I think Sefton Council deserves an enormous cunting, for giving in to one tweet from a ‘trans’ bloke/girlie who claims that the flag flown for International Women’s Day is a transphobic dogwhistle.
Honestly, this is now beyond a joke. The more the likes of councils and business give into these absolute fucking weirdos, the more power they gain. Adrain Harrop deserves a kicking too, but for one tweet to alter the behaviour of the council is appalling. This does not happen to any ordinary human being – usually we are ignored. We don’t have the power that is increasingly given to the ‘trans’, identikit generation in our midst.
Nominated by Lana Del Cunt
Sefton Council?
Plastic Scousers and Woollybacks.
Nuff said.
Arsehole council need to worry more about supplying proper services to the people not pansie puff stuff.
So the dictionary explanation of ‘Woman’ is offensive to transbumders. I’m offended by the rainbow flags these dinner mashers like to fly, but there’s no chance I’ll get those stopped. Once again it’s one rule for us and another rule for the chutney chasers.
Ah right calm down, calm down la, eh, eh”
That’s from the eighties MNC you need a new script writer.?
Works for me! Nice one MNC!
Dey do do dat do,
Dont dey do?
Day do day don’t day do?
Aye. Dey doo.
Sefton council…. ‘dear Mr/Ms Harrop, thank you for your comments, after careful consideration the council would like you to fuck off’
This Harrop thing is a cunt, the council are even bigger cunts for taking any notice!
Once again some vocal minority dictates.
Fuck off for being gutless.
I find it offensive that this fucked up weirdo is a fucking GP. What the fuck are the NHS doing employing a mental case in a job like that? Is there another country in the world that panders to these arse bandits like we do? I have no idea but I suspect we are the laughing stock of the world.
Would you be happy to have this wanker as your GP?
Seems like a nice boy!
How about local councils fly the English flag or the County flag, both would be good. Leave the virtue signalling to social media cunts. Black week, LBGT week, women’s day etc etc etc fuck off!
The “rainbow flag” is an intolerant symbol of cunts. Id shit on it if I had one handy in poof month
I never understood why gay people chose a rainbow as their symbol anyway.
Not to get preachy I understand there are quite abit of agnostic or atheist cunters here but the rainbow was originally a Christian symbol the gays subverted the symbol for their own use some American homo from San Francisco came up with the gay rainbow flag idea.
It was a sign from god in the book of genesis to Noah after the flood to symbolise washing the sins of humanity away
So, rainbows would have been around long before that, ahem, work of fiction. Wonder what people thought of rainbows before then. Sign of a good harvest, warning of approaching rain, who knows.
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Big Judy Garland fans aren’t they gay people.
Think its that Diablo.
Might be wrong?
Its been know.
She is a ‘gay icon’, weird for a straight girl. But gay was around before she trod the yellow road of bricks. Always wondered if the red one led to the menstruating witch in the south forest. Ho-har!
Another candidate for cunt of the year.
Utter cunt.
This is a stunning example of what i’ve been saying for years, typical overreacting and too much thinking ‘could this possibly offend even 1 person’. Its a flag for WOMENS DAY, who gives a fuck if anybody is offended? Am I offended, as a man, fuck no. I just think its silly to have a flag for that. One person claims offence, and something is gone. The council should have sent back ‘how exactly is a dog whistle offensive to you?’ I would have.
I do not see the point of this whole “Day” thing, generally they seem to be commercial opportunities to sell shit.
The only days I get excited about are Saturday, Sunday and pay day.
International who-gives-a-shit day. July 1st. Spend the day saying and doing anything you want, no repercussions. Sounds good.
Some of the denizens of this site display genius on occasion.
The rainbow flag signals inclusion…and 95% of people don’t feature on it.
Inclusion of diffent types of gays. Gay men, gay women…what else is there? Gay cats, lesbian giraffes?
Personally, I can’t wait for the inevitable collapse of civilisation.
Then I’ll have be able to go around strangling cunts like this.
See if they take offence then…….
Be careful what you wish for. I prefer counter revolution to the dark ages.
She’s got a point – but she misses it completely. Neither I nor anyone else pays council tax in order to see the flags of minority groups adorning the council offices. Any of them. A UJ on April 23rd, maybe. The council’s own flag, to indicate that this is where your money gets wasted, maybe. Buy the flag for Transgendered Whale Awareness day and pay some management cunt to haul it up and down….fuck the fuck off. Fill a few fucking potholes instead. Invite some wimminz to wield a shovel on Wimminz Day if you must.
But it’s very heartening to see war breaking out between the assorted shouty faux-oppressed woke gangs, and this should only be encouraged. Support one lot on Twatter and the other lot on Facefuck, and stir at maximum revolutions, is what I say.
Michelle Barnier has tested positive.
I hope it’s fucking terminal
The stress of Brexit caused it.
As what – a nailed on wanker?
Plot twist Greta Thundercunt did corona virus on the world cause someone dared destroy her deluded utopian worldview that ironically never questioned china or indias existence
I seriously wonder how many celebrity cunts are faking this virus for pity points, or either this virus is completely airborne and we are all seriously fucked over! cause how are they being exposed to it so quickly? Hugging and kissing people from wuhan all day? Fucking honestly how
They should take it down immediately.
By a bloke dressed as a grenadier in the Waffen SS.
If iv’e said it once i’ll say it again , execute the whole fucking lot of them.
Hey member that shitty John Lennon song that every normal person with a unbrainwashed soul hates? Yep celebrity cunts Gal Gadot, Mark Ruffalo, Zoe Kravitz, Natalie Portman, Ashley Benson, Lynda Carter and Amy Adams sing it together.
The song of the globalist open border leftie hippie cunts. They are singing it because of the corona virus of course why the fuck wouldn’t they?
“One thing yer cant hide,
Is when yer crippled inside”…
John Lemon
John Lemon is a man i can respect he grows some fine Lemons but not that John Lennon cunt especially after he let that dragon witch turn him into a misery moaner and belts out shit solo albums after album and breaking up The weevils
Seriously MNC why does this shit song get wheeled out at after every muzzie massacre and bad happening? its like the swan song of fucking utter cunts
Trans is absolute bollocks.
It’s a pity coronavirus attacks physical rather than mental feebleness.
Good job it doesn’t, there’d be nobody in Starbucks.
If Coronavirus has any positive effects – as well as the cancellation of The Eurovision Song Contest, Glastonbury, and the axing of studio audiences for Wireless 4 “comedy” shows, it might be that the mithering of poofs, (including the MPs affected by The Gayness) trannies and every other pervert gets ignored, put into proportion by the great and horrible challenges we face, regardless of sexuality and gender.
Yeah, right. Wait till a tranny gets it.
And a send off for Kweer Starmer
Oh well. At least we can all have a bit of a wry chuckle at this demonstration of utter cuntitude I suppose. Lord knows we could all do with one.
Morning all.
All council chambers are filled with arsehole cunts. Echo chambers for the idiot class!
In Yorkshire the police decided to fly the flag
Who’s the morons?
This is the woke Humberside hate crime inventing police. A bunch of cunts.
This almost reminds me of the time I nicked the RMP’S flag in Fallingbostel.
The monkeys were proper pissed off, I have no idea what they did to the desk sergeant, yet again a case of the police not being able to police their own property.
Tough shit and switch on!
The honest truth and delicious irony here it was probably Muslims they hate gays and have absolutely no respect for them and yet the liberals panders to them.
Morons is kinda a hateful term here in this day and age is it not Yorkshire post?! they were smart enough to steal it from under plods nose stupid cunts
So it was you ya bastard. Some poor bloke got seven days jankers for that.
I really can’t see the issue here. The Women’s Day logo is based on the female symbol, i.e. ♀.
I suppose because it is not based on a male symbol showing a disjointed meat and two veg, that the cock jockey known as Adrian Harrop has got a marrow in his arsehole about it. Speccy, arsehole-derricking turd should go an wear his dress and have a sulk instead.
Fuck me I’ve looked everywhere for a transphobic dog whistle so I can set my staffie on some mincing, unconvincing trannie, preverts.
Are they on Amazon?
No, and none on my local supermarket shelves either. The owners of transphobic dogs are cramming the last ones into their Audis as I type.
Nor is that all…
( Warning: this one’s sarcastic )
The cunts have bought them up along with the pasta and flour. Love the walking service though.
Utter f*cking nonsense! The good lady was not allowed to know about Wimminz day or any nonsense like it – it would have disturbed her washing up!
We live in madness. (Maybe I did the washing up, maybe I was firmly told to do so, speaking as an unreconstructed caveman I can have no comment!)
When is international “Stop talking such utter shite you f*cking clown” day?
Total cunt: https://www.instagram.com/adrianharrop/?hl=en
This piece of shit looks like a Trans woman
He sure does, Bill. Little fucking worm probably hasn’t been in a fight in his life. Pandering to these cunts isn’t the way forward, but the rot has set in thanks to these leftie arseholes!
Bloody madness! Little worm looks as though he hasn’t been in a fight in his life. Pandering to these cunts isn’t the way forward, but it seems as though the rot has set in.
I notice it says ‘potential’ issue. Bluddy stupid. This may possibly be the tiny bit offensive to someone, lets take it down, dont want to risk the 0.05% chance that one person may possibly find it offensive. What next, no black white or yellow cars, cancelling christmas in case it offends non-christians, banning bluetooth incase someone has no teeth, not being able to say ‘black eye’ ?