Keira Bell

I would like to nom for a cunting one Keira Bell.

This 23-year old woman has decided to take legal action against the NHS gender clinic for not challenging her enough on her transition to become a man. She decided to start with the transition at the age of 16 and was prescribed puberty blockers and has had her breasts removed. As she has got older, she now accepts the fact she is a woman and regrets taking the steps to be a man. She now blames the NHS for allowing her to go through with it at such a young age.

Again it seems to be a blame game and seeing a chance of compensation for a decision she clearly made herself. If she wins this case, then this country is well and truly fucked.

Sorry I haven’t added a picture as I don’t know how to do I’m afraid. Maybe admin might be kind enough to help me out…Your wish is our command, Telly!

Nominated by Telly as it is

A Jerry Lee Lewis, “Goodness gracious, I’m All Shook Up” (something there for the 6.5 Special generation) cunting please, for Miss/Mr Bell (I am not sure if the silly cunt itself knows what it is):

It seems Miss, or Mr Bell, when a butch tomboy girl as a teenager, fancied the idea of becoming a man. She did, but it seems he/she didn’t like having a dick and is now blaming the NHS for ITS own fucked up, muddled thinking.

I doubt, given the burdens the NHS is constantly under, it press-ganged her into having two off and one put on, but it seems that Bell now thinks the NHS shouldn’t have taken any notice of its ramblings, as it was underage at the time. Looking at it today, it seems to be either an effeminate male or a slightly butch female. Arseholes and tongues need not come into it, as far as I am concerned anyway. The mind boggles.

I’d say grow a pair, but I suspect that would cause Bell even more heartache.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

A 23-year-old woman who is taking legal action against an NHS gender clinic says she should have been challenged more by medical staff over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager. A judge gave the go-ahead this week for a full hearing of the case against the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust:

Let’s get this right, the stupid bitch wanted to get a sex change.

Despite patients actually in need of serious medical attention waiting months for their operations, money was spent on this individual who was “prioritised ahead of and received the non urgent treatment that she wanted.

Now she has the audacity to try and screw even more money from the NHS for actually carrying out her wishes at no cost and to the detriment of others.

The NHS should be for British people only with genuine and urgent medical attention which in my humble opinion should not include badly thought out and fanciful sex changes/transitioning.

No wonder the NHS is struggling to cope. It’s hardly rocket science.

Nominated by Willie Stroker

96 thoughts on “Keira Bell

  1. No doubt after compensation. You made the decision you fucking twat no one else made it for you.

  2. I stubbed my toe on the corner of the sofa, I’m suing the government for not forcing their way into my flat and making sure there are no dangerous edges & forcing thick socks onto my feet that can’t be removed. It’s their responsibility to keep me safe after all.

  3. Strange that Labour think that the voting age should be lowered to 16 when,apparently, this sixteen year old was so immature that it didn’t know that “changing” it’s sex may be a slight error.

    • I would have thought voter immaturity is precisely why Labour want the voting age reduced to 16.

      And extended to the insane and prison population, then they will stand a real chance

      • Exactly RTC – children are easier to fill with s*it!
        Which is what Labour talk, and I think 18 for voting is about right, I had considerably different (and more mature) views at 18 than at 16 and would have seen through the bull that compo and the gimps are touting much more quickly.

      • I suspect they’re also counting on Coronavirus to wipe out a substantial tranche of the Tory voter demographic.

      • I know I’m going slightly off topic but I’m going to crack on anyway:
        Our esteemed Labour/EU/’progressive politics’ supporting fellow citizens appear to be becoming moist at the thought of a load of old folk carking it when coronavirus really gets going , but, and here’s something they haven’t quite twigged yet, when the Grim Reaper comes a’calling he’s not going to bother if you voted in or out; therefore yiou will get a load of wrinklies who voted to stay in also turning their toes up. I live in an enriched part of the country and the enrichers I meet on a daily basis never seem to be in the best of health so I would imagine coronavirus is going to have an affect on Labour’s postal vote.
        I’ve just read through my rant and I can see there’s no swearing.
        That’s better.

  4. Kids shouldn’t be given puberty blockers (google stonewall the insane “charity” that basically wants to enable children to take these at any age).

    • I wonder if it is too late for me to take them? – free from lust and foul desire, I’ll sing soprano in the choir.

  5. This should never have happened in the first place. It’s cosmetic surgery (like they class removal of excess skin after weight loss) and if any cunt wants it they can go private and fucking pay for it.

    • Agreed Moggie – this is vanity, entitlement and a hint of madness, why the hell are we paying for this?

  6. I don’t know if any of you lot know but Coronavirus is here and were all gonna die. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES.

  7. It’s deffo a cunt, no question, probably still actually got one. If I were in charge of the NHS I’d put an immediate stop on all this nonsense.

    • Agreed. It’s Dr Mengele stuff to me. Funny predictive text just showed Mangle.
      Mangling the mentally it is.

      • Mengele, mangle, same result in the end. The NHS should not be paying for this shit, maybe, just maybe at a much older age where the person is much older but not kids ffs.

  8. Fuck me its Lewis Hamilton isnt it, i always thought he was a bit [you know ] as well as a total cunt…..
    This is what you get for dealing with these snow flake cunts at the age of 16, they dont know what they wanted then and more often than not still dont, blame the fucking parents for not slapping these stupid ideas out of these cunts when they are kids or you get what we have here [failure to communicate} which is the way they want it, well they get it….so fuck off

    REF- cool hand luke

  9. I don’t see the problem. She can have some plastic tits sewn on, the inverted quim winky can be reinverted back to how it was. If she has prosthetic bollocks then these can be lobbed off. Take some female hormone pills, give it 6 months and Bubbles is your Monkey.

    She might even have some surgical ‘leftovers’ that could be made to fill a tasty sandwich for her lunch.

    Fuck me, some folk are never satisfied.

  10. Another lucrative paper chase for the lawyers, probably at taxpayers’ expense, all the way up to the Supreme Court. She was over 16, which means that the responsibility for the decision was hers*.
    She had attended six sessions at the Tavistock GIDS Clinic, a specialist unit – it’s inconceivable that she wasn’t fully briefed on the procedure at that point, before the treatment started. She hadn’t had surgery as far as we know, and the effect of the hormones she was on is reversable, although side-effects may be remain.

    Compo job. She’s still got her cunt, she is a cunt and I hope they jail her.


  11. Actually it’s the doctors and psychiatrists who should be hung up by their bollox or piss flaps and made to pay out of their own cunting pockets for allowing this bullshit in the first place.

  12. The NHS cannot win here, but then again, isn’t that always the case, especially in today’s climate?

    If they had denied her sex change when she asked for it, she would have been stomping her feet and screaming that she knows her own mind, despite her age, and her rights were being shit on… they go through the entire rigmarole of the extended mental health sessions, the full disclosure, etc, etc. to a point where they are confident and SHE is confident that transitioning is what she really wants, only for her to complain years down the line and after the fact that she didn’t know what she was doing and should have been challenged more.

    This is so typical of the mongs who use the system. When they are happy, the NHS is all good. When they have personal REGRET about a procedure – and not necessarily trifling, whimsical, needless shit like THIS procedure, but any procedure, they bitch and moan about the terrible NHS, even though every procedure carried out has to be fully consented to and all consequences of that procedure and the risks involved are fully disclosed and signed on the dotted line for.

    What a fucking arsehole.

    She should have been so fucking lucky to have had the tax payers shelling out for her fucking mental confusion in the first place, dumb cunt.

    • Agreed NC – “no sex change for me”? – “Sue”!
      “Sex change for me”? – “Sue”!
      And we get to pay for the entire circus, and some bloodsucking Barrister gets a new place in the country with the proceeds.

    • At 16 the whole process should have been signed off by a judge with the specific stipulation that the person was wholly responsible for it. In other words – you wanted it, you got it. Don’t like it now? Fuck off.

  13. Just hang the fucked up bitch. No more whining, no more complaining. The peacefuls aren’t wrong all the time.

      • Good nom lads,
        Telly you popped your cherry!
        First nom this isnt it?
        Good un mate!?????

      • I did one for the grime artist big narstie as well and hope that makes the grade as he is one person that really needs a good cunting.

      • It’s a splendid nom.
        The very depths of bestial depravity.
        I can say no more for fear of gaol.

  14. One day puberty blockers will be called Peter Pan blockers. Peter, he never grew up. I think. (It’s been ages since I read the book).
    ‘Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning.’

    I think there’s a lot of people that need to grow up and take responsibility for themselves. Less hand holding and less mollycoddling.
    I reckon with each generation born, particularly in England, there is less responsibility and self care.
    It sounds a bit scary but I wonder if I’ll live to see the world end.

    • Hang about Spoons. If Covid-19 doesn’t get everyone, the asteroid will!
      Percy is already under lock down and the house is beginning to smell like shit.

      • Bertie, what’s Covid 19? Is that an indirect sequel to Blake 7?

        I hope you and your Percy are alright. Is he still swearing?

      • Will i live to see the world end?
        Spoons we will all be lucky to see the week out!! ☺

  15. These stories are going to become more popular. If this goon came near me I would spray it with mace. What an attention seeker. Somebody should tell it not to frighten the horses.

  16. If you’re 16 you’re a child. The parents should have to give permission for invasive surgery so it’s the parents fault. As for the 23 year old they chose this. But the NHS ,or any doctor , should have said no. This is a delusion,a state of mind. There is not one piece of objective scientific evidence to prove transgender exists.
    The tax payer should not pay.
    If you want to ask a surgeon to mutilate you in the private sector then fine.
    If anyone is responsible it’s the parents and the adult individual asking for this to be done.
    A doctor should refuse to do this and the person concerned referred to a psychiatrist.
    Self entitled,self absorbed cunts.

    • See mine above. Under 16, she’s a child. Over 16, the age of legal consent for sexual activity (!) she isn’t, as far as the NHS is legally concerned. She started at 16.

  17. And if they tried to stop her at the time she would have tried to sue for denying her her rights and the trans lobby would have been foaming at the mouth. Absurd, my piss is now boiling.

  18. I remember hearing someone say, just because you, doesn’t mean you should. That stuck with me forever.

    Think before doing something. There are consequences to everything.

    I love this website. It has opened my mind. Dog bless you all.

    • Oh bullocks.
      I meant to write, just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

  19. It would probably have sued the NHS if they HADN’T carried out the ops! This is NOT what the NHS is for!

      • Let’s start a Just Giving page to get Yvette Cooper mega boobs. Perhaps if she hsd some tits she wouldn’t be such a sour old cunt.

  20. It someone wants cosmetic surgery they should pay for it privately, not using NHS.

    • Im thinking of getting a trout pout Spoons!
      Them big docking lips,
      So i can stick to windows when peeping tomming.
      An help me suck pound coins out of shopping trolleys.

      • MNC, don’t do it, you’ll regret then you might blame the members of ISAC website for not stopping you if you don’t like it.
        I beg you don’t do it.

  21. This is the result of politicians taking notice of stupid fuckin’ ‘rights’ activists, what the fuck is the NHS doing allowing a 16 year old to make this sort of decision. I am not blaming the NHS, they are just following the guidelines but the guidelines are the problem.
    Everyone and his bleeding dog is trying to be Trans friendly, not just friendly but are actually endorsing the situation that a man can become a woman without any caveats whatsoever.
    There has to be a push back on the now fashionable desire to transition, getting it free on the NHS cannot be right and even with NHS assistance shouldn’t be allowed under the age of 18.
    If a sixteen year old wants to go for it then fine but do it through a private clinic where the contract will be cast iron.

    This silly cunt got advice, it’s not the fault of the NHS if ‘it’ made the wrong choice!

    • That reminds me, SOC, caveat emptor. – buyer beware.

      I remember that quote from series 1 of Star Trek The Next Generation.

  22. Keira, queira?
    Doesnt know if shes a arthur or a martha,
    She should of had some electroconvulsive therapy an a comfy padded cell from the get go.
    You cant change what you were born,
    Sex, ethnicity whatever,
    Just accept who you are an stop fuckin mithering.

  23. Fuck off and keep going you cunt. She/he/they have a point, the NHS should of told it to fuck off. The NHS treats illness not fantasy. The argument that it’s for their mental health doesn’t fly any better than me deciding I’m superman and jumping off a tall building. If the NHS or anyone else believes differently they should be buying me a superman outfit and giving me superpowers. They won’t because they can’t! They can make one gender look like the other but they can’t actually make a man into a real woman or vice versa.

    This cuntishness must end, it’s a hard uncaring world, we can’t all have what we want or be what we want. Life’s lesson is be the best you that you can be, play the hand you’re dealt and don’t try to cheat because it will catch up with you sooner or later.

  24. I must admit she does make a convincing fella. I wonder how many birds were tricked into a lesbo tryst, like a muff dive in the car park after closing.

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