Roshan Salih

A viral cunting for Iranian Press TV lackey, Roshan Salih, who has stated that he would rather take his chances with Coronavirus than take an Israeli vaccine.

Well, here’s news for you, you little arsewipe. So far, the Israelis have not yet produced a vaccine. When/if they do, I doubt that you would be at the top of the list for treatment. So take your chances, catch the virus, take it to Iran and infect all the Mullahs. Allah will protect you.

If an Israeli vaccine is produced and offered to him, there’s no doubt whatsoever that the cunt would use it. No chance (unfortunately) that he would boycott it and die for his principles.

Nominated by Mystic Maven

52 thoughts on “Roshan Salih

    • Never heard of him and wouldn’t notice, let alone care, if he went up in a ball of shit.

  1. This cunt probably isn’t too fussed about chinki bat flu because he’s had his peaceful John Thomas up a camel’s chuff… Filthy cunt…

  2. I doubt if Israel would offer it to the Iranian government, more likely to develop a more deadly strain of chinky flu and send that to Iran, shalom!

  3. I would rather throw this Man off a building than listen to his hateful sh*t!
    And as Krav has already pointed out – quite a lot of Nobel prizes for the Jewish scientists, and I do not believe there is a category for inbred medieval h*te so unlucky Roshan Salih! ?

  4. Woudnt hold my breath waiting for an Iranian medical breakthrough. Or any other peaceful shithole.

  5. Fuck off, more for everyone else when vaccine is sorted. Not many Nobel prize winners from this area.

    • Rooooshan!!
      As Sting sang appealling to him.
      Stick to your guns mate!
      Accept nothing but the finest medical science Iran can offer.
      Renowned worldwide Iranian medical minds.

  6. I’ve never understood why there is an Alfred Nobel peace prize named after the man who invented dynamite. I think it’s the peace prize that all moose limbs aspire to winning!

    • ?
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Near or middle or very far east
      Far or near or very middle east
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      If you don’t like the people
      Or the way that they talk
      If you don’t like their manners
      Or they way that they walk,
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      If you don’t kill them
      Then the Chinese will
      If you don’t want America
      To play second fiddle,

      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      If you let them live
      They might support the Russians
      If you let them live
      They might love the Russians
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      (Spoken) Kill ’em, kill ’em, strafe those gook creeps!
      The only gook an
      American can trust
      Is a gook that’s got
      His yellow head bust.

      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, it’ll
      Feel so good,
      Like my captain
      Said it should
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill it will give
      You a mental ease
      Kill it will give
      You a big release
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace
      Kill, kill, kill for peace

      (The Fugs 1966)

  7. That’s Edinburgh. Wtf is that oily cunt doing in my home city???
    Fuck off back to your homeland you rancid cunt.

    • Cunt prides himself as a Scot belive it or not. In the old days in the Grassmarket he would be fucked over with a new “smile” ( courtesy of “The Inch “

      • This cunt isn’t Scots he’s a fucking Stanley ,end of.
        The Inch or the Young South Side would have left him in bits.

  8. He might have a long wait. I can’t see a vaccine coming out of the imperious scientific brains of the “peaceful” world!

    They did give us the base10 decimal system I suppose – eons ago. Not much since.

    Dey still bang on about dah don’t dey!


    • Hello, please!
      India claims to have invented the nought.
      You are not giving de credit where it is deserving, thanking you.

      • Afternooning Magnanimous Captain! It is true Mother India is vanting many thanks, we are more than ringing up you bhenchod whiteys for internetting problems and servings of Kingfisher at Balti Towers curry house.

      • Ha ji, Hello please Lickvid Leeberal and thanking you a thousand times for advertising Balti Towers best tandoori in whole of area because dese Britishers cannot get enough and you vill receive many, many complee-mentary poppadoms on next visit sure as I am shaking my head Krishna will pray for you, thanking you please.

    • Well it would seem that Mr Salih has little to fear if what his esteemed head of state says is true. Out of 23,049 confirmed virus infections at the time of writing a mere 1812 have died and according to President Rhouhani Iran will begin easing restrictions in three weeks as they expect to have the whole thing under control. Iran “has to do everything necessary to return economic production to normal,” he said. Voila!

      A massive achievement from a nation thats wealth just happens to sit under the ground and also continued to manufacture the Hillman Hunter until 2005, 27 years after it finished here. I wonder how they’ve become so advanced without the rest of the world realising?

      It’s often said that pride comes before a fall. These cunts think if they keep quiet about how bad the pandemic really is there while rejecting US help, and keep kissing their flea ridden carpets, the sky fairy will sort it out and nobody will know any better.

      I wonder if Iranians can claim martyrdom if they die from this infection that Ayatollah the Cunt accuses the Americans of trying to spread. Alan’s snackbar is going to be fucking busy over the next couple of months and I think like me, many of you will be having a drink to that. Cheers.. ‘hic’

  9. I’d prefer it if he took his chances with Coronavirus too.

    I am sure MOST of us would. Ideally, by being airlifted into the middle of Wuhan market and dumped down into a vat of bat soup, or some other infected shit.


    • Then there is Compo, Flabbott, Thornpiggy, McNationalize and the trade union cunt weasel big wigs, any principles would go out the window as they elbow their way to the front of the queue.

    • I wonder Nurse, if this knobhead gets sick with the bug and taken into hospital, would he object to being treated by medical staff who are Jewish?

      • No doubt, Ron.

        But then again, as all of the lefty media like to suggest, ethnics cannot POSSIBLY be anti-semitic/bigoted/xenophobic/racist, can they?

        Oh no. Perish the thought.

  10. As I pointed out in an earlier cunting I believe I’m on the cutting edge of a cure that mainly consists of bacon infused gin. Perhaps distilling the gin in tel Aviv is the breakthrough I’ve been looking for or perhaps the Jerusalem black spot yields better bacon. So much to do…

  11. A better world. A world with an Israeli vaccine and a billion or so less people. Bring it on……

  12. Who the fuck is this?
    So he’s stated that he’d rather take his chances with Coronavirus than take an Israeli vaccine. Well that suits me, I sincerely hope the rest of your brethren follow your example too.

  13. A Fatwah was issued last week by the Mullahs in Iran that it was Halal to take a vaccine developed by Israel.

    • Good for them, I hope they are serious and Israel is the only Country to ever produce a vaccine. That’s the strange thing about Peaceful’s, not only are they our worst enemy, they are also their own.

  14. Works for me Krav! This f*cker needs a visit from Mossad to “discuss things further”! ?

  15. Well, let’s see if he holds onto his fucking principles when the Jewish paramedic in my Trust turns up to treat one of his family, preferably in cardiac arrest. Fucking racist cunt.

  16. He says that, but if they invented a cure, and no fucker was watching, he’d quaff it like it was given to him by Ulllahhh himself. Take the covid19 challenge that is sweeping the lower end of western humanity, and go and like a toilet seat, ya cunt.
    Press TV. There are people who watch that shit here, along with RT, and will happily tell you it says more truth than western news. Really? If they uncover any western skullduggery, they shout it from the rooftops, but are completely silent in regards to their own countries indiscretions, which make our look like horseplay. Who believes anything that comes from totalitarian states? Take China, and their recent news that there are less deaths occurring now as a result of Coronavirus. Maybe there might be some truth in that statement, but that may be down to them executing anyone who has it, so officially, the didn’t die of the virus. There’s only a very thin veneer of civility between them and cousin Kim across the border.

  17. Lying cunt. He’d be on his fucking knees begging for a jab if the Israelis made a vaccine that was successful.

  18. I was shown a list by my Mother several years ago which showed the number of Nobel Prize Winners, Scientists, Inventors, World famous Doctors and Surgeons etc from both Israel and Muslim Countries. The Israeli list had about 300 odd. The Islam list a big fat fucking zero. Then we have cunts like this. Just do us all a favour and fuck off you illiterate, ignorant fucking prick.

  19. Here’s your non Israeli vaccination you cunt, absolutely no involvement from Israel or any Jews just to be sure not to offend you and your ilk. It’s the only working vaccine except the Israeli option.

    This one is produced using pigs though, choice is yours.

  20. Can you believe Alex Salmond has placed the seriousness of the Corvid-19 virus above his own thoughts of revenge against the SNP following his verdict of not guilty today. No, neither can I.
    Hold on tight. It’s going to be great theatre watching the SNP tearing itself apart.

  21. I know this is not in the best taste but, let the cunt take his chances and hope he gets it and passes without pause..

  22. When I was a kid, a very small kid my Mum worked at Manor House Epsom, it was a hospital for the Mentally handicapped.she would sometimes take me in to work with her at the OT department (occupational therapy).
    Well one of the patients developed a problem and gangrene followed it.
    The family were Jehovah witnesses and the patient had no legal standing, the family refused treatment and as to be expected the patient died.
    It is all down to personal choice, although the case I have mentioned was not.
    I have truthfully made pacts with the devil to stay alive (no idea why) so if this prick chooses to refuse help, well that is his problem he is of no concern to me, you or anyone, let him die in peace, to survive with that mind set is perhaps undesirable.
    Go back home, lick an I con and see how it goes.

    • Towards the end of my time at 1-ry school (about ’71), a group of us had to take part in a cuntry dancing display at St. Ebba’s – our year 7 teacher was a fully paid-up member of the provisional wing of the EFDSS. Seem to remember that there were an awful lot of Victorian psychy hospitals in Epsom.

      I miss walking the family collie on Headley Heath, Box Hill and various other places round there, with Dad, Sis and fave Unc, but could never go back; did so when mother was terminally ill in 2007 – 8, and that was the end of it…
      Am so rootless, I fear I may even be a pikey – tho am always homesick for Switzerland.

  23. I’ve never heard of him, but I don’t like his name or his face! KHANT KHUNT

  24. “He’s brown, he’s thick – his kids all get his d*ck”
    “He stinks, he hates – the Jews are not his mates”

    “He lives in a slum and does camels up the bum”
    “And hopefully be dead soon ‘cos he is f*cking sc*m”!

    I officially declare myself English historys least talented poet!

  25. Scary thing is no one has made a vaccine yet and the cocktail of other drugs have had a small success of recovery for corona but i don’t care if a one eyed scientist from Timbuktu makes it, I’m fucking taking the damn thing whatever country its produced in

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