Michelle Ramsden

An “Allah be praised”, “Alan’s snackbar” with optional exploding prayer mat, for this deluded arsewipe who converted to Islam and to ‘celebrate’ the event took on an Islamic name (Shake Rattlen’roll or some such) and decided to blow up a hotel and St Paul’s Cathedral (two for the price of one – no point in starting out half hearted).

What is especially annoying is that this would-be bomber is a white tart, and so the BBC can fully tut-tut at the religion of peace knowing that this would be assassin is the “right” (or wrong) colour.


Like former smokers who become smokeless, or ex-drinkers who become teetotal, these fucking converts are always more barmy and extreme than the originals, and just as dangerous.

Fuck the bitch.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

77 thoughts on “Michelle Ramsden

  1. Fuck me, for her I wouldn’t ban the burka, I’d make it fucking compulsory.

  2. In the picture, the expression on her face looks like she is using the toilet whilst constipated.

  3. If the burka didn’t already exist, they’d have to invent one for this ugly cunt.

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