Spitting Image

‘Spitting Image’ is a cunt…

The satirical puppet show is to be resurrected on Britbox… Great in its day, but does anyone seriously believe it will be as sharp and as vicious this time round?

As it is on the dreaded Britbox, will it be left leaning sanitised shite like everything else that’s on it? It will only be a matter of time before some wokeflake cunts take offence at a puppet of Saint Greta, or cry ‘racist’ as Stormzy makes an appearance, and I bet Meghan Markle Fucking Ono gets the kid gloves treatment. I suspect it will be Brexit, Boris, Big Don and not much else.

And you can bet your bollocks that the religion of peace will be left well alone. If it isn’t going to be the ‘nobody’s safe and nothing is sacred’ Spitting Image of old, then what is the fucking point?

Nominated by Norman

67 thoughts on “Spitting Image

  1. The fact that it’s part funded by the bbc and it’s being shown on a medium which you have to pay more for makes it a cunt straight away

  2. Spitting image only comes around when the right of centre is in power. Blair never got any stick. Or Chavez . The left can do no wrong even as they murder millions. Rape is only bad when Wienstien is wanking into a plant pot but perfectly acceptable when thousands of children are raped by muslim rape gangs. FGM is tolerated as well as the chemical castration of kids. All in the name of “progressivism” .Satire is dead. There is nothing a new Spitting image could do that would raise a laugh. Cunts.

  3. Never watched the bittingly satirical original so won’t be watching this ‘woke’ shite….

  4. I quite liked it. What a shame it didn’t return a bit sooner – three years ago would’ve been a hoot. Puppets of Sourberries, Jüncker, Guy Verhoffscünt, Theresa fucking May, et al would’ve written their own scenes. Similarly, those comedy moments missed about Blair.

    • Some of the puppets for the Remainers might’ve had more life than the actual wankers they portrayed. Guy Verhofstadt acts like a weird ventriloquist all the time.

  5. They’ve got to shoehorn in a Blair doom-monger. It’s just begging for it especially as the cunt is the turd that won’t flush and deserves it with compound interest. Perhaps as Carney’s sidekick.

  6. Another vehicle for the rabidly left BBC.
    It will attack all things Tory , British,Trump, American and be so pc and green it won’t be recognisable .
    Let us see them satarise our peaceful ethnic friends. They’ll have a go at Israel but the rest of the middle East…..haha don’t be silly boys and girls. That would require a backbone.
    Waste of time.

    • I can’t wait for the Greta puppet. They won’t have to work hard on the head.

      Hoo-ee, what a little cunt.

    • The peacefuls’ overarching response to anything is, effectively, you upset us and we’ll kill you. What other group of people in this country is given the same dispensation to do whatever the fuck they want? If I told anybody I wanted them to stop, or start, doing something or I’d kill them, what do you think would happen? I reckon it wouldn’t be laws protecting me from abuse.

  7. I’ll not be expecting to see a Dishonorable Scúmbag Prophet Muhammed puppet, piss be upon him, riding a nuke to kill the infidels like in Dr Strangelove.

  8. Is it beyond the cunts in entertainment to come up with something original? What dead horse will they resurrect next?

    Shitbox already makes my blood boil, the bbc involved in a subscription service? The British public, so dense they allow the BBC to rob them twice.

    • Used to like the original!
      Norman Tebbit in his leather jacketed thuggery, Maggie & her cabinet in restaurant “what about the vegetables?”
      “Theyll have the same as me”.
      Was quite good.
      But call me pessimistic,
      We are now in ‘modern times’, itll be terrible.
      To woke, To London, To snowflake.
      Give it a swerve.

      • Won’t be watching but I can imagine a few old shows being revisited.

        The Chinese Infective for a start

  9. The original was relatively cutting edge and controlled by John Lloyd. The material was clever and was well balanced politically as it took the piss out of absolutely everyone it portrayed, without exception.

    John Lloyd, an extremely clever cunt and genius (in my humble opinion) who in his time was also responsible for Not the 9 o’clock news, Blackadder, some Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and QI to name but a few.

    Rather suspect the new paltry offering will not be well written, childish and puerile in the extreme, will contain so called “celebrities” unknown to the older viewer and politically bias towards the left.

    Extremely glad I won’t ever watch it.

  10. I bought the full set of spitting image dog toys for our dog when I was a kid.

    They were works of art.

    • Admin, dont know if its just me or having technical difficulties?
      Took a while to get on site

      again not our forte, there is day admin, night Admin , archive Admin , the Bosses and the Auditors ( there is also legal) for IT issues please use the “Contact us” tab and hopefully someone will deal with it, think of admin as front-line.

    • I bought the Thatcher one, ostensibly for my dad’s dog but really to irritate my dad who was a rabid Thatcherite.

      It currently sits defiantly on the mantelpiece in our drawing room.

  11. There’ll will be no Flabbott puppet( not enough rubber) no Corbyn puppet as to lefties there’s nothing to take the piss out of.
    Usual Boris/Trump/ Brexit bashing bollox.
    Deal me out.

  12. They ought to portray Trump as a mentally stable POTUS on top of his brief with a vocabulary of more than 3 words that he can string together that make sense.

    Now that would be funny.

  13. I notice Little Miss Sparkle Tits in the photo. How are they going to take the piss out of her without it being raaaaaay-sist?

    • They wouldn’t dare. The most creative they get these days is ‘This Country’ the only reason that was commissioned is the central plot sends up white uneducated native England even then it’s pushing the PC envelope and gags are delivered by the writers. The thing that boils my piss to steam is the sell out cunts from the alternative humour 80’s. All grown up and bougjois fuck off id break all their funny bones if they had any. Coogan is Chief among those cunts hands up who would cue up to land one on him in the stocks?

  14. Our best mate Steve Coogan cut his teeth an kick started a career doing voices on Spitting Image.
    As did John Thompson (fat Bob).
    Like John Thompson,
    L8ked him on the Fast show as deaf stuntman Chip cobb.

  15. That Chief Medical Officer Dr Chris Whitty looks a bit of a wimp, doesn’t he? He’d make a great puppet.

    Boris bullying him behind the scenes would be a great running gag.

    • Agreed. But Chris Grayling looks like he wont see the end of the week never mind Christmas!
      Never seen anyone so ill looking outside of a chapel of rest.
      Dead pool banker an life insurance risk.
      Maybe hes vegan?
      Cheist, DCI Gene start your engine!

  16. To avoid upsetting Greta Thundercunt by using an unnecessary amount of latex,they should just use the same doll for every Dark Key….they all look the same anyhow….Frank Bruno,Diane Abbot for example…would Mike Tyson really have known that it was actually Dianne and not Frank that he was battering around the ring?…..Would Steptoe have really known the difference if he had Frank sat on his face instead of Diane?……I think not.

    • Hahaha?
      Ffs Dick! When M16 raid us all itll be with a heavy heart when I give states evidence against you!
      Made me giggle that!??

      • I’ll be going for the “Guilty,but a Mental” defence, MNC….I am,of course, a brilliant actor but trying to convince people that I’m a Nutter will be a stretch even for my John Gielgud acting abilities….might be easier to just kick you in the Nuts and then run like Fuck out of the Court.

      • Ill be pleading ignorance,
        An the judge will agree.
        I cant act, but do a few impressions, ill try my Frank Spencer see if that sways the case in our favour.

      • You turning supergrass Miserable? The caravan in Fleetwood under witness protection is no way to live.

      • Evening LL,
        To much of a outdoorsman for prison,
        When MI6 give me the offer I’ll unfortunately take it, cowardly i know, but will visit you all with ‘snout’ ‘spice’ an phonecards to buy off winston in the showers!?

    • Imagine what you could do with a free license…….Trump and his misogynistic bombastic chants while laying one on Grunta. Then post coital gazing in the mirror at themselves before they plot their next media scrum

  17. God damn it I haven’t seen it but sure as shit your post humour review is nailed on. ‘Spitting Feathers After The Laughter Has Gone’. I’d get the brain storming puppets together and one by one shove my hand up each of their arses……bet you a pint of piss it generates more laughs. Winner gets to choose who drinks it

  18. Apologies to all I had a soft spot for Spitting Image I’ll make for the exit

  19. In a country where Frankie Boyle couldnt stay on mock the week, a bbc reboot of this classic will be shite. It will be the least offensive spitting image ever.

  20. They have a Mark Zuckerberg character so all is not lost.

    I suspect it might be as funny as Miranda Fart but let’s see.

  21. Watch the classics on YouTube. That applies from Spitting Image all the way to Thomas the Tank Engine.

  22. I enjoyed what I saw of the original (it didn’t just flay the right…)


    but looking at the pictures I found of the new series, I think this is going to be less savage visually, more a vehicle for simmering hatred. Less caricature, more deeply unpleasant truth. Law is 78 now, and he’s had a long time to study the public face of cuntery. I think it will be good.

  23. Is it just me or does the Donald Trump one look like Timothy Spall? And who’s the fat tub of lard on the right of the picture?

  24. Oh yes, the second revival a few years ago called ” Head cases”….
    a revival of the Spitting Image concept. Fucking bland….it could be the so called ultrasound millennial humour, which maybe due to how some shite of so called funny YouTube clips, are popular, a sort of piss poor irony which is the base template of millenials….odds are the production team will be JF,s (Johnny Foreigner’s) who have no cultural links to our sphere of humour. Due to constraint’s….by mincers, flatfuckers, and watered down pseudo hippies….the flattest visual fart is to be expected….

  25. Fully agree that any impartiality the original had will be absent in the remake.
    As it happens I thought the original was a bit shit, but have no doubt that this one will be total shit. Still, I’m sure the radio FUCKING four wankers will like it.

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