An “Allah be praised”, “Alan’s snackbar” with optional exploding prayer mat, for this deluded arsewipe who converted to Islam and to ‘celebrate’ the event took on an Islamic name (Shake Rattlen’roll or some such) and decided to blow up a hotel and St Paul’s Cathedral (two for the price of one – no point in starting out half hearted).
What is especially annoying is that this would-be bomber is a white tart, and so the BBC can fully tut-tut at the religion of peace knowing that this would be assassin is the “right” (or wrong) colour.
Like former smokers who become smokeless, or ex-drinkers who become teetotal, these fucking converts are always more barmy and extreme than the originals, and just as dangerous.
Fuck the bitch.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
Surely this Trojan horse must be lambasted for cultural appropriation? Or is she merely one of those wingnut bints you see wandering about dressed in effnick clothing still clinging to her notions of a liberal, hippy society. She’s one of the weaker turds who succumb to being pressurised into middle class guilt and secretly hate themselves. It’ll all end in celibacy, Labour membership, incense, and owning five cats or being passed around a grooming gaggle of swarthy taxi-drivers with lice-ridden beards.
Javier Perez de Cuellar RIP…
Was he someone’s DP nom ?
Burn it at the stake.
£2.99 PPV Channel4 Friday night.
Head on a spike.
Fuck off.
Sold ! ……….
Islam is Arab racism…
“The Prophet said: “I am Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abd al-Muttalib. Indeed, Allah created the creation and made me from the nest of them, and he then made them two groups (Arabs and non-Arabs) and made me from the best of them (the Arabs), then He made me the tribes and made me from the best tribe, then he made houses and made me from the best house. So I am the best house among them, and I am the best person among them.””
Shes not got a neck.
Why not? She must look like a jawa from star wars when in full letterbox?
Nail her to a fuckin tree.
Maybe fry some chips on her while she is smouldering.
She got the surname
A face only a moose limb terrorist could love. No wonder she converted. And I’d like to reiterate that I have no connection with the eating establishment known as Alan’s Snackbar.
What does a suicide bomber have on his chips..?
Martyr sauce….
And a suicide bomber from Yorkshire..?
T’martyr sauce….
None of them in Yorkshire JRC – we’re too tight to buy the materials!
I heard something very interesting recently – if your religion tells you to kill people – start with yourself!
Hang the cunt.
She is so fuckin ugly she should be hung twice, you can’t kill that much ugly with only one execution!
A white British convert is invaluable to the peacefuls and there are thousands of them. They are invariably lonely nerds who are attracted by the feeling of brotherhood and belonging which they have never experienced before. Fuck me, if Tommy Robinson converted tomorrow they would be all over him like a bad shirt. All is forgiven brother, you were corrupted by the Infidel!!
A young beardy peaceful wearing a back pack trying to get into a crowded place (such as St.Pauls) is going to attract attention. Nobody would look twice at this Michelle bitch. One down, fuck knows how many more to go.
Cardiff is full of ugly, blob-wimmin who appear to have “converted”… They look terminally stupid.
Probably because they are.
TR currently being ass f*cked by the impartial Police for restraining a mudslime who allegedly molested his Daughter in a swimming pool.
Was the alleged perpetrator arrested, interviewed, charged?
No, I didn’t think so either.
I always feel a strong need to hurt p*edophiles – evil wolves who prey on the lambs.
Christ on a bike! Where to start with this one?!!?! I anticipate a tsunami of brutal cyber ownage coming on this particular nom. She does look barmier than barmy, doesn’t she? And rough as fuck, into the bargain (haggard cunt looks as though she’s been to one too many bukkake parties). Funnily enough, back in my old home town a few women have converted to Islam and are exactly like this virago — rough, common and daft; it’s never repectable women that convert, is it? One of the converts is a gal known as Donna (lived about half a mile from where I grew up in Glasgow and is in a relationship with Imran the shopkeeper). Fuck off!
Anyway, good ol’ Funboy here is agnostic, so it matters not a jot to me, really. Religion is just another device that enables people to be cunts (though, admittedly, it is more prevalent with dune coons).
Ps: Disturbingly, the lass is the nom looks like a woman in a child’s body, so she has chosen the right religion I guess. Par for the fucking course.
Did you hear about the insomniac agnostic dyslexic FB?
He used to lie awake at night wondering if there was a dog..
I wonder if JRC has a coat spare!
Nice one, VF.
Comment awaiting moderation??
Who the fuck are you then?
Who? Me? Funboy Four. Phychological maimer. Don’t deign to respond to stupid people. Pleased to meet you, BWC (I think).
‘Don’t deign to respond to stupid people. Pleased to meet you, BWC (I think).’
What you on abaaaaaht…you getting lemon?
Bizarre as it may seem Funboy, bükkâke is a moderation trigger word…
I had a hunch that was the case, RTC. Thanks for clarifying. Are you a mod here? It doesn’t matter if you are or not. Just curious.
Dunno if Rtc is a mod Funboy but he did have a Lambretta.
Hahaha!! Nice one, MNC.
Perhaps because it’s analogous with cûm RTC?
How prescient, BBTC. I’ll be watching you. ?
Most perceptive of you Bertie.
Definitely not a mod Funboy. I am however able to access Number Two’s secret files whenever he leaves the room to take a dump.
Nice greeting bwc ?
You must have gone to the same charm school as me and Sir Fiddler B&WC! ?
Got to keep an eye on some of these suspicious cunters VF.
Why suspicious, BWC? Is it because you’ve never seen me post on here before? Or is it my posting style? Or even my username? Not being a smart ass — would just like to know.
You brighten my day B&WC! I have told the Ladies of Yorkshire a distinguished Gentleman wishes to avail himself of some intellectual stimulation and carnal capery, although TBH the “Women” where I live scare me more than the Men!
She has a fizzog that appears to have been deep fried by Harry Ramsden.
She needs to be battered.
Thanks once again to a Mr Tony Bliar for abolishing the death penalty for treason in his first few months in office. Was he thinking about himself for the future illegal wars, interventions and police actions he was planning. Fuck the nominated cunt, fuck Tony and fuck his Wallace and Gromit mouthed cunt wife.
If she wants to be a muslim then she should fucking join them.
I’d push her out the plane and let her parachute right into Mecca then watch as she’s gangbanged by ISIS – fucking cunt and a traitor.
You’d give her a parachute?
Fuck the Christian Church for fucking itself so hard that lost souls will latch onto any ~ism going. Cunts.
Cmon cunters,
Convert now repent later.
You know it makes sense… Alan’s Snackbar.
I don’t think she is playing the game by the rules, she requested two bombs.
Now I am not the quickest thinker but suicide bombers normally only need one bomb (I know a joke about that too).
so I imagine that she intended to plant the devices and then gloat about her success , either way she is a pretty stupid (and ugly) girl.
so Abdul and Hamed are on there way to bomb a market place, the track down from the mountains is un made and bumpy,
Abdul is cradling the bomb to himself and says to Hamed, what should we do if it goes off now?
Hamed say, it is not a problem brother we have a spare in the boot.
We need some new Crusade’s.. not into the Middle East but Lutonistan, Leicester Arabia, Bradfordabad and Londonistan.
Well she certainly won’t be getting all lezzed up in clinky if she doesn’t wash her hair and turn that frown upside down. Some people ah?
What does the Quoran say about getting Lezzed up by the way? Rhetorical question, I don’t really give a fig.
I also woder what Eye-slime says about figging…
OOh … I Know I Know… ginger up the chuff for a damn good thrashing stops the victim clenching while they’re being flogged.
Wonder who thought that up? And in what context, at the time the notion popped into their head?
Dunno why, suddenly thought of Terry’s Chocolate Gingers…
Sadly, like Waifas, a thing of the past.
I might send Penny a box of ginger, with a saucy note.
Dump the mong in the middle East somewhere and forget about it. The peacefuls can play with it.
Another lost inadequate wee tart desperately looking for something in life.
Fuck off and perish out there you ?.
Interestingly they are nearly always gingers. Odd but true.
Persecution complex and low self esteem are great friends of religion. No friends? We’ll look after you, as long as your money is good/ the suicide belt fits….
There is only one cure, the same as for Coronavirus…. wipe them out!
Given my Celtic and Nordic heritage I can have no comment about the ginger thing – except for the fact I stay out of strong sunlight! ?
Agreed Vernon. Norse,Celtic,Anglo Saxon.
We are the ones who create the best and most stable societies hence the reason people from Southern Europe , Africa and Asia want to get here.
The trouble is they’d bring their culture and that would destroy ours. They cannot exist together.
We’ll stay here,they can stay there.
They should take this hideous creature on a tour of the country’s prison cells, including the mens.
No fucker would want to convert after that and even the moose limbs would renounce their religion.
I love medieval torture they really knew how to inflict pain and if i was gonna select one for Gina miller it would have to be the rats in a tub strapped to her body with the heat on top.
Heard on the radio that a “suspect device” has been found in a car in Lutonistan and two cunts arrested. Fuck me. Just another day.
Luton FtF? Was the suspect device a certificate of insurance? (No, I doubt that one as well!)
List of local secondary schools?
Cut out and keep Bin Laden beard kit?
Sure as hell won’t have been a can of deodorant in my experience!
Had a bad experience of Luton some Years ago when visiting friends – the Women did not dare walk down the street, I wondered what that was about, then found out. As did our peaceful friends. (The impartial Police were less than helpful and arrested me after I leaned forward to hear the peaceful chaps opinion of white Women and accidentally brushed his nose with my forehead), I asked them (making sure I was being filmed and the Police were being clearly identified) why they had done nothing about the utterly disgusting racist and misogynistic behaviour of our peaceful friends that the Police had directly witnessed, happened to drop the name of a Cabinet Minister I had done some work with – all charges dropped and an apology.
What was her plan? Go to a busy shopping centre and take the bag off her head?
“Is the suspect dead Officer”?
“Not a clue Sarge – I can’t see through the cloud of f*cking dandruff!
Looks like a total psycho looking for a cause to try to ‘justify’ her bloodlust. Should be put into a cell which then gets the door and window bricked up.
London mayor Sadiq Khan has issued a call for misogyny to be recognised as a hate crime.
The mayor said that female gender should be included in the list of protected characteristics treated as aggravating circumstances, which currently includes disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or transgender identity”
Silly little bitch.
Will misandry also be recognised as a hate crime? Can’t complain too much though – the froth of Khan did me a cracking deal on some water cannons, might let DF have one to deal with pesky ramblers!
So, in a nutshell. Everyone other than straight, white, Western males.
The wheels of the eradication is truly in motion.
I always think these white Snackbars are nothing more than a stage magician’s slight of hand; look at this while the real stuff is happening over there.
While the press get all frothy over this particular dopey cunt, the real Snackbars go about their organised terrorism and other cunty activities unnoticed.
“Look, look, over there – nothing to see here!
Just like Boris and the spiders are using corona virus as a most effective attention grabber, takes the spotlight off a few other Priti little things..
Having read the bbc article I would agree with the dwp that she qualifies for a new build three bedroomed housing association house fully furnished, a motability car, housing benefit and council tax benefit as she is a member of the peaceful group.
Once she has been awarded 20 hours community work suspended for two hours she will be offered the full trauma, ptsd counselling service including staying in a five star country club whilst she works through her problems with authorised members of the labour party hate no hope group.
Shoot the traitor, sick to fucking death of these cunts getting away time and time again
You forgot to mention her blacking up and then claiming waycism BB!
Surely the poor girl could just “self identify” as a Christian – job done!
I don’t know the protocol for posting links etc., however I’d like to submit the following fellow for consideration for admission into the pantheon of greats.
Piss flaps like Mexican saddlebags.
Generally, female white converts are overweight, hideously unattractive, unintelligent and of the lower classes. Only a male peaceful, a creature of no standards would fuck them. Hence the aforementioned stereotype.