Another rising sea level cunting please, for this august site’s favourite Scandinavian window licker.
Supposedly 30,000 climate numpties rocked up in Bristol to see young Thunderbox lecture them on the planet being on fire..fucking hilarious really when it was pissing down with rain. I note the little cunt was not telling them to turn off the electrics, heating etc, ditch the smart phone, stop popping out sprogs, etc.
Fucking schools shut and Bristol City centre grinds to a halt, all for a bunch of cunts.
Anyhow seeing as her grandfather popped his clogs earlier this week, shouldn’t she be at home sending the old cunt off to Valhalla? It’s about time young Priti Patel had the whining little cunt down as an undesirable immigrant/ alien. Fucking climate change wankers: wake up, smell the fucking coffee and realise that the problem is fucking overpopulation. A massive Coronavirus on the spaccy twats.
Oh, and a kick in the little cunt’s box as well.
Nominated by CuntyMort
She’s made you notice her. She’s pissed you off enough to begin to think about the issue. She’s done exactly what she intended. I’m not laughing, but I’m damn sure she is.
Good girl.
If she hadn’t been nominated on here I would never have heard of her and, now that I have, I really don’t care what she has to say, any more than I would listen to some schoolboy walking past my house each day. Less in fact.
Greta! Greta! Smelly sweater, habitual bed wetter! “Time to change your sheets Greta – the cats won’t come in any more”!
If Ms Thunderbird the traumatic truant was so bothered about climate change why does she not protest outside the embassy of the Worlds biggest polluter China?
No – that would be difficult – so stick the boot in the low hanging fruit.
As WS said in an earlier post – app.2.9 Billion in the late fifties, now a World population of over 8 Billion – not difficult to work out what the problem is here.
Perhaps Greta the sweater could consider the reduction in carbon emissions if she stopped pointlessly breathing in and out.
And the passion for changing the World is generally led by her trademarking desire to be the richest little activist in the World.
Use some of your new found wealth to buy a can of deodorant Greta.
Good nom CM ?
Back in the Neolithic, I in fact participated in a protest outside the Chinese Embassy. You know what? They ignored me completely. These days, I’d try to influence my own government – who would ignore me completely unless I made a high-profile song and dance of it – because a government has much more pull than I do and is more likely to influence recalcitrant nations than I and my sympathisers off the street are.
I might also sell my shares in oil companies, for the same reason.
Sorry to spell it out, but you did ask.
Agree with you about the protest thing K – protests get publicity, action gets results.
And Saint Greta is now a very rich girl.
“How dare you fill my bank account”!
I bagsy the meat flaps.
I can see her getting popped by someone soon.
Hang on,isn’t that the girl from the BDM? ( wimmins dept of the Hitler Youth)
As I’ve said, a clone of Goering (his first wife Karin was Swedish). Not all of the cunts absconded to Argentina.
Global warming nuts piss me off! Climate change is a natural part of our planets life cycle. Its overheated and supercooled before. It is only HUMAN ARROGANCE to think that WE, who have only been here a few thousand years, have any impact on the planets life cycle. Global warming will happen, and we cant stop it, so: fly around, leave your tv on, drive petrol and diesel cars, burn lots of stuff, and anything else the woke cunts tell you not to…it wont make any fucking difference!!
If it would shut her up, I’ll take one for the team and shove my hardy up her kruger. Perhaps having to take care of our kids Damian and Lilith would monopolise her time so she couldnt travel around spouting this drivel.
<3 Naomi Seibt <3
I would have no hesitation in inviting her to my lair for discussions of Uganda, personally. There’s a lass who works in the canteen who looks just like her and she’s bloody lovely. It’s a slight challenge getting the serious look off her face, but when a smile breaks through it’s well worth the effort. If I were 150 years younger…