Where hate crime philosophy inevitably leads:
(And building on the Insanity cunting)
‘British Naturism, which represents about 9,000 nudists, wants the right to get naked in public to be recognised as a ‘philosophical belief’ in the eyes of the law.
Its president, Mark Bass, told the Mail on Sunday they were lobbying for the change, ‘so we are not abused in our day-to-day lives. These days, we all agree that shouting abuse at somebody because of the colour of their skin, their sexual preference, or their religion is not acceptable’.
Yep, objecting to a bollock naked cunt in public should be classified as hate crime. Naturism is a fundamental philosophical belief, apparently.
This is the natural and fucking inevitable progression of allowing fucking loonies to set the agenda.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
This is from the Met’s own website..l
“A hate crime is when someone commits a crime against you because of your disability, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, religion, or any other perceived difference.
It doesn’t always include physical violence. Someone using offensive language towards you or harassing you because of who you are, or who they think you are, is also a crime. The same goes for someone posting abusive or offensive messages about you online.
If it happens to you, you might be tempted to shrug it off. But if you report the hate crime, we can investigate and stop it from getting worse – either for you or someone else.”
The phrase “any other perceived difference” is so open it leads naturally (snig ger) to idiots claiming to be persecuted. The Old Bill would have a field day if they discovered ISAC. It wasn’t me Chief Inspector, I was only searching for the football results.
A video for your Friday…
Hate crime doe not exist. Calling someone a name they don’t like is not a crime. It’s called FREEDOM of SPEECH which is the cornerstone of democracy.
Hate crime is a term used by the pc brigade to stop freedom of speech.
I don’t advocate being rude or abusive but this infringement on my free speech is getting fucking sinister.
You have the right to be offensive as you choose. You cannot incite a riot of encourage people to commit a crime but you can call someone names . I personally wouldn’t but it’s your right.
It’s okay to call someone a fascist but you can’t call someone a poof !? No fuck off.
It’s dictatorial behaviour by the state deciding what people can and cannot say.
Fuck that.
This is absolutely crazy ! If this is based on a law then that law needs to be changed. Completely insane. Haven’t the police already got an overload of drug dealers and rapists to deal with without investigating tweets and whatever posts on the web someone chooses to be offended by ? Fucksake the worlds gone mad.
I want to get off the bus….
But you can’t and it is heading for the edge of the cliff.
Fuck that, I’m slipping out the emergency door…
Im more offended by the ‘catch all’ loophole in the hate crime law than some wrinkled old puff walking about with their knob out.
But if mr Bass feels so strongly take a walk to his nearest mosque sure he’ll get a warm welcome?
In any country at No point in history is it deemed the norm to prance about naked while others are clothed.
I have been a naturist since I was able to undress myself! Not once have I received abuse while being naked, apart from one occasion when I was in Iceland. The manager told me to get my fucking clothes back on, and get the fuck out!
Fuck me! Are there as many as 9000 of these organised fucking pervs in this country? I’ll call them cunts all I like because there ain’t enough room in prison for real criminals so what the fuck are they going to do with me? This is what happens when you criminalise the majority to appease the minorities you thick cunts.
“These days, we all agree that shouting abuse at somebody because of the colour of their skin, their sexual preference, or their religion is not acceptable’….
Well never made the ugly nuddies,the above statement alone is both news to me and wrong..
“We all agree” indeed….I fucking don’t.
That is the trick the bastards use, assuming that their opinion is axiomatic.
Isnt it illegal to be naked in public in the uk? Does that mean arresting a naturist will become a hate crime, that would be fun. Eventually the only people who wont be able to claim ‘hate crime’ will be white english straight men between 20 and 40, yet will be the only people left to pick on.
Funny how you don’t see these naturists during the months of winter.
You do, but you have to go round peering through house windows.
Excellent Moggie! ?
Lurking in the curtilage again
That’s exactly why I live in Asia, Sgt Major, Sir!
Every cunt wants the world to revolve around them these days. We can’t all have what we want, everything offends someone!
Fuck off people, fuck of naked people, fuck off everyone.
Our legal system is ,as far as I know, uses the sensible premise of what ‘The man on the Clapham omnibus ‘ would consider to be wrong. The Met seem to have turned this concept on its head without Parliament’s explicit approval. These are worrying times indeed.
The man on the Clapham bus is probably a imported stabbie cunt who thinks Stomzy is wicked.
Especially Clapham high street area. Council housing 1 minute walk away full of the stabby ones.
I am a Daemonist. People don’t say things to me about it because A, they don’t know what it is and B, I don’t ram it down their throat in any way.
Does that mean these cunts doing their shopping or going to a pub/restaurant starkers?
I really don’t like the idea of some cunt scratching his bare arsehole and then groping some fruit at Spasda; or some old incontinent cunt staining a pub chair thank you very much!
Whatever next – rights for peados to get on with their fiddling without suffering hate crime?
Funny you should say that. Our society has changed a lot, but just a few hundred years ago we english were all fucking girls as young as 12, and having kids at 13/14. We simply made it illegal to have sex with somene who is under 16.
Yeah, but in the 1500’s the average age at time of death was 35, and many never made it past 15.
This is very true. So its inbuilt into our instinct. I guess some people find it harder to change. I stopped looking at kids that way when I stopped being one (I hit 16). The sexifiation of kids pisses me off, designing miniskirts and push-up bras for 14 year olds, thats just wrong and its exacerbating the issue. Then there’s the kids themselves… Anyway, I am off topic here, naturism is fine just dont expect everyone to like it. We have a right to say if we dont like it, its not hate crime. Beating them up for being naturists is.
Naturism is a cunt and a prick. I remember some years ago a major supermarket chain saying they planned to have shopping periods reserved for ‘naturists only’ at their 24 hour supermarkets during the small hours. How woke and accommodating. Good for the bollock posers but what about when normal service resumes….?
Mr and Mrs Starkers enters supermarket. Mr Starkers doesn’t wash his winkle properly by pulling back his foreskin so lets smegma build up and it stinks. Said gentleman enjoys an exotic tea or two which can be found on the top shelf and as he is only 5’4″ and there is no fucking staff to be found, has to reach and stretch up, gracing the products lower down with a close encounter with the family jewels. Meanwhile Mrs Starkers, who is on her monthly cycle (No, not her bike) and because she is naked is unable to wear a sanitary pad, has a right bloody mishap near the self service fruit and veg but not to worry eh, because the store cleaner who is on minimum wage and pissed off because they have to work nights to make ends meet will make sure everything is nice and clean and disinfected if you’re lucky. They like doing that kind of stuff. I rest my case.
Naturism is unnecessary and is not a crime to hate it and should be confined to beaches. Nobody needs to walk around in public with their knickers off. If you don’t like the feeling of clothes (Just an excuse to be an exhibitionist IMO) then just wear your undies and I hope you get pneumonia you fucking shrivelled dick with your saggy tit wife bunch of cunts.
There was a young vampyr called Mabel
whose periods were always quite stable
at every full moon
she’d whip out a spoon
and drink herself under the table
I don’t think people would have as much of a problem with naturism if they weren’t all old (or fat) as they usually are. Some sexy early-20s girls in the mix would be very acceptable, to me at least. Luckily they are mainly naked in private, on naturist specified beaches, and in naturist hotels and spa places. I’ve never seen any bowling down the street with a wee todger or tits down to their vag.
Having 20 year old female nudists walking down the High Street, would prove something of a poser for the libtard feministas.
On the one hand they would say “it’s our right. It’s a form of empowerment etc etc”
But on the other hand some wimminz might complain by saying “It’s sexist and objectifies women and blah blah blah”
Both points are valid, and contradictorily (is that a word, it is now) said by most feminists. ‘we want to be treated the same as men, but we also want to be treated diffrently’ is another feminist cuntradiction.
We had an old dear in her 70’s walking around stark titted naked for about a year up in north Norfolk in all weather. Said it was her right to shed her clothes. So funny watching people’s faces and the coppers trying to catch her.
Yes she did have mental issues apparently but funny watching her run away nonetheless.
The biggest problem indeed is that they all look like Salmon and Turdgun.
A nudist called Fred, took his bike from the shed,
And shouted “I think I”ll skiddadle”,
As he jumped on the seat, he started to shreik
…The poor lad had forgotten the saddle.
I think 6 words should sum up the inadvisabiity of public nudity:
David Lammy, Diane Abbott, Frying sausages
I’m an ‘equalitist’ which means I hate every cunt equally.
I wonder how the Mets Hate Crime and Diversity unit would deal with that?
Anyway there’s nowt wrong with naturists and topless sunbathers.
I love looking at tits and arse even flabby one’s.
Takes me back to my first foreign holiday in Lloret de Mar 1981.
I was 10 at the time and me an my brother would stand close to a topless sunbather and take pictures of each other doing a double thumbs up and grinning like Cheshire cats……
Happy days and when we got the pictures developed (remember that) my mum laughed her head off.
Good times….
Looking at tits at 10, dirty boy. Saying that, thats when I first had sex.
Did you consent?
Well, therein lies the issue. I did, and she did, yet accordimg to law ‘a child (under 16) cannot legally consent to sex. So, technically: she committed sexual assault, and I committed rape, and we could have been prosecuted (but the government don’t care about kids shagging). Only men can rape, now THAT is sexist!
Does that apply to walking behind a gathering of young ladies with a heaving great hard on i wonder?
Would you be naked at the time?
Now that raises (pardon the pun) an interesting point.
If a nudist got a hard-on in public while following a nude woman (or man, whatever), would he be arrested for sexual harassment?
Being turned on isnt harrassment, offering it to them is…but only repeatedly. Sexual harassment has a clear definition.
I don’t know about that in this touchy-feely age. A bloke can’t even sit on a chair with his legs slightly apart without being called a misogynist/offender.
Then there was the recent case in Solihull of a bloke being arrested for helping a woman from slipping onto a road due to an icy pavement. He was innocently walking behind her, and managed to catch her as she fell. Regrettably for him he grabbed hold of her tits (they were both fully dressed) because it was an instant reaction.
Needless to say after the woman regained her composure and thanked the guy initially, she later got in contact with the police and he was arrested for gross sexual indecency or something similar.
No idea what happened to him but it just proves that trying to help people only gets you in more trouble than its worth.
This kind of shit is part of the reason why if you see a kid alone in the street you have to walk away and leave the poor fucker there.Then the poor kid can get kidnapped and molested.
At sexual harassment training 20 years ago and one of the IT guys completely didn’t get it. “Yes but but but what if you think you’re a chance?” Cracked us all up
Total tolerance would never work. The muslims would never agree.
If you try to stop someone saying something because you don’t like it you’re a fascist or a Stalinist or a Maoist. They’re all based on coercion and the state deciding what you can say. We’ve done this before and it resulted in millions of deaths in the twentieth century.
Your feelings are irrelevant and should never take precedence over others freedoms. No one has to consider your feelings. I don’t suggest people start abusing each other left right and centre but you can say something others don’t like .
Who is the most dangerous,the person exercising freedom of speech or the one trying to deny it?
Valid point my friend. Freedom of speech is being chipped away bit by bit. Soon you wont be able to say ‘oh, for gods sake’ because it may piss off a christian. Americans already cant say merry christmas anymore, and thats starting here too, last year lots of people just referred to it as ‘the holiday season’.
Well said Mac! I suffer from occasional self hatred – do I hand myself in?
Yes Vernon give yourself an asbo.
Oh yes manky cunts , if you want to stop off a show your ugly carcasses kindly do it at home. I might be forced to exercise my freedom of speech and give you both barrels before projectile vomiting over you.
But it’s fucking freezing and blowing a gale you mad cunts!
Hate crime? Load of Stalinist bollocks.
Get fucked (fully clothed).
It would be interesting to see how their “fundamental philosophical beliefs” interact with the “fundamental philosophical beliefs” of the congregation outside the local mosque. Even more interesting if they went inside – at least they’d observe sensibilities and remove their footwear!
A very fair point HBC
The Famous Ross Beach ( Northumberland ) was a frequent haunt of young lads in my day, to go and peek at a nuddie. Not always a pleasant experience I’ll tell you.
Naturism has its place, for purposes of public decency. I have no problem with naturism, its like boozing in a pub – time and a place, but have a problem with naturism being legally enshrined as a protected characteristic, there is simply no need.
Slightly off topic, was watching Question Woke last night and pointed out that every person answering in the audience was “outraged of Islamabad” or “Surly Surbiton self-identifier”.
76% of last nights QT Audience last night was non white, and my Nephew accused me of racism for pointing this out.
I suppose goose stepping round the living room didn’t help my case ? but it genuinely disturbed me how easily the accusation came and with no evidence whatsoever.
Cue forty minute conversation with snowy the snow boy and when I had finished quoting some facts he has a rather different opinion, based on evidence not peer pressure.
Naturism is fine with common sense rules, treating it as a f*cking religion for the benefit of loonies is not.
I went to a nudist resort in the south of France twenty five years ago. I wasn’t daft enough to go out naked when I hopped on the train to visit nearby towns like Agde, Sete and Beziers.
There’s a time and place for everything, where you should be able to mix with like-minded people. Just as there should be pubs where you can smoke, there should be places where everyone can strip off. If they can’t wait for the chinavirus to finish them off they can do it in this country and catch pneumonia.
Underneath all of our clothes we are all naked – aaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhh
There was a young lady from Bude
who really wasn’t a prude
she went down the street
to get something to eat
and under her mac she was nude.
Although my limited experience of Bude suggests she was probably offering bjs to get drug money.
I wouldn’t care if the birds were fit as fuck, but invariably they aren’t, all the ones I’ve ever clapped my eyes on have tits like spaniels ears and an arse that could cause an eclipse…
If it’s a philosophical belief, you do it all the time. And if the philosophical belief is against the law ( like the philosophical belief that you are entitled to stab people, eg) then prepare to do the time. Cunts (and dicks).
Fuck me. In Spain if your a man (transgender excluded) you can be arrested for walking along the street without a top. Probably get a good kicking into the bargain back at police hq. We could learn a lot from the Spanish, they don’t take any shit.
I remember when I was a young child I had no inhibitions, being naked meant nothing.
When I was a teenager I became self-conscious of everything.
As an adult I don’t care but I wouldn’t be naked in public.
The only time I’m naked is in the shower.