I would firstly like to nominate judges and magistrates for the ridiculous sentences currently being dished out to low life scum who re offend with alarming frequency and who clearly feel the laws of the land do not apply to them. In this nomination I would also like to include the Ipswich Star for their usual slant of reporting following the following incident.
Firstly, the cunt has clearly not learnt his lesson after his first serious drink drive incident only last year. I have recently spent a week in Switzerland and my sister was stopped and questioned by the police whilst we were in the car for absolutely no reason at all. Several cars were stopped, so clearly a routine procedure. The police in Switzerland do not like foreigners arriving in their country and are openly hostile to those who do not live there. The police take no shit and carry guns. Any large decisions which effect those living in the country are put to a National referendum, such as “should the building of mosques be allowed in Switzerland”. The answer incidentally was a resounding NO.
Meanwhile a repeat drink driver in the U.K. is given yet another slap on the wrist and another “this is your final warning” by the pathetic, lily-livered, out of touch judges (who should be protecting the general public, who incidentally pay their fucking wages) instead of sending the offending foreign disrespectful cunt behind bars,
Go straight to jail, do not pass go and do not collect £200. Or even better send the cunt back to where he came from. He is not a doctor, surgeon or anyone that has anything to offer this great country of ours as the lefties want us all to believe, just another foreign cunt who we would all be glad to see the back of.
There was another murder in Ipswich two days ago. At the same place my daughter fought off an attempted mugging. Several people have been robbed there already and now a young man has been murdered. The local police are losing an ever increasing crime wave, whether it be from enforced ethnic diversity from the East or from the drugs runners coming up from London. Understand from a friend in the force that Suffolk’s Police budget has been cut back so that the royals when staying at the Sandringham Estate can sleep peacefully in their beds.
I have included the Ipswich Star as it is ALWAYS reported by this arse wipe shit rag that the perpetrators come from Ipswich, instead of more correctly stating that they come from Eastern Europe, but live in Ipswich.
I have decided that as soon as my son has finished his GCSE’s and A levels, I will emigrate as this once great country is turning into a crime ridden shit hole, the politicians and those entrusted to protect us and the National interests are simply not up to the job, and prefer instead to look after and protect their own interests.
Nominated by Willie Stroker
Good cunting. Cue the usual suspects queuing up to whine about the police. Until you’ve done their job so therefore speak with experience, just Fuck. Right. Off. No, really. Your average bobby’s as fucked off as you with the system.
I watch these cop shows. And it really is like playing cops and robbers. They chase them, capture them, then ‘process’ them, then let them go. To play again tomorrow.
And one that sticks in my mind. A car chase, mile as after mile in and out of traffic insane speed nearly crashing into cars head on.
The voiceover -‘ banned from driving for three years, and an eighteen month prison sentence…SUSPENDED’.
Don’t forget that they’re usually already banned so, as a deterrent, that clearly works.
The “usual” suspects seem to have been absent in recent times.
3 strikes and you’re out.
Summary execution.
Judges can fuck off.
Yes. We see people with dozens of convictions. Anyone can make a mistake. But three mistakes? No, that’s a choice, and you forfeit your right to live among us.
I have fond memories of living in Norfolk – the countryside and wide blue skies. You knew when you had arrived – in Wisbech or Kings Lynn – because the only spoken language you would hear would be Polish.
15 years ago, I could see we were going wrong, so I joined UKIP and we got Brexit. Sadly, all too late. That said, the immos don’t might not want to irritate too much, because we might decide to scratch that itch. What’s going on in Lesbos shows we left the EU just in time. We now need to drain the swamp.
We should’ve left a lot earlier though given the vote, ironically it would probably have gone the other way. Subsequently there would’ve been no more referenda. Therefore we must be grateful for how it’s eventuated even if we have to live with the desolation and Iron Curtain-isation of every town you visit.
What’s happening in Greece is worrying especially as they’ll still be able to reach the Benefits Promised Land before the end of the year.
God bless Poland for sending reinforcements to help the Spartans hold back the invaders. That’s where we should be sending our troops too.
what i say Cap’n is that although we are in ‘transition’ from the e.u,we should backdate all our immigration policies to the time we voted to leave and decide on a case by case basis.
One cannot help but think that the damage has been done. It is infinitely easier to get into the U.K. than to rid ourselves of the ones we wish to go. The trouble started when it became received wisdom that immigration is good for the country. I have yet to examine any meaningful evidence in support of this idea. But what the fuck do I know?
Although I agree with your Cunting Willie, I would say that Magistrates have very little discretion in sentencing. Yes,there may be the (on paper) option to send someone to prison for a particular offence but they have pretty strict guidelines which they must follow and there are is an acute shortage of prison places…unless someone is actually seriously hurt or killed ( case would then go to Crown Court,I think) then motoring offences,whatever the “advertised” harshest sentence,are unlikely to result in prison time.
Can’t really blame the Magistrates when their real options are so limited.
I think they could have referred him to theCrown Court for his sentence. Two suspended sentences to for a paltry 12 weeks surely should have meant jail time. Then to decide they would run concurrently and not consecutively is ridiculous. We don’t want people in this country if they are not going toobay our laws so there should have been at least an attempt at deportation. Our backyard, our rules.
Switzerland sounds wonderful.
Right again Mr Fiddler, the prisons can’t cope as it is. Screw being a screw working for a pittance whilst waiting to be shanked.
Much as I celebrated Labours kicking start the GE the doubts I had about Boris and the government are coming true. They don’t care about the people or what we live with daily.
As a fine upstanding pillar of the community I am sure you have been approached many times to become magistrate Mr Fiddler. And with that public- spiritedness you have it must have been a temptation. But I would counsel against you ever taking on such a role. You’re just too soft-hearted. You would be too lenient with the Hunt saboteurs, illegal off road drivers, trespassers on private land. In fact I somehow hear you (as if in a dream) quoting Shakespeare to some poor Repentant-‘The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath…’
The Magistrates always used to be local people,Miles..usually the local retired Colonel type and a couple of old biddies. They applied “common sense” and came down hard to the likes of poachers and tinkers….they were more understanding with local people…especially when the Chairman used to attend the same Rugby Club,Hunt and Shoot as the accused..
I remember that there were some rumblings of discontent from the cheap seats when several of us were had-up for drinking after hours…remarkably light sentences compared to a local layabout convicted of being drunk and disorderly…of course it might also have helped that the local Police Constable (off duty) had somehow been “overlooked” when it came to taking our names and addresses but no one saw fit to mention his “vanishing” act….apparently he had been good enough to put in a few kind words about us and the Landlord to The Bench.
I’ve only ever been up before the magistrate once when things went from bad to worse.
He told me “You’ve been brought here for drinking and molesting women.”
I only said “great, let’s get started” and the bastard charged me with contempt of court.
I genuinely had a Magistrate tell me that I had a worse driving record than Toad of Toad Hall…cheeky Cunt.
What you say Mr Fiddler reminds me of ‘The Battle of the Beaconsfield War Memorial’ section in Chesterton’s Autobiography. Quickly a fight between old fashioned religious people and more modern practical Secularists. Too long to quote it all but it ends-
‘Lastly, the most significant part of this social episode was the end of it. If anyone fails to realise how lasting, or lingering, in spite of everything, are the old social forms of England and its structure as an ancient aristocratic state, he could not do better than consider the last quiet and ironic ending of the great battle of the Beaconsfield War Memorial. There was a huge paper plebiscite in which hardly anybody knew what he was voting for, but which turned up somehow with a narrow numerical majority for the building of the Club. The Club, for which the practical majority had voted was never built. The Cross, for which the more mystical minority had largely forgotten to vote, was built. When the whole fuss of papers and public meetings was over, and everybody was thinking about other things, the rector of the parish raised a quiet subscription of his own among his own co-religionists and sympathisers; got enough money to put up a Cross and put it up. Meanwhile Lord Burnham, the chief landlord of the neighbourhood, equally casually informed the Ex-Service Men and their sympathisers that they could use a hall, which was his property, for their Club, if they liked, they appeared to be perfectly contented; and so far from demanding any other Club, seemed to have become fairly indifferent about the use of this one. So did the Great War pass over Beaconsfield, making the world safe for Democracy and the holding of any number of public meetings full of the revolutionary hopes of the Modern World; and so in the end the whole matter was decided at the private discretion of the Squire and Parson, as it was in the days of old’.
We need Sir Fiddler as the Magistrate!
“What’s the charge”?
“Rambling on private land Sir Fiddler”.
“Tell Ms Arterton to bring my black hat and then report to my chambers for “training”!
Prison population should be double what it is currently. But we’re too poor, ironically because of immigration which is also causing the rise in crime, to build them. Business as usual diversity is our strength blah blah blah…
Get those on benefits to build them.
Drink driving, tut tut.
Still happens, morons are never in short supply.
I occasionally like a drink but wont touch a drop if working next day, or know there is a chance i might have to drive, cant take it back or make it right if you hit a kid.
Feel sorry for the police,
Snowflake topbrass, laws changing to help the criminal, must be disheartening?
Judges are out of touch, tend to be puddled old rich cunts.
Good nom Willie!?
I was talking to a Dutch marine and he mentioned a bar fight in Hone (ranges) west Germany, He said that squadies were jumping out the windows when the monkeys stormed in, Any way one of the monkeys started on him, giving him a right twatting,
when he shouted something in Dutch, The monkey stopped hitting him confirmed he wasn’t a Brit apologised and carried on punching some one else.
Any way the Dutch bloke thought we had some bad arse military police, shame the civil police are not the same.
Here’s a dilemma for you. You are a High Court judge,and a music lover, and you are the judge in this trial. What would YOU do?:
Very easy that one, talking quickly over a sound track that you have nicked is not music ( mrs B does this over television programs I am trying to watch so I know).
Then you do the simple mathematical equation of how much did/ would the victim contribute to society, then do the same on the perpetrator.
On the resultants of this decide sentence that can only be mitigated should a deportation order be served as part of the sentence as there is no point financing something that will not be our problem in the long term, however an appeal clause should be set in place that should the plaintiff appeal the deportation order the sentence should be bought into line with the original calculated sentence.
I rest my case.
Any appeal should only be started once the deportee has arrived at the shithole they came from. At their fucking expense, no Legal Aid for UK lawyers.
The picture reminds me of Welby’s cunting. How the fuck could you respect some cunt in such a fucking silly costume, especially when they speak similar silly sheltered wokeling bollocks.
The Swiss police sound like the stasi. Openly dislike people who don’t live there. What a bunch of cunts.
While much of it sounds fine cops being openly aggressive or hostile to tourist,well,fuck that.
If the government changes the laws here and punished criminals properly that’d be a big start.
We should start by deporting all foreign criminals , beggars and undesirables.
I asked a beggar where he was from and he said Albania. Now Albania isn’t in the EU which makes him an illegal immigrant. I promptly went to the cop shop and reported it. Some fat lazy tart said she’d pass it on. Two hours later the puke was still begging. However I saw our boys in blue questioning a homeless former member of the armed forces.
There you have it. Illegal immigrants are not to be touched but British service personnel down and out are fair game.
The system is a cunt.
Oh and when you say you’re going to emigrate I hope you’ve got money and unique skill because Switzerland is tough to get into.
Good luck.
Thanks Mac
Japan. My wife’s father has a large plot of land ready and waiting for us.
A plot 6′ x 3′ presumably Willie? With Mrs Stroker on top. ?
Best of luck Willie. What did you think of TripAdvisor naming Ipswich as the 14th best up and coming tourist destination in the world with it’s ‘cultural hub of activity’ thanks to Ed Sheeran according to the cunts at the BBC. Mind you still work to be done to beat Beirut which came in third.
@ Ruff Tuff
Approximately quarter of an acre which (as the advert told us) should do nicely.
The construction materials should be relatively reasonable and my wife’s uncle owns his own construction company. Which is nice.
Probably won’t sell up here initially and will perhaps rent out as should be able to get a couple of grand a month. Think I can still decide who I rent out to. A four bedroom house on Ipswich was recently found to be housing 27 Eastern Europeans so clearly don’t want that for myself of neighbours.
Mrs Stroker on top? There’s a lovely thought for the afternoon.
Yes, I saw that Cupid.
Suffolk is a lovely county, and even parts of Ipswich are lovely. But unfortunately not the town centre, especially at night.
Don’t know Ed Sheeran personally (although my youngest daughter has met him and said he was ok) so cannot really comment on him as such, but clearly Ipswich isn’t the 14th best up and coming tourist destination in the world despite whatever Tripadvisor says. Unless the tourists they are referring to are Romanians?
Thought it might be oldham. Now if were talking about shitholes.
I was on a bus in Switzerland early on in my time there; a couple of uniforms got on, so with some alacrity I whipped out my Permis de Sejour…
No probs, matey, we’re only Transport Lausannois ticket inspectors.
But they don’t put up with any fuckarsing. Lame Romanian beggars ?? One toot of a police whistle, and the greasy, dirty, smelly cunts all make a miraculous recovery, running to their luxury Merc coach…
Blow fuck out of folk, or threaten to do so, wape a few minors = slap on the wrist, let out early (free to visit London to kill two more people as a “reformed” character), nothing to see here.
Nasty tweet = get the black cap on!
Utter fucking cunts!
And on a similar vein, look at this slimy cunt slither around common sense!
When the judiciary, police and legal arm of this country no longer represents common sense, and instead, take the side of those from without and the deluded, then it truly is not fit for purpose and needs to be overhauled from top to bottom – and in that order!
Corrupt Cunts!
Judges have been out of touch with reality for donkey’s years. And even when they do hand down a long custodial sentence, there’s always the disclaimer that the cunt will get early release.
How often have seen terrorists released early only to kill again?
How often have we seen child sex abusers released early only to abuse again?
How often have seen drink-drivers who have killed, been released early and still continue to drive under the influence?
How often do we read reports of scumbags like shop-lifters going to court, given a suspended sentence along with a pathetic curfew, and then its announced the cunt has about 60 previous and very similar convictions on record!
What’s the fucking point of the police trying to protect us, when the judges and the laws they rule from are a complete joke!
Heard on the News recently that cops don’t bother to investigate, arrest or prosecute shoplifters unless they steal over £200 worth of goods from a single shop.
I think they have to be caught red-handed 3 times in the same place before the CPS will prosecute.
Good old fashioned English name bartninkas! , the sentence is an absolute joke , 120 hours unpaid work that’s probably what this fucker gets paid anyway picking seasonal fruit and vegetables!
Personally I would deport any foreign nationals who treat our laws and country with absolute disdain, we’ve got enough criminal scum bags without having to import any ……..
One of the issues is the uneven application of sentences by judges. The guidelines need to be re-written, more prisons built and an effective Border Force put into place.
A zero tolerance approach to actual crime is needed and get rid of the online abuse force. Anyone can stop using the internet but you don’t have many options when being mugged, burgled, assaulted etc.
A modern variation on the stocks. I don’t think that would fly but it is funny.
The problem with drink driving cases is that the judges themselves like a drink or five and impose lighter sentences over the years in case they themselves get caught. I’ve seen Rumpole of the Bailey.
On serious cases, even in the 70s and 80s they allowed Fred and Rose West, Jimmy Savile and Dr Shipman to commit atrocities. The cops, the establishment and the judiciary all not investigating properly. Regardless of hoards of immos which is a separate issue.
I went to the house of a old male judge once for a dinner party hosted by his young, male lover. The house was a beautiful Georgian on Knightsbridge. I noticed pictures on a wall of school photos at Eton and group photos from the judge’s year at Oxford. Turns out this background is very typical, 75%.
Part of the problem with judges is that they’ve effectively never left school, went to university to read law, law practice, chambers etc. They rarely mix with anyone who isn’t a lawyer of some sort and as we all know anyone who wants to go into law is a cunt.
I like ‘Talking Pictures’ ‘Rumpole of the Bailey’ is on at the moment. Making me think of John Mortimer. And I always thought there was still ‘the schoolboy’ about him. The not very nice, too clever by half schoolboy. Always looking for points of law to make a point. The ‘challenge’ to take on a case just show how clever they are. Just like when they were showing off in front of their schoolmates.
Absolutely Miles. John Mortimer was a cunt of epic proportions.
That’s the prob. Every case is just money to them. Like tarts, except that the majority of tarts are better done up, and have better wigs…
Caroline Langrishe as the barrister in Judge John Deed was bangin hot, though.
All three labour leader candidates say free movement is nothing but fucking great, as do the current leaders like Corbyn and Flabbott and not to mention ex leaders like Bliar.
With cunts like these we will remain lost in a sea of peacefull stabby crime ridden shit.
I just wish I was Mr Justice Boggs QC and slimy bastards like Blair or Kweer Charmer, or Alcoholic Ali came up before me – in the latter case no doubt a drunk and disordery charge – the other two the mind fair boggles,what are they not capable of?. Whatever they had done they would get at least three years hard Labour – HARD Labour, not the pansy wishy-washy, limp-wristed NuLabour sort.
It’s so inclusive to see these esteemed establishment bastions of wisdom parade around in their tights, dresses, wigs and patent leather ballet pumps.
The tranny movement has been in operation for decades longer than suggested.
Out of touch piss dribblers.
Arse biscuits.
Fucking cunts
My mother was a magistrate and they have strict guidelines as to what length of sentence they can hand down. Most of the time they’re merely rubber-stamping someone else’s decisions. With judges it’s a different matter although they are restricted up to a point because of overcrowding in prisons. We’re supposed to be the sixth richest country in the world, where does the money go? Prisons? Hospitals? Like fuck. It ends up in the pockets of the elite, like it always did.
Those with toxic cunts have turned everyone else into a cunt.
I was discussing with my son whether a remake of the wonderful series Porridge could be a success. He pointed out that the modern day inmate would disgust Fletcher and his fellow cons of the 1970s and current staff unlikely to have many Mr MacKay type characters.
If it was today Guzziguy it would be-
‘“NORMAN Stanley Fletcher, you are an habitual criminal who treats arrest as an occupational hazard and presumably treats prison in the same casual manner you will go to prison for five weeks suspended’.”
You’re too late. They already did it…..
Wasn’t a roaring sucess apparently.
I thought it wasn’t bad, at least by current BBC standards.
I didn’t bother to watch it. My experience of 10 minutes of Open All Hours after David Jason took over the lead put me off any sort of remakes, or continuations.
Good nom WS – if the Police spent more time investigating crime properly instead of as a box ticking exercise we would have decent Policing.
But they won’t, too much to do investigating non existent waycism and h*te cwime.
Magistrates and Judges are a joke, hammer the low hanging fruit and appease the swathes of foreign criminals who come deliberately to the UK to practice their nefarious business because they know UK law is a joke.
We need Judge Fiddler – good British common sense Sir!
And any scurrilous and unfounded allegations pertaining to Judge Fiddlers “inappropriate behaviour” towards Clerk to the Court Ms Arterton will be treated with the contempt they surely deserve!
Where we are in Ipswich Vernon, the very few times we have ever had any dealings with them my experiences of the police have only been positive ones.
The (Norfolk and) Suffolk police force are severely under resourced (as Norfolk keep most of the money, spending much on the Sandringham estate) but despite this work hard to protect us from the criminals from Romania and the drugs gangs coming up from London.
If they do ever get to court the judges and magistrates usually give a slap on the wrist or pathetically lenient sentences or fines it is hardly worth anyone’s time.
The picture in the nomination, are they real judges or a bunch of judge kissagrams going about the place?
*ding dong*
*Opens door* Me: “Yes?”
– “I judge thou sexy! Mwahh!”
*closes door* Me: “What the fork was that?!”
A suspended sentence? I’d suspend the cunt alright, before he does some real damage. That’d learn him.
Meanwhile, people get banged up for not paying the BBCunts poll tax.
Funny old world.
UK residency and rights are a privilege which the snowflakes have hijacked.
We have enough criminals of our own, don’t need crime tourists parachuted in, and sure as hell don’t need to keep them here.
You can add this risible sentence to the list:
A pair of sheboòns punched, kicked, scratched and bit a pilot because passengers aren’t allowed to take buggies on planes. Not a day in prison, and the stupid sub primate mother shouted ‘This country is run by Hitler’ in court. Fucking vile idiots.
Glad she wasn’t pissed up, otherwise she really would have caused some trouble.
Come to Plymouth and commit the most dastardly and heinous crimes. This judge will let you off with a gentle slap on the cock.