
Scaremongers are cunts.

In almost every situation, whether its a vote, a referendum, Brexit, the environment, or a deadly virus outbreak – there are scaremongers. They say bad things will happen if you pick a choice they don’t want, or choose to do what they don’t want you to do. They’re everywhere, literally, saying things like ‘Britain leaving the EU will destroy our economy’ and ‘smoking causes cancer’. They cant provide any PROOF of any of the shit they claim, but they know that the gullible masses among the people will believe them.

These guys (and girls) are the reason why certain decisions aren’t made, certain scientific breakthroughs aren’t found, people don’t vote for change, we don’t already explore space…and many other great things. Scaremongers should fuck off and keep their unsubstantiated bullshit to themselves. Have a go at them, fellow cunters, they deserve it!

Nominated by DiabloLordOfTerror

86 thoughts on “Scaremongers

  1. Often to be found in the trusted bastions of quisling self-loathing, such as the Grauniad comments section and left-liberal Twatter.

    There’s usually a familiar motivation for such scaremongering shitfucks – either a desire to control the affected public at large or to simply will on the failure of the UK. Either way, all such offenders are cunts to a man, and should be silenced promptly with a Ray Winstone 1980s era snooker-ball-and-sock type of diplomacy.

    Carry on.

    • The cupboards of the Remainiac cowards must’ve still been overstocked with groceries and provisions from their many, many, previous end-of-the-world proclamations.

    • Excellent nom ACWCC.

      Let us not also forget the rolling 24 hr news cunts, who have literally wet themselves with excitement at having another potential long term crisis, now that the drama that was Brexit, has now evaporated into a distant memory.

      They bloody well love bad news don’t they ?
      Sky ‘breaking’ News :- Coronavirus ; Global Emergency ! we’ll be bringing you repeated footage of our Fuckwit presenters asking the same moronic questions, again & again ; “how long will this lockdown last?” ,
      “Prime Minister, how long will this lockdown last?”
      “Sir Patrick, how long will this lockdown last?”
      “Mr Hancock, how long will this lockdown last?”
      we interviewed Brenda, who runs a small Newsagents in Canning Town “how long do you think this lockdown will last?”

  2. Where is mongoloid Greta? She is rather quiet lately, probably some peaceful is giving her what she needs, get to fuck

    • Claimed she had COVID-19 without any test or proof, got called out for being an attention-seeking, moonfaced shithead and promptly fucked off back to Swedish self-isolation.

      • Along with her childhood? The cunts. She can now live with being a nobody, like the rest of us.

      • Of course she had it!

        Stupid little bint. You can’t tell unless you’ve been tested. When this is over, there is a good chance that we’ll all be tested to see if we’ve had it already.

        She’ll look pretty fucking stupid if her test comes back negative. People might even think that she was attention seeking. Perish the thought.

        It is believed that up to 50% of the infected don’t even suspect anything (lucky asymptomatic cunts). Therefore, any of us cunts could’ve had it or might even have it now.

        Arse, I’m scaremongering. Sorry for being a cunt…

      • The turnip headed little mong did it simply for publicity… Disgusting little creature that she is… But because she is viewed as ‘Special’ (as in she looks like a spazmotron) and she is ‘Saint Greta’ the horrible little bulbous cunt will be let off….

  3. I would love it if someone scaremongers regarding how all social media sites may have to go into lockdown for 6 months due to Corbyn19!

    Imagine the world without access to Twatter, Shitebook and Instacock!

    The “Me Me Me” generation wouldn’t know what the fuck to do with their spare time.

    • I have often toyed with this idea: turn off the internent for 6 months. Would be an interesting social experiment. Perhaps that could be a net Ch4 show ‘6 months without the net’.

  4. Mrs B showed me some twatty prohibition government post, claiming sales of alcohol had been suspended for some or other bollocks.
    I was not impressed in the slightest, firstly at the scare mongering and secondly some dull brained individuals may believe it.
    Historically during the great fire of London, some twat said that the french had started it which resulted in the deaths of quite a few foreign nationals and a mob hysteria.
    So scare mongering is not helpful, especially the uneducated.
    Any way it is a well known fact that the main vector of Covid 19 is the peaceful population and their ablution regime splashing it every where.
    (steps back and waits)

  5. “Stay at home, stay at home” the celebrities tell us, the same celebrities who have suddenly become advanced chemical scientists. Don’t fucking tell me what to do buttercup. What next, Kate McCann warning me to “Stay ay home”?

    Fucking squirt-holes.

    • You didn’t know?

      If you’re a bird with an IQ under 70 who let some builder shag you on a reality show, you suddenly become an expert on all things.

      Seeing the likes of Wayne Rooney, a man who plays on a tire swing for most of the day, give advice on dealing with a pandemic, makes my piles kick up. Same for all these reality TV slags giving us their learned input on the complicated subject of virology.

      Listen, if I want advice I’ll listen to an egghead with a IQ of 200. The sort of chap that has never kissed a girl and would probably jizz in his pants right there and then if one even spoke to him for a second. The sort of fellas who are so obsessed with science to the point that they hardly sleep. They have zero social skills, probably smell of crusty jizz, have a bit of a nervous tick and speech impediment. But they know their shit.

      I’ll listen to those cunts. Not some ‘footy player’ or brain dead bimbo with a cunt the size of the Millennium Dome.

      • I think you have entirely inadvertently described The Mekon, Prof. Chris Whitty. He is scary…

        Have we yet had a blast from Gemma Collins’ all-seeing twat ? I bet she’s got a load of Flu Man Chu bats and pangolins living up there. Fat splosher.

    • Haha, google kate mccann and you get madeleine mccanns disappearance. ‘hi i’m joe swash, and i’m scarlett moffatt. These are our tips for surviving covid-19’ – i’m tempting fate, methinks.

  6. Quite so Diablo. I smoked a tab once and it didn’t give me cancer. In fact I think it made me stronger.

    People in this country have had enough of experts.

    • I smoke 8 a day, maximum. If I get lung or throat cancer i’d be very surprised. Its more likely to cause other things, like emphysema, heart issues or bronchitis.

  7. I’m pretty sure I’m going to die. But it’s not likely to be from something that, so far, has killed less than 1 in every 200,000+ people worldwide.

    • Me too, Life is a bitch, there are a few times when I should have died but did not, and now I am an old cripple with the mind of a mischievous teenager.

  8. Just seen some genius with blue gloves on rolling a cigarette while still wearing the gloves and then put the roll up in his mouth and start to smoke it.

    Therefore, any bacteria on the gloves is transferred to the cigarette and then into his mouth.

    When he’d finished he put a surgical mask on and walked off.

    You couldn’t make it up.

    • I may be a little rusty, but I think there were 13 decontamination steps for having a shit in NBC school, (total of 26 if you want to re dress) which is why Nappies were available).
      And on the smoking subject that is why you cant smoke in kitchens its the hand to mouth infection issue not the fag ash in your dinner issue.

    • I think it’s become a fashion accessory.

      I must nip out for exercise, wave the old foreskin around a bit, go and see if ATM has any dosh in it.
      I’ll just slip my C3 on…

  9. “Smoking causes cancer”

    Well fucking doesn’t it tho? I’m not preaching to you that you shouldn’t smoke, I use to smoke half a pack a day myself but there is great deal of proof that smoking does cause cancer. It definitely doesn’t make your lungs stronger I use to wheeze and cough after a short sprint

    • Scaremongering? Oh no!!
      What should i do? What should i do?
      Wont somebody please tell me what?
      Im getting the fear!
      Oh lucky me, the goverment will tell me!
      Stay indoors an starve?

      • Stupid fucking advice coming from official places at the moment, aided and abetted by the BBC, Social Media and total cunts.

    • “Smoking causes cancer” Ha-ha!

      That’s like saying, “jumping off a high-rise building will kill you.”

      Stuff and nonsense.

  10. The BBC are the biggest scaremongers going. The old tart introducing one of Wireless 4 innumerable “Virus specials” on Saturday (think it was Today at 0810) referred to “the virus” as “the plague” as Boris and Matt Hancock had got it.

    From today they have even extended the overnight World Service rolling news shit for an extra 10 minutes and cut out the 1756 shipping forecast, so the old wimmin of both sexes can witter on even more about it.

    I am fucked off with Wireless 4s obsession – I’d even welcome one of their 28 minute documetaries about the plight of one legged lesbins in Zambia.

    • Cut out the 1756 Shipping Forecast !!??? No shit.

      Even TMS has to make way for that; invariably through a tense passage of play with England’s openers struggling to survive.

    • On Saturday the lead headline on the BBC World site was “500,000 deaths worldwide” when it should have been “500,000 cases worldwide”. So much for factual news. I used to work for a similar international radio back in the short wave era but we checked our headlines for accuracy before broadcasting them.

  11. The more they scaremonger, the more pigheaded I become.
    One of our consultants said that in two weeks time we will have 200 patients on ventilators. That was almost three weeks ago. We currently have seven. In any case, the oxygen supply will run out when we get to around 80 ventilators so why the dopey munter was spouting this nonsense I have no idea. It doesn’t help reducing the staff to tears with scare stories, but if that’s what makes people happy then they need a good kick in the fanny. Studs up.

  12. This Scaremonger cunting mainly referring to the corona my sharona virus? Batsoup, bacteria and pathogens that were once harmless to us can now make you really sick or kill you because of covid 19, dead bodies dropping like flys all over the world, total lockdown of stores and orwellian social distancing. Global pandemic?! more like global Fundemic right cunters? Its just a flu right… FFS diablo

    • it is a virus, not a bacteria, think sharks and whales, similar idea but totaly differently built.

  13. I rather think that the media obsession with numbers is a form of scaremongering, was it 7000 or 10000 or 9000.
    These are the number of testes per day, actually for the same day…… what the fuck does it matter. The government and PHE are testing as fast as possible, do the media think they are deliberately holding back, the target is as many as possible. Every cunt on the box, ‘not doing enough’, what the fuck does that mean, the government are deliberately slowing down the delivery of masks, slowing the production of ventilators.
    For fuck sake get a grip!

  14. That cunt who said on the news last night that this crisis may last 6 months, was a bit dumb to start banding about headline numbers like that. I know she said went onto say it could be more could be less, depending on numerous factors. But you only have to look at today’s headlines and it’s the original “6 months” quote is all that matters!

    Of course for some twats this will mean “Great! So this should be done and dusted by October, so I could book some holidays in time for Christmas, arrange a wedding, sort out Bonfire night and have a great big Halloween party!”

  15. The NHS are not testing Joe Public in the UK.. If you phone 111 with symptoms you have the Virus . if you turn up at a Hospital with any related symptoms you are diagnosed with Covid19 without being diagnosed.
    So where the fuck do the scaremongering media get there results from ?

    In these grim times I want some of what these people are having.

  16. Cant claim benefits the fucking sites not being manned an keeps crashing, no help till june.
    Boris can fuck right off.
    Got no choice but go back to work in 2weeks.
    Either sit an starve or work an catch the corona.
    This country is fucked.
    Tech that doesnt work
    People that don’t work
    A system that doesnt work.
    Its a sick fuckin joke, an im not sitting around all day while the bills pile up.
    Fuck Boris

    Fuck the goverment.

    And we are still operational and maned, you need proper cunts to sort this out

    • Fuckin a, so god damn hopeless I am stunned.

      I cannot buy that a whole county has been disabled so quickly with hog wash.

    • Why back to work in 2 weeks Miserable, why not now? Btw, is it hard to keep two metres away from other cunts in your line of business? Sorry, too many silly questions.

      • I can go 2weeks complying with the rules Ruff, but then?
        My work is going to different peoples houses each day, but sure can work round the 2metre thing.
        Just completely wigged out on some goverment questionnaire , all theyre interested in is compiling data on people, spying the nosy cunts.
        Dont want to be on benefits in first place want to work.

    • Admin@
      Your more accessible than the government sites!
      Maybe you could get a government tender, they truly are useless cunts to a man.

      They get paid to be cunts, we have a natural flare for it and we work for free! ( there is an N in government by the way)

    • I’m with you MNC
      I’ve phoned the council up told them I won’t be paying council tax til this bullshit is sorted, told them my income is affected by the coronavirus, that’s the trigger word they need to hear apparently, told them i’m getting fuck all from them. they’re gonna get fuck all from me, the money I have is to feed my family, fuck them and their six figure salaries, if every cunt did the same they’d soon reconsider this ordered self imprisonment

      • Done the same George they can kiss my perfectly formed peach like arse!
        An as for taxes? well this year ive a big hole so they can kiss that goodbye too.

      • Good form MNC – with regard to the UC website I have the same problem, and they generally only start your claim from when it’s registered onsite so to avoid potentially losing money email your local MP with a complaint and mention the date you first had to stop work and were unable to register a claim due to service issues – that way you have the proof you need to get the claim backdated.
        Good luck and chin up Sir! ?

  17. I particularly like being told by cunts to ‘stay safe’ every five minutes.

    Well it’s a good job they do it I suppose, because I was about to go out and try and find a ‘cougher’ and breathe in their coughs as much as possible. And thank god for their advice, because it stopped me from licking the faces of people on the covid ICU wards too.

  18. Well this coroner’s virus is an example of a crock of shit. And beeb are having a fucking field day with all of the hype. Fearmongers need to be fucked over big time !

    • They don’t scare me. I’ve smoked cigarettes, eaten unhealthy food, drunk alcohol, taken drugs and had unprotected sex. None of these things has killed me. I decided long ago that I was going to live forever and everything’s going according to plan.

    • I agree . If the NHS are not testing people and just saying we all have it.
      I wonder if it’s as bad as they say.
      The Mrs was diagnosed with it through her company health plan.
      We’ve been at home for 2 weeks, she had mild symptoms and I had fuck all wrong with me.
      I’m beginning to wonder what the fuck is all the fuss about ?
      90% of people get over it but oh no the media won’t tell you that.

      • there is no test for the hysteriavirus-2020 – but boybands might make a comeback anyday nw ………

  19. The media have been absolute cunts during this epidemic. They can’t seem to just put out the facts, everything has to be presented in catastrophising language of ‘terror’, ‘horror’, ‘disaster’, ‘chaos’ and so on.
    These cunts need to take a long, hard luck at themselves, but sadly, they can’t think further than their next apocalyptic headline.

    • Spot on Ron. The last time I saw a BBC news broadcast I was sat in a pub one lunchtime the day before they were forced to close. The fucking barmaid was moaning why no one was coming into the pub and I thought it doesn’t help you having that fucking doom and gloom on you dozy bint. Anyway, the bitchcunt from the Beeb dramatically announced that the amount of deaths in Scotland had DOUBLED as a result of CBF (Chinky Bat Flu to give it it’s full scientific name). It transpired that this was actually three people.

      • I heard that the three who croaked were among the oldest people in the country. The oldest was 27 years old.

        Too early?

  20. It’s human nature to scaremonger I think.

    This lockdown will only get worse, let’s hope it’s not like what our dusky cousins in South Africa are having to put up with – alcohol and cigarette ban as well as a ban on walking down the road for exercise…

    There are certainly going to be some right mardy arses in Johannesburg…

    On a serious note, this CBF is killing people like a motherfucker, I work with a guy living in Italy and he says the village he lives in has been decimated by it.

    Fuck off back to where you came from Chin-key Bat Flu.

  21. I once read in a medical book that some people, during a pandemic, will get ill and die. What a fucking shock!

  22. I’m still waiting for my govermint letter telling me to stay indoors – i’m going to return it to sender saying fuck off

    • Me too, Lana. Biggest waste of postage since Cameron’s leaflet to everybody telling them his opinion and paid by everybody.

  23. The media have gotten the “Brexit” they craved for with this Chinese Flu. They’ve whipped the nation and the world up into a blind panic. They’ve achieved maximum power this time, running rampant with the fear mongering. Unfortunately the damage they’ve caused and will cause far outweighs the virus itself, these cunts have, and will destroy the economy, people’s lives and certainly peoples livelihoods.

    These CUNTS-and make no mistakes that’s what they are-will keep us locked up and out of work for as long as they can. Cunts are obviously pushing for martial law/stasi type lockdown next, hiring helicopters and flying over construction sites to “bag” two blokes talking to other, can they keep social distancing in a helicopter? Wankers!

    It don’t help we’ve got more oxygen thieves in this country more then ever; the weak minded reacted like it was the “war of the worlds” broadcast and sprinted down to there local supermarket to grab as much milk, bread and bog roll as possible.

    Sad thing is we know we’ll get this next winter with Chinese flu (strikes again)! But any other variant of flu that commonly emerges each year- government, social and world lock downs will become the norm if even one cunt catches something…..

    • First rule of Governance – always keep the proletariat a little afraid, frightened people are compliant people.
      China has some questions to answer on this one – so I suggest the Chinese ambassador (AKA Judi Dench), a sound proof room, water and electricity – interviewing in a Chinese stylee”!
      Hysterical fear mongering by the MSM, and in particular the Biased Bullshit Corporation is not helpful – and it really pisses me off watching the spiteful malevolent glee on their faces as they report more death and disaster.
      Which is why I am glad I have not paid for a TV licence for three Years – I am fucked if I am financing a p*edophile playground, a big eared crisp salesman and every f*cking weirdo in the World with a hatred of whitey and Men.

  24. Mr cuntflap sir, I feel you are wrong sir, thumbs up for Jimmy? Only thumbs up Jimmy had were also attached to his fist’s, and we all know that Jimmy gave the fore fingers and middle and little pinky finger too… that the time?… must train is departing…

  25. I wonder how prisons are being affected. Rules state ‘all prisoners must be provided 1 hour of exercise, preferably in the open air’. I guess they could do it inside, but if they cut it off for them, there may be riots…especially as prisoners arent allowed to smoke anymore.

  26. Dreadful news fellow ISAC’ers, the fear is spreading – I found the only place open still making sandwiches, I asked for a BLT and the girl behind the counter said “we have no tomatoes I’m afraid” ?

    • Haha. What about local pubs? Must be something scary in them as I often find a sign saying ‘this door is alarmed’.

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