember last year when she was snapped illegally drinking alcohol on a train?
What is the latest situation regarding her son?
Last I heard he had been charged by the police with 11 offences to which he has pleaded not guilty.
Money on the race card being introduced by the defence.
Evening WS – Diane and Angela have some crayons and are getting a grown up to write a nice letter to the judge (he’s a good boy really, cwying face), and look out for the MSM pushing the “mental illness” allegations” prior to the trial.
After Diane picks up her award for “black Mother of the Year – much better than stupid whitey” awards ??
“West Indian mothers would go to the wall for their children.”
Well the sooner she goes to the wall the better as far as I’m concerned. There’ll be an ISAC firing squad ready and waiting to give her a nice warm welcome.
What an ugly cunt!
Oh Yeah! Kinnock’s a cunt fo’ sure. With a duckbill instead of a forkin’ mouth, his visage clearly spells out C.U.N.T.
And whats with hiving off halfway across the countryside to celebrate Dad while the Wuhan flu is keeping everyone else indoors. Talk about entitled. Hope he gets a bad knee. Hope the Dad gets a bad knee. 78yrs. Fuck orf. That’s not worth risking lives for. What the fuck does Granddad want other than a visit from his law breakin’ son? A letter from the Queen for turning 78? That’s young. Me inlaws are still pissing me the fuck orf at the age of 79 just like they did when they was forty fuckin’ nine. Every now and then they pull they old, I need a new hip excuse but I know better. They want the freebies dat come with being old and a pat on the shoulder by society for reaching another milestone and opening the door to another year of being a pain in de arse. And that is what Kinnock drove cross country for. To celebrate just another arsehole who hasn’t yet fallen off the perch. They make good Wuhan flu candidates.
Welcome back Cali. Long time etc.
Missed your unique perspective of life from 5,000 miles away.
Great to see you’re back Cali. The true blokes woman.
Great to see you back ! Was SERIOUSLY concerned for your well-being…
Welcome back Cali! We’ve missed you!
Fuck me, just seen a picture of the cunt at his dads. He is wearing PINK trainers/shoes. w.t.a.f?
Thats probably why he was “targetted”, for the gayness
Nah. Police go out of their way to embrace the Gayness.
Only Portaloo can pull off a stunt like that…Saw him on a train in Canada t’other pm (only televisually, and even the screen was soshul distancing) wearing a very fetching (had to be careful how I spelt that) ORANGE jacket. I’ve NEVER seen anyone outside a circus ring or a marina manage to do that without looking a complete disaster. And not a whiff of The Gayness, either.
My only other acceptable orange-jacket sighting is a photo off the net of a very “***worthy” North German blonde in an orange sailing jacket at a restaurant with similar friends, prob. Hamburg…Most attractive.
Portaloo is a great one for garish clothing – and wasn’t he once touched by The Gayness at university or something?
Kinnocks are cunts. I remember Glynis with a smear of artfully placed blackness on her face and a yellow safety helmet during some miner’s dispute or a mine closing report on tv. Hah!
Bald, pouting son of a Welsh cunt.
The whole Kinnock clan is an arrogant, stinking shitheap. About as much use as a fucking ashtray on a motorbike. All these droning Welsh cunts know is banging on about socialism (but this not applying to them) and dragging their snouts deep in the trough.
Fuck off.
The headline pic of him reminds me of a spoilt little brat being deprived of his favourite ice cream & jelly!
No doubt he gives it the old “Don’t you know who my dad was?” trope whenever anyone challenges him on anything!
Expect to see him Labour Leader sooner or later: and if not he’ll blub and blub and blub with bottom-lip suitably pouted, eyes full of tears while clutching his favourite Ladybird Book of IrritatingTwats, while adorned in his stained & crispy Rupert Bear PJs
It’s not a line I’d use if my dad was a useless failure.
The Kinnocks are a family of cunts, each one as much a cunt as the next. Stephen is ( and always will be ) the bit of doo doo thatb sticks to your shoe. An opportunist, an arrogant twat, and to cap it all, a complete ugly fucker to boot.
Well heeled with other peoples dosh, and purporting to be a “Labour” ( ya ya all for the common man ) full blood, he needs to learn that humility is a gene that was not passed on to him ( or his parents ) in any way shape or form.
As cunts go, this is about as good as it gets. CUNT!
In the picture, is he sitting amongst ghosts?
Thats Bethan!
And scouse Derek!
“Ay ay – av gorra vision c*mmn threw – it’s a c*nt Yvette”!
“What Derek – it looks like that weird Kinnock t*at”
“Liche a said”..
Fookn ‘ell – 6 in da mornn and she’s p*ssed already!
“Is thar ectewplasm in yer ‘air Yvette”?
“err, yes Derek”
Ectewplasm… Class!!
She was just out selling pins…
I wonder if visiting dad was just an excuse to do a bit of ebaying on the way back?
Spoiled brat. I bet he still sucks off of Glenys’s titty and was due a feed.
It really angers me when people in a privileged position think the rules do not apply to them, especially a politician as he is supposed to lead by example, not flout the rules.
When the Welsh cops informed him that his trip was not essential, he claimed that he was ‘delivering essential items’ to his parents. So a fucking birthday cake is an essential item is it, you slaphead cunt?
All across the UK, you have families who are having zero contact in person and are face timing (or whatever) to blow kisses to their elderly loved ones, or sing Happy Birthday to them. They are making massive sacrifices for the good of their loved ones and the country as a whole…….and then you have this selfish, thoughtless knob end.
A hypocritical, arrogant Politician? What a surprise.
Cake is always essential!
“Delivering essential items”
Expenses forms?
Viagra for Daddys annual root around the cobwebby cavern?
Yep, he’s a Kinnock = a devoted EU cunt.
BUT… there’s rather too many reports of overzealous policing beginning to emerge ; examples of ordinary citizens having a pop at innocent dog walkers who invariably keep well clear of anyone; drones with loudspeakers Big Brother style.
Then there are the little hitlers ie Supermarket security staff being just that bit too zealous in maintaining queue discipline and barking out orders. Reminds me of the thugs invariably to be found in airport security.
Hitchens wrote rather a good piece in MailOnline yesterday which I commend to ISACs. I rather like his distinction in Governments’ carelessness of reporting death stats between dying ‘with’ Coronavirus as distinct from ‘from’ Coronavirus.
Bollocks! Your answer to trying to keep people safe is…….What?
Easy, I have been sniping from the roof with an air rifle for 3 days, no cunt wants to walk past my place.
Nice One! But I was asking Isaac.
I’d like to see this beggar hang.
Get fucked.
Your oven on the blink Terry?☺
Use Fiddlers AGA then there would be room for the rest of the freeloading leeching clan.
It’s getting full old chap.
Full of cunts.
I believe Agas have a slow oven as well.
For really making the cunts suffer.
Unkle’s Ovens has a really cosy, domestic ring to it.
I disagree. You should all read the article posted by Dick yesterday regarding our civil liberties.
As this bullshit unfolds there are more expert ,epidemiologist, virologist, microbiologist who are saying there has been a massive over reaction and there is little evidence that this restricting our movements and shutting down the economy has made any difference. Infact it is impossible to say that these tactics have worked.
First we’re told up to 500,000 could die in the UK then it is revised down to 20,000 now 5,500.
However what we do know is that the state has massively curtailed our liberties with little or no evidence it’s had any effect.
This bullshit has to stop .
I give it one more week then people will start mass disobedience.
How do we know restriction of movement caused a drop in deaths as you have no control to compare it with?!
Now Kinnock may well be a little cunt but driving in your car to see a relative can pose no health risk to anyone. The odds are we’ve all already been exposed to this virus and most had no or mild symptoms. People who test positive and die ,well , that does not mean the virus killed them.
The state and the police are behaving more and more like something out of East Germany during the cold war and it’s hugely disproportionate.
What is really worrying is the way everyone goes along with it and the media have not once reported findings or opinions from leading experts who are just as qualified as the si called experts who have advised the government. And by all accounts their predictions have been wrong.
I know a lot of you will disagree but please feel free to comment follow cunters.
I think you’re spot on.
Thank you moggie. Appreciated.
You raise some very interesting points Mac ?
How come all the “health experts” they keep wheeling out look just this side of dead?
And whoever nicked Chris Whittys shell please bring it back – he needs it to hook up with the rest of the turtles and fight crime!
Your argument, although interesting, is not relevant to the fact that
Cunnock broke the law and should be punished by being kicked in the Quantocks.
No health risk to anyone eh? Well, you have an appropriate name then! Does he need to fill up with petrol to drive 400 miles? Er….Yes! Did he UNNECESSARILY come into contact with others at the petrol station? Er….Yes! Where did he get the ‘supplies’ for Senior Kinnock Cunt? A Supermarket! Did he UNNECESSARILY come into contact with others when shopping? Er….Yes!
Basically, you are talking cunt-speak.
Does not mean he will kill anyone.
Woth the greatest respect Mac, you’re talking bollocks.
Also does that mean that you will kill someone because you go to the supermarket or fill up with petrol?
No evidence mickey.
and what if the kinnocks were involved in an accident tying up vital resources and a hospital bed?
You take away freedom because of an outside possibly?!
Suppose he trips at home while doing DIY?
Not often I disagree with Dick, but ‘Civil Liberties’ has got FUCK ALL to do with a Worldwide Pandemic, and measures needed to ensure it kills as few people as possible. And YOU Mr McCunt are totally Out of Order to pick on a few items because they are wrong or unknown to compare THIS crisis to East Germany during the Cold WAR. This virus is the First Time anything like it has happened, an amount of common sense and understanding that will help us get over it – not the ramblings of someone who doesn’t want to be inconvenienced.
Thanks mickey. We have all been inconvenienced and it’s the fact that the individual is being ignored and it seems to be all about the collective good.
This has happened before , I mean a virus sweeping the country . I believe in the late 60’s there was a severe case of Asian flu which swept the country but similar measures were never implemented .
I come back to my central point of evidence or the lack there of and the fact that other experts are being ignored.
We cannot prove that these measures have made any difference. To blindly act without proof is dangerous and bad science.
Are you going to be the one to “blindly act without proof” and call the all clear to send us back out on to the street? I don’t envy the authorities who have that responsibility. Thankfully it won’t be you.
Asian Flu was NOTHING like Covid-19. And, coming into social contact is THE way of spreading it. Just sacrifice yourself, as most of us have, for the sake of getting this thing done with.
Mac. Thank you. You have articulated far better than I did earlier on this thread the true nature of the menacing tactics.
I loathe all that the Kinnock family stand for vis-a-vis Europe but for the police to use Twatter to publicly shame him instead of ‘having a quiet word’ is a disgrace.
I refer everyone again to Hitchen’s piece – he is one of the few in the MSM prepared to stick his head above the parapet.
This has all the makings of the BSE occurrence. Authorities all to quick to shut down liberties (often on the flimsiest and most spurious pretext); and extremely slow to lift them again afterwards.
I think you’re bang on the mark with the BSE analogy.
Thanks for your input Isaac.
I don’t trust the police to target the right cunts.
A couple of years ago I crossed a quiet empty road and a minute later was detained by an officer in a police car who proceeded to reprimand me for not using the pedestrian crossing 200 yards up the road.
WTF? Since when has it been a crime to safely cross a road in this country?
Anyway, the cop’s overly officious attitude left me in no doubt that if I didn’t beg forgiveness and promise NEVER to do it again I’d swiftly find myself face down on the tarmac with my hands cuffed behind my back.
After a lot of “yes officer, no officer, two bags full officer” I was allowed to continue on my way.
Maybe he had a quota to fill or summat? Lucky not to be tasered I suppose.
I bet Plod is being given lessons in saying “papers pliss” in a German accent ?
Is that a joke or did it really happen?
If it happened it’s terrifying. This isn’t a police state.
RTC I just checked and it is only illegal to cross the road if the crossing is LESS than 50 meters away.
You did nothing g wrong if it was 200m away.
There are no laws regarding jaywalking in the UK, you can cross 5 feet from a crossing if you want.
That has always been my understanding Moggie.
Either way, the cop didn’t suggest I was doing anything illegal, just that I was behaving recklessly!
Very poor PR. Left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
@ Mac – yes it really did happen.
When this has all died down it will be interesting to see if there is a corresponding drop in the other causes of death – asthma, obesity, diabetes etc. We’ve all gotta die of something and I’d quite like my freedom back. Having said that, it’s giving me more time to come on here and there is also unlimited lives on Candy Crush for a while so it’s not all bad.
I agree with you Mac but Kinnock junior is still a cunt. I went to my local Tesco’s today to do my usual weekly shop which is something I’ve been doing on a Monday morning for fuck knows how long. Anyway, there must have been at least 30 people queuing outside at the recommend ‘social distance’ in the cold and rain and I thought fuck this and went home. If they don’t get the chinky bat flu they are going to die of pneumonia. My point is who the fuck came out with 2 metres as being a safe distance? Fuck me, people sneeze further than that I used to be able to ejaculate that far. It’s so fucking arbitrary and there is little proof that any of the fucking draconian measures they have introduced work. I’m of the opinion that it will run it’s course like it has in China and indeed there is evidence it is plateauing in Italy, Spain and even here. But you won’t here that on our fucking media, the BBCunts quoted some fucker as saying we will have these measures for 6 months. Nobody fucking knows you stupid cunt and it’s complete guesswork. Having said all that, I have every sympathy for the people who lost loved ones with this fucking lurgy, I’m not a completely heartless bastard!
I agree wholeheartedly, you only have to take a look at Sweden.
So you re worried about your civil liberties being taken away, rather than protecting the collective health of the masses, even if you disagree with the premise and thinking?
Wow. Incredible.
This is not rocket science. Like any viral infection, the less people you are in close contact with, the less people you are likely to infect. The less people you are exposed to – who may be viral – the less likely you are to be infected.
But so very predictably, this is too much like hard work for people to grasp and for people to comply with, so they fucking moan about ‘civil liberties’…….the most SELFISH of all fuckers in this country. Let’s just keep on airing and sharing it, just so we don’t step on anyone’s rights.
Sorry, but I find your opining on this laughable. It does not matter a jot whether Kinnock’s risk of infecting others or being infected were slim to none. It is the lack of EXAMPLE he showed, so that every thick, chav cunt in the country will say, ‘Well he did it, so we can as well’. Gives them carte blanche……but that is all ok, is it?
Do me a fucking favour.
I think that the thousands of NHS staff in this country would disagree with your thinking on this. Maybe run it by them next time you are in an NHS hospital, presuming you are lucky enough not to contract this vicious virus yourself. Given your flippant attitude to lockdown, I wouldn’t bet on that.
Very much so Nurse Cunty. It’s amazing when some people come over all “Shami” Chakrabarti at times when it suits them. I wonder how many of these same people are completely against the exorcise of civil liberties when they object to the mayhem that environmental protesters cause!
‘Civil liberties’ for many I think are a convenient excuse for not being inconvenienced.
It is ludicrous Bertie. Even in a time of real crisis like this pandemic, people whine about their freedoms. They won’t have to worry about their civil liberties if they are not fucking alive to make use of them.
Glad some are steering through the neurotics to see the bigger picture (Mac). Why are the powers that be making such a big deal out of what is essentially the flu, that’s what the dumb fucks should be asking, not having neurotic breakdowns that someone broke a law that never existed until some dodgy cunt in government imposed it on us against our wishes to take more of our freedoms away under the guise of protecting us against a killer virus?
It’s the flu FFS! The sun actually protects you against it if you’ve got the brain cells to work that out.
I couldn’t care less about the Kinnocks or any politicians, they’re all the same kind of cunt to me, but Wow, man drives 200 miles to see his old dad for his birthday, what a heinous criminal. Lock him up forever to protect the public.
Who will he infect whist driving in his car? These days you don’t even need to interact with a human to pay for your petrol.
Same with the woman in a swimming pool. Selfish bitch swimming alone in a pool full of chlorinated water. Do people not actually understand the point of chlorine?
No wonder this country is fucked, it’s full of neurotic fuckwits just begging for the arseholes in government to take our freedoms away and they are ready and willing to do that if idiots let them.
What else would you expect from this socialist/commie cunt. It’s in their DNA – “Do as I say, NOT as I do”. Awful shites, the whole fucking family.
Neil Kineck, welcome as a shit in your dinner.
If stocks in our local Asda are anything to go by, a shit in your dinner would be a welcome addition to the amount you have to eat.
Maybe the cunt has the virus and has passed it onto mama and papa, now that would be a happy ending and would have made his trip worthwhile.
Maybe the IC units are also all full down where his folks live and they pass out what is left of their squalid contribution to society in a field hospital in the middle of a sink estate in Port Talbot with only a view of the steelworks for company.
Why is he pushing his lips out? Pouty lipped faggy cunt.
Fucking bald cunt thinks he’s a bit special doesn’t he – wish I could just pop over to see my mum and deliver ‘essentials’ particularly as my dad died a few years ago and she’s all alone.
Cunt should be fined, or maybe he thinks he’s above the law as he is married to the former Danish prime minister – no doubt another cunt.
He resembles a bit of caggy chiggun that The Flabbot has gobbed up
The Guardian is an enemy of Britain.
Absolutely fucking bang on. If there’s to be one casualty in this mess, I hope it’s that comic.
Always carry a felt tip pen with you. When frequenting supermarkets locate the Guardian and mark your X on the front page. Every little helps….
A face that could stop a clock. What an ugly cunt.
What can I say that hasn’t been said already? Cunt offspring of a couple of EU freeloading cunts.
Great nom Dio!
Israel hating bald ginger cunt.
Pretty much bang on the money that one EK!
Nothing to see here with regard to reported dodgy and inflated expenses claims by the entire Kinnock Family, nothing at all.
Well done, Mac. You’ve managed to start a disagreement on the site with an argument which, unless you’re extremely thick, you cannot possibly believe yourself.
Excellent bit of trolling. Rickie, Bane and Patroller will surely welcome you to their merry throng with open arms…
Without wishing to get into a slanging match,which part of Mac’s comments were trolling?
As far as I can see Mac’s points are pretty much the same as those in Peter Hitchen’s article…people may disagree Hitchen’s points but I don’t think that he’s out to “troll”
Over the last couple of weeks several people have posted some rather contentious views about Coronavirus…were they trolling too?
Another troll?…..