Mohammed Alinoor Uddin, of the Tower Hamlets Uddin’s, has been jailed for 12 years for stabbing a paramedic in the heart. This demonic cunt was drunk and when the concerned emergency worker approached; Mohammed pulled out a knife and stabbed him. The paramedic pleaded and Mohammed said ‘Pick up my cap and throw it back to me, or I am going to stab you again’. Uddin has previous convictions for burglary and possessing a knife and had been released on licence the year before.
It’s increasingly clear, although blindingly fucking obvious to anyone with an unbiased mind already, peaceful coexistence with this group is impossible. The methods that are going to be required to effectively deal with the fastest growing group in Britain that: tends not to work, costs a fortune to Police, is utterly intolerant of other creeds and becomes more extreme with each passing year to the point I’d say the country’s lost.
I gently tell everyone in Scotland who I think might be receptive, the need to learn from England’s mistakes and to not repeat them. If Scotland falls I think people will have to migrate further north, or to central Europe where there are a group of countries simply forbidding entry to the Mohammeds of this world, and are being talked about like an Israel for Europeans. Depressing times.
Nominated by The Confession of Rev. Shagga
A victim of racism, no wonder poor Mo was suffering from mental elf ishoos. Due to his uniform he probably mistook the paramedic for a member of THE FAR RIGHT who we all know are ON THE RISE! Thank God we have all these hard working, tax paying immigrants without whom the NHS would collapse and we’d all die of Corbyn 19.
It’s a well known fact, completely made up by the libtards, that immos put in more than they take out. So there! Alan’s Snackbar!
I heard there is a cure for Corona virus that only works on peacefulls. Two drops of cyanide on a sugar limb. Pop it in your mouth. No more virus.
Pure evil. A knife in HIS heart followed by a Cyanide injection would ensure no repeat offending and rids us of one more of these vile creatures. Perhaps a future deterent could be to use their carcasses after extermination as animal feed. A suggestion would be for those rather plump and rotund things that like to roll in mud. (No, not the Flabbot) Would also probably be the only positive contribution a cunt like this could ever make.
I’m sure Flabbot the Hutt would eat anything thrown or that tripped and fell into her wallow.
I don’t want my pork to be contaminated by scum like him.
ETC, it sounds like give them to Fenton Fistula to feed to the pigs. He looks a lot like Brick Top from the film Snatch. “They’ll go through bone like butter”.
This may sound racist, but, the only thing worse than a cunt is a foreign cunt. An intolerant, racist, foreign cunt at that. Oh, wait, no, its only white british who can ever be ‘racist’ in this country. We let all there fuckers into our country, and any one of them can turn out to be a fanatical zealot who thinks every non-muslim is a heretic and deserves to die. Why was he drunk anyway, and even when so pissed you’re almost horizontal, you still know what a paramedic looks like! He stabbed him on purpose, face it. Instead of overcrowding OUR prisons more, lets deport these twats and put a lifetime UK ban on them with penalty of british public legally allowed to kick the shit out of them if they come back! Salaam alei-kum on then!
That doesn’t sound at all racist Diablo.
Xenophobic yes, but not racist.
And lest we forget, there are 100,000+ White British Muslims in this country, and they’re often the most radical and dangerous.
Islam is radical and dangerous RTC, it’s a death cult. Converts are often more fanatical. People have a choice and if their choice is an all encompassing region come political doctrine that believes our way of life must be eradicated they have no business being here.
I didnt intend racism or anything. A cunt is a cunt, regardless of colour or religion. I wasnt implying all foreigners are cunts, just pointing out this particular guy is foreign AND a cunt. Of course, racism is bull, we are all the same race: human. I love guys like this, as i’ve read the Koran (Quran, whatever) and can argue with the bull they spout.
Kudos for engaging with the problem. But a couple of points: The Qu’ran is in archaic Arabic: translations are not acceptable sources for a pious Muslim. Unless you’re giving it back to them in Arabic they’ll tell you to piss off (as often as not, politely). Also I don’t think the stabby cunts regard Islam as anything other than an excuse issued by Allah for murdering people they don’t agree with: if you question their belief in their book, it simply reinforces their attitude.
This is especially true of converts, many of whom converted in prison and have no previous connection with the culture.
(I’m not questioning the existence of millions of Muslims who want nothing better than a quiet life and have adopted the better principles suggested in the Qu’ran – into which you can read anything you like, just like the Bible or Alice in Wonderland.)
Difficult topic. Worth remembering that the simple rules, the sense of community (‘Every Muslim is a Muslim’s brother’) and the promise of heavenly lovelies put half of Asia, N.Africa and a good bit of Europe under Muslim domination for centuries. It’s a hard mindset to defeat.
For those who can understand the language of their riposte I gather what’s said is very far from polite.
If they think they have a snowball’s chance in hell of converting you (it is best not to disabuse them of this misapprehension if you actually want to find anything out) they are invariably polite. Strangely, if you are confrontational, so are they, just like everyone else.
“the only thing worse than a cunt is a foreign cunt.”
Sounds pretty xenophobic to me. ?

This will sound racist , this black cunt shouldn’t even be alive , another waste of money putting him in our jails taking up more space. This twat should have just been taken round the back and had two in the head.
Just looking at his face gets my blood boiling , there is nothing peaceful about Islam and those that declare it’s a peaceful religion are just lying . You would soon see that change if they got a majority foothold in this country and parliament.
Bring back the Knights Templar and onto another crusade and wipe these fuckers out before they try to do the same.
The religion is as peaceful as others. Its the people that are the issue. The Koran, or Quran, does NOT instruct muslims to kill non-muslims, yet for some reason they do. Christians can be as bad, look at the crusades and how christianity replaced pagan in england…basically ”become a christian or we’ll kill you”. But atleast they didnt do this terrorism shit.
Sorry mate but the Quran does give Muslims licence to kill.
Actually it does in many later verses explicitly. Convert, enslave or kill, if it’s a Jew then just kill. If the Koran was not a religious text it would be outlawed.
@ Diablo. Christianity has been through a process of reformation the last few hundred years, the same cannot be said of Islam.
That said, in historical terms it’s not long since Christian priests were burning cunts at the stake if they did not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it, or that the earth sits immovably at the centre of the universe.
Crusades, Inquisitions, religious wars, drowned witches, oppressive morals and hostility to sex… cunts whipped and their throats slit for having sex outside marriage. The Church preaching that masturbation is worse than râpe (because at least râpe can result in pregnancy) was all par for the course.
Christianity’s major contribution to European civilisation was to fuck us up, hold us back, and give birth to its ruinous bastard sons Communism and Socialism.
If it hadn’t been for the Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) with its thinkers in Britain and Europe, questioning traditional authority and embracing the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change, we’d still be stuck in the Middle Ages along with our Peaceful brethren.
They started off in the middle ages. Then lurched back straight into the stone age. Epicurus, Democritus, Euclid, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Hero of Alexandria, we had the theory. We almost had the instruments. Cosmology was pretty well established with observations and measurements surprisingly accurate (OK, distance to sun was ball-park but good enough to dis nonsense [Aristarchus] and utterly competent to refute cuntitude from 600BC with increasing accuracy) all of which is easy enough to look up.
Stone age. Not iron age. Not bronze or copper age. Stone age. We knew about the planets quite early. Even in the late iron age there were cunts denying what could be demonstrated. Killing them was an early theme, alas still vibrant today. How else should lies challenge facts? Therefore they know they are lying.
Quran does speak about violence towards others but some people disagree how the context of the text is written. You only have to look how they view and treat there women (or suppress as i’d call it) to see it’s not right , sahria law is just bonkers. Mohammed was very carnal with 7 wives , which no doubt were probably all under age but then again they all like them young. Islam is purely dangerous , to me to you and everyone who doesn’t follow suit and the only good thing about Islam is they would wipe all the trans out along with others.
Sharia and the treatment of their women is some bad shit. Though thats not the religion, its the culture. The men came up with all that so they can justify treating women like shit, and stoning them if they as much as show an ankle. There was a postman in england a while back, with a package that had to be signed for. The muslim woman was sat out front, husband out back doing something with the garden. Postman said ‘excuse me’ and before he could continue, husband had come around the house and punched him, saying ‘you dont talk to my wife unless I say you can’. He wasnt prosecuted for assault either!
In Christianity it’s Jesus upon His return who will murder all the unbelievers. There seems to be no reason why anyone else needs to do so. “Convert or die” policies seem indistinguishable from terrorism to me.
Cunt is as cunt does. If you disagree with me I think you’re very likely eligible for arsehole status. Maybe I’m wrong? Yes, 100% I may be. Or not.
When is the correct time for a capital sanction? There is no such time. Except for those who subscribe to this terrorism shit. Without whom no toxic, murderous, insane or otherwise depraved ideology would ever have spread. Quod erat demonstrandum.
For all this “God” shite….whether you believe it or not, I still think that we would be better off united under a “Christian” banner if we hope to resist the Islamification of Europe.
A “Progressive” population more concerned with individual rights and freedoms (no matter how ridiculous) will be no match for a enemy that truly believes they are doing ” God’s work”.
I miss the old “Hellfire and Brimstone” preachers…at least they had the courage of their Convictions and weren’t either hand-wringing “liberals” or people who believe that their “advanced” views will be our Salvation and defence against moral decay…and worse.
Not sure I’m ready for all that Christian “love thy neighbour” and “turn the other cheek” guff.
Unless he meant:
“love thy neighbour… as long as he’s white and shares your socio religious prejudices.”
And “turn the other cheek… but only if you’re a fucking pacifist.”
I’ve often thought the same, Dick. Whatever its many faults, religion is a cohesive force for society, and when a society needs to cohere, it is a valuable asset. We do need to cohere, indeed, to resist the centrifugal force of sectional interests in the nation. Failing a new religion, and it’s hard to see yet another superstition-based creed could work en masse – we’re left with nationalism. And that, as any woke snowflake tells us repeatedly, would be terrible. Wouldn’t it?
Worked well in the 1930s. ?
Make everyone a Pagan, worldwide. There’ll be no atrocities ‘in the name of our god’, one wife each, no traipsing to church on sunday, christmas goes back to being yule, easter goes back to eostre, no alla achbar stuff 4 times a day, and we can all get close to stonehenge again. Perfect!
Good point, Diablo. Paganism worked just fine for the Romans as far as religion went. As long as you weren’t Christian or Jewish, admittedly, before Constantine. Artemis/Diana of Ephesus got it right: the town’s Goddess industry wasn’t having any competition from St Paul, and stoned the cunt out of town when he tried to do a Billy Graham there.
Islam is not a “religion” of any kind, but definitely not one of peace.
They hate us, they fear our inevitable wrath and fight back (which is coming – by f*ck is it coming, push reasonable people too far and reap the whirlwind), they are jealous of what we have and what we have achieved, they m*rder us, steal from us, scrounge everything they can, r*pe and kill our children and I genuinely believe Islam is the biggest threat humankind has faced.
I detest this third World cult of hate end death, and it belongs back there, we have had enough.
Good nom, even though reading it made me angry.
Morning, Vernon.
I agree with you but must admit that I believe a people which has no “binds” (even if those binds are Christianity) can never defeat an enemy who truly “believe”.
Perhaps I believe that Christianity is a “necessary Evil”?
At the end of the day, the outcome of any conflict will not depend on any Medieval belief systems but will be a question of sophistication and numbers. I for one, would not be against an alliance with the Chinese in order to protect their Western financial interests.
“Be nice to each other.”
(Reverend Derek Batey)
‘Islam is a religion of peace’ ?
Religion of Piss.
And may much piss be upon the dirty, smelly, murderous, inbred medievalist cunts.
Oh feck…
My apologies; I may have missed a golden opportunity for a Bedford comma somewhere in my comment !
There was no mention of Islam in the incident, attack from what I can see. Seems to have revolved around a cap.
Which reminds me I remember Richard Dawkins once saying that the spread of a religion, any religion was like how the fashion for wearing a baseball cap the wrong way round spread throughout the world. Deep thinker that Dawkins. Surely there is more to religion than simply wearing a baseball cap the wrong way round? Discuss.
‘Islam is purely dangerous , to me to you’
What have the Chuckle Brothers got to do with It?
? That’s funny i like that only just realized what i’d put , i can picture them two now dressed in burka’s doing a dodgy pain job in a mosque.
Paint job by the way not pain , my grammar is terrible
Extinction Rebellion, together with the blessed virgin Greta, are the new religion Miles.
They yearn to take us back to the Dark Ages, complete with their version of the Spanish Inquisition – should be right up your street!
“No-one expects the Extinction Rebellion Inquisition!….”
Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, but hey ho.
Dawkins was dead right. The backwards baseball cap was worn for no practical reason – it defeated the purpose of the cap, keeping the sun out of your eyes. It was worn simply and solely to look like people who were considered cool and not like Mum and Dad. The wearer was Different from ‘Them’ and The Same As ‘Us’…part of a special community with unique insights.
It’s how Christianity got going in Rome: it appealed specifically to the underclass, was Different and eventually became trendy enough for the empress Theodora, and it’s how early Islam found its support: it won battles, it looked cool, it was different from Mum and Dad, it got converts.
Incidentally, backwards baseball caps would still be de rigeur if the wearers had previously been jailed and executed for their poor taste. Nothing boosts a religion so much as persecution. If you want to see the Church triumphant, Miles, stock up on rocks to throw, jeering, at its adherents,
Why did I bother reading The Divine Comedy or listening to Mozart’s Requiem or appreciating a Caravaggio painting when I could have got all that from wearing a baseball cap the wrong way round?
Dunno, Miles. Maybe the Shahnama (great pictures), the Upanishads or something for the koto?
Nothing from the telescope onwards would have been invented by a society unquestioningly accepting a 3rd century rehash of what a rogue Jew was saying 200 years earlier…most of what followed was driven by a desire to find out what the universe was actually made of rather than the Holy Ghost.
PS, the reason so many wonderful European artists and composers worked for the Church is that the Church was (and is) extremely rich, and paid comparatively well. Follow the money.
And for works not intended to glorify the Papal edifice, follow it elsewhere.
Stop wearing baseball caps?
Trump wears his baseball cap the right way round. A new Martin Luther figure reforming the religion of the baseball cap back to its original mission.
With a new message that chimes with the people::’MAGA’.
Another bloody Messianic cult. Still, as the cunt can’t put more than 280 characters at a time together, there’s a good chance it won’t outlast the next decade
I pray (see how religious I am!) that you are right K. Wouldn’t bank on it though. After all, mighty oaks from 280 characters grow…
Sorry, that should have read: “mighty diseased oaks grow from ignorant little acorns grow”.
Or even: “mighty diseased oaks from ignorant little acorns grow.”
Under Sharia, the punishment for drinking alcohol is 40 lashes. Time for some multiculturalism?
Thoughts on the Trevor Philips row…
Trevor Philips? Wasnt he Michael De Santa’s crazy friend in GTA V?
Puts a different spin on going out and getting well lashed.
Mohammed Alinoor Uddin….a quality English name right there, not. Any cunt with a moniker like that and/or a sun tanned appearance should be given the widest berth possible.
What a monumental fucking bellend this particular nominee is.
“Mum, the taxi’s here!”
Evening Cap’n. Unless you’re a prepubescent girl, or boy, you should be safe(ish) getting in that taxi ?
I’m not sure anybody’s safe around a religious virgin-freak with a knife, all high on Alláh and lamb kebab.
Morning from up here Kiwi.
As I’ve commented before, the snackbars are in short supply down here, so life continues at a slow pace. I’m sure things will ramp up at some point but hopefully me and Mrs K will be decomposing quite nicely before then.
When I was in NZ there were Chînks everywhere. A different kind of problem.
True, insofar as they don’t really integrate or bother trying to speak English. But at least, so far, they show no interest in bombing or stabbing the locals ??
You know what KiwiCunt i was just about to make a comment on the good old English name until i read your post, as for giving him a wide berth i think cunts who look like him should be shot on site.
We could have like bin carts riding around just for the purpose of picking up dead muslims and drove to a big incinerator .
Wonder if they smell of curry when they are burning?
To Kiwi cunt.
Nuzzieland is only a short flight from Shitneystan where half of Oz’s 600,000 peacefuls live. It reminds me of the 80’s kid film Never ending story, where the “Nothing” destroys everything in it path.
Hung drawn and quartered, head on a spike outside parliament,
Simples init
I’d like to see some of these filthies on the breaking wheel. The only thing they understand- or even respect- is mindless and brutal violence.
Plus it’d make great PPV viewing……free (but compulsory viewing) in schools, of course.
Hung drawn and quartered , the breaking wheel , now we are talking i love the old medieval torture methods. They really knew how to be brutal all them years ago and it would be nothing short of pure pleasure watching cunts like this on the breaking wheel screaming while there bones are being snapped,crushed and pounded with an hammer.
Oh and before the torture began they should be strapped to a chair and intravenously fed liquid pork before hand.?
….yes- up the Gary Glitter with a fire hose…..
Feed him to pigs.
Oven all his family.
Fucking cunt.
Feed the pigs to him. The carpet kissers are very averse to pork, so Mo there will be more than pissed off.
You’re far too lenient, Terry.
I’d feed the lot of the cunts to the pigs.
If only they were staying out of Scotland. When I used to fly from Luton to Inverness (my permanent home is in the Highlands), I would see their recce parties. No doubt they’ll start to settle.
When Greta et al destroys the oil economy, we will have more of these sand rats wanting to come here. That said, look what happens when demand for oil falls. Cheap fuel! Ho ho! I’m off to buy a big SUV. How dare I?
Fucks Sake.
Thirty years ago a member of the Emergency Services being stabbed would have been massive news….with calls for the return of Capital it’s hardly rates a mention.
Rather like the story of that poor Copper dragged to his death by a bunch of “travellers” that is in the news at the moment, there seems very little real fuss…more an acceptance of ” Yep….mental-health issues,young,hard childhood etc….give them a couple of years and let them out to do it all again”.
Any attack on a member of the Emergency Services should attract the harshest sentence possible…don’t give a shit if it’s just some drunk who takes a swing….start at 5 years and work your up depending on severity of offence.
It would be reported more if it was a whte guy stabbing a muslim or pakistani paramedic. ‘racially motivated assault, angering foreign nationals, blah blah blah’. It would be in the news for weeks, with every part of the trial reported. He got a smaller sentence for being foreign too, 12 years, i’d have got 20 for that!
Anyone who points out the obvious to Owen Jones and his ilk about this nasty piece is held as being a worse person than someone who stabs an emergency services worker. You have to admit that the Left have been very clever in how, in a single generation, they have managed to make ordinary people fear to speak the truth.
Well said Sir!
Hear fucking hear.
My late father, who was a very astute bloke, maintained that this country, would, in the future, end up in a situation like the former Yugoslavia, with factional fighting along ethnic, cultural, and religious lines.
If that were to happen, it would be calamitous. Far better to pull up the drawbridge ,flood the tunnel and get some mass deportation programme started.
Islåm is not compatible with western democracy or lifestyle, so can therefore Fuck Off.
Good morning.
Agreed JTC – we are being marginalised and divided to make conquest easier, and as DF eloquently pointed out earlier, we have no banner to rally behind – Christianity is dying out, patriotism is portrayed by traitors as racism and we have a cause but no leaders.
We are fucked unless we act, and are being prevented from doing so by cowardice, appeasement and political correctness.
30 years from now, these cunts will be in charge and the left will be squealing when the real injustice starts.
I estimate Owen Jones’s squealing will last about 10 seconds after he’s thrown from The Shard, long enough to justify selling tickets to the event.
A did bites someone and we put it down, just sayin.
Off roading…
Actor cunt Tom Hanks has tested positive for Covid19. He caught it in Australia while making another shite Tom Hanks film. His wife has also got the Chinavirus.
Finally some good news.
Tom Wanks? It couldn’t have happened to a nicer, more high-minded individual.
Tom Wanks will probably get through it and make another shit film…….all about it.
I keep writing cuntings for Hanks but not putting them forward. He’s a turd amongst men
Yes great news. Now Hanks needs to fuck off back to Hollywood asap and spread it amongst those fucking hypocritical snowflake cunts. No doubt they will blame Trump as they choke on their own vomit.
I’m not sure if it’s true. I suspect he’s been asked to tell the world he has it to keep the population calm. ‘Oh Tom Hanks has it? Can’t be that bad. Will stop buying toilet roll then.’
I was watching a bit of Oz news and the reporter said no idea where Hanks is or where tested.
I do like a good conspiracy theory!
Another one of Abbott’s lot from Tower Hamlets, shit hole full of shit, but don’t judge all peacefuls by the actions of one person, remember Diversity is our Strength….. what a load of bollocks… they are all cunts!
The petition re the grooming gangs has broken 100,000 so will have to be debated in the commons, no doubt Naz Shah will be crying Islamophobia, no Naz it’s not irrational, it’s fucking rational you cunt, go put on your letterbox outfit you ugly slag!
Naz shah is a very dangerous piece of work.
They won’t debate it you can guarantee that. It’s not being covered on TV or in the print media – so easy to just ignore it with no accountability.
I personally never go anywhere now without my trust 6 inch switchblade.
I also carry a metal comb with a long handle which has been finely sharpened.
It’s fuck war fellow cunters.
Helpful tips…
Carry a small can of pepper spray or failing that deodorant. It works a treat at close quarters in the eyes.
As for this manky barbarian it should be hanged. In Trump land it would get a lethal injection.
Get fucking rid of it.
Bug spray is good(six month contact is best), legal here unlike pepper spray, fucks ’em right up. Nerve toxin as opposed to chilli juice may cause permanent blindness and may stop further shenanigans.
Shouldn’t the multitude of people suffering from Owen Jones/ Labours favourite ‘phobia’ have access to mental health services as any ‘phobia’ can be extremely frightening and impact on your everyday life?
Wonder if the stabby cunt is a relation of that expenses fiddling “baroness” udding of the House of Lords? We should be told.
This cunt was released on licence previously after serving half of the sentence for robbery – obviously a licence to kill.
Christ what a rat faced cunt.
Isn’t alcohol prohibited by this shit’s ‘faith’? He must be devout.
Should be put down.
And then one day, people voted Hitler into power.
Just send them to Islamabad courtesy of PIA.
We need to use prison ships for all this type of scum, preferably pre-prepared with the virus. Then pay the poor screws who have to contain them 100k a year with generous holidays.
Agh! scûm. I fall for it every time.
How about sq’um…as in q’uran ?
Uddin and his kind need to be kebabbed. Why innn fuck shit like this were ever allwed to settle in this country is way beyond me. Culturally incompatible with UK life. Get rid !
Totally gutless cunt, stabbing someone who’s trying to help you. Deserves a hemp rope the fucking goat molesting prick
A totally vile cunt who should be deliberately infected with Coronavirus for us all to see first hand what the symptoms are; popcorn time!
His crime has got nothing to do with his colour or religion, he didn’t shout any religious verses whilst stabbing the poor paramedic. I think fellow cunters need to get some perspective here. Just cause he his Muslim doesn’t mean that it’s an excuse to go bashing his faith, we do that enough on here. For me personally, all religions are cunts of the highest order, every single one of them.
This guy is simply scum, a cunt, a criminal with no regard for anyone. He looks retarded as well.
I wish for the return of the Pillory where everyone could dish out their own justice!
This is one of the best arguments for the death penalty to date. And that the victim survived (just) is IMO irrelevant. Exemplary, including terminal, punishment for assaults on emergency workers should be the norm. We also need a three-strikes rule at least for violent criminals.
But maybe the jail jihadis will have something to say about a brother who gets pissed? Totally unislamic, that is.
That’s what mixing with infidels will do to you, one minute you’re preying to Allah (peace be upon him) then you catch the bus home with infidels and before you know it you’re pissed and stabbie.
If Tom Hanks had any decency he would do the right thing and sign up to my “Infect a muslim with coronavirus” day!
Alternatively, rifle,’scope, sorted! That one tends to stop killers killing.
It was initially “Nut a muslim day” but the good lady has put the kybosh on that one!
More will come and only the other day Ash Sarkar was saying how immigrants are outstripping the indigenous. She said ‘we’re winning’.
It’s all in the Kalergi/EU plan. I’ll be dead before it really happens. Here’s Merkel getting the ‘man of the future shall not be a white man’ prize.
It’s not the kalergi plan we should be worried about but the lurgy plan of the Chinese.
Ash Sarkar is a total non entity cunt; fuck knows why she keeps appearing on Question Time, Jeremy Vine, Politics Live etc. Seems like the media are using her as a new recruit to push their leftist agenda.
Kick her in the cunt so doesn’t spawn any more like her.
For fuck fucking fuck sake, I have nothing but contempt for this buffalo faced shit sponge.
Fucking contemptible cunt attacking a colleague. I’d inject the bastard with bleach.
After I booted the f*cker over the ambulance DCI!
The Police should have shot him.
Hang the see you next Tuesday. Then make his family pay for the rope.
I used to post on here but stopped due to being moderated on every post, even after months of comments without being told off. It got to be boring in the end (every post moderated).
Made a few good noms too.l under a different username/email which I can’t remember.
Would like to try again as I enjoy reading the stuff on here, even if I don’t always agree.
So even if you mod every comment again, I’ll just pop in and read. Shame though, seems a good place for a non pc laugh.
I’ve just logged on now and given the OK to your previous post, Cuntybollocks. I don’t know why all of your posts go into moderation, in all honesty. I don’t have say over that, but maybe one of the other admins can sort that/know more?
Cheers. Let’s see if this is moderated.
Blimey it went straight through. First time ever.
Thanks to whoever sorted it.