An emergency, virus-fuelled cunting please, for Rose West’s ugly older sister, Mizz Andrews (I am not sure if she is a real Professor, or if it is a stage name like “Professor” Jimmy Edwards), but you can be sure the old fanny licker isn’t a Mrs:
The cynical, miserable old cunt is suggesting the Coronavirus could be “useful” to free up hospital beds, as the infection could kill off “bed blockers”.
What a gold-plated cunt, but then again she is involved with Scotland, so that makes her a double cunt.
Let’s be honest, the reason for bed-blocking is that there is not enough social care available to poorer, older people and too few hospital beds, due to the fact that we have packed this country with immigrants who breed like sodding rabbits, including those fuckers who can’t be bothered to apply in the normal way, but choose to invade us in cheap rubber boats in the middle of the night in Dover and Folkestone. The Coastguard acts as wet nurse rather than Captain Bligh of the HMS Bounty.
I just hope that in twenty years time, when old Andrews is shitting herself in a hospital trolley, her words come back to haunt her, the unfeeling fucker.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Another stupid out-of-touch cunt with some bogus PHD is bullshit.
I hope she gets slammed on social media and the papers!
I also hope she gets gangrene of the fucking face – which could only be an improvement over the fugly mug she has right now
I will admit my Ph.D on the life and times of Wing Commander The Hon. Kiddie Fiddler DFC is making slow progress at Fiddler University. Seem to be spending all my time in the bar with the Chancellor.
So survival of the fittest then?
You are fucked then you fat old cunt.
An industrial oven at that. Render that old sow down into pots of dripping and sell it. You’ll be quids in during this product hoarding corona-virus frenzy.
You could resurface the M25 with her rendered carcass, and still have some left to power the lamps when the ‘leccy goes off. Due to the current draw of the industrial ovening of other cunts.
She should be called frau andrews with those kind of views. Big fat ugly cunt.
What a cunt. Still, everybody is entitled to an opinion – I see most millenials as a waste of oxygen.
She sounds awfully nice.
If you wouldnt mind stepping this way dear.
Just wait here a moment while i see if the ovens ready.
Strip her for parts first.
For those struggling to get the link above to work:
Now we’ll see if all that investment in sex change equipment, consultants and gender therapists instead of things that can really help the sick was a waste of money for the NHS won’t we?
As I said before, I wonder how long it will take the world to become obsessed by trivia again?
It would be wonderful if this illness helped this country to have a fundamental re-evaluation of its values but I fear that once the worst is over the headlong rush to insanity will return.
When the coronavirus news slows down we’ll be back to wall-to-wall – has-been sleb opens up about mental health, black sleb says so-and-so is racist, TV sleb supports trans youtuber.
So we’ve got that to look forward to when it’s all over.
And news vital to our informed thinking and educated worldview such as this:
This evil old witch would have fitted in beautifully at Belsen or Dachau.
You can just see her in a Nazi uniform with her riding crop deciding who lives and who dies.
Fat odious oxygen thief.
Being fair to her…..
She said this in the context of there being a lack of geriatric hospitals and care-systems in place to deal with an increasing older population. She was calling for more funding for “out-of-hospital” care….not the culling of the old.
She admits that her comment sound horrendous but perhaps she is just being brutally honest..a ” clear-out” of bed-blockers will be necessary at some point…what she was calling for was increased investment in care for the bedblockers away from hospitals.
The woman seems to have worked her way up from the bottom in a lifetime dedicated to Nursing and particularly dementia care…..I suspect that she may well be brutal in phrase, but however unpalatable it may be is facing facts and trying to point out that increased post-hospital care needs to be introduced to free up valuable hospital beds.
Would anyone be pleased if their relative couldn’t be treated due to the bed being taken up by an old person who was stuck in hospital just because there was no other place capable of taking care of them?
However crass her comments may appear when taken out of context,she was not wishing ill om the old.
Stop being so reasonable!
Youve ..youve got a crush on her havent you?
Yep, that’s a fair to level headed view…now where’s the panic?
I’m off now to fight over a Pot Rice snack and the last few tins of potatoes.
I read the piece and have to agree with your comments on this, old people aren’t simply going to disappear from hospital, they have to have somewhere to go. My mother had an operation in 1982 and was transferred to a convalescence hospital, despite having me and my dad at home, these seem to have vanished over the years, at least I never hear of them anymore.
Agree Dick, that is my understanding of what she was attempting to articulate, albeit somewhat clumsily.
Agree also.
Has Lord Fiddler’s account been hacked? Perhaps he’s unwell. This is far too reasonable a post. I’m a bit worried to be honest.
I thought at least there would be a comment or two about her size and appearance/fetid minge or how she may be inflicted with ‘the gayness’?
Get well soon, Lord Fiddler 🙁
Yep,sorry about that CB. I slipped up there. Normal service will be resumed and I’ll try not to let it happen again.
🙂 .
Oh well, it’s in Scotty…
If Corbyn-19 gets Turdgun, Salmon, and that blethering fat cunt with the piggy wee eyes and a trout pout and eradicates them, that’ll be more deep-fried Mars and Irn-Bru for the rest of us.
I am with Herr Fiddler on this.
However, as Basil Fawlty said to matron in the German’s episode: “My god woman,your ugly.”
I think the fact that she’s being brutally honest and also looks unpalatable is working heavily against her here. Her persona is typical of someone that has spent years in nursing and care, and as she states herself, “she rips off sticking plasters”. The trouble is, sometimes the truth often offends and the backlash is immediate. The real elephant in the room in this case, as we know, is overpopulation due to uncontrolled immigration but that will never be mentioned on television.
Andrews is described as inspirational by her peers and I don’t doubt that she is, but this attempt at consoling viewers worried about bed numbers by stating hard facts is at best clumsy, and at worst cruel. She of course will never be a bed blocker, as she will be attended to in a BUPA private hospital.
Mind you, she looks like she could do with a good clear out. A couple of glasses of Andrews liver salts should do it.
And that poor old nurse wasn’t ugly, just a stout matron that a sissy like me would love to be bossed around by. I always thought Fawlty was being too hard on her, despite his being moosed.
I see the SNP have decided, with the ongoing corona bollox, not to hold an independence vote this year that wasn’t going to happen anyway.
Alex Salmond is living a charmed life too. He’ll be in and out of bang up without anybody even noticing.
Not going very well so far for Salmond eh Vengence? The ( ahem) ladies seem to ( of course ) corroborate one another like a dovetailed fucking joint! And as for Sturgeon……She thinking she was the “only” girl for him.
Whilst I would not wish this virus on anyone, I have to say it would be rather ironic if this cunt caught it and died…
Well, thank goodness for the coronavirus outbreak I say, has anyone heard anything about Greta thundercunt? She is very quiet lately, every silver lining springs to mind, the mongoloid bitch, good day all
Give us that pie.
Whered he go?
Asked for the pie? Into thin air!
He is a very naughty boy and we made him go away
Missed what he had to say,MNC…..did he have time to call me a Cunt in italicised Latin/Ancient Sumerian ? I do hope so.
Can’t be easy finding a google-translate tool prepared to accept his dull,pretentious shite….it probably tells him to “Fuck Off” in pretty much the same as everyone else who has had the misfortune to encounter him.
He said we’re all thick the cheeky fucker!
He called you a Queen?
Admin took him before could have a chance to wind him up.
Tell you Dick, im starting to enjoy his visits,
Hes obviously mental, a bedwetter an a mummys boy type, but he livens things up!
A Queen?!…Fuck’s Sake..he’ll have to do better than that! Capt.M, and I raised the bar way past that level months ago,indeed we would probably consider such an accusation as a friendly greeting.
Yeah hes not the best at his game is he?
Tell you Dick, if admin let him play id have him either on a Window ledge or stood on a chair head in noose in his mums garage.
Queen indeed!
We are Nancy boys and proud of it!!
TT MNC@4:48
“Thick”? Me? I never knew Mr Pie had even met me!
Slightly concerned about Sir Fiddler – ever since I sent young Miss Arterton to Fiddler Towers to self isolate DF seems to be in a remarkably tolerant mood! ?
Yeah Foxy, Thick!
Like he could see right into my soul….
Big up to admin, no place here for faggottry
Nothing to do with faggottry, although I suspect he was a fag at school, it is one of the usual twats in the magic mile being a cock. (They are so Jane bond and cunning)
Admin, its the same guy as always, hes had a few names on the go,
John Prescott, Oranjeboom, pie cunt, etc
One an the same.
He’ll be back, guaranteed!
Starting to like him, can we keep him?
Promise we’ll look after him, pleeeeease??
We know you do,there are 3 of them using the Vodafone network CS grassed them up, he knows them (encouraged them) today behind the scenes was epic as they were busy, that sort of tells us that they are non essential staff.
There is 1x sleeper account here (Ukraine direct via Russia) and 1x Whitehall child active. I suppose we could let one in to play….
OK Miserable, though he’s like a Gremlin and yours to look after, don’t feed him after midnight and don’t get him wet.
I had a brief dialogue with him this morning before his comments were deleted. Seemed like a nice boy. Told me I was one of the more intelligent people on this site and I had to agree with him.
I think that was third attempt to get through the others (now dust) were not so flattering
See Bertie?
Flattering you!
Ok, hes out to kill Dick,
But its a risk im willing to take!
And hes seems to hint that hes in possession of some sort of pie!!
Yes and lots of “secrets” just bursting to tell us if we will indulge, thinking about it he had a thing for Benny too! that sort of adds up with the Charring cross toilets hit, closet bender? soon find out
The pie gives it away that he probably resides in Wigan ( not Wuhan) and works at the Uncle Joes Mintball factory in the town.
This woman has caught a dose of Borisitis. Why do so many supposedly intelligent people have difficulty in expressing what they mean? Like Boris, she is a bumbling, rambling cunt. Like Harold Shipman, she may well have ‘worked her way up from the bottom’ but there is no way I’d entrust my care to either of them.
At a time when elderly people need reassurance, they are being scared shitless by the media and careless individuals like this. The irony is that this all increases stress levels which has been shown to be the biggest driver in weakening our immune systems. The more stressed you are, the less chance you will have of surviving the virus.
It’s never been truer that a sign of a civilised society is the way they treat their elderly. We’re making a fuckin awful job of it at the moment. I apologise for being so morose but I’m still angry over a post I read yesterday evening.
What brings it home to me is the possibity that one or two good friends on this site might not be around this time next year. Alright, like myself, they might be elderly or have pre-existing conditions but are they worthless?
I’d love nothing better than my gloom to be misplaced and for people to turn to me in a year’s time, if I’m here and say “You doddery old cunt Bertie. All your fears came to nothing.” I really wish.
You’re absolutely right, Bertie.
My mum used to be an occupational therapist in a mental hospital.
The patients were free to roam and had jobs within the hospital, packing goods, making fencing there was even a farm there.
Next thing you know there was a fuss about their “Human Rights” and exploitation of the work force. all work stopped.
Shortly after that the place was deemed un economical, the patients released to the community and the land sold, I think they did that to a number of convalescence homes too.
That is where your bed blocking comes in, a Hospital bed is an expensive commodity and yes they are being blocked by people who have lost the safety net that was once there.
The quick saving to the NHS by closing the institutions has been burnt a couple of times over by the cost to the community, tying up the police, social services and alas in some cases prisons,just to save a couple of quid in the 80’s
That’s the undeniable truth. The hidden costs of ‘care’ in the rapidly fragmenting ‘community’ were never considered by those who implemented the policy*, although the advice from all informed sources was that it was a terrible idea. But, hey, all those lovely Victorian asylums round London, just waiting to be converted into executive bijou flats.
*Thatcher onwards.
I wonder if those asylum flats are haunted by former patients who may have met a premature or grisly end ? Would such spirits actually come back to such dogforsaken places ? As a student of Russian, I was sent to a place in the W suburbs of Paris in the early 80s. Apparently, an old villa that had been commandeered bt the Gestapo during the war. The male staff and students slepy in what was allegedly the torture block. I do not recall one sleepless night, so suspect that genuinely tortured souls have better things to do than to return to squalid Planet Earth.
Mind you, I wonder if the people who buy the flats have the sensitivity to be affected…
Lord Benny. Right on there M’Lud, My previous , St Nicholas ( Newcastle ) and Prudhoe Monkton were sold off in the manner you described leraving ( at that time ) over 1400 “homeless” and thrown to the wolves on the “Care in the Community Con Trick”
I just hope all this Coronavirus shit doesn’t stop the NHS focusing on all the people struggling with gender recognition….. It’s very important don’t you know!
I’ll get mi coat!
Agree with Dick, the problem isn’t a lack of beds it’s an historical lack of focus on the requirements in Health and Social care.
Free movement over the last 15 years hasn’t helped, it was fine pre eastern block but since 2004 the experiment hasn’t worked.
Wasn’t she in The Sound of Music? Fuck me she’s let herself go, obviously her new profession isn’t doing her any good at all.
Apply Captain M’s 5 point test.
Riddle me this.
Riddle me that.
Who’s afraid of this fat old bat? ?
I’ve not completely lost it Baron! My comment stands on its own because a troll’s comments have since been deleted before it!
Still, a good effort on your part!
Fuck sake. If I said that it would be good if a whole bunch of muslims, or a whole bunch blacks, were to die do you think I might just get a visit from the police or at the very least labeled persona non grata by society? So why is this porcine cunt allowed to say the same about older British people who have lived and worked in this country their whole lives and are guilty of nothing but the sin of not having had the decency to die already?
If assisted suicide was legal I could imagine this creature whispering in her mothers ear to to just fuck off and die quietly and make sure your will’s up to date
With Dick on this one. I prefer the brutal truth to the polite evasion in matters like this, and the woman – a qualified psychiatric nurse – has a long and distinguished record in the field of dementia care. It was a statement of undeniable fact, and I’d even suggest that it generates some much-needed interest in the topics of bedblocking and social care.
Incidentally, ‘Professor’, for anyone who doesn’t know, isn’t a qualification, but a position. It’s not at all unknown for profs to be profs of something unrelated to their first degree subject, and some profs aren’t even PhD’s – I don’t think she is – but that’s absolutely no bar to knowing your career subject and battering your way to the top of it.
They need the beds so all these dingy dwellers coming over from the channel can have a few days in comfort being checked over before being released like wild dogs into society scavenging and pissing up against the walls. some of the older people may not be as they were and some even bed ridden etc but they still have far more to offer than these dirty , filthy ,disrespectful immigrants ever will. What’s gonna be next ? , shutting down old peoples homes so they can use them to house immigrants and refugees?.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that this is already happening somewhere on the quiet.
Me neither , this is rather interesting especially 5 minutes in when he starts talking about the elderly. I’m sure some of you may have seen it but it’s pretty interesting and makes you think a little .
Barrier has contracted covid-19. My point? No idea.
It couldn’t have happened to a nastier POS…
Laugh? I nearly shit myself! Apparently Chinese folk who have been in Europe are returning home and introducing a second wave of the virus to their country.
‘As you sow, so shall you reap’ and all those other silly religious
Oh dear, how sad, never mind….
Sadder than I suspect you noticed. Still no plans to close the UK border (scroll down).
Sooner or later a nasty, bloody-minded, logical depressive will surely slip his knife into Boris’s back and take over, with full emergency powers. Roll on.
At first I thought the nom was about Julie Andrews!! . . . . . . . .
After me . . . . .
? A spoonful of medicine helps the elderly fall down
The elderly fall do–own
The elderly fall down
Just a spoonful of medicine helps the elderly fall down
In a most delightful way. ?
************. Breaking News. ***********
London lockdown: Boris and Sadiq Khan discuss radical steps to halt spread of disease.
Fuckin’ hell. We’ve got the finest brains in the country on it then?
I’d prefer to see the RAF napalm everything within the M25. Now that would cure several ills.
Barnier dead yet? No? Fingers crossed.
This is insanity – we have a national disaster and every passing day shows more and more clearly that the establishment do not have a clue.
And “bed blocking” came about after the caring sharing Thatcher Government decided to shut down the respite and aftercare facilities and sell off the land to their rich friends for development, we need to address the cause not the result.
And this shows just how fragile the house of cards is when a mild bug can paralyse a World.
I suspect it’s less ‘don’t know’ and more ‘don’t give a fuck’ since we all know that they’re in no danger, there’s simply no incentive for them to do anything. We are very much on our own.
Successive governments have never been able to forward plan. They’ve never been able to plan for relatively simple things like the number of doctors, nurses, teachers etc needed in the near future. So I suppose it’s no surprise that they don’t have any contingency long term plans for the situation were in now. It would basically be the same plan in each area of health, defence, education etc. that could be adapted for any civil emergency whether flooding, viral attack, invasion, cyber attack etc. where the redeployment of resources is required.
We’ve said before that if the threat was war, then we are well and truly fucked.
This country is finished.
©️ 2019. Ruff Tuff Creampuff
How can they plan when they don’t have any idea how many cunts are within our island nation. Nor do they know how many will arrive en-masse next year.
You can never meet the “Supply” part of the equation when the “Demand” side is outracing it year on year, and exponentially.
The only way this can be achieved is to reduce the “Demand” side, no matter how much money successive Governments throw at “Supply”!
Economic viability and the protection of the God of GDP is all this administration is concerned about.
If you’re called Joe Bloggs, 70, no previous ill health and have paid into the system for 40+ years then it’s to the back of the ventilator queue for you matey.
Fresh off a lilo in Dover, zero documentation, never paid a penny into the system, and welcomed with a hand outstretched. Just because you may end up working in a Pret at some point…yes hook him up immediately!
Well said Rebel – I have paid a lifetime of tax and National Insurance and I am f*cked of some r*pey dinghy jumper gets treated in front of me!
I am fortunate to have very good health but would not like to be old, vulnerable and worried I will be left to the wolves so Mohammed the “asylum seeker” can take precedence.
We need to stop parasites at the border – luckily I have a crew of tenacious ISAC’ers ready to hop on the Black Pig (the ship not the Abbott!) and cause mayhem – hoist that Jolly Roger and load the cannons!
I’ll be ship’s cat. Pass me an Uzi.
Good form Moggie – but stick a suppresser on the end, Sir Fiddler wants to hunt some wild French boar and we don’t want the staccato of justice disturbing the beasts!
Just fitting Unkle Terry’s oven in the gallery, and arranging a bears skull for MNC to have as a trophy – good form!
“We were hip dead in french blood, the dead numbered 12,000,
We didnt think it too many…
Chronicler aboard the pirate vessel ‘Black pig’