Ireland (3)

A “Ders always somebady worse aff dan jashelf” and ‘Welcome by the fireside’ cunting, for our bogtrotting neighbours over the water, a shower of utter cunts who are as relevant as tits on a bull.

They constantly waffle on about 800 years of British tyranny, even though the Brits haven’t ruled most of Ireland since 1922 and quite honestly, why would we want the Fenian, EU loving shithole anyway, mostly inhabited by the sort of people who think anything bad must originated in England? Yeah, of course it did cunts. Clerical abuse, car bombs, poverty is of course the fault of Blighty. No cunts, it’s the fault of you lot. With your jingoistic rhetoric, shite like “up the RA” and “Come out ya Black and Tans”, you cunts live in the past. The year is 2020 not 1920; you’re now completely irrelevant cunts!

You want to send your shite beef and butter here, beg fuckers, or get some British farmer-hating cunt (there’s a few lurking on here) to buy your cheap and nasty produce from you. Because you’ve chosen to get in bed with the EU bully, now you cunts will realise what true oppression is, all while being fucked up the arse by von der Leyen and her cohorts. You’ve shit on and taken advantage of the UK over the last 47 years, bailing you cunts out every time you fuck up, and you repaying us with hatred and violence!

You’re cunts to man and beast and I hope another potato famine comes soon to wipe you blarney, bog-trotting fucks to hell!

Nominated by Captain Quimson

79 thoughts on “Ireland (3)

  1. Top o der morning to yer der Quimson!!
    Never been, heard its nice, probably never go,
    Like potatoes though dont care for Guinness or nail bombs.
    Met couple of decent irish lads.
    Good an bad in all folk.
    Bet id suit a balaclava.☺

  2. Apparently I am one eighth Irish. On my mothers side. From my neck up some unkind folk have said.

    Went to Ireland for the first time in 2000, when I was 41 years old.

    The Ring of Kerry, in Southern Ireland. Loved the scenery although took ages to travel anywhere.

    Disappointingly did not care much for the people.

    • Has B&WC ever experienced the Ring of Kerry Cuntona ? Anywhere ? I think we should be told…

  3. Never been, never want to go. They should stop moaning and concentrate on what the Republic of Oireland is renowned for: Rain, drunken fighting, grotesque teeth, living in bogs, car bombs, and hòmosexual giants of literature.

  4. There’s a potato famine round my way right now. Fuck all in Sainsbury’s or Tesco yesterday.

    • Love it RTC, yeah, fucking food hoarders have completely ransacked Morrisons. I’m not one for taking photos, but for the sake of posterity I took a snap of 3 adjacent aisles almost completely empty…

  5. Winston Churchill said the Irish are the N….grs of Europe because they are so Tribal. They will not accept any agreement and will argue on just about anything. Put a bunch of Orange men in a meeting and they can’t agree with each other let alone anyone else.

  6. St Patricks day…… Fuck off! Never understood why there is such excitement over this bollocks in England, China Flu has put a stop to it this year.

    England and St George! The EU can fuck off as well, at the end of the China flu maybe free movement will be put back in the box!

  7. Good cunting Quimson. And they should take back every single fucking traveller pikey gypsy stinking thieving cunt.

      • Could you tell?! haha.

        I’ve had my fair share of runs ins with said lot. The local supermarket car park was infested with 5 caravans. I parked my car to go shopping and the thieving bastards were casing cars for stuff to steal no doubt. I told one to fuck off and next thing you know a hoard of them came over to argue with me until the security guard told them to fuck off. When they were forced to leave by the police they left at least 20 black bin bags full of shit behind.

        My neighbour had his garage broken in to. He has a webcam and recorded it happening (in the middle of the night). Police said they couldn’t do anything as they couldn’t recognise any faces.

        At work we had a skip in the car park and we were throwing out old broken furniture. An hour later a pick up truck comes in and typically two blokes tried to take some stuff in full view of me and a colleague. Told them to fuck off. They were giving it some saying we’ll be back with the boys. Yeah yeah fuck off.

        I could (and others) give you many many more examples of why I fucking hate the CUNTS!

  8. Just to prove how peace loving the fuckers are they voted in great numbers for the IRA in the recent election. IRA now 3rd biggest party.

    • Yes Cuntsable, The Irish have voted in great numbers for the IRA A Para military gangster bunch of murdering bastards.
      Something similar happened in Iran in 1979 and looked what’s happened to them.

  9. I truly belie their two main exports are thick opinionated cunts with a chip on their shoulder and thieving pikeys.
    Apart from that it is hands out as normal and down the pub to get pissed because it is the only way they can live with each other.

  10. Why are Americans so fucking desperate to be part oorishh. With their pro IRA gun smuggling and major money injectors during the height of the terroism.
    And now we have oorishh pickers on the tv now.
    The show typically portraying those backstabbing robbing tattle pickers for what they truly are……..ooohhh the blarney n crack to be suhhure.

    • I’ll take this one.

      Well Barney, it’s like this. The Yanks have only had a country for about 10 minutes and they nicked it off the native Indian tribes anyway. Culture in America is restricted to the yogurt aisle in supermarkets, so they desperately try to identify with things, places and people to help gives themselves an identity in the vain belief that thing/place/people’s heritage reflects positively upon them.

      Consequently many things here have prefixes which highlight my point. It’s not waffles, it’s Belgium waffles. You’re not black, you’re African American and so on. Like most things in America, it’s about money and ways to hype something from nothing into something in order to give the locals an excuse to ‘party’. Hence, your average Yank thinks that because they spoke to an Oirish on a bus 5 years ago, that somehow makes them half Oirish and hence they’re justified in acting like a twat on St. Patrick’s Day.

      It might also have something to do with finding an excuse to drink beverages with actual alcohol in them because as we all know, Yank beer is like making love in a canoe – fucking close to water.

      Need any more details on Yankland? You know who to call. Cheers – IY.

      • They should want to be English.
        Nowt better than that!
        Its like picking Tizer over 12 yr matured malt whisky or crisps over roast beef.
        Yanks wouldnt pass the entrance exam to be English anyway.

      • They should Miserable, but they lack the basic qualifications. Culture, breeding, heritage, class, sophistication, eloquence and so on.

        I tell them this all the time. Why does everybody round here hate me? I’m baffled! ?

      • Youve nailed it IY!
        Thats me in a nutshell!
        Breeding, eloquence,class, sophistication…
        Like your describing me.

      • I love America. It’s just places like New York and Boston that i don’t get, New York i suppose.

      • when 911 happened america woke up to terrorism, It has for years remotely sponsored terrorism in one form or another, whether it be chucking a dollar in an IRA collection tin or building a covert arms factory in Pakistan for the Muhadjin, it is coming home now.
        A large amount of the weapons being seized from south american drug gangs (The proper ones) originated from the states and were shipped in to south america to arm militias fighting the left, They are so to speak being bitten on the bum by their own actions on a daily basis, whether it be in the far east or on their own streets.
        I understand that they have stopped collections for the IRA, but what gets me is that there is an arms embargo on the UK (personnel purchase) because we are “sympathetic towards terrorism” bit fucking rich that.

      • “Noraid” – plastic paddies walking round New York on St Alcoholics day with buckets saying “give a dollar to kill a British soldier”

      • I remember saying on 9/11 “the yanks are getting a taste of their own medicine.”

        To the bafflement and horror of my brother and sister-in-law.

      • I recall the yanks getting a lot of (well deserved) abuse after 9/11 about them being hypocritical bastards, happy to fund terrorism against supposedly friendly countries whilst whinging like fuck when they got taken out themselves by enemies. Serves the cunts right. This is the same bunch of wankers that refuse to send over a bitch that killed a cyclist whilst driving on the wrong side of the road and, at the same time, demanding the extradition of some harmless hacker who broke through the Pentagon’s (clearly lax) security. Special relationship indeed. Fuck ’em.

      • I know something about america. There was no turkey at the first thanksgiving…yet most americans now call it ‘turkey day’.

  11. Used to work in a pub heavily patronised by your Micks, relatively amiable sober soon as the beer got into them they wanted to fight every English bastard in the place. The ones that came in on pay day straight from work always had a suit on with a rolled up paper in the pocket, only saw one with roll top wellies on.
    Bullshitting liars to a man cunts of the first water.

  12. I was sent to Head Office in Dublin for a ‘working weekend’ in the late 80’s. Nice place, much better Guinness than in London but, sadly, full of Irish cunts. They spent the whole weekend trying to show the ‘English twat’ how much better Ireland is. Shame I’m not English and, even with an Eastern European name like mine, I had to point this out to the thick fuckers. Only good thing was getting shitfaced on expenses.

  13. What have the Irish ever given us? Apart from James Joyce (never got past page one of Ulysses, though that was 45 years ago so might give it another go now that I’m older and wiser and a bit more literate), Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker, Maeve Binchy, Miles Plastic, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Beckett, CS Lewis, George Bernard Shaw, Horslips, Taste (Rory Gallagher) and… err… Ash.

    Low Ebb is a great track. Play it turned up to 11.

      • Good to see you’re paying attention Bertie. Our Plastic colleague is indeed of Irish descent. He also has a soft spot for women with beards (proof on file). Not a lot of cunters know that…

      • Ha ha! ?. Afternoon Imitation. Enjoyed your potted history on Yank identification!

      • Glad you enjoyed the joke, Bert.

        You know, I really should get US citizenship because I’m sure they’ll kick me out eventually for not playing nicely with the others.

        Good afternoon.

      • I am of irish descent. From somewhere called connaght (however its spelt).

    • Oh, forgot to mention Arlene Foster. Wonder Woman in Les Dawson clothes.

      • The first word RT is ‘Stately’ the last word is ‘yes’. You put the s’s together and it forms the symbol for infinity. It follows the seemingly mundane life of Mr Leopold Bloom on the 16 the of June 1904. Bloomsday. The day Joyce met his future wife Nora Barnacle. (About whom Joyce’s father said ‘she’ll stick you’). Each chapter has a colour, a part of the body, a literary style. For example the ‘Ithaca’ chapter is in catechetical form -question and answer. In the another chapter Bloom and Stephen are getting tired so the literary style becomes tired. The last chapter is of course the famous Molly Bloom monologue. It has what is called the Homeric parralel. Bloom is Ulysses trying to get back home. Stephen is also searching – ‘signatures of all things I am here to read’. Bloom had a young son who died. Stephen represents his dead son to him. That’s why he takes him home (from the drunken revelries). This theme of recapturing a lost son is in the philosophical discussion Stephen has in the library and his theory that Hamlet was an imagining by Shakespeare of how his young son Hamnet would have been had he lived. This is Scilla and Charybdis chapter. Here also we have the Homeric parralel again. Stephen is trying to navigate between the earthy materialist philosophy of Buck Mulligan and the too spiritual philosophy of AE. So he walks between them as he leaves. The Homeric parralel again as I say.

      • Thanks for that Miles. Maybe best I put it on the back burner again for another 45 years, I’ve still got several Tom Sharpe novels to get through first…

      • Thanks Miles that has certainly calmed my curiosity. Much less likely to repeat my first attempt!

    • Ruffington, most of those Oirish cunts….I mean authors, lived most of their lives elsewhere, usually England.
      You missed Yeats who I think is rather decent.

      • Afternoon Capt. I deliberately left WB out cos poetry tends to leave me cold. Apart from my own efforts, of course.

        Food For Thought by RT Creampuff

        Rice pudding as portions of rope
        Smile awhile oh poets of injustice
        Jam puffs as portions of lice
        Pause awhile oh poets from Snape.

        Dough balls as portions of staircase
        Cry awhile oh poets of pain.
        Banana splits as portions of rain
        Roast awhile oh poets from space.

        Pork pies as portions of rust
        Gamoomoo awhile oh poets of lust.
        Treacle tarts as portions of bow tie
        Reflect awhile oh poets from Wye.

        © RTC 1968

      • He was without doubt my favourite poet Bertie, along with Lewis Carroll and Heinrich Hoffmann – Struwwelpeter was ace!

  14. The Ireland of Ireland as we must now refer to it so we don’t offend the nationalist terrorist types can sink without a trace for all I care.

    Constantly the south has sided with everyone who hates us and the north, well nuff said.

    I know some decent Irish folk but they are not the type to wax lyrical about Ireland like it’s heaven on earth.

    It’s made for the EU, a yappy little dog that thinks it’s massive and will shit all over next doors lawn.

    If Ireland wants some respect then call your pikey army home.

  15. I’ve been teaching myself the Irish Gaelic language. It’s quite easy as it’s not that different to English. Have a go! First of all slowly say the list of words below. Then repeat the list a few times, speeding up each time.





  16. The oirish have always been violent low iq except for poetry cunts. Treating the fuckers with the right to vote in our elections has to end. They have chosen their path. Fuck off cunts

  17. Good cunting. Fucking hate the paddies. They’re lazy moaning professional victims with their hands out stretched begging from the EU basket that we’ve paid into for years.
    I’d depot all oirish immediately and be openly hostile to the cunts by putting huge tariffs on their exports.
    Never wanted to go there and never will. It’s only good for soaking up all the rain before it gets here.
    Spoon fed cunts unable and unwilling to do anything for themselves. Just moan and expect to receive.

  18. A massive generalisation I know, but I’ve always said the same ting (see what I did there) about the Oirish – a bunch of drunks and terrorists. In the decades I’ve held that view I’ve neither seen nor heard anything which might cause me to change my mind.

    Never been. Never will. Just fuck off you loud, obnoxious, violent bunch of uni-brow inbreds.

  19. I have to disagree, the butter from Ireland and N’orn Ireland is lush! As is their bacon! ?

    I feel for our emerald isle friends, not the pikey contingent that infects our shores o’course, just the ordinary Joe – or is that Paddy – going about his ordinary life, wanting as little trouble as possible.

    Childless EU puppet and sell-out, Leo Varadkar, has said he wants Ireland to become 10 million strong in the next 10yrs. There have been no tax breaks/incentives offered to the “good ‘ol catolic boys” to get “busy”, no. So where is that extra 5 million souls going to come from? Why, mass immigration.

    Well that’s worked out really well for every other Western European nation hasn’t it!?!

    And will these extra souls be from “high trust” societies? Er, no. They’ll be the same rake of grabby Africunts and “peacefuls” that have blighted Blighty for the last 40yrs!

    In fact they are aggressively locating the new “imports” into 99.9% white majority towns and villages to forcibly make them more “diverse”. It’s a wonderful strength after all…

    There has been push back and the burgeoning Irexit Party is gathering steam but there – like here – anyone who dares mention the demographic shift towards those from without – whether the Irish people want it or not – Vs those from within is met with the usual “racist”, “bigot”, “Nazi” meaningless name tags.

    More chillingly, during the current COVID-19 outbreak, a senior Irish medical adviser has said that ventilator priority would be given to “the most productive in society”. Think about that for a minute.

    Keith Woods had a video of this on YouTube in a discussion with journalist John Waters…which has now been taken down by YouTube’s “unmanned A.I.”. Surprise, surprise.

    So basically a native could get skipped over because an import is more productive at that point in time. Even if the native has paid into Ireland’s social care system for over 40yrs. Welcome to Soylent Green folks!

    Leo Varadkar is a traitor to the country and people that accepted his Indian Father back in the 1960’s!

    GDP is not all that matters in society. We are slowly realising – especially now – that above and beyond GDP, a sense of a homogenised society is key for that society’s success.

    Even if we’re poorer in the arse pocket, at least we will be far richer spiritually and regain a sense of belonging and nation, for fuck’s sake!


    • The most productive? What’re they going to do with the rest? Carbon monoxide? Evil bastard saying that.

    • I ADORE Welsh butter.
      I dream of getting up at 3 in the morning, putting my mac on, and going out to milk chubby Charlotte, my pet Welsh dragon…

  20. We should have kept it to use as a detention centre for The Brown ones.
    Then napalmed it when full.
    The cunts.

  21. Irish terrorism killed a lot of my Family and friends – so they reciprocated, the match ended up Family Fox 178, Black and Tans 9 – I’d call that a win!
    They learned.
    There are places in Ireland I will not go – not because I am afraid, I am afraid of nothing except myself – but their memories are long and their hatred is forever, and they would take a trip to dear old Grandpa’s farm if they want to get silly.

  22. I only ever knew one, from Dublin, typical fucking smarmy fucker who thought he had all the craic. You know, always started a sentence with ‘Aaargh’…

    Although, to be the fair the fucking wimmin adored the cunt.

    One day I was outside the pub that we all frequented having a little tiff with my then wife, he comes strolling over and without saying a word to me, puts his arm around her and asks if she’s OK.

    I went fucking beserk, threatened to tear his head off – it wasn’t the fact he was asking her if she was OK, but the way he was touching her. I was livid.

    He backed away and fucked off, a few weeks later me and a friend of mine fucked his car up, he’d just bought a brand new BMW, we slashed the tires and poured paint thinner all ove the front end…

    The next day he was in the pub almost crying over his pint… fucking bogtrotter.

  23. I work with one. Never stops slagging off the British. Even the coronavirus is our fault, the pikey fat-headed potato starved racist.

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