George Monbiot

How the fuck hasn’t this Cunt been cunted on these hallowed pages before?

He is a Guardian “journalist” propagandist, hates agriculture and Western civilisation in general and today he is creaming himself over St. Greta of Turdbergs rousing speech at the child truancy gathering in Bristol, fawning over her regurgitated new world order spiel that is given for her to read out.

Look George, if you’re so keen on saving the planet, the hot air and shit that comes out of you’re gob might contribute to climate change, so silence from you may help. Also “Apocalypse Cow”, the most blatant piece of New World Order propaganda since the films of the Third Reich…even Goebbels would blush at it.

What a cunt to man and beast he really is!

Nominated by Captain Quimson

77 thoughts on “George Monbiot

  1. Writing for a newspaper that begs for donations to keep afloat should give one pause for thought.

    The whole woke collective want to fix the world using someone else’s money, anyone else’s money.

    The Nazis were environmentalists, like their modern green counterparts they were prepared to set the world on fire to save it.

    I like to live or let live but these cunts keep pushing.

    • Apparently when the beebistan gets shut down they’ll lose half their circulation.
      I’m proud to have done my bit towards fucking the guardian since I cancelled my licence last month. *smug face*

    • Spot on Sir!
      ‘We talk a load of bollocks that people do not wish to pay for but please,please, please give us money’.
      That does not appear to be a cogent business plan to me.

  2. Great nom.
    If cows cause so much pollution maybe we should stop eating them and eat leftists instead…
    They’re raised on a diet of expensive organic produce and the meat will be soft and supple. I’m sure even those without teeth could chew their way through one quite easily.
    High soy content though so don’t be surprised if you start to grow tits and turn into a vegan pussy within a couple of weeks.

  3. He looks like an indefinitely registered nonce and NAMBLA member. O hell with ‘im. Overpopulation is the primary cause of climate change, so to feck with all these drooling lefty mouthbreathers. I despise ‘em like you wouldn’t imagine. Cunts!

  4. I never had the opportunity to play truant as I was home schooled.
    Not as easy as you might think. I used to dread break time as most of this was spent bullying myself….

  5. Anybody who writes for the Guardian “newspaper” is a prig and a pretentious cunt. They suffer from Owenjonesitis a condition which makes you unbearable to be near, and can cause homosexuality. Lots of irons seem to love Greta Thunderpants – she is the poofs new Judy Garland.

    • Flicking through The Oldie the other day, I was alerted to the birth centenary of the caricaturist Ronald Searle, who drew the original St. Trinian’s and St. Custard’s art. Turdberg really does look like Molesworth.

      I never remember a St. Custard’s film, tho I guess underage porky schoolboys in shorts wouldn’t be of much interest…oh hang on, there must be a well man-battered cinema in Qetminster, with boxes of Kleenex provided for the MPs…

  6. Folk sure are paranoid on here! ?? Must have a dark past or are insensitive or are worried about their vulnerable family members (eg, their bent illegitimate snowflake offspring who they aren’t acknowledging). Hilarious! ??

    • George manbot?
      Thought it was that Gyrff rhys jones the sour moaning little cunt.

      • His really is a miserable, bitter kunt, miserable. Always whinging and moaning about something. Can’t stand him. All the charisma of an unflushed toilet, too.

      • He gives genuine miserablists, like me an Morrissey a bad name Funboy!

  7. Ah yes, the delightful George Joshua Richard Monbiot – never had a proper job in his life – doesn’t know the meaning of hard work – even pronounced clinically dead in Kenya – pity he isn’t now – champion cunting for this former/ current media tart

  8. It baffles me that a grown up can be taken in by the spoon faced halfwit from Sweden.
    Vested interests aside, her message is scientific rubbish. Bollock brained kids may go along with it, until they have to walk to school, stay home cold without social media, have no holidays, eat vegetables and so on. But an adult who should have some concept of the consequences? I can only think that lefties assume they will be ok while the proletariat suffer, Soviet style.

    • It’s the other way around Cuntstable. It’s Little Greta who’s been taken in (groomed) by him.

      Monbiot has been pumping out precisely the same shit she now spouts for DECADES!

      Bin boiling my piss since the 1990s. The radiators at Creampuff Manor run on piss boiled courtesy of George Joshua Richard Monbiot.

      Naturally he’s a HUGE fan of Caroline Lucarse and Jeremy Cuntbyn.

      In 2012 Monbiot tweeted that Tory Lord McAlpine was a paèdôphile, an action for which he was forced to apologise, admitting his “stupidity and thoughtlessness”.

      Stupidity and thoughtlessness – that about sums the mega-Cunt up.

      • No wonder Willie Stroker left me to bleed the radiators until after he had left for his sabbatical.

      • That’s made it much clearer LL! I used to think the overpowering odour that hits you in the Manor was due to Creampuff’s colony of cats. You’ll have to read your contract very carefully next time re hazardous substances. ?

      • Oi you two thats ours if Rtc peggs it!
        Never sell it if you keep slagging it off.
        True though, all those cats, it bleached my eyebrows pure blonde.

      • Phworr! Miserable.You want to smell it down in the boiler room!

      • I know, like that Amityville house or Bates motel.
        Same when Fiddler bequeathed me his place,
        Expected brideshead got Gateshead!
        Dog shite everywhere or horse shite, an that was the living room!!

      • You dirty rotters!

        I had hoped I was dealing with gentlemen.

        And what about those non disclosure agreements you all signed? You’re skating on fucking thin ice you know.

  9. Monboit looks like he’s indefinitely registered. Or a member of nambla or something. Kant!

    Ps:Cunt of a surname, too!

    • He’s got a funny manner. Eyes wide open while speaking. Same as Hilary Benn.

      As though they’re surprised themselves with what they’re coming out with.

  10. Britains contribution to world co2 is 1%. Monbiot is a cunt that is convinced China is going green .He is a laughable/ non laughable shit stirrer snake in the grass. Id say he is a paedophilic, Pied piper prophet of nothing but doom. An enemy of reason and science. A cunt beyond cuntishness.

  11. I watched an interesting 3 part series “Earth’s Tropical Islands”. I like these programs as they educate my little mind as to what is out there, but do glaze over when they drift into eco-warrior mode.

    What made this program different however, was instead of the usual “climate change” guff, it highlighted mankind’s direct impact on the planet. Borneo, for example, has had nearly 40% of its forests flattened in the last 20 years, purely in order to grow palm oil crops.

    Along with timber logging for housing the ever burgeoning population, the rise of vegetarianism and veganism as a cult, has played a direct part in massive and irreversible deforestation around the world, simply in order to have enough land to grow all the fucking crops needed.

    Where is St Thunderbird when it comes to issues like that? Ah, yes, she’s bleating on to the sheeple in Bristol with her usual scripted spiel. Moon faced cunt and her worshipers need a good fucking kicking.

    • Evening Kiwi or is it morning over there? A similar deal with super food, avocados. A favourite of millennial snowflake limp dicks everywhere and their ‘smashed avocado on toast yah’, except it takes a shit load of water to grow the fucking things and has even been reported that Mexican drug cartels are getting in on the act by exploiting growers because its so profitable.

      • Morning LL, just after 6am.

        It would be a massive breath of fresh air if, even for just one second, Greta Thudercunt and the other climate apostles, would change their repetitive narrative and comment on the havoc man/woman/personkind wreaks upon the planet.

        I’m no eco warrior and I’m at an age where I am (almost) past caring, but if change is needed to save the planet, it’s in the sectors that lay waste to anything that gets in their way and not my use of a little 1300cc car.

        Apologies to Admin….I’ve reposted this in the right place, as I’m a cunt and fucked it up first time. ☹

      • I’m have a more positive attitude to oil palm despite its faults. It employs millions who deserve to see the sun come up each day just like us, whereas the natural forest of Indonesia can only support sparse hunting tribes. My place coastal Australia and in kiwi land north island every suburb farm and pine plantation were formerly native forest, so we benefited from the clearing just as much as the Borneo-ans.

        Anyhow don’t need 17 yo mung beans dipping her oar into this!

    • I watched the death of the dinosaurs (or something like that), it was very interesting, mainly because the delicious Alice Roberts was in the program, apparently the main reason they died out was the amount of gypsum that was churned into the atmosphere after the asteroid hit the yucatan.
      They reckoned that if had crashed in a deeper part of the Ocean the dinosaurs would be still around and we would never have existed.

      • Gypsum? These fucking pikeys get everywhere. I’m with you on your opinion of Alice Roberts – I’d love to have her sitting on my face.

  12. I’m going to be cuntroversial here, by pointing out that Monbiot isn’t 100% cunt!

    Hir site was up for years, but seems to have been pulled recently. No surprise: Blair’s security has radically increased since George first paid out on an arrest, thanks to our boys in blue who accompany Blair Inc. everywhere at our expense. Except, perhaps (allegedly – pure speculation, m’lud) to Jeffrey Epstein’s pleasure domes….

  13. As docùmentaries go, Apocalypse Cow is a great film. Well worth a watch. Cowspiracy is another good one but is a bit statistics-overkill. Forks Over Knives is really good.

    Livestock farmers are cunts.

    • Morning Cap’n. Both very good docos and well worth a look for those that haven’t.

      I suppose we are all, in a roundabout way, talking about the great elephant in the room…..the overpopulation of the human species.

      Another topic off limits apparently for Queen How-Dare-You and her ilk.

      • Totally agree Kiwi. Everybody talking around the elephant.
        Funny to see Queen House On Fire talking about the World on fire in rainy Bristol wearing a raincoat. Stupid puppet bint.

    • “Knock knock”
      “Who’s there”?
      “Interrupting cow”
      “Interrupting cow w..MOOOOOOOO!

      • How did you get away with that?
        Id done that, that admin who thinks theyre Fulton mckay would of torn me a new one!

      • Sorry MNC – I admit to being somewhat concerned about the disapproval of admin after that shocker!
        Off to hide now. ?‍♂️

  14. Morning LL, just after 6am.

    It would be a massive breath of fresh air if, even for just one second, Greta Thudercunt and the other climate apostles, would change their repetitive narrative and comment on the havoc man/woman/personkind wreaks upon the planet.

    I’m no eco warrior and I’m at an age where I am (almost) past caring, but if change is needed to save the planet, it’s in the sectors that lay waste to anything that gets in their way and not my use of a little 1300cc car.

  15. Whatever happened to the (spot the jehadi post ???) i quite enjoyed that and now that its gone there has finally arrested one in sunny Cardiffistan,, so like the lottery i never get a break….

  16. Got to say glad I’m not the only one who despises this odious cunt., if you want to live of a diet that makes you look like a “child of the corn” go ahead, a propaganda show for the easily led and jealous townies, but tell a lie for long enough and you even start to believe it yourself as the Nazis used to say, eh George? also Countryfile is a cunt especially that Tom fucking Heap!

  17. George Monbiot was hatched from the same sulphurous egg as Polly Toynbee.

    The egg was fertilised using bükkâke jizz scooped off a broken shit smeared Virgin Trains toilet seat.

    • Sounds like the sort of thing the slitty-eyes would feast on…
      Should make an Islington Schnitzel out of Owen Jones foreskin; use a real meat-tenderiser on it, and deep-fry it while it’s still attached to the gimp.

  18. Alright Kravdarth?
    You winning?
    Hey you, did competitive body building didnt you?
    I used to do quite heavy weights with a eye to powerlifting.
    Due to work not been gym in a while, but im going to start up again,
    Any tips for diet?

      • Steak tuna eggs and green veg.
        Lots of them for titanic beefmastery.
        And ale,of course.

      • Cheers Terry, hes a rude cunt that Kravdarth!
        Like tuna and steak and the ale goes with the territory.

  19. Is calling Monbiot a bug eyed cunt hate speech, if so …..

    He is a bug eyed cunt!

  20. Fucking soy cunt. The kind of pathetic excuse for a ‘man’ that makes me think it wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all to cut off their testes and feed them to masculine lezzas who at least want more testosterone to be as tough and fighty as they can.

  21. Thing is with all this about cows producing methane and the envrionment, is that as usual certain counter arguments are conveniently overlooked or discounted due to not supporting a particular agenda.

    For instance the fact that rotting vegetation and plant material in compost heaps and landfill sites produce methane. Methane is bad for the environment – remember all this talk about cows farting methane into the atmosphere all the time.
    Termite mounds also produce significant levels of methane.

    One more thing – that wonderful thing soy, which is championed as the magic bullet of food sources, whilst saving the environment and being healthier is bullshit (or cowshit).

    By the time you have read my rantings a large portion of rainforest in South America will have been completely cleared of trees and vegetation for it to be used for the cultivation of soy crops. Rainforest and animal habitat gone forever – doesn’t sound very good for the environment and ecosystem does it?

    This is before we even get to the bit where tonnes of the stuff is sent half way across the globe as aeroplane cargo.

    Add to the fact that soy is bad for you. It literally makes you less of a man. Soy contains oestrogen. When consumed by a male, oestrogen binds with testosterone and renders it inert. It’s one of the reasons why soyboys tend to have moobs and cry and throw fucking tantrums. Its also been linked to certain health conditions, but of course none of this is in favour of a particular agenda, so its conveniently not mentioned.

    To summarise: I do my own fucking research and don’t listen to a morose stroppy teenager who plays fucking truant for years on end.

  22. If women’s tits weren’t used to feed babies, over generations they’d drop off as nature no longer had any use for them.

    These environmentalist cunts never mention that if we ever have a disaster (cough, cough) that could affect the ability to make highly processed foods then humanity would starve. Best to stick to the old meat and 2-veg if you know what’s good for you.

    Yes all the newspapers are fucking skint, and about time too. We need authoritative journalism – not opinions, which is what these self-appointed fuckers spout.

  23. Before WWII, Hitler supported Zionism. Thats not anti-semitic, its fucking true. Anti-semitism is essentially saying: jews can fuck off and die, they belong nowhere and shouldnt be here. <– THAT is anti semitism

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